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  • Saturday 20 April 2024 - 14:34
  • Saturday 20 April 2024 - 11:26
  • Saturday 20 April 2024 - 08:32

    Bonjour! Je suis Aaron, nutritionniste passionné par le bien-être à travers l’alimentation. Aujourd’hui, je vous propose de découvrir les clés essentielles pour maintenir une hygiène irréprochable en cuisine. Nous explorerons…

    L’article Comment assurer une bonne hygiène en cuisine ? est apparu en premier sur Garan Cedore Magazine.

  • Saturday 20 April 2024 - 05:06

    Learning your partner is seeing someone on the side is devastating, particularly if you have taken the time to marry them. Many people tend to break down after breaking up, but a few decide that they need to get some revenge first.

    A woman shared the horrible story of learning that her husband was cheating on her with a whole list of mistresses. But when she learned that he was lying to them as well, she decided to set up a revenge plot. We got in touch with the now-ex-wife and she was kind enough to answer a few of our questions.

    Learning that your partner is cheating via text is heartbreaking

    Image credits: Teddy Yang / pexels (not the actual photo)

    So one woman decided to divorce her unfaithful husband and get his mistresses involved

    Image credits: RDNE Stock project / pexels (not the actual photo)

    Image credits: Andrea Piacquadio / pexels (not the actual photo)

    Later, she shared an update

    Image credits: Ivan Samkov / pexels (not the actual photo)

    Image credits: Lazy-Entrance-988

    The wife got in touch with us and had some more information

    Bored Panda got in touch with the ex-wife and she was kind enough to answer some questions about her unfaithful ex. Firstly, we wanted to know if there were any more updates. “Honestly, I really don’t want to update anymore but since some of you ask for an update I do have an update for y’all. My ex-Mil requested to meet up, she just got discharged from the hospital yesterday and requested to meet up at a cafe near the restaurant.”

    “She looks beat up, I tell you guys. Well she asked me to get back with her son, mind you my divorce is not even that long ago. I was stunned and the most infuriating thing she said was ‘you must be happy because you can get back together with him, not only that you guys will have kids.””

    “At this point i was shaking, she said that after what happen at the court, the craziness of the other woman, she said she cannot accept the craziness and that I was actually the best DIL for her(F*** Her), she said she will make the other woman give up the unborn child so that me and my ex will be the one taking care of them. My Ex doesn’t know about this plan yet, that’s what she said. I didn’t wait, I didn’t answer and just left. THE AUDACITY.”

    “I tried calling my ex to ask him about this but I haven’t been able to connect to him. The other woman, they are ok now. The unborn baby is ok,” she shared with Bored Panda. For those who have never encountered it, a pregnant woman is often stronger than one might think, particularly when cheaters are involved.

    Image credits: Amina Filkins / pexels (not the actual photo)

    The man seemed to be living in some realm of delusions

    How this man planned to maintain this lifestyle is anyone’s guess, but we wanted to know what his ex-wife thought. “I am not sure what my ex thought while doing all of this honestly. But for background my ex job requires him to relocate a lot, sometime in a year we will only be together for like 1 month the best is like 2 months.” Ironically, men tend to be worse affected by infidelity than women.

    “I try to like to stay with him in the first year of our marriage but it is hard when you don’t have a permanent address. So we decided that I would stay in our home country, and I also have a job here.” After all, this degree of revenge is applause-worthy, particularly when research suggests that being cheated on often brings along with it low self-esteem and other issues. Revenge isn’t just about justice, it can be part of the healing process.

    “Some people ask me why I have to do it like this instead of claiming more from my ex. Well, for them MONEY IS NOT A PROBLEM!I can’t hurt them financially. When I found out that he has more mistresses, in my mind I want these people to hurt just like me. Until now I haven’t been able to contact my ex(not answering) just that my ex sister in law updated me. He is doing fairly ok,” she added.

    Image credits: Stephan Louis / pexels (not the actual photo)

    Many readers were shocked and the ex-wife gave some more details in the comments

    Others shared their thoughts on the man

    The post Woman Invites All 4 Of Husband’s Mistresses To Their Divorce Trial, Drama Ensues first appeared on Bored Panda.
  • Saturday 20 April 2024 - 05:00
    If nothing makes you feel more at peace than spending an evening at home with a great book in your hands and your cat curled up in your lap, you’ve come to the right place, pandas. We took a trip to the Winning Introverts Instagram page and gathered some of their most hilarious and relatable memes below.

    You’re welcome to peruse these pics if you’re an extrovert too, but you’re more likely to appreciate them if your social battery often needs to be recharged and you’re happy to work from home the entire week. Enjoy scrolling through these memes, and be sure to upvote the ones that make your introverted self feel seen!


    Image credits: winningintroverts


    Image credits: winningintroverts


    Image credits: winningintroverts

    While not everyone identifies strongly with the label of introvert or extrovert, I can proudly say that I'm definitely introverted. I love spending time with my friends, and I can appear very outgoing because I'm friendly. But nothing makes me feel more at peace than spending an evening by myself, with my cat curled up in my lap. Being around other people for too long drains me, and my social battery needs to be recharged alone in silence before I can hang out with anyone else.

    That's something that the Winning Introverts Instagram page understands. This account, which has amassed an impressive 267k followers, is dedicated to sharing pics that us homebodies will find painfully relatable. No, introverts aren't socially awkward, and they're not necessarily shy. But they probably are very observant, thoughtful and happy to spend a Friday evening on the couch with a great book!


    Image credits: winningintroverts


    Image credits: winningintroverts


    Image credits: winningintroverts

    To learn more about what it's like to be an introvert in this world that often feels like it's run by extroverts, we reached out to David Hall of the Quiet and Strong podcast for a previous Bored Panda article. David was kind enough to have a chat with us and explain what exactly being introverted means to him.

    "For me, being an introvert means I'm a deep thinker," he noted. "I tend to dive inward, navigating through my inner world of ideas and reflections. It's like having a private universe right in my mind! As Introverts we are deep thinkers, and really enjoy the inner world of our thoughts."


    Image credits: winningintroverts


    Image credits: winningintroverts


    Image credits: winningintroverts

    David also acknowledged that introversion often gets a bad rap, but this reputation isn't quite fair. "Trust me, it's not all hiding in a corner with a book (although that does sound pretty good sometimes!)," he shared. "When you truly understand and embrace your introverted nature, it's like unlocking a superpower. It's about tapping into that quiet strength and finding beauty in solitude. So remember, introversion: It's not just a label, it's a way to really understand yourself."


    Image credits: winningintroverts


    Image credits: winningintroverts


    Image credits: winningintroverts

    When it comes to the best parts of being an introvert, David says it's like having a secret superpower that not everyone knows about. "Sure, we introverts aren't all exactly alike, despite the many stereotypes, but there's something pretty magical about embracing your introversion," he explained.

    "As introverts, we've got these amazing imaginations that can take us to places no one else even dreamed of, help us solve problems like no other, and think of things in ways no one else has before," David noted. "We often have so many ideas, it’s hard to keep track of them all, but they're usually pretty innovative and creative if we have time to think about them."


    Image credits: winningintroverts


    Image credits: winningintroverts


    Image credits: winningintroverts

    "But being an introvert isn't just about daydreaming and doodling (although those are pretty awesome perks)," David added. "We've got this arsenal of strengths that set us apart. From our deep reflectiveness to our knack for analytical thinking, we introverts bring a lot to the table. And when we lock onto a task, you better believe we're laser-focused until it's done."

    "So even though half the population is introverted, it still feels like being an introvert is being part of this exclusive club with all these hidden talents just waiting to be unleashed," the expert says. "And it's a pretty awesome club to be in!"


    Image credits: winningintroverts


    Image credits: winningintroverts


    Image credits: winningintroverts

    David was also happy to bust some introvert myths for us. "First off, being introverted doesn't automatically mean we're shy wallflowers who'd rather hide in a closet than talk to people," he previously told Bored Panda. "Nope, we actually enjoy socializing (on our terms of course). We value deep connections and meaningful conversations with our inner circle more than anything."

    "Here's the real scoop: introverts have rechargeable batteries," David added. "We need our alone time to power up and get ready to take on the world. Whether it's focusing on a project, unwinding after a long day, or just letting our minds wander into the cosmos, solitude is our sanctuary."


    Image credits: winningintroverts


    Image credits: winningintroverts


    Image credits: winningintroverts

    David also pointed out that not all introverts are shy. "And we're not hermits," he shared. "We love spending quality time with the people who get us on a soul-deep level. Those late-night chats and heart-to-heart conversations. They're what we live for. So, being introverted isn't about avoiding people—it's about finding that perfect balance between time in our minds and connecting with others."


    Image credits: winningintroverts


    Image credits: winningintroverts


    Image credits: winningintroverts

    Finally, David shared that "once you really get to know yourself as an introvert—your strengths, your needs, your quirks—it's like unlocking a whole new level of superpowers."

    "Seriously, it's a game-changer for everything from productivity to relationships, communication, leadership, you name it," he shared. "It's not about whether introverts can do something—it's about how we'll do it. We've got this knack for approaching challenges in our own unique way, often surprising even ourselves (and definitely our extroverted colleagues) with our success."


    Image credits: winningintroverts


    Image credits: winningintroverts


    Image credits: winningintroverts

    We understand that you’re probably sitting at home alone laughing to yourself while scrolling through these memes, pandas. But as long as you’re having a good time, that’s all that matters! Keep upvoting the pics that you find particularly relatable, and let us know in the comments what you love most about being an introvert. Then, if you’re interested in checking out even more memes for introverts from Bored Panda, look no further than right here!


    Image credits: winningintroverts


    Image credits: winningintroverts


    Image credits: winningintroverts


    Image credits: winningintroverts


    Image credits: winningintroverts


    Image credits: winningintroverts


    Image credits: winningintroverts


    Image credits: winningintroverts


    Image credits: winningintroverts


    Image credits: winningintroverts


    Image credits: winningintroverts


    Image credits: winningintroverts


    Image credits: winningintroverts


    Image credits: winningintroverts


    Image credits: winningintroverts


    Image credits: winningintroverts


    Image credits: winningintroverts


    Image credits: winningintroverts


    Image credits: winningintroverts


    Image credits: winningintroverts


    Image credits: winningintroverts


    Image credits: winningintroverts


    Image credits: winningintroverts

  • Saturday 20 April 2024 - 05:00

    Spain sounds like paradise on Earth, but it can still be jarring to move there from a different country. Suddenly, you look at life through a completely different lens. What was once familiar is now very different, whether you’re going to the grocery shop, eating dinner, interacting with strangers, or simply walking down the street.

    Travel and culture content creator Katie Boggs, recently moved to Spain from the United States. In a series of popular videos on TikTok and Instagram, she shared her biggest culture shock moments, and we wanted to share her best insights about Spanish life with you.

    Bored Panda reached out to Katie, and she was kind enough to tell us all about what inspired her to move to Spain, what she loves the most about life there, and what can motivate everyone to start traveling themselves. You’ll find our full exclusive interview with her below!

    More info: Instagram | Linktree | TikTok

    Many people fall in love with Spain and wonder what it would be like to live there

    Image credits: Susanna Cama / pexels (not the actual photo)

    Katie Boggs recently moved to Spain from the United States. She created a series of videos where she shared her top culture shock moments

    Image credits: katieboggs_

    She opened up about some more cultural differences in a follow-up video

    Image credits: katietheguiri

    “My name is Katie, I just moved to Spain from the United States two weeks ago, and I’m coming at you with culture shocks. The biggest culture shock for me has definitely been adjusting to the eating schedule here. In the United States, I am used to eating dinner at around 5 or 5:30 right after work, and here, right after work, you eat lunch, and then you don’t eat dinner until 9 or 10 pm, which is crazy to me.”

    Image credits: katietheguiri

    “The next thing I noticed is that it’s completely normalized to leave your dog alone in public just tied to a pole or something while you’re shopping, and no one will bother it. That’s really crazy to me. And last but not least, the emphasis on social interaction here is incredible. You go to a coffee shop here or a cafeteria, and people are actually sitting there and talking to each other, and they’re not on their laptops, and they’re enjoying their meal. That would never happen in the United States. You go to Starbucks and everyone’s on their phones and laptops. It’s crazy.”

    Image credits: katietheguiri

    In another clip, Katie broke down just how affordable life in Spain can be

    “I’m going to break down all of my costs a month to show you how absolutely ridiculously livable it is. Rent: 325€, utilities: 30€, food for one month: 150€ (and I kind of spent a lot on food compared to my friends, so that’s saying something), phone bill + Wi-Fi: 27€, gym: 30€ a month, one singular bus ride is 40 cents. I also get breakfast out every single day and it’s literally affordable to do that. I get a sandwich with tomato and tuna (don’t knock it until you try it, it’s really good). And then I get a café con leche, which is practically like a latte. Every morning, the total is 3.30€. 3.30€! You can’t even get a coffee, you can’t even get half of coffee for that in the United States.”

    Image credits: katietheguiri

    “I’m in Granada and a glass of wine is costing me 3€. And the thing about Granada is you get a tapa with it for free. So what my friends and I will do whatever we want to go out is we’ll get three glasses of wine and that comes with three tapas, which pretty much is dinner. You’re literally spending 9€ on three drinks and dinner. And the wine doesn’t make you hungover because it doesn’t have all these additives that the United States has. I also only work 14 hours a week, yeah. Now that’s not normal to Spain, it’s just with the program I’m with. I’m walking everywhere, it’s always sunny outside. Not to mention that everyone’s literally so friendly. The party life is so much better. Not to mention, they got siestas, come on.”

    Image credits: katietheguiri

    “The best way I would describe living in this country is that you feel like a human being. Everything shuts from 2 pm to 5 pm every single day so everyone can go home and relax, eat a meal, take a nap. Most things are shut on Sundays. So you always have that day off to just rest. There are fruterías on every single corner where I literally get all my fruits and vegetables for the whole week for like 6€, and they’re amazing quality. I cannot stress enough if you have the opportunity to come to Spain and just experience life here. Whether it’s just short-term or long-term, do it because it will change your life and your perspective.”

    Image credits: katietheguiri

    You can watch Katie’s full viral video about culture shocks right over here

    @katieboggs_ Siesta= Key to happiness #fyp #foryou #spain #cultureshocks #usa #unitedstates #eeuu #espana ♬ original sound – Kacie Rose

    Meanwhile, here’s her full video about the cost of living

    @katieboggs_ #stitch with @lanna 🌻 loved this video and wanted to add my experience! #spain #anticapitalism #costoflivingcrisis #america #costofliving #americanineurope ♬ original sound – Katie the Guiri

    Katie opened up to us about what inspired her to make the move to Spain

    We were very curious to find out what inspired Katie to travel to Spain in the first place. She was happy to share her story with us. “I actually took a trip here on my spring break last year. I was visiting my best friend who was doing her masters in London and we decided to do a random weekend trip to Malaga. She picked it because she had seen an Instagram video about it, I didn’t know ANYTHING about Spain. We were there for 3 days and by the second day, I was in love. With everything. The culture, the sun, the food, the friendliness, the language, the fashion,” she told Bored Panda via email.

    “I had a friend who was teaching English up north in Zaragoza and I messaged her asking how she did it and she sent over the program (NALCAP). I applied 2 days later, downloaded Duolingo, and moved home for the summer to save money. I practiced Spanish every day on Duolingo and watched movies and TV in Spanish even though I barely understood a thing. Now, almost exactly a year later, I speak Spanish and live here and I love every minute of it!”

    According to Katie, it took her a few months to get used to life there because it was so different. She pointed out that, for one, the pace of things in restaurants and elsewhere is much slower. Meanwhile, places close a lot. “On Sundays, most everything is closed, as well as every day from 2-5 pm for siesta. There also is a language barrier and it took a while to get accustomed to the Spanish way of saying things as I learned textbook Mexican Spanish which is a tad different. I also had to adapt to the crazy eating schedule here. They eat lunch late at like 2-3 pm and dinner is 8-10pm!” she shared with us.

    For Katie, the biggest upsides of moving to Spain were the awesome weather (“it’s sunny almost all year and it rarely rains”) and the slower pace (“things are so chill”). She lives in the south of Spain and found that the people are incredibly friendly. But there are even more pros compared to the US!

    “The architecture is BEAUTIFUL here and I love the Spanish Andalusian-style buildings. I love love love that I can walk everywhere and the food quality is INSANELY better here. Also, a glass of wine here is like 3 euros, so I see my friends way more because it’s so affordable to go get drinks on a random weeknight and catch up. People here are also more chill. They don’t overschedule themselves like Americans, so when you want to plan something with someone, it’s more of ‘Hey, wanna grab tapas tonight?’ ‘Sure!’, instead of ‘Hey, wanna grab dinner sometime this week?’ ‘Sorry I’m SUPER busy but I can do 3 weeks out at 5 pm on Thursday.'”

    Image credits: Enrico Perini / pexels (not the actual photo)

    “The best travelers go with the flow and experience everything with open arms”

    However, we were also interested to hear what Katie misses about life in the US as well. She said that it’s mostly the food. “I miss the surplus of options of food choices from all different cultures,” she said. “We do Japanese, Chinese, Mexican, Thai food all SO MUCH BETTER [in the US] than here [in Spain]. I also miss certain things like the air conditioning and heating (sometimes it gets really hot or cold inside the buildings here). I also really miss iced coffee. And American pancake breakfast. I mostly miss the food.”

    Bored Panda also wanted to get Katie’s thoughts on how someone who’s never traveled before might get used to going on more trips. “I was also scared to start traveling because of money and safety. However, I can tell you I barely have money now and I travel ALL the time. European travel is pretty cheap because transportation here is so cheap (Ryanair flights for 30 euros) and the buses and trains here rock. The most expensive part is the plane ticket overseas,” she shared some tips.

    “My advice is to research and plan stuff before because then you can skip lines for big attractions and also you will have heard things to avoid before you come. Come prepared with a portable charger, medicine, hand sanitizer, and everything that you can possibly think of ‘just in case.’ Research the city you’re going to and the possible tourist traps and how to avoid them and honestly, don’t just stick to the big obvious cities like Paris or Madrid because those are ALWAYS the most expensive and usually my least favorite.”

    Katie urged everyone to keep an open mind about different cultures and not to expect everything to be like in the United States. “Oftentimes, my friends will visit me and be upset when certain foods won’t be available or the air conditioning isn’t on or people don’t act as friendly and my response is, ‘What do u expect? This is a whole different country!’ The best travelers go with the flow and experience everything with open arms!” Be sure to follow Katie’s Instagram and TikTok for her freshest videos.

    Image credits: Anastasia / pexels (not the actual photo)

    Spanish is one of the most popular languages in the world, so you’ll be at an advantage if you learn it

    For us, Spain is the embodiment of stunning nature, great weather, fresh food, and friendly locals. Spain has 47.8 million people living there, compared to the 333.3 million in the US. According to ‘Best Diplomats,’ around 53 million Americans speak Spanish, of which 41 million are native Spanish speakers and 12 million are bilingual.

    However, Rosetta Stone puts the number of US Spanish speakers at 57 million people. Spanish has 496 million native speakers around the world, making up 6.3% of the global population. This number is even bigger when we consider the number of total speakers, standing at a stunningly impressive 595 million.

    It is the second most spoken native language after Mandarin Chinese and the fourth most spoken language overall, after English, Mandarin, and Hindi. Most Spanish speakers can be found in Mexico, the US, Colombia, Spain (naturally!), followed by Argentina, Peru, Venezuela, Chile, Guatemala, and Ecuador.

    The EF English Proficiency Index states that the Spanish have ‘moderate proficiency’ in English skills. El Pais reports that 27.7% of all Spaniards say they can speak the language.

    So, if you plan on traveling or moving to the country, it would make sense to learn at least some basic phrases in Spanish. You can’t rely on luck that someone you talk to is going to know English.

    If you do your best to learn the language, not only are the locals likely going to be friendlier with you, but you’ll also have a far richer experience when you can understand what everyone’s saying. A core part of travel and adventure means opening yourself up to new experiences. And that means embracing the culture, language, food, and lifestyle.

    In our experience, the best way to learn any language is to practice it in real-life situations. Apps like Duolingo and programs like Rosetta Stone are wonderful, to be sure. However, we personally see the biggest progress when we have some native speakers to guide our way.

    In short, when you’re learning any new language, it really helps to have a growth-oriented mindset. Make mistakes—and lots of them! That’s how we learn.

    And don’t be scared of talking to the native speakers and locals even if you only know a few shaky basic phrases. It’s the willingness to try that really counts! Besides, it’s a great feeling when you apply something you’ve learned in real life.

    Image credits: Carlos Mazorra / pexels (not the actual photo)

    If you’re completely new to travel, start off by taking very small trips and then building up to bigger adventures

    At the time of writing, travel-grammer Katie has 17.3k loyal Instagram followers who enjoy her videos about life in Spain. She also has 49.2k fans on TikTok. Katie gives everyone a fresh perspective of what life in the country is really like. And it’s all very relatable for anyone who has traveled to the European country, whether they were a tourist, an exchange student, or a working professional.

    However, far from everybody has the courage to travel abroad. While we find travel wonderful, some folks daydream about adventuring near and far but get overwhelmed with stress when they think about all the possible things that could go wrong.

    Previously, Bored Panda spoke about stepping outside our comfort zone with Keith O’Hara, the founder of The Irish Road Trip. “Being ‘too busy’ is never an excuse to put off enjoying life, yet it’s a trap many of us plummet head-first into, whether it be due to financial or work commitments. Often, you just need to start small,” he told us during an earlier interview.

    He suggested creating a list of travel goals that you’d ideally love to fulfill in the future. In the meantime, you can work up to them by setting yourself more realistic travel destinations, in terms of time and money. “ You’ll (hopefully) start to see the benefits of these ‘baby-step’ trips. Then, when the time is right, make that ‘main’ trip,” he said.

    Solo travel is also an option. Even though it might sound intimidating, you can still do it. Consider what the worst-case scenario might be: it’ll probably never happen.

    “Be enthusiastic, but be educated about your destination. Understand, at least at a very high level, the ins and outs of where you’re traveling to and take time to understand any dos and don’ts,” O’Hara shared some spot-on advice for all travelers. “For the most part, just embrace it all—one of the joys of travel is experiencing people, places, food, language, and culture. Soak it all up.”

    Here’s what some internet users had to say after watching Katie’s clips

    The post “It’s Really Crazy To Me”: American Goes Viral Sharing Her Culture Shocks In Spain first appeared on Bored Panda.
  • Saturday 20 April 2024 - 05:00
    Whether you’re a parent, an educator or a child-free adult who simply hopes future generations thrive, we can all agree that we want the best for the children. But in this complex, ever-changing world, it can sometimes be difficult to weed through mountains of contradictory information online and determine what exactly is the best way to interact with kiddos.

    That’s why school principal and founder of Educational Impact Academy, Karin Jakubowski, EdD, has been making it easier for parents to better understand their children through sharing bite-sized videos online. Below, you’ll find some of the best tips Dr. Jakubowski has posted on TikTok, as well as a conversation between her and Bored Panda

    More info: Momnificent Podcast | Instagram | YouTube | Facebook   

    Dr. Karin Jakubowski has been sharing all of her best parenting tips online to help moms and dads better understand their little ones
    @karinjakubowski Top 5 Skills Your Kid Needs Before Kindergarten! #kindergartenready #parenting #momnificent #tipsforparents #momsoftik #parentingtips101 #learnontiktok #preschool #preschooler #kindergarten ♬ original sound - Momnificent ✨ Parent Tips


     The top three things your child needs from you.

    - They need you present.
    - They just need you to stop and listen to them.
    - They need you to spend time with them.

    Image credits: karinjakubowski

    We reached out to Dr. Karin Jakubowski via email, who was kind enough to have a chat with Bored Panda. She shared that the inspiration behind her journey into posting parenting and teaching advice online stems from her experience as a teacher.

    "Throughout my career, I encountered moments of frustration when traditional approaches failed to address the root causes of students' behavioral challenges. It was a pivotal moment when I discovered the collaborative problem-solving approach advocated by Dr. Stuart Ablon," Dr. Jakubowski explained. "Implementing this method transformed my interactions with students, enabling me to delve deeper into the underlying reasons for their behavior and empower them with essential problem-solving skills."

    "Driven by a passion to share this transformative approach, I embarked on a mission to reach out to as many parents and educators as possible," the expert continued. "Thus, 'Momnificent,' my podcast, was born. Interestingly, while the podcast serves as a platform for discussing various parenting and teaching strategies, I've found myself guesting on other podcasts more frequently, spreading the word about collaborative problem-solving."


     Here's the top five things you don't say to a kid with trauma.

    - Never say to a kid with trauma, "everything happens for a reason."
    - Never say "it could be worse."
    - Never say to a kid with trauma. "It's hard to believe that."
    - Never say, "why did you?"
    - Never say to a kid with trauma, "the past is in the past, just let it go."

    Image credits: karinjakubowski


     How do you get your 8 to 10 year old to listen to you without yelling? Start with a positive attitude. Kids have a difficult time with self regulation. So if they see you upset, they get upset. If they see you calm, they eventually mirror and match your calmness. So be patient, take a deep breath, patient.

    Kids pick up on our tone in our body language, even when we're not even saying anything. Don't yell. Whatever you do, don't yell. Practice that. You're not going to get it perfect the first time. Practice, practice, practice. Don't yell. Give them choices. Do you want to sit here or here? Do you want to go this way or that way?

    Do you want this color crown or this color crown? Two choices that you're okay with. And set limits. Kids typically respond well if you give them the opportunity to do good. Instead of rushing headlong into an argument, try counting to five or give them a time limit to do something you ask. Remember that children learn.

    So it's important to model good listening skills yourself.

    Image credits: karinjakubowski

    Dr. Jakubowski also decided to start posting on YouTube and TikTok after recognizing the vast reach and influence visual media has online. "The motivation behind this expansion is rooted in a fundamental belief that every parent deserves access to effective tools and strategies for nurturing their children's growth and development," she explained.

    "Reflecting on the disparity between the extensive training we undergo for our professional careers and the lack of formal education in parenting, I felt compelled to bridge this gap," the expert says. "The paradox of investing years in preparing for a career while navigating parenthood without a comprehensive guidebook struck me profoundly. Thus, my TikTok videos serve as a resource hub for busy moms striving to provide the best possible upbringing for their children amidst the demands of everyday life."

    Dr. Jakubowski says that, ultimately, her mission is to equip parents with the knowledge and skills necessary to raise happy, healthy children. "By leveraging the power of online platforms, I aspire to democratize access to invaluable parenting insights and foster a community dedicated to nurturing the next generation."


     When your kid comes home upset about something another kid said to them that day, what do you do? What's your go to? How do you know how to help them? The first thing I do, I just did this last week with a student, totally upset, something someone said in the class. They literally felt like they couldn't even go back to class.

    I had her stand and look across from her as if the person was standing there and tell that person everything they felt. What they wanted, what they didn't like. What they wanted them to do, what they didn't want to do. What they did that really bothered them and just ticked them off. No right or wrong answer, just giving them that opportunity.

    How often do you have that opportunity to do that? Rarely, and you're rarely going to say that to the person because a lot of it is stuff you would, it's kind of unexpected and you, you might not be the right thing to say. So as a parent, you could try this one step with your kid. One and over the other two steps.

    Image credits: karinjakubowski


     Here's the top 5 truths kids with ADHD want you to know.

    - ADHD is invisible. It's not make believe or an excuse to be lazy.

    - They just can't try harder. If they could, they would. They're actually working harder than most children.

    - The effort for them to fit in is monumental.

    - They're not bad kids, even though they're not doing the expected behavior. They're not bad. They're actually working harder and doing their best.

    - Harsh discipline is actually counterproductive. It's actually worse when you yell at your kid. It's not getting the ADHD out of them. They don't have ADHD as a result of bad parenting.

    Image credits: karinjakubowski


     There should be a non negotiable in every school, in every classroom in the world. And that is, you should never talk about a student in front of another student. It's so easy. You know, things happen. We get upset. We take these personally, the kid does something and it just, you know, pushes our last nerve and pushes our last button.

    I always say the wrong thing. And you know what? We got to make it a non negotiable. We are not going to talk about a kid in front of any other student, any other child. That kid, any kid, we got to take it behind closed doors. We owe that to our kids. They deserve that level of respect from us.

    Image credits: karinjakubowski

    We also asked the expert why she believes it's so common for parents and educators to misunderstand children. "Firstly, there's a fundamental communication barrier stemming from differences in perspective and experience," she noted. "Parents and teachers often view situations through their own lenses, which may not fully align with the child's reality."

    "Secondly, societal expectations and norms can lead to misconceptions about children's behavior," Dr. Jakubowski continued. "There's a tendency to attribute certain actions to disobedience or laziness without considering underlying factors such as developmental stages, emotional struggles, or learning differences."

    "Moreover, limited time and resources can hinder the ability to delve deeper into understanding a child's needs," the expert says. "Both parents and teachers juggle multiple responsibilities, leaving little room for in-depth observation and communication."


    What does it do for you when you spend time in nature?

    My mother-in-law from Poland is here for three months and we try to go for a walk every day. We don't get out every day, but every time I do, it just totally refreshes me, refreshes me mentally, physically, emotionally. It's amazing the power that nature has over.

    Take your kid out for a walk in nature. Take them to the park. Let them explore outside. Better yet, do one thing for you. What's something you love to do for you? Do one thing to take care of yourself today. What is it that just refreshes you and refreshes you mentally and emotionally? Do that one thing.

    Take that one thing and do it for yourself. You're so busy taking care of everybody else and stop, take care of you. I'm giving you permission to take care of you.

    Image credits: karinjakubowski


     There's four steps to help your child when they mess up or fail.

    - Even when your child makes a mistake big or little, maybe on a test or an assignment or an audition, you name it, reassure them with there's something we can learn from this.
    - Success is also achieved when you allow your child to stumble and by helping them take a closer look and reflect on what's one thing they can do better next time.
    - Always, always, always praise your child for their effort. Say it loud and proud, praise their effort.
    - Share your own stories with your kid. The times you failed, the times you struggled with a colleague, with a friend, a time you held your tongue, a time you fell short, share with your child how you faced it, what you learned from it, the new perspective you gained.

    Image credits: karinjakubowski


     When a kid is mean to your kid and you get upset, what do you do? How do you handle that? Here's what I do. I sit the first kid down by themselves and I'm like, "what? Help me understand what happened." I always use that word. "Help me understand." "Help me understand what happened." And then I'd mute myself.

    Just shut up, don't say anything, give them an opportunity to talk and share what it was like for them, what they went through, what they experienced, what they're feeling. And then you sit the other child down and you ask them to tell you the story of what happened. Help me understand what happened here and listen, listen, listen.

    Then when I bring the two together, I say to the one like, "what did they say or do and how did that make you feel?" And they explain and share. And then I asked this child, "did you know that what they said or did made you feel that way?" And they usually don't realize how, what they did made the other kid feel that way.

    And then a lot of times it's two way. So I say to the other kid, like, "what did they do that upset you? And how did that make you feel? What did they say or do? What specifically did they say or do?" To give them an opportunity to say it, to voice it, to have an opportunity to be listened and heard on both sides.

    And then you ask this kid, "did you know what they said or did made you feel feel that way?" And a lot of times they really don't, like I said, we don't often put ourselves in another person's shoes and another person's perspective. And this process helps.

    I tell them you don't have to be best friends but this process helps them to understand each other a little better. And then I ask, "what would you like to say or do to make this right? What would you like to do to say, what would you like to do or say to make this right?" And I just encourage them to look at the person because sometimes looking at me because I'm talking to you and I'm like, don't look at me.

    And sometimes I'll just look down and I'll just like look to the side so that they can actually communicate that to them, you know, and then the other person will accept their apology.

    Image credits: karinjakubowski

    Dr. Jakubowski also noted that the stigma surrounding mental health and behavioral challenges may impede open dialogue and proactive intervention. "Fear of judgment or labeling can prevent parents and teachers from seeking support or acknowledging potential issues early on," she explained.

    "Lastly, the dynamic nature of childhood and adolescence means that children's behaviors and needs evolve rapidly. Keeping pace with these changes requires ongoing communication, flexibility, and a willingness to adapt strategies accordingly, which may not always be feasible in busy households or classrooms," the expert says.

    "Addressing these common misunderstandings requires a collaborative approach that emphasizes empathy, active listening, and a commitment to understanding the unique perspectives of children," Dr. Jakubowski continued. "By fostering open communication and mutual respect between parents, teachers, and children, we can cultivate environments where misunderstandings are minimized, and meaningful connections flourish."


    What's the hardest thing about parenting for you right now?

    - How to parent the child you have, not the child you wish you had.
    - Letting your child experience the pain of natural consequences or consequences in general.
    - Facing shame, judgment, and blame from others.
    - Coping when your child says, "I hate you, mom."

    Image credits: karinjakubowski


    Here's the top five skills your kids should know before they start kindergarten.

    - Teach your child to tie their shoes.
    - Teach them how to open a juice box. I know it sounds so simple, but it's really important.
    - Use the bathroom, wash their hands and button their pants.
    - Have them know their letters and their sounds and know the letters of the alphabet.
    - And last for them to know their first and last name and their phone number and address.

    Image credits: karinjakubowski


     I wish I had learned this early on.

    Kids want power and the control. So give your kid two choices.
    "Do you want to sit in this side or that side?"
    "Do you want to use the crayon or the marker?"
    "Do you want to go first or second?"

    When you give your kid a choice, they feel large and in charge.

    Image credits: karinjakubowski

    While there's no doubt that Dr. Jakubowski has shared many helpful tips online, we wanted to know which ones she considers to be most important. "As a school principal and TikTok enthusiast, I've had the privilege of sharing numerous tips and advice for parents through my videos. Among the plethora of insights, if I were to highlight the most crucial piece of advice, it would undoubtedly be the collaborative problem-solving process," she told Bored Panda.

    "The collaborative problem-solving approach isn't just a technique; it's a mindset and a skill set that I've learned, utilized, and passionately shared with parents and educators alike," the expert explained. "This process encourages open communication, empathy, and teamwork between parents, educators, and students."


     Here's seven tips to help your kid get organized.

    - Find a system that works for your kid. It might not be the same system that works for you, so stay open minded about this.

    - Demonstrate the importance of follow through.

    - Let their voice be heard. Let them have a voice. Listen, listen, listen to them.

    - Set achievable goals, set reasonable and achievable goals with rewards. Let them pick the reward out so they're working towards something that they want.

    - Provide plenty of reinforcement. They say for every one critical thing you say, you gotta say like five more positives.

    - Lead by example.

    - Help them get organized and help them stay organized and be open minded.

    Image credits: karinjakubowski


     Teens are feeling these days like people tell us not to be stressed, but no one's teaching us how to do that. So here's one strategy you can try and practice with your child. It's called feather breathing.

    Okay, here's what you do. Learning to breathe really slowly with kids is often hard to do. So try this. Use a feather to show them how. Place the feather on the table and explain.

    Take a big, deep inhale from way down deep in your tummy. Breathe from your lips. So the feather moves slowly across the table.

    Put the feather on the table, tell your child to take a big, deep breath and blow just slow enough to get the feather to move across the table.

    And then you encourage them to keep practicing and trying until they can get that feather to move smoothly and slowly and steadily across the table.

    You can also teach your kid to breathe with soap bubbles. You can say, "see how slowly and how far you can blow your bubble? Blow your worries far away from you."

    Image credits: karinjakubowski


     The problem with our society is everything is faster, harder, stronger.

    When society is encouraging us to think and be faster, harder, stronger. When we slow down and allow ourselfves to recharge we refuel and are more productive. Schedule time to recharge. It can help your child refuel and tackle future activities with a more focused, calmer mindset.

    Image credits: karinjakubowski

    "By emphasizing collaborative problem-solving, I encourage parents to view challenges as opportunities for growth and development rather than obstacles," Dr. Jakubowski continued. "It fosters a supportive environment where everyone's input is valued, and solutions are crafted together, ensuring that the needs and perspectives of all involved parties are taken into account."

    "Through my TikTok videos and interactions with parents, I continuously advocate for the collaborative problem-solving process because I've witnessed its transformative power in building stronger relationships and fostering positive outcomes for children's education and well-being," the expert noted. "So, if there's one piece of advice I can offer parents, it's to embrace the collaborative problem-solving approach wholeheartedly—it's a game-changer!"


     Here's the number one hack to help your kids in stressful situations. The next time your child feels stressed or out of control. Try this. Tell them to notice the places where their body is making direct contact with a surface, material, or object. Have them scan their body mentally. Paying close attention where, for example, the floor supports their feet.

    How their toes are touching the inside of their shoes. Maybe feel the couch cushions feeling snug against their back. The feeling of their hands just resting gently on their lap or kind of just resting at their side. This shifts their focus from the negative or that anxious or upset feeling to a neutral or pleasant feeling.

    It's a simple calming technique for them to try. They can practice this at their desk at school, riding or sitting on the school bus. During a test, they could try this.

    Image credits: karinjakubowski


     What do you do when your kid says, I don't know. The next time your kid says, I don't know, ask them this. "I know you don't know, but if you did know, what would you say?" And then give them a minute, give them a second, take a deep breath. And then begin the next question with, "I know you might not know, and there's no right or wrong answer, but if you didn't know, what would you say?"

    Image credits: karinjakubowski


     If you're having difficulty making friends, try this.

    - Talk about taking turns and sharing. Try role playing different situations where they would have to handle a disagreement. This really helps them and teaches them in the moment how to use those skills.

    - Demonstrate those skills in front of your friends and family so your child can see the appropriate expected behaviors when interacting or socializing or making friends and connecting with others. They are mirrors of us. They're watching everything we do. They watch us more than what we tell them to do. So model the behavior for them.

    - Arrange playdates and even take your kid to group activities so they can slowly get used to interacting and socializing with others in a smaller setting and then in a larger setting.

    - Talk about with your child what kind of things they want to see in a friend. What kinds of things they value in a friend towards them and how. They want to be those things towards somebody else

    Image credits: karinjakubowski

    When it comes to why it's so important for parents to prioritize understanding their little ones, Dr. Jakubowski says it lays the foundation for effective communication, trust, and support within the family dynamic. "When parents take the time to truly comprehend their children, they can better meet their emotional, social, and developmental needs," she noted.

    This is essential for building trust. "When children feel understood by their parents, they are more likely to trust them. This trust forms the basis of a strong parent-child relationship, allowing for open communication and a sense of security," the expert says.

    It's also key for creating effective communication. "Understanding a child's unique personality, preferences, and communication style enables parents to tailor their interactions accordingly. This fosters clearer communication and minimizes misunderstandings or conflicts," Dr. Jakubowski shared.


     How do you get your kid to be empathetic in an "all about me" world?

    I love the way Michelle Borba talks about empathy using the ABCs. Listen to this.

    A is for affective empathy. When we share another's feelings and feel their emotions.

    And B is for behavioral empathy. When empathetic concerns actually rally us or put something inside of us to say, I want to help.

    And the C is for cognitive empathy. When we understand another's thoughts or literally step into their shoes and feel what they feel, see what they see from their perspective.

    Did you know that empathy boosts trust and decreases stress? Empathy boosts connectivity, creativity, and kindness. Get this, research says empathy is actually a positive predictor of math and reading scores. And critical thinking skills. We got to work on empathy with our kids and empathy is teachable.

    Image credits: karinjakubowski


    Here's the top things a kid with autism wants you to know.

    - Movement is focus.
    - Exclusion is just not nice. Try to find one simple thing that you can do to help them feel included.
    - Some are visual and they just think mostly in pictures.
    - No matter what they're doing or what they hyper focus on, notice it, just be aware, and observe, and go with it. Don't be afraid of it. Go with it. Don't be nervous about it. Go with it.

    Image credits: karinjakubowski


    Here's five things you probably didn't know about your five year old.

    - They say life is good.
    - During this one year, your child's going to go from being cautious and compliant to uncertain and oppositional.
    - Early in the year, they like to help out and follow the rules and be good.
    And then either they may test or oppose the adult authority and to show uncertainty. They're not sure whether to be good or naughty. Did you notice that about your kid?

    - They need consistent rules and enforcement. They respond well to clear, simple expectations.

    - They need empathetic discipline. They test limits and make mistakes.

    Image credits: karinjakubowski

    Dr. Jakubowski also says that better understanding our children supports their development. "Each child is different, with their own strengths, weaknesses, and interests. By understanding their children, parents can provide appropriate guidance and support to help them thrive academically, socially, and emotionally," she explained.

    It also allows parents to recognize their children's needs, which can be especially helpful for kids who struggle with expressing their feelings or articulating what they need.

    Understanding your kiddos helps promote self-esteem as well. "When parents show understanding and acceptance towards their children, it boosts their self-esteem and confidence," the expert explained. "Feeling understood validates their feelings and experiences, helping them develop a positive sense of self."


    Anybody else hate this when your mom said this to you as a kid, "you can't have those sneakers you want because we can't afford them." Don't say that to your kid.

    Money patterns are set by the age of seven. And here's two things you have to teach your kid. Instead of saying what you can't buy, say "this is what we're choosing to buy and use our money for instead."

    And the second thing, show your child a sale. Like, "Hey, this was a hundred dollars and now it's on sale for 30. You can get three Tories for the price of one."

    Your kid is observing your money habits. They're always watching you.

    Image credits: karinjakubowski


    The next time your kid is feeling anxious or panicky, try this. Ask your child to think of a specific time when they were happy. Ask them, feel what you feel, hear what you heard, see what you saw, then tell them the next time you feel anxious or overwhelmed, go back to that moment in your mind. Replay that experience over and over in your mind. A great time to try this and practice it with your child is right before you go to bed. Have them think of an experience where they felt so full of joy, so happy, so excited, one of their best moments. Have them see what they see, hear what they hear, and feel what they felt. In that happy moment, the more positive experiences they can remember, the more they can replay them in their mind to boost their emotional state. 

    Image credits: karinjakubowski

    Finally, understanding your kids will help them navigate challenges. "Parenting comes with its challenges, and understanding children helps parents navigate these hurdles more effectively. Whether it's dealing with tantrums, academic struggles, or peer pressure, a deep understanding of their children allows parents to approach these challenges with empathy and patience," Dr. Jakubowski says.

    "In essence, when parents work to understand their children, they create a nurturing environment where their children feel seen, heard, and supported," she added. "This understanding forms the bedrock of a strong parent-child relationship, laying the groundwork for their children's emotional well-being and overall development."


     Five rituals for a positive morning routine with your kids.

    - Everyone shares a rose, a thorn and a bud, something that's going well, something that's not going well and something that they're grateful for.

    - Everyone answers a good morning question. What are you most excited about today? What is one intention you have for today?

    - Everyone describes how they're feeling. Right now I'm feeling, today I want to feel.

    - Everyone says a self love affirmation. Here's some examples. Put your hand on your heart and repeat. "It's okay to make mistakes. I deserve love like anybody else. I love and accept myself just the way I am right now."

    - Everyone gives a compliment or thanks someone in the family for something. Every morning is your opportunity to wire your child's brain for optimism, gratitude, and self love.

    Image credits: karinjakubowski

    Whether you have kids or not, we hope you’re enjoying this list of tips, pandas! We should all be looking out for the younger generations, including our friends’ children and our nieces and nephews, so it’s always great to learn how to better understand them. Keep upvoting the advice you agree with, and if you’re interested in reading another Bored Panda article featuring parenting hacks, look no further than right here

  • Saturday 20 April 2024 - 05:00

    Life rarely turns out exactly how you planned it. Your goals and aspirations can change wildly over the years. And just because you were bookish and got top marks in school doesn’t mean that this is what the rest of your life is going to be like. There are going to be some surprises along the way.

    The r/AskReddit online community recently spilled the tea about what happened to the smartest students in their class after they graduated. Scroll down to read their stories and (un)expected twists! And if you were looking for a sign to check up on how your classmates are doing these days, this is it.

    Image credits: ameliiax


    Is the federal judge who issued the search warrant for Mar a Lago. Go Bruce!


    That would be me. I skipped a year late in high school and won the final year maths, physics and chemistry prizes. I was the only one in the year to take double pure maths.

    I got a good engineering degree, started out working in submarine engineering, then military training simulators. Then I moved to Europe and got a job designing wind turbines, then in solar energy and now in networking.

    Right now, I'm sat next to my wife in hospital waiting for our fourth child to be born.

    Life's not too bad, all things considered.


    Shared a Nobel Prize in Chemistry.

    Image credits: fermat9990

    Book smarts, while certainly powerful and impressive, tend to be overhyped. It is far from the only worthwhile attribute that a person can have. Emotional intelligence, the ability to work in a team, confidence, self-discipline, diligence, patience, and even common sense play very important roles throughout our lives, too.

    In the narrow sense, an intelligent person is someone who gets good grades, easily understands new information, quickly sees patterns, and has a good memory. In the broad sense, intelligence means that someone is able to apply the knowledge they have to reach the goals they want or need. Knowing lots of trivia and doing well on tests, while certainly something to brag about, is worthless if it’s not applied in a meaningful way.


    He got his GED at 16, causing massive gossip at his school, then spent several years working various manual labor jobs and drinking very heavily. He eventually went back to school for philosophy, landed a high paying job at Tesla after college, then discovered he was autistic in his 30’s after another MASSIVE multi-year burn out cycle. Recently he started an AI automation agency, and has never been happier. Source: he’s me.


    He became homeless and jumped from a building 6 years ago. After his death, his mom sent me his Quora accounts where he posted thousands of times in three languages. It was wonderful to read, he was very smart but a broken man.

    Miss you Pierre.

    Image credits: pm-your-maps


    They now work for NASA, but only because they're convinced aliens have the answers to their quantum physics homework.

    Image credits: ItchyWay207

    The MIT Technology Review points out that the most successful people (in terms of wealth) are not the most talented. Rather, they are the luckiest. This idea is supported by research done by Alessandro Pluchino and his colleagues at the University of Catania. The computer model they created found that, in simulations, “the maximum success never coincides with the maximum talent, and vice-versa.”

    They explain that luck plays the biggest factor in wealth distribution. “Our simulation clearly shows that such a factor is just pure luck.” They add: “It is evident that the most successful individuals are also the luckiest ones. And the less successful individuals are also the unluckiest ones.”


    Graduated top of my class, got a job at Google. Walked off a cliff whilst hiking last summer. Damned tragic, still don't get it.

    Image credits: gypsy_goddess7


    Died from a brain tumour right after he graduated high school. He was dang smart. Could play the piano upside down too.

    Image credits: Most-Ingenuity-4115


    Won a world series robotics competition on p**s all budget at 16.

    Same year a big American military tech company offered to pay for his schooling full ride up to doctorate level. He turned that down because he didn't want to make weapons.

    Got a girl pregnant at 18 moved to a Nordic country to be with her and started working as essentially an engineer redesigning big industrial machines (I think he was working on a qualification.) Got kicked out during COVID.

    Applied for the secret service. Was made a *very* good offer, turned it down.

    Now he has his own company where he designs and runs escape rooms. They're f*****g amazing escape rooms though.

    Boy is a genuine genius and has a brain like a corkscrew. His hobby as a kid was to basically create the Easy India Company or decimate the stock market in MMORPGs.

    If he went into finance, or stocks, or crypto, or weapons, or any number of fields he would not only excel he would have made stinking amounts of money by now, and he's still in his 20s. However, he is also fully aware of his own sociopathic tendencies and what amoral s**t he'd do in that environment.

    So he decided to bend his genius locking people in little rooms and forcing them to find their way out... but you know in a fun way.

    However, success doesn’t have to correlate with income, assets, and financial prowess at all. It could mean having an active social life, finding time to create and express ourselves, being fit and healthy, or traveling the globe.

    An 85-year Harvard study found that by proactively investing in positive relationships, we become more resilient to stress. This leads to us living healthier, happier, and far longer lives. The impact of these relationships is even bigger than exercising or eating well (which are, nonetheless, important, too!). 

    So, if you reframe success as happiness and longevity, then your main focus shouldn’t be on earning more money, but on deepening your relationships with the people you care about!


    Graduated high school at 14. Got a degree in aerospace engineering by 18, and works for Boeing last time I checked. He was always a nice kid and got picked on. Glad I was nice to him back then.

    Image credits: Shoddy_Emu_5211


    They worked at a McDonalds after high school. Now they are an executive for McDonalds.

    Image credits: cadcamm99


    Valedictorian works for Tesla, salutatorian is now a Buddhist monk in Tibet

    Edit: the monk graduated from MIT as an engineer, went to work in Tibet for some project then never left.

    Image credits: Dazzling_Leopard4627


    He became an elementary school teacher. Ten years later, he released a kids book.

    I definitely thought he'd be president, but I'm glad that people like him are teaching and influencing the next gen.


    She makes trinkets on Etsy and does open mic comedy. Definitely an interesting path.

    Image credits: airplanesanda**


    The dude in my class got a full ride to Harvard. Did an internship his first summer at Intel and was killed by a drunk driver a few weeks after arriving in California. F*****g couldn’t believe it when it happened 25 years ago. Still can’t really.

    Image credits: ameliiax


    Her parents in West Australia in the 1980’s had very narrow old fashioned ideas on women’s role in society. She was never encouraged to do upper school & go to University. Instead the options were get married & have kids, go into nursing or secretarial school. She had no prospects of marriage at the grand old age of 15 so ended up at secretarial school. Series of very poorly paid office jobs all through her life . Except for a 5 year stint where she worked for fashion designers beading fancy dresses. Another very poorly paid job. Absolutely bloody tragic - she could have done anything. She wasn’t just top of our year - in state testing she was in the top 10% . Her sister married young - much to the parents joy. Of course it was an unmitigated disaster & ended in divorce.

    Image credits: millyloui


    Killed themselves by jumping in front of a truck after getting a failing grade from a professor that hated her attending Stanford.

    Image credits: Pooter8551


    Extremely successful doctor. Does plastic surgery to help those with disfigurements.


    I'm working as method development support for research labs and government contracts. After about 10 years of anxiety and depression I turned out alright.

    I meditate daily, been married for 8 years, and have a nice little 3/4 acre homestead that keeps me busy.


    He literally became a rocket scientist.

    Image credits: Jason_Booty


    I had a genius classmate, he was talented in every single class from science to arts he just understood it and performed flawlessly. He could rail through a dense textbook and absorb everything like it was a goddamn children's book. He'd read litetature and write mind blowing 1st drafts that were perfectly polished, and full of cunning rhetoric.

    He went to a top 10 us college for biology graduated top of his class there.... and then started writing.

    Now he's working for Stephen colbert to write content for some show!


    A friend of mine was top of our class and I was second. We both went to the same university and got Masters degrees. We also both work for NGOs now (he in health advocacy, me in environmental conservation). I keep in touch periodically. We’re both pretty content.


    I used to hang out with honors students in college. It’s hard to quantify who was the smartest. They’re all bright and I felt like an idiot.

    The one I dated ended up going to Europe and is now a CEO of a science company.

    Another one ended up being an award winning professor. His wife, who was also an honors student, is now a school psychologist.

    That was an interesting one. She came to me for advice. She was being pressured by one school to attend grad school there. Said she was capable of great things in advancing the field. She told me she wanted to be a school psychologist, and she was getting rude comments. Saying she only wanted to not be a researcher because she wanted to stay with her husband. Her heart was in school psychology and working with kids.

    So I gave her the “push” and told her to ignore the haters and follow her heart :)

    Glad she took my advice into consideration. They’re both incredibly happy!


    I got voted most likely to become a billionaire when I was in school because I was considered the “smartest” (I am gifted academically but not very intelligent socially so I always considered myself pretty dumb).

    I ended up graduating top of my class at UC Berkeley and right now I’m finishing up my PhD in Mathematics at a pretty well known university. I don’t plan on ever becoming a billionaire with it though ?, I study math purely because I love it so much that I want to devote my life to it. I got really lucky on some investments during the pandemic and am already retired so I’ll probably just travel around the world whenever I’m done with academia.


    Smartest guy in my class was also the schools biggest pot dealer. Principle knew what he was doing but was always outsmarted. Became a surgeon.

    Image credits: FredWinterIsComing


    High school class of 1962. Our valedictorian died in Vietnam around 1964. I first heard about it around 2012, so the year may be off.

    Image credits: BobT21


    Our Valedictorian died the day after graduation of a ruptured appendix; he was one of the most talented people I had ever met. RIP John Albert Sierra.


    He went to Yale and joined the ROTC. After he graduated he became an Army Ranger and served in Afghanistan. When he left the army he joined a Seminary and became a priest.

    Image credits: PM_Me_UrRightNipple


    Got a full scholarship to study Physics at Caltech, even more impressive because our high school is in India. Went on to do his PhD at Princeton, and is now a professor of Physics at a top US university. Even back in high school, students and teachers were convinced he'd win a Nobel prize someday. And he may well do that.


    Harvard for college, somewhere else for medical school, became a doctor, married another doctor. Maybe had a kid? She's very smart, so she killed her social media accounts a very long time ago.

    We haven't spoken in 20 years at least, but I still remember her fondly when I think of the s**t show that was adolescence.

    Edit: I checked, and it was Johns Hopkins for medical school, and she is some niche variant of cardiologist.


    He had a full ride scholarship to MIT, but apparently took back his acceptance over the summer to open up an art gallery. Last I heard, it was moderately successful.

    Image credits: Kind-Apricot22


    Girl was on her way to medical school and had everything in place to be free of her religious parents(I believe Muslim or some kinda other strict religion) she came out during her speech to the whole school about her gf and to her parents. She got accepted to medical school straight out of hs through special program. I'm sure she's almost a doctor if not one already.


    Tenured math professor. Got his PhD on math at 26, which is stupid young to actually complete the program.

    One year in undergrad he spent the summer working for the NSA in crypto. A team of six FBI agents came to our college (about 1,400) to do a background check. You know how tense it is to be interviewed by the FBI when you are 19, stoned and trying to not stare at the ceiling tile where you hid your stash.

    Uncool, man.


    Guy was school's greatest achiever in studies and was schools top athlete breaking all the records. He went to Cambridge and everything, got a doctorate in physics etc. Ended becoming a priest. Lives in a small village in the North.

    Image credits: Orcnick


    The guy built an earthquake detection system that gave people a couple of seconds to get ready before the ground started shaking when he was 16, went to study to be a librarian and ended up living in a farm away from society.


    He became a pharmacist, married a model, had a couple kids, bought a big house in our hometown…

    Then he got caught writing fake scripts for his friends, lost his license, got a divorce, wife took the kids, and I’m told he can be found at the local bar most nights trying to blackout.

    Life can take some crazy turns, eh?

    Image credits: RebelliousRoomba


    It was me! I was valedictorian in 2003, went off to a prestigious school, but came home after a year due to money and family drama. Continued engineering degree but fell deep into drinking after my brother died (suspected suicide but unable to confirm). Decided to get out of that environment and joined the Army...did three deployments, got out, and got married. Went back to college and earned a degree in criminal justice and worked in community corrections for 11 years, ending up in upper admin supervising an entire department. Two years ago, we moved as wife wanted to be in home state with family. Now, I do warranty work on newly built homes (a job I got through a guy I served with). I certainly miss the correctional side of helping people in my hometown, but I make more money now, wife is happier, and our 7 year old is thriving! Life threw some curves, but we're happy and healthy!


    Dude was 2 years younger than the rest of us, having skipped 2 grades, 1st chair violinist, IB, AP, wicked smart and an all around nice guy despite having all these stressful extracurriculars and advanced classes. Full ride to anywhere kind of smarts.
    Now he's a sports writer and seems to be happier than ever.

    Edit: Damn, getting a lot of people asking if it's a sportswriter they know. Apparently the sportswriter industry is a kid genius magnet.

    Image credits: CaptValentine


    She became a wickedly successful plastic surgeon. She was a bad*ss, super rockabilly/punk Chinese girl. I always thought she was cool.


    Taught himself Mandarin. Moved to China for I don’t even know what. Developed a heart condition and had to be flown back to the states for medical. I believe he’s back in China now.

    Saw him at a party though in college with a blunt and a cigarette in the same hand and a beer in the other. This guy was your typical glasses wearing anti social nerd in high school. Always been a quality human being. I was shocked when I saw him at the party.

    Image credits: Pastor_Dale


    PhD in Astrophysics. Working on getting humans to Mars in 2030. We are all so proud of her. She was also Homecoming Queen senior year of high school.


    They're now a successful CEO, but we all secretly suspect they're just using their brainpower to dominate in office trivia games.

    Image credits: Few_Insurance9739


    I went to college, got degrees in Math and Physics, got a job in financial sales, got a d**g habit. Then I was homeless for a spell but got my s**t together and got a job working in retail. Worked my way up to manager, went back to school and got a few more degrees. (Computer Science, Information Assurance, Master's in Computer Science)

    Now I'm a software developer with healthy salary and only do *actual* work for ~4 hours a day, tops.


    Graduated top in HS. Got a full ride government funded scholarship to study overseas.

    That’s when everything went downhill. Dropped out during my senior year. Came back to my hometown and was unemployed for 2 years.

    Work for a minimum wage job for 2 months and then got an offer to work for a start up company at another state. Earn a decent salary to pay off the debt from the scholarship (didn’t finished my study so I have to pay them in full). After working there for a few years I was appointed as the company’s director, earn a lot of money.

    But depression and psychosis was bad. Attempted S**c*de. Almost unalive myself but the rope that i used snapped. Didn’t die. Bummer.

    Quit the job. Moved back with my parents. Rest for a year. Attempted s**c*de a few more times so I was basically living in psych ward - parents house for that 1 year.

    Moved to a new city trying to start a new life in 2022. Working as a normal 8-5 white collar worker now. Not trying to achieve anything big. Just want to be happy and be content with life now.


    The smartest kid in my class was Mark. He started some internet company, face-something. Whatever. He didn't hook up with peak-Jenny McEntyre like I did.


    He left school at 18 to work for the BBC for a year who then paid for him to go to Cambridge to do an all-expenses paid degree on a decent salary. 
    After about 10 years at the Beeb, he moved to Amazon and became a super senior engineer. 
    He got cancer when he was around 38 and died within a year. .


    Went to MIT. He makes iPad video games now.

    Image credits: SanDiablo


    She was on the dean's list every year in computer science. Aced every test and did better than everyone academically. She works as a secretary for a lawyer now. She genuinely hated programming but her teachers pushed her into computer science because they wanted more women in tech. I still think she could have done better using the degree elsewhere but she also had a really negative mindset and a self defeating attitude.

    Image credits: Visitant45


    He is currently director of med student education in psychiatry at a major US teaching hospital. Holds an MD/PHD. Brilliant guy who is also a wonderful human.


    They co founded a site with a silly character. Invested in companies. Wrote a book. Fell in love with and Married one of the greatest female athletes of all time. Has a beautiful family. Still invests in stuff. Living his best life, as we all should.
  • Saturday 20 April 2024 - 05:00

    We love all forms of storytelling, whether that’s reading books, watching immersive movies, or playing video games. They’re different ways of experiencing adventures and ideas. And with the video game market set to grow to $282.3 billion in revenue in 2024, it’s proof that the latter way of telling stories is continuing to grow in popularity. Gaming culture is huge now!

    The ‘Gaming Memes’ Instagram page does exactly what it says on the tin and shares funny and relatable memes about gaming. We’ve collected some of the top ones to share with you, Pandas. Scroll down to check them out, upvote your faves, and drop your best game recommendations in the comments. 

    Bored Panda reached out to the team at ‘Weird Media,’ who created the massively popular ‘Gaming Memes’ and ‘Wasted’ accounts on Instagram, and Co-founder Cory Scandalis was kind enough to answer our questions. You'll find our full interview with him below.

    More info: Instagram (Gaming Memes) | Instagram (Wasted) | WeirdMedia.com


    Image credits: instagram

    Look, we’re not gonna beat around the bush—we love video games. Love ‘em! They’ve been an important part of our lives since childhood. And though some of us might prefer books to everything else (hi!), we still spend a sizable chunk of our free time either playing games or following news about the gaming industry.

    Some of the top genres we enjoy include RPG (especially dark fantasy), FPS, and old-school RTS games, although we’re also partial to anything spooky, weird, and artistic. We’ve found that one of the most fun things anyone can do is try out unexpected genres, developers, and games that you wouldn’t typically go for. It’s great to try new things (even when we're feeling nostalgic and want to replay some oldies). 


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    "A few years after starting the @wasted Instagram back in 2016—which is primarily memes, videos, and news—we noticed from our followers there was a large demand for direct gaming content. Being a big fan of gaming myself all my life, starting @gamemes was a natural move to share my love for gaming and connect with others who feel the same way," Cory Scandalis, who co-founded 'Weird Media' along with Alen Radolovic and Russell Hart, told Bored Panda in an email.

    According to Scandalis, the 'Gaming Memes' account "really took off" when Instagram users realized there was more depth to it than just sharing funny memes. "It became a space to celebrate our shared gaming experiences. The community's response was amazing, especially when big game releases and events became hot topics for our memes," he said.


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    I'll have to consult to the Task Manager first

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    We were curious to get the co-founder's thoughts on why the gaming industry has become such a phenomenon. He told us that it’s fuelled by several factors—a huge part of which is the sense of community.

    "Gaming creates a space where people come together, regardless of physical distance, offering an escape that feels just as real as everyday life. It's a mix of art, storytelling, and interaction that reflects and shapes culture. People often show parts of themselves in these virtual worlds that they might not in real life. It shows how gaming can form genuine bonds and memories," he explained to Bored Panda.


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    Image credits: instagram

    Bored Panda also asked Scandalis about the near future of the gaming market. "Gaming's journey reflects the fast pace of tech innovation, hinting at a future where reality and virtual worlds blend more than ever. Each year brings new possibilities, like deeper immersion with VR and AR or vast AI-powered game worlds," he said.

    "We're on the edge of breakthroughs that could change gaming as we know it, maybe blurring the lines between player and creator," Scandalis told us, adding that the "next big shift in gaming might be just around the corner." And it might be "as game-changing as the leap from 2D to 3D."

    If you enjoyed these memes, be sure to follow the 'Gaming Memes' Instagram page, and consider taking a peek at the 'Wasted' account, too. Meanwhile, to learn more about 'Weird Media,' as well as their brands, check out their website.


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    Image credits: instagram

    The ‘Gaming Memes’ account has a very impressive 350k followers over on Instagram. It is run by the team at ‘Weird Media,' which is also responsible for the well-known ‘Wasted’ Instagram account that currently boasts 13.7 million followers. ‘Gaming Memes’ takes a very direct approach and focuses on memes and videos related to gaming.

    While they are hilarious, they do require someone to be at least partially interested in gaming as a whole to understand the context necessary for the jokes to make sense.

    As reported by Statista, the video game market is projected to grow by 8.76% per year between 2024 and 2027. That means that in just a few short years, the market value should stand around $363.2 billion. Of course, these are just projections. Many things can (and probably will) change in that time. The industry might run into unforeseen problems or see unexpected booms in popularity. 

    By 2027, it’s expected that there will be 1.472 billion video game players worldwide. The most profitable part of the market is in-game advertising, which is said to bring in a whopping $109.6 billion in revenue in 2024. However, despite these optimistic trends and the continuing popularity of video gaming, the industry has suffered some recent shocks. 


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    The video game industry has been rocked by massive layoffs in the past few months. If you’ve been following any video game-related media outlets recently, then you probably know that many companies—big and small—have been downsizing.

    Video game industry workers have been losing jobs even if the companies themselves have been boasting about major profits from recent projects.

    GameSpot reports that industry giant Sony announced in late February of 2024 that it would lay off 900 employees, including people working at the well-known Naughty Dog and Insomniac studios. Electronic Arts (aka EA) announced that it would be letting go of 670 people, which is around 5% of its total workforce.


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    One of us

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    Other major industry players have been cutting back in the size of their workforce as well. “A startling number of developers and publishers have made major staff reductions, including Epic Games, the many studios owned by the Embracer Group and by Microsoft, Take-Two Interactive, Amazon, Bungie, CD Projekt Red, Ubisoft, Riot Games, and Unity. In just the first two months of 2024, the games industry saw at least 8,100 people laid off, according to a running tally of announcements kept by a developer at Riot Games,” Phil Hornshaw reports.

    Layoffs are nothing new in the video game industry. 2023 was a particularly brutal year as well. Reportedly, 11,250 gaming industry employees lost their jobs that year, as per PC Gamer’s calculations.


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    Understandably, many professionals are worried about whether they’ll be next on the chopping board. Meanwhile, those who lost their jobs are facing the tough reality of having to compete with many other talented individuals for new positions elsewhere.

    Meanwhile, Kotaku reports that Take-Two Interactive, the publisher of the hotly-awaited Grand Theft Auto VI, just announced wide-sweeping cuts. It plans to lay off 5% of its workforce (around 11,000 people).

    Furthermore, it has canceled several projects that were already in development, valued at around $140 million.


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    Though many of us dream of working as video game developers, concept artists, or ‘idea people,’ the reality is far less romantic. Unless you work at a particularly ethical company that puts its employees above profit or you’re an indie developer, you’ll probably work long hours in a very demanding, competitive market.

    Meanwhile, as the final project deadline approaches, you’ll also likely experience a ‘crunch,’ where the staff work extremely long hours, trying to iron out bugs and implement the remaining features before ‘going gold.’


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    Even if you manage to avoid burnout, you might end up being disappointed by the final result. After all, no single employee makes all the decisions. The higher-ups (aka the corpo ‘suits’) might force the developers to add features or details that prioritize monetization over mechanics.

    Or the unrealistic deadlines and changes in course mean that you end up having to put out an unfinished mess of a game that will take years of patches and updates to fix. It’s definitely not all sunshine and rainbows in the grueling and gritty gaming industry.


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    What video game genres do you typically go for, dear Pandas? What are your top three video games of all time? Which of the memes we’ve featured in this list did you enjoy the most? What game are you playing in your spare time these days? What do you think of the recent video game industry layoffs?

    We’d really like to hear your thoughts on everything. If you have a moment, share your opinions, experiences, and recommendations in the comments!


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    2006 was peak scroll bar

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  • Saturday 20 April 2024 - 05:00
    I can’t imagine the pressure that parents feel when naming their children. Finding a name that has a positive connotation, that both parents love and that, ideally, won’t leave their child being one of 10 Sarahs in their kindergarten class can feel like an impossible task.

    But when in doubt, go for something classic. If you find yourself resorting to the name of your favorite Transformer or Pokémon, you might be better suited for having a pet, not a child.

    Redditors have recently been sharing the worst names they’ve ever heard for children, so we’ve gathered some of the most atrocious ones below. Please don’t take any inspiration from this list when naming your own kids, pandas, and be sure to upvote the names that you hope aren’t actually on birth certificates!



    No. I am not joking. Pronounced La'-beeuh. Poor sod.

    Image credits: GarethOfQuirm


    3 sisters named Precious, Pleasure, and Desirees Cox. I’m not even kidding I wish I was….

    Image credits: Ok_Ice8840


    I worked with somebody whose first and middle names were Tequila Sunrise

    She said her mom named her that because that's how she was conceived.

    Image credits: asselfoley

    To learn more about how this conversation started in the first place, we reached out to Reddit user Inky-Skies, who posed the question, "What's the worst name you've known to actually be given to a child?"

    She was kind enough to have a chat with Bored Panda and share that the thread was inspired by a conversation she had with her boyfriend about silly names. "He just moved from the US to Germany to live with me, and I explained how the law can intervene here if parents try to give their kids very outrageous or insulting/illegal names," the OP explained.

    "We read a list of silly names online, and I was curious to see if people on Reddit knew someone who gave such names to their kids IRL," she continued. "I certainly didn't expect the post to blow up the way it did!"


    I work at a school... We have a Khaleesi, a Goku, a M'King, Carr'money and a Sir. Parents these days are absolutely as insane as you think.


    Went to school with a kid who had a full beard, was 6ft4 and wide as a fridge. His name?

    Angel Darling.

    Image credits: chestofdrawers02


    Siblings: Brodeo Rodeo and Justa Cowgirl.

    Image credits: Afraid-String

    Because outrageous names are banned in Germany, the OP says she doesn't personally know anyone who's named their child something that could end up on this list. "But sometimes people will have unusual or weirdly spelled names - my own name, Riccarda, might fall into that category," she shared.

    "And of course, certain names are stigmatized but legal; the female name Chantal (unfortunately my middle name, from before it became stigmatized) or the male name Kevin are examples of that here," Inky-Skies added.


    My mom was a 1st grade schoolteacher in a very rural southern area. She once had a kid named Orgasm.

    I…had no words.

    Image credits: vectaur


    A girl in juvie court - I’m guessing at the spelling, so I’m writing it as it was pronounced- Loukeemia. I kid you not. I nearly died.

    Image credits: Readsumthing


    Per freakonomics there was a family in which the dad named kid number 7 "winner". Kid number 8 was named "loser".

    Loser is a successful lawyer as of my last read, pronounces it lou-sier.

    Image credits: BlackWindBears

    We also asked Inky-Skies what she believes are the most important factors parents should consider when choosing names for their kids. "To choose a name that won't provoke bullying or otherwise negatively affect the child's life," she told Bored Panda.

    "I think a lot of parents want the name to be funny or unique when choosing such a name, or consider it witty - but they forget that they're naming a person, not a character or pet," the OP says. "That person will one day grow up and apply for jobs with their name, have their own social circle and personality. It's unfair to burden someone with a name that will ridicule them or turn them into a social outcast. That should go above the parents' need to express themselves."


    Former mailman here. The name that takes the cake is Marijuana Whiskey.


    There is a college professor named Marijuana Pepsi

    Image credits: RnbwSprklBtch


    I have a neighbor called Batman. I think it's dope but I couldn't call my child that.

    Image credits: presucestii


    Went to school with a girl named Shtanya. She once said something really horrible to me so I told me mom who said "Who told you this? What? You're gonna get s**t talked by someone named 'S**t on you'? Tell her to get bent."

    Next time she mouthed off I let the one fly. She never recovered.

    As far as what Inky-Skies thought of the responses to her post, she says, "I did read through most of them, although after the first thousand or so, it was hard to keep track of them all!"

    "One of the funniest I saw was 'Mnop,' pronounced Noël - because 'no L,'" she shared. "Another parent apparently named their child 'Naruto Uzumaki Namikaze' - the full name of the anime character - as a first name. A few more: 'Sexybeth,' 'Placenta' ('because it sounds like a flower'), 'Goldfish,' and 'WiFi.'"


    Placenta, I guess they heard it in the hospital and liked the sound.

    Image credits: qdude1


    I knew a family that named their daughters Today, Tomara, and Ta'yestaday. Wish I was kidding.

    Image credits: Hexagonsnsuch


    When I was working at a restaurant, a guy gave me a credit card to pay and I wouldn’t have believed it had I not seen it. His name: Alpha Gay.

    Image credits: znikki

    Finally, the OP added that she's "very happy that really insulting names aren't allowed in [her] country, because in the end, it's the child's dignity that's at stake."

    "Parents shouldn't be given free reign if their goal is to dehumanize their children," she says.


    Ta'Lighta. Her last name was Kandle. I don't know what her mother was thinking.

    Image credits: zoeheriot


    I read about a child whose mother named her Treblinka.

    When asked why, the mother said "Because it's so pretty!" She didn't care about the history of that name at all.

    (For those NITK, it's the name of one of the Nazi death camps during WWII.).


    My best friend grew up with a guy whose legal name was *actually* "Lunchbox." LUNCHBOX!!!! And his younger brother's name was "Thermos".


    My mom worked in a nicu. Someone named their daughter Chlamydia… because it’s sounds pretty… the social worker talked them into changing it thankfully

    There was also: Jellyanus (pronounced helli-ah-nas), More Money, Super Royal, Love Godess, Pajama (paj-ahma), Gary’en and Gary’on, Shaniya & Shanijah, Rowdy, Sir, Heavensentmyblessin’.

    Image credits: violetsunlight7


    I did security clearance back ground checks in the Army and ran across a soldier who's name was Captain Richard Gaylord. He went by D**k or Cap, but preferred D**k.

    ** I am editing to make it clear that his parents named him Captain Richard. He was a Sgt in the army.


    That's it.
    Pubert Smith.


    My son played soccer with a kid named Anaconda.

    We had a customer at work who was a male named Sarah, and another customer (whose family was not American) named Mahboob.


    Heard about an airline being sued because the attendants were making fun of a child passenger's name which is, I s**t you not, Abcde. Like of course your child is going to be bullied for a fuck*ss name like that.

    Image credits: IdentifiesAsUrMom


    I once met a kid named "WiFi." Yep, you heard that right. I guess their parents wanted them to be constantly connected...to their name!

    Image credits: ItchyWay207


    Banjoman. He went by Bo.

    It was pronounced "Banjamen". So I assumed his parents were too redneck and uneducated to know how "Benjamin" was spelled.

    Image credits: NickFurious82


    I had a colleague whose brother named their baby son Dude. She was distraught and pretty disgusted ?.

    Image credits: creamandblack


    I booked in a woman who’s name was Clitoris.


    My dad's assistant named her daughter Slanina which essentially means "pig fat" in Romanian. She even pronounced it the same way as the word is pronounced in Romanian: sluh-ni-nuh.

    Image credits: fulthrottlejazzhands


    I briefly worked with a lady who's given name was Bunny. She worked for the Army Corps of Engineers and was terrifyingly stern - no smiling, no jokes, no funny business. Most inaptly named person I have ever met, unless her parents were into Watership Down or something.


    Delicious.... and it was a guy... you will find many funny 'english' names in our part of the world... many many.

    Image credits: VarkYuPayMe



    They called them Arson for short.

    Image credits: awesome_possum76


    LaDynasty = I remember many substitute teachers mispronouncing it Lady Nasty.


    I don't work in the porn/stripper industry but I've had a customer named Misty Butts and another named Krystal Power.


    I knew a boy called Rambo he was 8 when the first movie came out. They changed his name within 6 months.


    Girl I know from college named her kid “Moatley” because she likes the idea of castle moats and the protection they provide. She’s now pregnant again, can’t wait to see what awful name the next kid is saddled with.


    Colon. Not Collin. It may not be weird name to some people, but all I can think of is the large intestine when I hear that name.

    Image credits: Capable-Ground8272


    I once met a kid named "Cyanide." I guess their parents were aiming for something unique, but they probably didn't realize it's also a deadly poison. Talk about starting life with a bang!


    I worked with someone who met a kid named Meconium (yes, as in baby's first poop).

    Image credits: autumn-ember-7


    I did a form in work today. The person's first name was Amazing-Grace.

    Image credits: T_raltixx


    When I was a teenager I worked with a guy named Jack Hoff. As a teacher I had students in the same class named Rusty Buzzoff and Carmen Butts. I also had a student who’s 15 year old sister had a baby girl and named her Pebbles Champagne.


    I went to school with a girl named Princess. She was exactly what you'd expect from someone with that name.

    Image credits: OldOperaHouseMan


    My mom knew a Harry Pitts in high school. I also work at a college and saw a student with the first name “Violence.”.

    Image credits: kargyres


    V*gina. Pronounced VAJ-ah-na. The mother saw the word in print and thought it was nice.


    I once knew a kid named "Fiasco." Yep, sounds like setting high expectations right from birth!

    Image credits: Character-Ad3534


    This isn’t the worst name, it’s actually very common. But I went to high school with a girl named Casey Diaz. I didn’t make the connection until my friend just chuckled and said, ‘quesadillas, hahaha’.


    I went to school with a Richard Lycker. The jokes were endless.


    This girl I knew, her legal name was Female. Her mother couldn’t pick a name and it was left as female. Once it was too late to change, it was all hell. Everyone called her Jackie cause that’s what she wanted but legally, her name is Female. We would always fun of her and pronounce it like the word Tamale. fem-all-ee. She hated it?.

    Image credits: Bobafetished


    I had a kid in one of my classes named Forth. I don't get it.


    There was a girl from my brothers school called Closure.


    I am a retired teacher and I really know or knew these people and families and so, I cannot make my own comments, but you feel free!
    1) Nosmoking (first thing Mom saw when she woke up)
    2) Female (3 syllables, rhymes with tamale) (that’s what doctor wrote on her bracelet)
    3) Asia
    4) Barling (as in darling, just wanted something different)
    5) Starfish
    6) Rainbow
    7) Sir, Mister
    8) Knowing God
    9) Prince, Princess, Queen, King, Duke
    10) Bestie
    11) Bictha

    These are just the ones that come to mind quickly. There are many more creative ones. My stomach hurts now though.
  • Saturday 20 April 2024 - 05:00

    We want to raise children who ultimately become able to make their own choices. However, in a recent post on the subreddit r/AITAH, one woman revealed that she feels like her 19-year-old is throwing her life away and there’s nothing she can do about it.

    The woman said her teenager got involved with a guy she doesn’t approve of, and if that wasn’t enough, she also got pregnant. Adamant about keeping the baby, the daughter is ready to give up her studies and completely devote herself to her partner and their child.

    This mother just learned that her teenage daughter got pregnant

    Image credits: Ben White (not the actual photo)

    So she tried to convince her to have an abortion

    Image credits: Commercial_Ebb9099

    So far, it’s unclear how the situation will play out

    Image credits: Amr Taha™ (not the actual photo)

    When a child is born, their birth certificate names their parents — this marks the beginning of their parental responsibility.

    Parents have to provide for their children, including food, clothing, shelter, and other basic needs as well as education and medical care. They must ensure their child’s physical safety and emotional well-being.

    Failing to do so can lead to neglect or abuse charges in most cases.

    However, many moms and dads continue to look after their kids in one way or another well after their 18th birthday, and giving them a roof over their heads is one of the most common contributions.

    In fact, according to a Harris Poll survey, these days, about 23 million, or 45%, of all Americans ages 18 to 29 are living with family, roughly the same level as in the 1940s, a time when women were more likely to remain at home until marriage and men too were lingering on family farms in the aftermath of the Great Depression.

    41% say they do so to save money and 30% claim they can’t even afford to live on their own.

    While in many states the “age of majority” for children is 18, this can be extended. In New York, for example, people can continue to receive child support until they are 21 years old.

    So the mom may be able to evict the teen, but she could still be on the hook for her financially if the girl can prove she is unable to support herself.

    People have had questions for the mother

    But most of them believe she’s not being unreasonable

    Some shared their own similar stories

    The post “This Baby Is 0% My Responsibility”: Pregnant Teen Gets Kicked Out From Mom’s House first appeared on Bored Panda.
  • Friday 19 April 2024 - 23:01

    Identifier la cause de la boiterie chez la poule Comprendre les symptômes de boiterie chez les poules La boiterie chez les poules peut se manifester de différentes manières, souvent visibles…

    L’article Comment soigner une poule qui boite? est apparu en premier sur Garan Cedore Magazine.

  • Friday 19 April 2024 - 17:59

    Jennifer Love Hewitt officially introduced her three children to the world by sharing their first public photo on the cover of her new book.

    The actress added something new to her repertoire with the release of the book cover for her memoir, “Inheriting Magic: My Journey Through Grief, Joy, Celebration, and Making Every Day Magical,” which features her three children, Autumn James, 10, Atticus James, 8, and Aidan James, 2.

    “Here it is! My new baby!  This incredible cover was done by an angel @the_life_of_aivax I can’t believe how lucky I was to get her for this book!” Jennifer wrote on Instagram as she shared the book cover on Instagram.

    “Moms who create magic are special! And she is a magic maker for sure. Can’t wait for you guys to read it!” she added.

    Jennifer Love Hewitt shared the first official image of her three children, who feature on the cover of her new book

    Image credits: Gregg DeGuire/Variety

    The release of the adorable image, featuring Jennifer and her three children, marked the first time the “9-1-1” actress publicly shared an image of her kids, whom she shares with her husband, Brian Hallisay.

    “It was the most stressful decision to show our kids or not show them,” the Ghost Whisperer star told E! News. “But my husband and I felt like we couldn’t really tell our story without [people] knowing who they are and how they have made our lives so full and magical.”

    The actress was pictured on the cover with her kids, Autumn James, 10, Atticus James, 8, and Aidan James, 2, whom she shares with her husband, Brian Hallisay

    Image credits: jenniferlovehewitt

    The book, penned by the actress, is Jennifer’s invitation to readers to join her on the journey she went through after the death of her own mother, Patricia Hewitt, in 2012.

    “I felt healed enough from losing my mom to finally be able to write about it,” she told the outlet. “I also have seen how creating little bits of magic for my kids and friends makes our memories and everyday lives special. I wanted to honor my mom and how much being a mom means to me and this felt like the best way.”

    Last month, Jennifer shared a sweet tribute to her mother on social media and said, “I would choose you as my mom a million times.”

    “Thoughts of you laughing, us holding hands and your hugs keep me going. I wish I could lay in your lap today and you would rub my hair,” Jennifer wrote. “But thank you for the visit as a hummingbird on my way to work this morning. Hope heaven is throwing you a party and I will be thinking of you all day. Love you the most always and forever.”

    I would choose you as my mom a million times,” Jennifer Love Hewitt wrote on social media about her mother

    Image credits: jenniferlovehewitt

    Following the death of her mother, the actress said her children also played a role in helping her through her time of grief.

    “My kids also saved me in grief,” she told E! News. “They are gifts from my mom and have filled our hearts in such an incredible way. This book is for them!”

    Vanessa Rivera, or @the_life_of_aivax on Instagram, whom Jennifer credited for creating the book cover, commented on the actress’s big reveal of the image.

    “I am totally doing my happy dance right now! Thank you again soooooo much for trusting me to bring your vision to life and make some magic for you and your family!” Vanessa commented on Jennifer’s post. “It’s been an honor and dream come true to work with you and I am just so grateful to you! I cannot wait to read this beautiful and special book you’ve created!!!”

    “Inheriting Magic” is slated to release on December 10.

    Fans reacted to the cover and said they couldn’t wait to read her upcoming book, set to release later this year

    The post Jennifer Love Hewitt Introduces Her Kids To The World By Sharing Their Faces For The First Time first appeared on Bored Panda.
  • Friday 19 April 2024 - 15:59

    Satanic panic has taken over the world of fast food after pictures of devil-themed McDonald’s Happy Meals with Baphomets “offered” to little consumers started circulating last month. The diabolical marketing scheme has stirred massive hysteria on social media, but some swore it was all fake.

    Taking to the McDonaldsEmployee Reddit community on Friday (19 April), a user recalled working a bizarre shift at the fast food chain when they had to deal with a female customer enquiring about a “toy.”

    The Redditor further explained: “She pulls up a video of a ‘manager’ talking about a satanic toy being sold and an obviously fake picture shows up of a burger with a black bun next to a demonic statue.”

    Social media uproar erupted over devilish McDonald’s Happy Meals, prompting an employee’s bizarre encounter with a skeptical customer

    Image credits: Mcdonald’s wrap of the day

    As per the McDonald’s staffer, he told the woman that the pictures were fake and that his team had never heard of “any news regarding this.”

    The employee continued: “She says she’s relieved because she [is] Christian and that these will bring bad vibes to people’s homes.

    “I report this to the other managers and try to find the original vid on Spanish TikTok.

    “Lo and behold, it’s just another fake TikTok trend spreading fear and lies.”

    Image credits: Mcdonald’s wrap of the day

    Along with his post, the worker shared some screenshots showcasing Spanish-speaking TikTok videos, all appearing under the trending “Mcdonald’s Juguete Satanico” topic, which means “McDonald’s satanic toy.”

    Despite devilish McDonald’s meal deals sparking outrage on social media, particularly by people who feared some sort of satanic takeover, others found the whole hellish saga amusing, as a Redditor commented: “Kinda want a Baphomet burger now like that goes hard af.”

    Baphomet, a goat-human figure, is a symbol of balance in various occult and mystical traditions, the origin of which some occultists have attempted to link with the Gnostics and Templars, although it is occasionally purported to be a deity or a demon, Zrinka Stahuljak wrote in Pornographic Archaeology.

    The McDonald’s worker shared screenshots of Spanish TikTok videos featuring satanic toys

    Image credits: Mcdonald’s wrap of the day

    “Damn, where can I get one?” a Reddit user asked, to which the original poster replied: “Tell an AI to generate one for you.”

    Someone else penned: “Jokes on them My branch doesn’t have any update on our calendar of ever selling those anytime soon.”

    Last month, someone had already taken to X (formerly known as Twitter) to share a sinister photograph of what appeared to be an infernal Baphomet Happy Meal.

    It is unclear how the demonic McDonald’s first emerged, but pictures of the infernal cuisine have quickly become a viral internet sensation, with thousands of people still making commentary videos and social media content expressing their worries.

    Bored Panda has contacted McDonald’s for comment.

    People were left divided after reviewing some of the Satanic meals

    The post Satanic Panic Erupts As Pics Of McDonald’s Diabolical Happy Meals With Baphomet Toys Go Viral first appeared on Bored Panda.
  • Friday 19 April 2024 - 15:41

    It’s no secret that the Kardashians love their vacations, as Kim Kardashian once said it herself (literally). “We love love love vacations,” the reality TV star said while sharing an Instagram story of herself posing in swimsuits with her sister, Khloe Kardashian, and friend, Lala Anthony.

    Kim’s latest trip to Turks and Caicos made waves on social media after the reality TV star posted a series of pictures online from her beach getaway. One particular picture from the series had the internet buzzing with conversations, with some netizens roasting her for what appeared to be a diving attempt.

    Kim’s beach trip had the internet buzzing with conversations over snaps of herself enjoying a splash on a beautiful sunshiny day

    Image credits: kimkardashian

    The media mogul captured the internet’s collective imagination with one diving picture captured in shallow, knee-deep water.

    As expected, the snap triggered a tidal wave of jokes and concerned comments from her followers. Fans also flooded her comments section with lighthearted jabs about how she might earn herself a head injury from trying to dive in waters so shallow.

    “Why is she diving in knee deep water?” one questioned, while another asked, “Did you hit ur head when you dove in?”

    “Girl where r u jumping ????” a third comment said.

    “You can’t dive in that shallow ahh water,” another said in the comments section of her vacation snaps.

    Another wrote, “Baby that water is shallow as hell I know bc I’ve been to Turks on those sand bars, wyd diving??”

    Kim Kardashian’s diving attempt had people roasting the media mogul, saying: “That water is shallow as hell”

    Image credits: kimkardashian

    Among the comments was one from Khloe, who said: “I can’t handle the hotness.”

    Others in the comment section were more concerned about whether Kim had her earring in place, making a humorous reference to the pop culture icon’s hysterical reaction to losing her earring during a vacation with her family in Bora Bora, shown to the world in a 2011 episode of “Keeping Up With The Kardashians” (KUWTK).

    “My earring’s gone!” the SKIMs founder said as she panicked in the episode. “F—! Oh my God, I’m gonna cry. My diamond earring!”

    The scene from the reality show went down in pop culture history as one of the most recognizable moments, with Kim’s face turning into a widely shared meme and Kourtney’s famous quote—”There are people that are dying, Kim!”—also going viral.

    Many fans humorously asked Kim if she lost her earring, making a reference to her hysterical reaction in a 2011 KUWTK episode

    Image credits: kimkardashian

    Following her latest vacation snaps from Turks and Caicos, fans jibed at the earring fiasco and joked, “Where’s the diamond earring?”

    “Kim!! Did you lose your earring?” one said, while another quipped, “Did she find her earring?”

    “Kim, there’s people that are dying,” another joked and rounded off the earring jab on her post.

    Last year, Kim addressed how her reaction to famously losing her $75,000 earring in the 2011 KUWTK episode has led to fans always leaving comments about losing or finding an earring whenever they see a picture of her in water.

    “Ugh, this gets so old,” she was quoted saying during a GQ video of her clearing up rumors for an “Actually Me” episode.

    “Any time I’m in water, people will ask me if I found my diamond earring in the ocean,” she went on to say.

    “I don’t know if I showed this on our show, but Kylie [Jenner] found the earring. So, she dove in the ocean, put on goggles, found it, and then she went back and found the back of it. That’s how clear the water is in Bora Bora, so, guys, the earring has been found,” Kim added.

    “Any time I’m in water, people will ask me if I found my diamond earring in the ocean,” the reality TV star once said

    Image credits: kimkardashian

    Kim once poked fun at herself by referencing the iconic earring scene while sharing snaps of herself and her sister, Kourtney Kardashian, during a vacation in 2021.

    “Kourtney lost her earring in the ocean so I helped her find it,” Kim said.

    During the celebration of the 10-year anniversary of KUWTK in Sept. 2017, Kim explained why she had such a melodramatic reaction to losing the earring in the now-iconic scene from the reality show.

    “Okay, can I explain that earring?” Kim said. “For years for my birthday, I buy myself a birthday present, and I had upgraded that pair of diamond studs. Worked really hard…”

    “Is this a relatable story?” Khloé asked.

    “I mean, it’s not relatable, but it’s what I went through, and it’s why I was crying, so I’m just being honest,” Kim went on to say. “[They were $75,000] probably, or more. But I don’t have them anymore, so no one come look for them. Anyways, I had just gotten them, and I didn’t insure them, and imagine if you don’t insure something and it’s gone, I just threw that money [away].”

    In 2023, the fashion trendsetter told the world she doesn’t care about getting her nails and hair messed up while she’s out on a splashy vacation.

    “We usually are the adventures [sic] ones when on vacation and will jump off any boat, swim with whales and sharks and not care about our nails and hair getting messed up,” she wrote in an Instagram story last year.

    Kim Kardashian’s latest picture of the diving pose in Turks and Caicos sparked a wave of comments, including one warning her about a potential spinal injury

    The post “The Dive Has Me Crying”: Fans Troll Kim Kardashian Over Photo Of Her Diving In Shallow Water first appeared on Bored Panda.
  • Friday 19 April 2024 - 14:35
  • Friday 19 April 2024 - 11:22

    Becoming a parent can alter your entire world. Moms and dads often talk about the immense love that they feel for their children that they didn’t even think was possible prior to having kids. But having a child is also likely to impact the relationship between two parents, for better or worse.

    One man recently shared on Reddit how having a baby led to the downfall of his marriage. Below, you’ll find the full story detailing all of the regrets this father is now having, as well as a conversation with Nia Williams, Relationship Therapist and Life Coach from Miss Date Doctor.

    Becoming a parent can completely change a person’s life

    Image credits: Tima Miroshnichenko / pexels (not the actual photo)

    Unfortunately for this man, it led to his wife realizing that she didn’t need him around anymore

    Image credits: Arina Krasnikova / pexels (not the actual photo)

    Image credits: Taryn Elliott / pexels (not the actual photo)

    Image credits: Puzzleheaded_No3393

    “It’s very common for couples to experience challenges in balancing responsibilities after the arrival of a baby”

    Although moms and dads typically have about 9 months to prepare for their new lives as parents, bringing a child into the world will undoubtedly change their entire lives. There are no more nights of simply going out on a whim without scheduling a babysitter, and for at least the first year, there won’t be very many nights of restful sleep. You’ll be woken up to feed the baby, change diapers, make sure that concerning sound you heard on the baby monitor was nothing to worry about and more.

    To learn more about how relationships tend to change after introducing a baby into the mix, we got in touch with Nia Williams, Relationship Therapist and Life Coach from Miss Date Doctor. Nia was kind enough to have a chat with Bored Panda and share her thoughts on this situation.

    “It’s very common for couples to experience challenges in balancing responsibilities after the arrival of a baby,” the expert noted. “This period often brings significant changes to the dynamics of a relationship, as both partners navigate the demands of caring for a newborn while juggling other responsibilities. The adjustments can indeed take a big toll on the relationship as couples may find themselves feeling so overwhelmed, exhausted, and stretched thin becoming so irritable.”

    “Sleep deprivation, changes in routine, and shifting priorities can all contribute to heightened stress levels and potential conflicts between partners,” Nia continued. “However, it’s essential to recognize that these struggles are a normal part of the transition to parenthood and very standard for the process, and with open communication and mutual support, couples can navigate this period successfully with no issues.”

    Image credits: William Fortunato / pexels (not the actual photo)

    “By fostering a sense of teamwork and mutual respect, couples can prevent resentment from building up and strengthen their bond in the process”

    One huge mistake that the father in this piece made was ignoring his wife when she informed him that he wasn’t pulling his weight. “Listening to your partner when they express concerns about unequal distribution of responsibilities is crucial for maintaining a healthy relationship,” Nia shared. “Ignoring or dismissing their feelings can lead to resentment and further strain the relationship.”

    “To address this, it’s important to engage in honest and empathetic communication. This involves actively listening to your partner’s perspective, acknowledging their feelings, and working together to find solutions that feel fair and balanced for both parties,” the expert continued.

    “Changing behavior to ensure equitable participation in caregiving tasks is key. This may involve dividing tasks more evenly, being proactive in offering help, and being mindful of each other’s needs and limitations,” Nia explained. “By fostering a sense of teamwork and mutual respect, couples can prevent resentment from building up and strengthen their bond in the process.”

    We were also curious if the expert was familiar with the idea that single parenting may be easier for some individuals. “While it’s not universally true, some moms may find that single parenting brings certain advantages or a sense of relief compared to being in a strained or unsupportive marriage,” Nia told Bored Panda.

    Image credits: Helena Lopes / pexels (not the actual photo)

    “Single parenting may offer a greater sense of autonomy and control over decision-making”

    “The reasons for this can vary widely and depend on individual circumstances. Single parenting may offer a greater sense of autonomy and control over decision-making, as well as the ability to establish routines and parenting styles without the need for compromise,” the therapist explained.

    “Additionally, some mothers may find that they experience less conflict and emotional strain when they are solely responsible for caregiving, particularly if they were previously in a challenging or unsupportive marital relationship,” Nia noted.

    “However, it’s essential to recognize that single parenting also comes with its own set of challenges and stresses, including financial strain, lack of support, and feelings of loneliness,” she continued. “Ultimately, the experience of single parenting versus being in a marriage is highly subjective and influenced by various factors unique to each individual.”

    When dads refuse to help out as much as moms, we see situations like this story. Nowadays, women file for divorce nearly 70% of the time, and it’s often because their needs aren’t met and they’re forced to take on the bulk of housework and childcare responsibilities, on top of working a full-time job. In fact, even when wives earn more than their husbands, they’re still doing the lion’s share of work around the home.

    It’s unfortunate that the man in this story learned his lesson too late to save his marriage, but we can only hope that he’ll learn how to balance all of his responsibilities for the sake of his child. We would love to hear your thoughts on this story in the comments below, pandas. Then, if you’re interested in reading another Bored Panda article discussing a similar situation, look no further than right here!  

    Image credits: MART PRODUCTION / pexels (not the actual photo)

    Readers shared their brutally honest reactions to the situation, as well as suggestions for the father

    The post Man Gets A Harsh Reality Check When He Realizes How Challenging Single Parenting Is first appeared on Bored Panda.
  • Friday 19 April 2024 - 11:07

    Kourtney Kardashian was hilariously exposed by her husband, Travis Barker, honoring her 45th birthday on Thursday (April 18). Through a series of 10 pictures, including a photograph displaying the reality TV star in the most compromising pose, the Blink-182 drummer sparked mixed reactions, but not from his spouse, who absolutely “loved it.”

    Travis took to his Instagram page yesterday to wish his wife a happy birthday, sharing candids of Kourtney in a carousel of intimate moments.

    From snaps of the socialite sleeping to holding their baby boy, Rocky Thirteen, the 48-year-old rockstar did not hold back.

    But it was Travis’ last picture that ignited some heated reactions, as in the controversial photograph, Kourtney was squatting over a toilet in what appeared to be a public bathroom.

    Travis Barker wished his wife, Kourtney Kardashian, a happy 45th birthday through a series of intimate pictures, including a controversial one

    Image credits: travisbarker

    The musician captioned the post: “Happy Birthday to my beautiful wife, soulmate and best friend forever. I love you, I love our life together.

    “Thank you for being the most amazing wife a person could ask for.

    “Here’s to many more years of adventures together.”

    Travis’ intentions weren’t appreciated by all, as an Instagram user commented: “The last picture makes me, unlike the post…I don’t understand some things.”

    Image credits: travisbarker

    Nevertheless, other people appeared to enjoy the humorous tribute, including Velvet Coke, a popular Instagram page dedicated to iconic moments in show-biz, who wrote: “last pic goals.”

    Someone else penned: “This is soooo a husband post. Lmao.”

    Moreover, Kourtney seemed to cherish her hubby’s gesture, as she chimed in: “Husband of my dreams. I love our life!!”

    Kourtney and Travis became engaged in October 2020 after less than a year of dating. In April of that year, the drummer told Billboard that he adored spending time with The Kardashians star because they were “very similar, with our backs to the wall.”

    Kourtney and Travis married in 2022

    Image credits: kourtneykardash

    Two years later, the couple married in May in an extravagant ceremony at L’Olivetta, a villa owned by Dolce & Gabbana, in Portofino, Italy.

    The lovebirds had initially tried to tie the knot in Las Vegas, USA, in April 2022, but their Vegas ceremony wasn’t legally binding, USA Today reported 

    The Barkers went on to attempt a second wedding, this time in Santa Barbara, California.

    While attending a Blink-182 concert on June 16, 2023, Kourtney held up a sign that read, “Travis I’m pregnant,” and in November of that year, the couple welcomed Rocky Thirteen.

    In November 2023, the couple welcomed their son, Rocky Thirteen

    Image credits: travisbarker

    Explaining the meaning behind his son’s name during an episode of Complex’s “GOAT Talk” video series, Travis said: “Rocky George played guitar for Suicidal Tendencies.”

    He added at the time that it also paid tribute to 1976’s Rocky, which he described as “the greatest boxing movie of all time.”

    The music talent, who has “1” and “3” tattooed on a skull near his elbow, further revealed: “And 13 is just the greatest number of all time.”


    View this post on Instagram


    A post shared by travisbarker (@travisbarker)

    Kourtney is also mom to daughter Penelope Scotland, 11, plus sons Reign Aston, 9, and Mason Dash, 14, with ex Scott Disick.

    Travis shares daughter Alabama Luella, 18, and son Landon, 20, plus stepdaughter Atiana De La Hoya, 24, with his ex-wife Shanna Moakler.

    Travis’ tribute to Kourtney continued to ignite various reactions on social media

    The post Travis Barker Wraps Up Birthday Tribute To Kourtney Kardashian With Photo Of Her On The Toilet first appeared on Bored Panda.
  • Friday 19 April 2024 - 10:41

    Do you hear that?

    It’s the sound of Swifties screaming around the globe after Taylor Swift dropped her latest masterpiece, “The Tortured Poets Department.”

    Unveiled to the world on April 19, the album packed a punch and sent fans on a rollercoaster of emotions. Some keen observers believe the album offers intimate glimpses into the hitmaker’s heart and question whether the singer turned her personal tales and fails with romance into tunes, which are now being played across the world.

    While Taylor hasn’t dropped names in her songs, the internet’s Sherlocks believe there are plenty of breadcrumbs about her past romances in “The Tortured Poets Department” album.

    Taylor Swift dropped her new album, “The Tortured Poets Department,” which fans think has hints about her romances with Matty Healy and Joe Alwyn

    Image credits: taylorswift

    The speculation around her song lyrics has made some wonder whether she is hinting at details of her brief romance with Matty Healy, the frontman of The 1975, in the aftermath of her relationship with actor Joe Alwyn.

    Taylor and Matty first sparked romance rumors in 2014. “I met Taylor Swift, that was really nice,” he told E! News the same year. “We exchanged numbers. Let’s see what happens.”

    “I mean bloody hell, what am I going to do? Go out with Taylor Swift? She’s a sensation, I wouldn’t say no,” he added.

    Fans think Taylor Swift has left plenty of breadcrumbs about her romance with Matty Healy in her song lyrics

    Image credits: taylorswift

    The very next year, Matty addressed speculation about them dating and said: “It’s all bloody fake … There’s no relationship or anything happening.”

    It was about a decade later when Taylor and Matty appeared to have a short-lived romance in the spring of 2023 after her split from her long-time lover, Joe.

    In the song “Guilty as Sin?” from the new album, Taylor sang about having lingering feelings and “fatal fantasies” about a former flame while being in a relationship with someone else.

    In the album, Taylor Swift sings about “waltzing back” into rekindled romances, which fans speculate is a reference to how her brief romance with Matty panned out

    Image credits: The Image Direct

    Some believe the lyrics from the titular track “The Tortured Poets Department” might also be a reference to Matty, as Taylor sings: “You left your typewriter at my apartment / Straight from the Tortured Poets Department / I think some things I never say / Like, ‘Who uses typewriters anyway?’”

    Matty spoke about using typewriters in a 2019 interview with GQ. “I really like typewriters as well. I don’t have one with me because that is impractical, but the thing with typewriters and writing with pen to paper, there’s an element of commitment that goes with the ceremony with it,” he told the outlet. “It therefore forces you to concentrate a bit better.”

    The lyrics of the song “loml” also appear to be about someone who reappeared in her life after they met as “kids.”

    “Who’s gonna stop us from waltzing back into rekindled flames if we know the steps anyway?” she sings in the song.

    Taylor Swift and Matty Healy first met in 2014 but also had a brief relationship in 2023. Now, the theme of sparking a romance with an old flame seems to be a recurring one in her new album

    Image credits: David M. Benett/Getty Images

    Meanwhile, the song “The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived” also sounds like a dig at Matty to some fans, as the lyrics speak about a beau leading her on and then disappearing without a trace to ruin her summer.

    “It wasn’t sexy once it wasn’t forbidden / I would’ve died for your sins / Instead I just died inside,” she sings. “And you deserve prison but you won’t get time / You’ll slide into inboxes and slip through the bars / You crashed my party and your rental car / You said normal girls were ‘boring’ / But you were gone by the morning.”

    Matty, who wears a suit onstage while touring with The 1975 and has spoken publicly about his struggles with substance abuse, may also be the subject of the song’s lyrics about a man in a “Jehovah’s Witness suit” who “tried to buy some pills from a friend of friends of mine.”

    By June last year, Taylor and Matty’s romance came to an end, and a source told People that they had split after a tumultuous romance.

    “She had fun with him, but it was always casual,” the source said. “They are no longer romantically involved.”

    “They were never boyfriend-girlfriend or exclusive and were always just having fun,” another insider told the outlet. “There is no drama, and who knows what could happen again. It was a good time and ran its course.”

    Fans weren’t too happy about Taylor dedicating so many Easter eggs in her album to Matty, who has been accused of misogyny, racism, and antisemitism in the past.

    Matty faced backlash after making derogatory comments about women and different ethnic groups in a podcast with hosts Friedland and Nick Mullen. The 1975 frontman spoke about rapper Ice Spice before the group seemed confused about whether she was Hawaiian, Inuit, or Chinese. They also mocked the accents of these ethnicities before Matty later went on to join the hosts in doing impressions of Japanese people working in concentration camps.

    Taylor is now good friends with Ice Spice.

    Following the release of her latest album, Swifties wondered why she would dedicate so much album space to Matty, with one saying, “All that for an album about Matty Healy.”

    “The streets are saying Taylor Swift’s entire album is about that racist yuck mouth greasy looking Matt Healy…. That’s sad,” one commented, while another said, “Can conclude #TaylorSwift is about matty healy. Most of it sounds so situationship and short lived relationship. Cant believe this rat that spit on gvf stage can be crucial part of this album.”

    Fans think the song “So Long, London” may have Easter eggs about her relationship with long-time lover Joe Alwyn

    Image credits: Christopher Polk/Getty Images

    The album, “The Tortured Poets Department,” also contains a track called “So Long, London,” which could be Taylor’s poignant farewell to a city where she once lived with Joe.

    The song’s duration—9 minutes and 28 seconds—subtly hints at the date of September 28, which is also when Taylor and Joe were rumored to have started dating in 2016.

    Taylor sings in the song: “Just how low did you think I’d go/Before I’d self implode,” and adds, “Every breath feels like the rarest air/When you’re not sure if he wants to be there.”

    In terms of Taylor’s digs at her exes, the cherry on top may just be the very title of the new album, “The Tortured Poets Department,” which could have sparked from a revelation Joe made in 2022.

    The actor had revealed in an interview that he was part of a WhatsApp chat named “The Tortured Man Club” with actors Paul Mescal and Andrew Scott.

    “It hasn’t had much use recently,” Joe said during the interview with Variety, while Paul quipped, “No, I feel like we’re less tortured now.”

    Taylor is now in a high-profile relationship with Kansas City Chiefs tight end Travis Kelce.

    In the song “Fresh Out the Slammer,” Taylor sings about breaking free from the constraints of a previous relationship and being ready to explore another connection.

    The track talks about being “at the starting line” and “runnin’ back home” to “the one who says I’m the girl of his American dreams.”

    It is noteworthy here that both Matty and Joe are British.

    Netizens had plenty to say when they began noticing digs at Matty Healy sprinkled across the album

    The post Taylor Swift Fans Outraged After Tortured Poets Lyrics Seem To Defend Relationship With “Racist” Matt Healy first appeared on Bored Panda.
  • Friday 19 April 2024 - 10:35

    When planning a wedding, the couple likely imagines being surrounded by their closest family and friends. However, life has a funny way of sneaking up on us, and sometimes this is simply not possible

    For redditor Old_Explanation6923, something that prevented her from celebrating her best friend’s special day was a concert she had booked way prior to her getting married. Although the bride knew of her plans in advance, she expected her to cancel them. When she refused, she consequently angered the bride, putting their friendship at risk.

    Sometimes, celebrating a best friend’s special day is just not possible

    Image credits: Mikhail Nilov (not the actual photo)

    Just like what happened to this friend, who decided to choose a concert over her best friend’s wedding

    Image credits: GE Gifts (not the actual photo)

    Image source: Old_Explanation6923

    “When a close friend declines an invitation to the wedding, it is easy to feel hurt, rejected, and take it personally”

    Image credits: Liza Summer (not the actual photo)

    There are plenty of reasons why a person might not make it to the bride and groom’s big day. Perhaps they’ve started a new job and aren’t able to take time off for a destination or workday wedding. Or they might be dealing with personal issues that demand the entirety of their attention. 

    “When a close friend declines an invitation to the wedding, it is easy to feel hurt, rejected, and take it personally,” says Irene S. Levine, a psychologist and author of “Best Friends Forever: Surviving a Breakup With Your Best Friend.

    Whatever the reason, Levine says there’s a way to decline the invitation without souring your friend’s big day or even risking the close friendship. However, she notes that both parties need to be mature about it. 

    Tracie Domino, founder of Tracie Domino Events, advises that it’s best to start by letting them know as soon as possible. If you’re a close friend, most likely you’re way up there on the guest list, so notifying them as soon as you get the invitation leaves them plenty of time to invite any guests they previously couldn’t. “Be honest with your reason for declining the invite and remind them that you’re still excited about their big day,” she added.

    However, etiquette expert Diane Gottsman advises against going into too much detail concerning your need for absence and instead recommends feeling confident that your friend will understand. There’s no need to overly complicate it by expressing your regrets and how bad it makes you feel that you have to miss it. “Quickly let them know you are disappointed not to go, then thank them for their understanding,” she said.

    Finding other ways to celebrate the occasion with the couple might help reduce any resentment

    Image credits: cottonbro studio (not the actual photo)

    Once the hard part is over, try not to distance yourself from the friend because you’re guilty. “Often people want to disappear because they feel uncomfortable when the exact opposite should happen,” Gottsman said. Being mature about it and checking in with them throughout the wedding process shows your support and enthusiasm for the big day, even though you won’t be there.

    Another great idea is to figure out an alternative way to celebrate the occasion with the couple before or after the wedding. They might love to be treated to a nice dinner out or a home-cooked meal. Levine further advises, “If you can, I’d also try to [attend] other wedding-related events you can participate in, like the bridal shower. Offer to help in any way you can if the bride or her family need an extra set of hands.”

    Considering sending a gift might also be an additional way to extend that olive branch to your friend. Gottsman says, “Locate the gift registry and make sure your gift is sent in a timely fashion. This will show you are excited for the couple and want to extend your goodwill.”

    If the bride or groom gets upset, despite your attempts at peace-making, try to remember that wedding planning is really stressful and can affect even the calmest of people. On the bright side, this stage doesn’t last forever, and likely the frustrations will pass. “Give your pal time to get used to the idea that you’ve declined the invitation, even if that doesn’t happen until after the event takes place,” Levine concludes.

    The author received undivided support from readers

    The post “AITA For Choosing A Concert Over My Best Friend’s Wedding?” first appeared on Bored Panda.
  • Friday 19 April 2024 - 08:39

    Many of us have likely witnessed a prank in action or perhaps planned one at some point in our lives. They’re supposed to be harmless, like taping off someone’s mouse sensor or replacing family photos with those of Danny DeVito. However, sometimes, even with the best intentions, jokes go south. And in extreme cases, it can threaten the well-being of others. 

    Recently, the AskReddit community was discussing exactly that - practical jokes that went horribly wrong and almost ended in tragedy. From lighting hairspray to swerving cars, these stories now serve as cautionary tales for anyone who might think of pulling one.


    99% of tiktok/social media challenges/pranks. Just the other day I saw some kids climbing up a construction crane and filming themselves. I suppose that that is not really a prank but a few months ago, I heard about senior students in high school who thought it would be funny to criss-cross the hallway of toddlers with fishing line for them to trip over and film.

    Call me a boomer (I'm not) but social media really brings out the worst in human group behavior.

    Image credits: MountainGoatAOE


    Few years ago 2 guys went to a pub. They got drunk. There was a random guy who fell asleep on the patio of the place sitting in his chair. 
    The 2 men decided they gonna prank him and tie him to the chair with tapes. They asked the bartender girl for tapes and tied him. 
    This was close to closing time and they decided to leave him there for the night, cuz how funny it'll be when he wakes up taped to the chair in an empty bar. The bartender girl was fully in. So she closed the place and they left him there.
    This was in November and the man froze to death at night. It was clear he woke up and tried to break himself free, so he didn't freeze to death in his sleep. He froze to death while being completely concious and awake.
    All 3 were sentenced.

    Image credits: Ok_Ambassador_9111


    A friend of mine's dad once decided to jump out of an empty wardrobe and scare his wife when they were house shopping. He didn't see a downward facing hook at the back of the wardrobe and when he jumped up to leap out he caught his back on the hook and ripped his skin open. They had to go to A&E to get stitches and the police showed up as the doctors were concerned it was a stab wound. So he had to explain to the police how he had f****d up a simple prank so badly he had basically stabbed himself in the back.

    Image credits: silentarcher00

    Folklorist Moira Marsh, author of the book "Practically Joking," believes that pranking appeals to people because it requires a good deal of creativity. "They take planning. They take knowledge of a situation, knowledge of the person you're targeting. Sometimes the planning is extremely elaborate."

    Since harmless practical jokes often result in laughter, it adds even more fun to it. "It's important, psychologically, to have time for play," Marsh explains.


    So a group of the big beefy football jocks grabbed the dweeby nerdy kid under his arms and escorted him, against his will, to the rear of the football field / track / stadium. There was a drainage cistern there, covered by a heavy grate, built as a catchment for the water running off the sports complex. It was normally dry unless it was raining.

    It was nicely dry when they dumped the dweeby kid in the hole and let the grate fall, trapping him there. Well, it was just a prank, just a joke, but they failed to tell him that they intended to return at the end of the day to let him out. Meanwhile the dweeby nerdy kid had a big exam he'd been studying for and he didn't want to miss the class. So after the beefy dudes left him there in the hole, he tried to climb out on his own.

    The grate was too heavy for him to lift from below. It fell on him, breaking his neck.

    It was the scandal of my high school career and the beefy dudes, though kicked off the football team, expelled from school, and brought before court, never served any time for this accidental murder.

    That was in 1971; the dead kid would be retired by now had he lived through the prank, and he probably would have had a stellar intellectual career.

    Image credits: triviaqueen


    I was in grade 1 if we had to use the washroom we had to go in pairs teachers rules. Some girl from a much older grade thought she'd prank her friend by "hanging" herself in a bathroom stall. She slipped off the toilet when we came in. Opened the door and saw her struggling. My friend grabbed her legs and tried to hold her up to keep her from choking to death while I ran to find my teacher. I remember running out of the bathroom down the hall, and seeing kids lined up peering into the windows. I don't know how many were in on it. The girl was helped by the teacher. The girl was not injured seriously but it must have been traumatic for me because I would wake up middle of the night screaming. I remember my mom visiting the girls home and losing it on the girls father a few days later. The nightmares continued for years afterwards.

    Image credits: silent-l


    Decades ago, a neighbour's brother was getting married and went out for his stag night with his friends. There was a tradition at the time of getting the stag really drunk and then doing something like stripping them, tying them to a lamp post and throwing flour/sugar/eggs/paint at them and leaving them like that for hours. The stag was absolutely terrified of this and was waiting for it to happen the whole night long. When they finally made a move to grab him he started to run. They gave chase. He ran into a chip shop, drunkenly leapt the counter, and fell right into a vat of boiling oil. The wedding had to be postponed, and he eventually got married on day release from hospital whilst covered in bandages. He required skin grafts and was left with permanent scarring and disabilities.

    Another motivation is the opportunity to have the upper hand over someone who normally has more social power. "If you are a younger person, you have license to play jokes on your teachers, your elders, your parents," Marsh explained. "You have the added thrill of a temporary role reversal or temporary power inversion. For a kid to be able to, for a little while, get the upper hand over an adult, it flips the usual relationship. It flips the usual power dynamic. That's thrilling and enjoyable."

    However, Jonathan Wynn, a sociology professor, notes that if the prankster has more social power or privilege over their "victim," like a parent pranking a child or a group of students “pranking” a transgender student, then this should cause some concerns. A good prank should be shared, not targeted at one “inferior” person.


    I was in my senior year of college. Some guy threw a grad party at one of his parents houses. I ended up going, cause why not?

    Three guys who were wasted as f**k had this idea to shoot Roman candles at one their buddies who was coming out of the poolside bathrooms. It was two bathrooms attached to a small closet with pool chemicals and the door happened to be ajar.

    One of the rounds went right into the closet and started a fire while there was a girl passed out drunk in the next stall. Everyone freaked out and called the cops, but nobody knew the girl was passed out.

    Luckily, she survived with minor burns, but the guy's parents got sued. The girl was only 19 and had half her arm burned and a lot of her hair singed off.

    Image credits: BeyondXpression


    When I was younger my mom was out on a walk with her friends and my dad thought it would be funny to pelt them with water balloons when they came around the corner. As soon as they rounded the bend, we ran out with our water balloons and my dad tripped and fell and broke his foot, his leg, and his arm.

    Image credits: Mariambarouma


    A kid at school whose dad flicked a towel in his face. It got his eye really bad and he had permanent damage. The kid was an up and comer in the local tennis league as well. Really sad.

    Image credits: Prstty

    One of the most common ways pranks go wrong is when they physically harm another individual. Therefore, knowing when it's a good idea to refrain from pulling one might be necessary. Psychologist Dr. Ronnie Siddique suggests asking these questions before carrying out a practical joke:

    • Has the target of the prank stated they want this behavior to stop, or have they shown previous distress with any pranks?
    • Is the target of the prank a vulnerable person, such as a child, an individual with a mental disorder, or a person with disabilities?
    • Could this prank in any way cause harm to a person, either psychologically, physically, or both?

    If the answer is yes to any of these questions (or perhaps all of them), it’s best to stop in your tracks and reevaluate your joke.


    Don't push someone head into a cake "randomly". By randomly I'm saying without knowing anything about the cake. Sometimes to make big cake pastry chief put big wood pointy thing in it so the cake doesn't fall.

    It can be VERY messy.

    Just assume every cake have theses in it.

    Image credits: Lorithias


    Medical student graduated. They tied him naked to the bridge. Died of exposure.

    Image credits: Pedantichrist


    I was at a swimming pool with friends as a kid maybe 10 or 12 years old. We were in the deep end, and diving down to 12ft, picking up coins off the bottom of the pool. I was coming up from the bottom, and one of the kids thought it would be funny to hold me head underwater with his foot. I gasped as I broke the water, then got shoved back down and inhaled a s**tload of water, and panicked, and two other kids had to drag me out of the water onto the concrete where I coughed and vomited for what felt like 10 minutes.

    Image credits: Fy_Faen


    The guy who tried to jumpscare his family at the Grand Canyon and instead slipped and fell to his death.

    Image credits: _CozyLavender_


    My great grandfather got his chair pulled out from under him by his best friend at work on April Fool's Day. My great grandfather broke his neck and died, his friend never forgave himself.

    We never celebrated April Fools at my house, and everyone always thought it a prank when I explained...

    Image credits: bulbagill


    Dumb neighbor kid thought it was a good prank to hide behind parked cars along the side of the road and jump out at approaching cars.... Didn't get hit because the first car was driving very slowly and the owner got pissed enough that he never dared to do it again.

    Image credits: poklane


    Wasn’t there some couple that made a “prank” in which the girl shot her BF because they thought a book would stop the bullet (it didn’t)? I think they tried shooting a different book before trying to do it. The other book stopped the bullet, the one they used did not and it ended up with the guy dying.

    Image credits: Olveyn


    Recently my coworker pranked my friend and I by removing the wheels on our desk chairs. Unfortunately she removed two wheels right beside each other and thought we would notice before sitting down. Then she had this crazy elaborate scavenger hunt for us that ended with us finding our wheels in jello at the end like something out of the office. It was an amazing prank on paper but I had been having a rough morning when I got to work and didn’t notice and just sat right down…suffice to say I fell right backwards off the chair and hit my head on the ground. Luckily it wasn’t bad and I just got a bit of a bump, but that certainly changed the pranking dynamics in the office.


    My buddy thought it would be funny to swerve his car towards the ditch and turn away at the last second. We wound up going into the ditch, slamming into a culvert, and flipping end over end. There's still debate amongst a few people whether he meant to do it or not. Apparently he was the butt of a lot of jokes and I just hadn't been around the group of people long enough to understand how deep it went. So, maybe a prank gone wrong, maybe attempted crime. I have no idea.

    Image credits: AstroWorldSecurity


    Compressed air up the butt. Destroys the gut and ends lives...saw a few of those and people never learn.

    Image credits: _Ed_Gein_


    I heard this story around where I live where during a wedding, the groom was "abducted" as a prank by a bunch of friends, made extremely drunk and then had boots put on his feet that said friends then filled with construction foam. The foam hardened, sealing both of his feet inside so tightly that it cut off the blood flow, which ended with him needing to have both of his feet amputated.

    Image credits: anon


    Dumb kid thought it was a funny idea to push his friend from a sidewalk towards my car.

    Good thing i was driving slowly so i was able to stop in time.

    Since that day i'm always afraid someone is going to push a person under my car, when i drive near sidewalk with people on it.

    Image credits: Drogovich


    When I was young I went to a friends house for a sleepover where they had a prank planned. They dressed up in creepy clothing and makeup, and one of the girls (we didn’t get along) had a real knife and was planning to slam me against the wall and hold it up to my neck when I came downstairs. Luckily one of the girls got scared before I got there and ran upstairs to tell me what was about to unfold before I went downstairs. She was so scared she asked me when I went down there to ‘play along’. Wasn’t going to take that f*****g chance. I think I dodged something that would have gone VERY wrong.

    Image credits: Bumblebees_99


    There used to be this video series on Youtube called 'Hood Pranks' or something like that - not sure if it's still around, but plot of every show was these geeky guys going into some of the toughest neighborhoods of NYC and playing stupid pranks on people where they got beat up in half the episodes. I recall one prank where one of the hosts got knocked out with a single hook to the jaw.

    Image credits: boxingfan828


    Some years ago, a staff party for a brokerage, everyone in costume including a young guy wearing plastic bags. Took his girlfriend into a cubicle in the gents for a shag. Guy in the next cubicle thought he’d playfully flick a lighter under the door. Exploded in flames, guy died screaming and the girl had massive life changing burns. The guy that did this had a huge nervous breakdown and never worked again.

    Image credits: Usual_Addendum411


    When my dad was a kid, he thought it would be fun to shoot open safety pins at stuff with a slingshot fashioned out of a rubber band. Eventually, he aimed at his older sister and she ended up with a safety pin stuck in her forehead. It's a good thing he didn't hit her in the eye.

    Image credits: FUCK_INDUSTRIAL


    I once had an hammer in my hand, and pranked my sister by "throwing" it on her. Unfortunately,  the hammer head detached from the handle it flew straight to her head, thankfully missed by few cm. .

    Image credits: Crazy__Donkey


    This isn’t my story, but David Dobrik hit Jeff Whittek with an excavator. He was a part of his vlog crew and they were supposed to be filming a video where the excavator would swing them around. David ended up slamming Jeff into the side of the excavator after going too fast and then abruptly stopping. It broke lots of bones including his skull and caused lasting damage.

    Image credits: groundunit0101


    I used to do this trick with a butterfly knife when I was a dumb 13 year old, where I would flip it around like I was gonna open it but keep flipping to where it would be closed again and then thrust it at your face like I was going to stab you in the face.

    This one time I did it with this other kids plastic handled knife where the handles were a bit fatter and rounder than the normal brass handled ones and it didn't fit my hand quite as well as the knives I was used to.

    I did my twirly twirl and thrust with the knife but because the handles were fatter than normal I missed the catch and as I was thrusting towards the kids face the knife folded open. Stabbed that poor f****r right in the bone at the bottom of the eye socket/top of the cheek bone.

    Stabbed him good. There was a knife point hole there and It was leaking blood. Would have been worse if the blade had a proper point on it.

    I was a couple of mm away from taking out that guy's eye. Needless to say, neither the kid it happened to nor the people watching me thought it was anything less than deliberate.

    Never played my butterfly knife trick in anyone ever again.


    I remember my classmates and me wanted to prank our teacher who's like 57 years old, it's like a fake pregnancy prank that a girl in my class would do. We set up a fake pregnancy test on the bathroom bin while the girl tried to act all nervous, once the teacher entered the room, she goes out to the bathroom acting like she wanted to take a p**s. She waited for like 5 to 10 minutes, and when she came back, a girl "snitched" on her and brought the fake pregnancy test. He went to her actual boyfriend and punched him in the face until his node bleed. He went to the ER and got like a broken nose, black eyes. He got fired and we got suspended for the prank. Honestly one of the most stupidest thing I've ever participated in.


    When I was in third grade a first grade kid thought it would be funny to walk around the school and rub peanut butter on people

    Had two people go to the hospital that day it was not Pretty.


    When I was in 8th grade, a buddy of mine and i decided to prank his little brother by making him think that the camper he loved to play in was on fire. We had a glass jar of gasoline and poured some gas near the camper on the ground and lit it to freak him out. We assumed he would grab the water hose to try to put it out. As you can probably guess, he didn't grab the hose. He of course grabbed the jar of gas and chucked it on the fire thinking it was water. Huge flames shot up and we truly did almost burn the camper down. Thankfully we knew to throw dirt on it along with water and got it out. His parents were PISSED!


    When I was in the restaurant business there was a waiter who used to prank people by pretending to drink a hot cup of coffee, then pretend to throw it in someone's face. The cup was empty, and it was looped to his finger with a thick rubber band, so it actually was kind of funny. The cup would come toward your face, and then bounce right back in his hand instead of hitting you. BUT OK so this other guy tried to do with with a weak skinny rubber band, which broke, and the ceramic mug hit me full force in the forehead. Had to go to the hospital for xrays, it was ok except for a bad headache for a day or two. So the ER trip would be covered by workers comp, we said the cup fell off a tray and hit me. That's when I learned that "horseplay" is a legal term.


    I am so terrified of bees, well especially now because when me and my brother were kids.. My brother thought it would be funny to p**s off bees, he found a beehive and decided it would be funny to throw rocks at it and run away.
    Just as he did I came walking and well he forgot to tell me to run and you can guess where it went, I had bees in my hair, my jacket basically everywhere.. I had no idea he did that until we both became adults and he finally confessed to me, I was convinced that I was just at the wrong time and place, but guess I have found out who caused me my phobia of bees ?.


    Me and some friends were spraying hair spray down a tube with someone lighting the other end. Between sprays, one of the guys looked down the tube to see if there was flame inside the tube. As he did this, someone sprayed more hair spray into the tube.

    It turns out there *was* still flame in the tube, because my friend's head was engulfed in a ball of flame. He didn't end up with any major burns or other injuries, but he had no more eyebrows, eye lashes, or fringe for a while.

    Image credits: sapperbloggs


    Dared a guy to jump/leapfrog a garbage bin. Another guy opened it last second (not planned).

    He only ended up with stitches near his eye but could have gone a lot worse.

    Image credits: Maerutis

  • Friday 19 April 2024 - 08:31
  • Friday 19 April 2024 - 08:27

    If there is one thing the internet folk can’t seem to get enough of, it’s memes. Covering anything and everything you could possibly imagine, they are, in a way, an artform of the 21st century, depicting the good, the bad, and the ugly situations in life or simply providing a reason to smile.

    Today, we’d like to shed light on one of the ‘artists’, a meme creator going by the name of ‘Tank Sinatra’. The Michael Jordan of memes—and a beluga whale enthusiast—as he presents himself on social media, the mastermind behind the ‘Tank.Sintatra’ Instagram account has already amassed more than three million followers with his witty and clever memes. Scroll down to find some of them on the list below and see for yourself what draws netizens to Tank’s chef-d'oeuvres.


    Image credits: tank.sinatra


    Image credits: tank.sinatra


    Image credits: tank.sinatra

    Tank Sinatra, known in real life as George Resch—a US-based social media and marketing consultant and content creator—is clearly not your regular amateur meme creator, posting once or twice a month. Active on his Instagram account since 2011, he has shared close to 9,300 posts and attracted millions of followers; and that’s just Instagram alone.


    Image credits: tank.sinatra


    Image credits: tank.sinatra

    While on The Ellen Show, Tank Sinatra revealed the reason behind the moniker, keeping it short and to the point: “I’m huge and I have blue eyes, that’s it.”

    He then continued to share how he got into the meme world, saying that he has always been a huge fan of comedy, and when the captioned images started gaining popularity, he tried his luck at it in his free time.

    “I was selling fence in Long Island, and I was good at sales, so I had a lot of free time; and I would just drive around in between appointments, I would find pictures and I would put these captions to them—I’d see pictures that would remind me of something that happened in my life, and I would just write a caption. It started to get really big really quick.”


    Image credits: tank.sinatra


    Image credits: tank.sinatra


    Image credits: tank.sinatra

    In an interview with Writing Routines, Tank discussed the process of creating memes, revealing that for him, it’s more of a catch-as-catch-can kind of deal. “Mainly I’m out there living my life, being a husband, dad, employee, friend, patron, etc. While I’m out there living, sometimes things happen that I think would make a great meme,” he said.

    “In other cases, I’ll scroll through some pictures on Reddit and see something that speaks to me. Then I’ll try and imagine some kind of emotional backstory for whatever emotion I think is being expressed by the subject in the picture.”


    Image credits: tank.sinatra


    Image credits: tank.sinatra


    Image credits: tank.sinatra

    The mastermind behind one of the most popular meme pages out there also shared that he tries to find the middle ground between posting something he finds funny and something his followers likely would. “To maintain that balance, sometimes I’ll do a generic caption with a cute puppy or something like that, but for the most part I like to stay true to myself and my sense of humor,” Tank told Writing Routines. “My hope is that instead of getting 100,000 ‘meh’ reactions, I’ll get 50,000 ‘oh my god, this guy is so funny’ reactions.”


    Image credits: tank.sinatra


    Image credits: tank.sinatra


    Image credits: tank.sinatra

    Unsurprisingly, the humorous quality of memes is the main reason people tend to share them. Surveys revealed that roughly three-in-four respondents share memes for humor, 53% use them as responses, and just over one-fourth turn to memes in situations when words are insufficient, reportedly often engaging in entire conversations based on memes.


    Image credits: tank.sinatra


    Image credits: tank.sinatra


    Image credits: tank.sinatra

    Anyone who’s ever “stepped foot” into the online world has likely noticed just how widespread memes are. According to Instagram, in 2020, more than a million posts with the word ‘meme’ were being published on the platform each day.

    For Tank, the popularity of internet memes was arguably a life changing phenomenon. What started with him coming up with memes in between fence-selling appointments, grew to not only one of the most successful meme pages online, but other significant achievements, too. In 2017, the meme expert published a book Happy is the New Rich: (And 207 Other Lightbulb Moments) and in 2022, Tank even released his own board game, titled ‘Influencers in the wild’.


    Image credits: tank.sinatra


    Image credits: tank.sinatra


    Image credits: tank.sinatra

    According to StrawPoll’s data, Tank Sinatra is currently the fourth most popular meme page online; and he seems to be putting his popularity to good use. In addition to his original account, the content creator eventually launched ‘Tank’s Good News’ focused on the good that’s happening around the world, so people could enjoy a pick-me-up or a boost of positivity.

    Not only that, in a collaboration with the New York Islanders hockey team, Tank worked on creating merchandise, which would benefit onewhale.org, an organization dedicated to saving and relocating a much-beloved beluga whale, Hvaldimir.


    Image credits: tank.sinatra


    Image credits: tank.sinatra


    Image credits: tank.sinatra


    Image credits: tank.sinatra


    Image credits: tank.sinatra


    Image credits: tank.sinatra


    Image credits: tank.sinatra


    Image credits: tank.sinatra


    Image credits: tank.sinatra


    Image credits: tank.sinatra


    Image credits: tank.sinatra


    Image credits: tank.sinatra


    Image credits: tank.sinatra


    Image credits: tank.sinatra


    Image credits: tanksgoodnews


    Image credits: tank.sinatra


    Image credits: tank.sinatra


    Image credits: tank.sinatra


    Image credits: tank.sinatra


    Image credits: tank.sinatra


    Image credits: tank.sinatra


    Image credits: tank.sinatra


    Image credits: tank.sinatra


    Image credits: tank.sinatra


    Image credits: tank.sinatra


    Image credits: tank.sinatra


    Image credits: tank.sinatra


    Image credits: tank.sinatra


    Image credits: tank.sinatra


    Image credits: tank.sinatra

  • Friday 19 April 2024 - 08:26

    These days, it’s hard not to be worried about the environment. It seems like we’re seeing new records for the hottest month/year very frequently while devastating natural disasters are constantly on the news. But the situation is far from grim—many people are aware of how altering their habits and lifestyles can change the world for the better. 

    Sometimes, it takes a bit of lighthearted internet content to remind ourselves what we’re fighting to protect. ‘Wild Green Memes for Ecological Fiends’ is a popular Facebook group whose members share funny memes about wildlife and the environment. Scroll down for the wittiest ones, upvote your faves, and be sure to share them with your friends.

    More info: Facebook | Instagram | TikTok | Patreon | WildGreenMemes.com 


    Image credits: S Dharma Teg


    Image credits: Halley Palmer


    Image credits: Valerie Carlson

    ‘Wild Green Memes for Ecological Fiends’ is absolutely massive. Nearly 771k internet users are members of the Facebook group. Meanwhile, 136k people follow its Instagram page, while 39.7k follow its TikTok account. The team running the project (‘Wild Green Media LLC’) also has an official website where you can subscribe to their newsletter.

    The social media project mainly focuses on humorous content that’s related to wildlife and the environment. The main draw is the green-focused comedy that’s evident even in the project’s (lovingly rhyming) name.


    Image credits: Berry Sobieszek


    Image credits: Anne-Katrine Bredal-Madsen


    Image credits: jeffmadams

    “The world is big and complicated and the threats to nature can come to feel overwhelming. Time and again, when faced with problems that were bigger than any one person could solve, humans have come together and found strength through community and levity through humor,” the team writes.

    “We're using the tools that we have—our knowledge, our social media presence, our business, our friendships, and our fun to help people and nature coexist better.”


    Image credits: Peter Griffith


    Image credits: Victor L Mattner


    Image credits: Heather Rajendran

    Anyone hoping to post awesome memes on the Facebook group should spend some time getting familiar with the type of content that its members share.For one, that way, you’ll avoid reposting super popular memes.

    On top of that, you’ll get a feel for the type of content that the group enjoys the most. Some pics simply aren’t a good fit for ‘Wild Green Memes for Ecological Fiends,’ even if they’re objectively hilarious and relatable.


    Image credits: S Dharma Teg


    Image credits: Mason Clark


    Image credits: Desiree Smith

    “If it has a domestic organism interpreted in a non-ecological context, it might not fit because it isn’t wild enough. If it’s not related enough to nature or the environment, then maybe it’s not green enough to fit the group. It also, of course, has to be a meme or joke of some kind, and how that lands is up to mod discretion, so the particular person who saw it just might not have felt the humor,” the team behind the project explains what meme posters should keep in mind.


    Image credits: Miranda Orth


    Image credits: Anne-Katrine Bredal-Madsen


    Image credits: Robert Edmondson

    “Great minds think alike! Often when there’s a meme trend, two or more members will independently make the same joke with the same meme template. In these common cases of convergent meme evolution, we’ll try and let through whichever post was submitted first. The joke/text should be in the meme photo itself as well as the caption,” the moderators write.


    Image credits: Paula Baker Carroll


    Image credits: Hannah Britton


    Image credits: Matt Haas

    ‘Wild Green Memes for Ecological Memes’ doesn’t just say that it cares about the environment and wildlife conservation—it actually puts its money where its mouth is. They have an official Patreon account you can follow and support, and they donate 20% of their profits to conservation and environmental justice causes! 


    Image credits: Kathleen Juarez


    Image credits: Dee Taylor


    Image credits: Amy Sue

    Frogs are often the topic of wildlife and environmental memes. During a previous interview, a representative of UK-based national wildlife conservation charity Froglife told Bored Panda that social media can definitely help raise awareness about animals, whether they’re herpetofauna (amphibians and reptiles) or anything else. “The more people understand them, the more they will appreciate them, and appreciation leads to conservation. Overall exposure on the internet should be a good thing, of course, provided the exposure is positive and correct.”


    Image credits: perfectsweeties


    Image credits: Amy Sue


    Image credits: Justin Barrus

    According to Froglife, if you want to help out your local herpetofauna population, you can adapt your garden or property to their needs. "A lot of people think that amphibians spend all their time in water, but this is not the case. They spend a lot of time on land, hence it is important to provide them with good terrestrial places. Areas with rubble, fallen leaves, rocks, stones, and logs are all good, so they can hibernate over the winter months, forage for food, and take refuge from predators,” the Froglife representative said.

    “It is also important to remember that reptiles also require good habitats. They like hibernacula that they can crawl into and also basking banks for basking in the sun on warm days. They will also crawl under tin sheets or carpet tiles."


    Image credits: Spamme Burglar


    Image credits: Debbie Moses


    Image credits: Jamberee13

    Meanwhile, during an interview with a representative of the Amphibian and Reptile Conservation charity in the UK, seeing photos of frogs can make us care more about protecting them. “It’s great to see photos of frogs in people’s gardens or that they’ve seen on a walk. We know this often creates a deeper interest in amphibians and their conservation, and we love to see them—so long as the animals aren’t disturbed too much, of course!” the representative told Bored Panda earlier.

    If you happen to have a garden, you could create a pond with gently sloping sides, allowing vegetation to develop around the edges. This should provide damp cover for your local amphibians, keeping them happy. Meanwhile, they’ll also appreciate it if you let your grass grow longer, create a compost heap, and have a log pile where they can live.


    Image credits: baddestmamajama


    Image credits: Christopher Sheldon


    Image credits: Penelope Morkel

    "In a small garden, even an upturned dustbin lid or bowl will provide a place for animals to drink," the representative told Bored Panda. "Climate change can be a very negative factor for frogs, toads, and newts. Ponds can dry up too quickly, meaning their tadpoles don’t have enough time to develop. Also, warmer winters affect hibernating frogs. They use more energy during hibernation and partially wake up, meaning they are in poorer condition for breeding. This is particularly hard on the females, who put a lot of energy into making eggs (spawn).”

    What do you do to help the environment and your local wildlife population, dear Pandas? Which of these memes did you enjoy the most? Tell us all about it in the comments!


    Image credits: Dakota Baldwin


    Image credits: Amy Sue


    Image credits: Amy Sue


    Image credits: Steven Plummer


    Image credits: Olivier Morlin


    Image credits: Goat Lovers


    Image credits: Claudia Perelli Hentschel


    Image credits: Amy Sue


    Image credits: Megatronic13


    Image credits: Jonatan Hildén


    Image credits: Alice La Pierre


    Image credits: S Dharma Teg


    Image credits: Sherri Ketchum


    Image credits: Amy Sue


    Image credits: Jennifer Rey-Goyeneche


    Image credits: Amy Sue


    Image credits: S Dharma Teg


    Image credits: Sam Estes


    Image credits: Sofía Ochoa


    Image credits: Rachel Hamilton


    Image credits: Claudia Perelli Hentschel


    Image credits: S Dharma Teg


    Image credits: Matthew Lacrouts


    Image credits: Kathleen Juarez


    Image credits: Rachelle Robey


    Image credits: AJ Barnard


    Image credits: Katarzyna Gabrysz


    Image credits: Mary Hecht


    Image credits: Victor L Mattner


    Image credits: Michael Simmons


    Image credits: Justin Kalman


    Image credits: S Dharma Teg


    Image credits: Catt Smalley


    Image credits: Sarah Thornburg


    Image credits: Leahcim Remlap


    Image credits: Tegan Loya


    Image credits: Bee Rand


    Image credits: Hieu Nguyen


    Image credits: All About Frogs


    Image credits: Vense Price


    Image credits: Julia Stevenson Lyon


    Image credits: Justin Kalman


    Image credits: Doug Leih


    Image credits: Allison Hamm


    Image credits: LeShe Flood


    Image credits: Krys Keller


    Image credits: Victor L Mattner


    Image credits: Wilhelm Turtle Tan


    Image credits: Timothy Stevenson


    Image credits: Sley Sargath


    Image credits: Nathan Aldridge


    Image credits: Emily Petersen


    Image credits: Justin Smith


    Image credits: Jack Turner


    Image credits: Travis Sheive


    Image credits: Felipa Fontes


    Image credits: Selina Prettner


    Image credits: Amy Sue


    Image credits: Calvin Corvair


    Image credits: Jerry Govere


    Image credits: Wes Garrison


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    Image credits: Marshall Cleveland


    Image credits: Ream Jones


    Image credits: Sigtryggur Egilsson


    Image credits: Calvin Corvair


    Image credits: Jajah

  • Friday 19 April 2024 - 08:25

    Relatively not so long ago, body art was associated with rebellion and trouble. Fortunately, today, its acceptance seems to be broadening. As a result, people with tattoos don’t have to worry as much about getting a job just because they have a few scribbles on their body. That said, there are still professional environments that have tighter restrictions when it comes to visible ink. 

    Redditor Sjbluebirds recently shared his experience when a new owner enforced a “no tattoo” policy where he works.  The change was so extreme that they missed out on competent professionals and even had to dismiss an employee with over 40 years of experience. Livid about this, the worker turned to the anti-work community to vent his frustrations.

    Scroll down to find the full story and a conversation with its author, who kindly agreed to tell us more about it. We also reached out to Kyle Smith, HR and leadership advisor and the host of the HRKyle podcast, who answered some of our questions about tattoos in professional settings.

    Even though body art has become more and more acceptable in professional settings, some companies still have restrictions

    Image credits: Ralph Rabago / pexels (not the actual photo)

    This employee became livid after a new “no tattoo” policy was enforced in his workplace, resulting in the loss of an experienced colleague

    Image credits: cottonbro studio / pexels (not the actual photo)

    Image credits: Thới Nam Cao / pexels (not the actual photo)

    Image credits: sjbluebirds

    “I was angry that the owners would let a very experienced employee go for such a silly reason”

    The author of the story and the IT specialist for the company told Bored Panda that what encouraged him to share this online was the frustration he felt about the whole situation. “I was angry that the owners would let a very experienced employee go for such a silly reason. I wasn’t looking for answers, I was looking to vent my frustration. Again, I didn’t know the details of the situation and was frustrated that other employees weren’t too concerned.”

    He also wanted to clear some things up by saying, “When the policy was announced last year, anyone with a tattoo could stay at work — just as long as employees disclosed they had one prior to the policy implementation. Our foreman did not disclose his tattoo at the time. No ‘new’ tattoos would be permitted in the workplace.”

    He further tells us that the foreman was in his sixties and had been actively thinking about retiring. The whole commotion at work made him decide to retire six months earlier, which also granted him 8 months of severance pay. “He says he holds no animosity towards the owners. We are having a party for him on-site tomorrow (Friday), even though he has asked us not to make a “big deal” out of the situation,” he shares.

    According to the author, the machinist wasn’t too concerned about being dismissed after spending four decades at the company. “The rumors at work suggest he wanted the severance package, which he would not have qualified for, had he simply retired. I am not privy to the actual details of his departure.”

    He also mentions that younger employees tried complaining when the new owner enforced such a policy. However, the older workers (who also had tattoos) believed that they interfered with professionalism and evoked regret. 

    After witnessing such an incident, the author still thinks that similar guidelines aren’t necessarily bad. “I think any privately-owned business should implement the best policies they can for their employees, subject to the best information they have available,” he says.

    “If “no new tattoos” is their policy, the owners have the right to implement it, and accepting the policy is part of the employment agreement. If “don’t use a competitor’s product” is the policy, then the owners have the right to enforce that policy as well, even though it infringes on the employees’ right to freely engage in commerce.”

    Instead of abolishing policies discriminating against body art, he urges that we need to work on communication regarding expectations and needs between management and labor. “Policies are implemented to protect labor and management from each other and litigation; communication builds bridges between them and is much more important,” he concludes. 

    Image credits: Kateryna Babaieva / pexels (not the actual photo)

    About 40% of the US workforce has tattoos, with workers in agriculture being the most heavily inked

    About 40% of the US workforce has tattoos, with workers in agriculture being the most heavily inked and government employees being the least. However, a similar number of employees believe that body art isn’t appropriate in the workplace. Therefore, only 12% of individuals showcase them at work.

    A whopping 76% of employees feel that tattoos and piercings hurt their job interview chances, indicating that there’s still plenty of stigma surrounding ink on the skin in the workplace. 6% even say that they wouldn’t hire someone with visible ink. 

    HR and leadership advisor Kyle Smith tells us that this comes from associating body art with trouble or problems in the company. “We’re only a generation or two removed from when tattoos were a statement of rebellion, where now they are viewed as more of a fashion statement. There are still employers who come from the mindset that tattoos are an indicator of an employee who is an instigator or troublemaker. Which, of course, we know is not true.”

    As a result, Smith says that these policies limit recruitment because a significant part of the working population has ink on their bodies. These guidelines might also feel like an infringement on personal choices, which can negatively affect worker morale. “A key component of retention is the feeling that you belong. Where policies contradict that, retention will also suffer,” he adds. 

    Image credits: Pixabay / pexels (not the actual photo)

    “Employers are much more forgiving of tattoos than even 5-6 years ago”

    The good news is that 73% of people say that they would hire staff with visible body art, and only 4% say they’ve actually faced discrimination in their jobs because of it. Smith adds to this by saying, “Employers are much more forgiving of tattoos than even 5-6 years ago. Especially if they are not visible or very limited in visibility. The other factor is if there are only 1-2 tattoos or very limited coverage on the body. For blue-collar jobs, it is a non-issue regardless; again, with a few limitations – tattoos on the neck or face are still widely unacceptable in a lot of job situations.”

    In order to attract and retain more workers, the policies concerning the visible display of tattoos are changing. Companies including Disney, UPS, and Virgin Atlantic have relaxed their dress codes so employees can show their body art while working. This is primarily due to the scarcity of workers, which became even worse during the pandemic. 

    “Tattoos matter to people, and while there was a time where people may have gotten a tattoo on a whim, more frequently now a tattoo really matters to someone; it’s part of who they are,” Christopher Bartlett, UPS vice president of people and culture, said. However, any ink on the face, head, or neck is still not permitted. 

    Enrica Ruggs, an associate professor at the University of Houston, says that recent research has found that tattoos now reflect a sense of belonging, particularly the ones that honor a loved one or call out their culture or profession. She ran an experiment that revealed that tattooed employees had just as many sales as those without body art. In fact, inked workers in white-collar or creative jobs were perceived more favorably and competently than their non-tattooed counterparts by customers. 

     “As employers, we realize that it is a fashion statement and a statement of expression, and it does not pose a threat to our operation nor does it signify anything negative about the person or the company,” Smith says. To promote acceptance of workers with tattoos in professional settings, he says we should treat body art as any other accessory, like watches or earrings, where the only concern is the wearer’s safety rather than their perceptions. 

    “The other important factor is not condoning behavior that treats the employee with tattoos as different, bad, or trouble. If the tattoo is not affecting the employee’s work performance, it should be a non-subject in the workplace,” he concludes. 

    Image credits: Sebastian Coman Photography / pexels (not the actual photo)

    The author provided some additional information in the comments

    The bigger part of the people seemed to be against the “no tattoo” policy

    The post “The Tattoo? His Grandmother’s Numbers”: New Boss’s Policy Gets Their Best Machinist Fired first appeared on Bored Panda.
  • Thursday 18 April 2024 - 23:01
  • Thursday 18 April 2024 - 20:25
  • Thursday 18 April 2024 - 16:56

    Zendaya said she was “lucky” to be partnered with co-stars Mike Faist and Josh O’Connor to film the steamy scenes in her upcoming movie, “Challengers.”

    In the gripping narrative of love and rivalry, Zendaya portrays the character Tashi Duncan, a once-celebrated tennis prodigy, who gets caught up in a heated and complex love triangle in the film that premieres on April 26.

    The life of Zendaya’s character takes a dramatic turn when her husband, a faltering tennis champion, must compete against his former best friend and Tashi’s ex-boyfriend.

    Zendaya’s character explores a complex love triangle in the upcoming film, “Challengers”

    Image credits: Warner Bros. Pictures

    Not only did Zendaya play the lead character in the Luca Guadagnino-directed film, but she also took on the role of being the producer for “Challengers.”

    “It’s a complicated, sexy and interesting character piece,” Zendaya told Mirror about the film. “When I read the script, I loved it. And even now, every time I watch the movie, I question Tashi’s decisions a little more. It’s one of those stories about the choices we make and their consequences. It’s fascinating as everyone will find themselves empathising with a different ­character. Everyone has their own idea of who the bad guy is.”

    The actress said she was “lucky” to be “partnered” with her co-stars, Mike Faist and Josh O’Connor, for the intimate scenes

    Image credits: Warner Bros. Pictures

    Zendaya spoke about the intimate scenes in “Challengers” and said it was an “exciting creative process” to work with Luca and her co-stars.

    “Tashi is extremely driven. She’s a go-getter and she is totally ruthless. The intimate scenes were so good – I loved it. I felt very lucky to be partnered with those guys,” the Dune star told the outlet.

    “And whatever the moment, it always felt like they always had my back and I had theirs. We were so lucky to have a director in Luca Guadagnino who really encouraged us all to collaborate and to bring our own ideas. It was a really exciting creative process,” she continued.

    Zendaya said she faced “great difficulty” in meeting the physical challenges of playing the character of Tashi Duncan, a once-celebrated tennis prodigy

    Image credits: Warner Bros. Pictures

    The Greatest Showman actress also spoke about the “great difficulty” that came with meeting the physical challenges of playing Tashi.

    “How did I meet the physical challenges of the role? With great difficulty. I am not one of these people who love to work out,” she said. “But Tashi is supposed to be a top athlete, so there was no getting around it.”

    As the actress appeared on an interview to promote the movie, she was asked an awkward question about which of her co-stars is the better kisser, sparking quite the rage on the internet.

    Fans had plenty to say after reading Zendaya’s remarks about filming the intimate scenes in the film

    The post “I Felt Very Lucky”: Zendaya Says She “Loved” Filming Steamy Scene In New Film “Challengers” first appeared on Bored Panda.
  • Thursday 18 April 2024 - 16:43

    Trigger warning: animal abuse

    500 guinea pigs were saved from a negligent breeder in an extreme hoarding case where they were kept in overcrowded small plastic containers with minimal access to hay, food, and water.  The massive rescue mission has since brought a community together, who have provided shelter and donations for medical care.

    Cavies and Canines Animal Rescue, an animal welfare organization based in Fort Collins, Colorado, USA, took to their Facebook page on April 8 to announce that they had responded to “a distressing situation.”

    The situation in question involved a Colorado breeder who “found themselves unable to properly care for their large population of guinea pigs.”

    “Upon learning of the situation, we took immediate action,” the rescue wrote.

    A rescue mission saved 500 guinea pigs from a negligent breeder, rallying the community for shelter and medical support

    Image credits: Cavies and Canines Animal Rescue

    As per the Facebook statement, the guinea pigs were found living in deplorable conditions, severely overcrowded in small plastic containers, and lacking essential necessities such as hay, food, and water.

    “We are in the process of rescuing what is estimated to be over 500 guinea pigs, many of which are pregnant and suffering from serious health issues,” the animal saviors stated.

    Prior to its rescue mission, Cavies and Canines reportedly received a call from the distressed breeder, who has been identified as a hoarder.

    Image credits: Cavies and Canines Animal Rescue

    The breeder became unable to care for such a large population of guinea pigs and had, at one point, gone so far as to consider feeding them to birds of prey, The Longmont Leader reported last week.

    Natalie Riggs, president and executive director of the organization, said this was their largest case of surrendered guinea pigs from a single owner.

    She said: “It’s insane. I’ve never seen anything like it.

    “We normally have about 50 guinea pigs in the rescue at any given time, and they’re all in foster homes in northern Colorado, [the] Denver metro area, and a couple in Colorado Springs.

    “This individual has been breeding guinea pigs for over 30 years when their husband unexpectedly passed away last week.

    “And as a result, they were trying to offload some of these guinea pigs to help ease the burden, so I offered to assist.”

    Colorado-based Cavies and Canines Animal Rescue took to their Facebook page on April 8 to announce that they had responded to “a distressing situation”

    Image credits: Cavies and Canines Animal Rescue

    According to numerous updates shared on Facebook, Cavies and Canines have been able to coordinate transports with various foster homes and animal rescues in different states, including Florida and Iowa.

    While some of the fur babies succumbed to their poor health conditions, other guinea pig mamas birthed pups.

    At the moment, the primary requirements from the rescue comprise contributions towards medical bills, transportation costs, individuals willing to offer medical assistance and groom the animals, and seasoned foster caregivers capable of accommodating guinea pigs.

    Image credits: Cavies and Canines Animal Rescue

    The organization has put out an online form for those interested in helping.

    Additionally, on Thursday (April 18), Cavies and Canines announced that it was putting together foster kits for roughly 60 piggies from the groundbreaking rescue mission who were still in need of housing while finishing their medical treatments.

    In a plea for more aid, the rescue shared an Amazon wishlist featuring essentials in preparation to get “these babies” into foster homes this upcoming weekend.

    Bored Panda has contacted Cavies and Canines for comment.

    “Breeders need to be held accountable,” a reader commented

    The post “It’s Insane”: Animal Shelter Left Desperate After Rescuing 500 Guinea Pigs From Hoarder first appeared on Bored Panda.
  • Thursday 18 April 2024 - 15:50

    Update from Thursday, April 18, 4:30 pm CET:

    Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) confirmed with Bored Panda that LAPD officers responded on April 17,  at around 12:30 am local time, to a “battery investigation” on 8200 block of Sunset Boulevard.

    The address corresponds to the famous Château Marmont Hotel, where Kanye fought the man who allegedly groped Bianca.

    “A battery report was completed,” an LAPD spokesperson told Bored Panda in an email. “We cannot confirm any suspect information.”

    Trigger warning: sexual assault

    Kanye West is currently facing legal complications after being involved in a physical altercation following allegations that someone sexually assaulted his wife, Bianca Censori, prompting “Ye” to retaliate.

    The 46-year-old rapper was reportedly named as the suspect in a battery report after he allegedly punched a man in the face on Tuesday night (April 16) in Los Angeles, USA, following initial reports that Bianca had been pushed or grabbed by the stranger.

    Following the altercation, Ye and his 29-year-old spouse reportedly took off, leaving the man behind, who was said to not require any treatment for potential injuries.

    Kanye West faces legal trouble for allegedly physically retaliating in response to reports of his wife, Bianca Censori, being assaulted

    Image credits: Bellocqimages/Bauer-Griffin/GC Images

    As of TMZ’s latest report published on Wednesday (April 17), the local police have been planning on reaching out to Ye for his side of the story while also seeking out witnesses to speak to.

    On Wednesday at 10:16 pm local time, TMZ reported that claims that Bianca had been “grabbed” were “grossly inadequate as a description of what happened” and clarified that “Bianca was physically assaulted,” the Yeezy founder’s representatives said.

    They added: “The assailant didn’t merely collide into her.

    “He put his hands under her dress, directly on her body, he grabbed her waist, he spun her around, and then he blew her kisses.

    “She was battered and sexually assaulted.”

    Lately, the controversial fashion designer has found himself squarely in the crosshairs of the law.

    Earlier this month, a Yeezy employee filed a lawsuit against him for “severe discrimination, harassment, and retaliation.”

    The employee, Trevor Phillips, worked for Ye’s Yeezy fashion line and the now-closed unaccredited Christian private school, Donda Academy, for about nine months.

    Ye allegedly punched a man in the face on Tuesday night (April 16) in Los Angeles, USA

    Image credits: j.ace.m

    Trevor alleged that the Gold Digger hitmaker made antisemitic comments, berated his employees, and even wanted to put a jail in Donda Academy, which taught pre-kindergarten through twelfth grade.

    According to the lawsuit filed by Trevor in Los Angeles Superior Court on April 2, the rapper perpetuated a dangerous rhetoric “in front of the schoolchildren.”

    It further alleged: “Kanye started to openly discuss how he only likes to date White women.

    “Then addressing the two school children, Kanye told them that he wanted them to shave their heads and that he intended to put a jail at the school — and that they could be locked in cages.

    “The staff quickly distracted the children, and escorted them out of the room.”

    Ye’s reps asserted that Bianca was sexually assaulted by the man the rapper allegedly punched

    @officallyjordanmoore Spotted: Kanye West & Bianca Censori are at Disneyland! #kanye #kanyewest #kanyeatdisneyland #kanyewestandbiancacensori #dca #disneycelebs #celebsatdisney #kanye #ye #kanyewest ♬ original sound – Jordan Moore

    Ye threatened to punch Trevor in the face, the lawsuit alleged. The artist then had an apparent change of heart. 

    Punching one fist in the air in an imitation of Mario’s celebratory dance in the Mario Bros. video game, Ye allegedly said that he would give Trevor “one more chance.”

    Bored Panda has contacted Ye’s representatives and Trevor’s lawyer for comment.

    “Good for defending his wife,” a reader commented

    The post Kanye West Under Police Investigation After Allegedly Punching Man Who Groped Bianca first appeared on Bored Panda.
  • Thursday 18 April 2024 - 15:02

    The sons of two Beatles legends, Paul McCartney and John Lennon, have joined forces to offer their fresh spin on folk-rock, proving that talent certainly runs in the family trees.

    James McCartney, 46, the youngest son of Paul, teamed up with Sean Ono Lennon, the son of John and Yoko Ono, to drop the new track called “Primrose Hill.”

    Named after a park in north London, the song is an acoustic ballad featuring James’ vocals. James said the song was co-written by 48-year-old Sean.

    James McCartney, 46, and Sean Ono Lennon, 48, teamed up to release a new single called “Primrose Hill”

    Image credits: jamesmccartneyofficial

    “‘Primrose Hill’ is here! Today I am so very excited to share my latest song co-written by my good friend @sean_ono_lennon,” James wrote in the caption of an Instagram post featuring the two musicians as they follow in the footsteps of their famous fathers.

    “With the release of this song it feels like we’re really getting the ball rolling and I am so excited to continue to share music with you,” James continued. “Enjoy the song and be sure to enter the ‘Primrose Hill’ Music Video Contest via the link in bio, deadline for entry is next week!”

    James and Sean have followed the footsteps of their famous fathers and dabbled in music in their own unique ways

    Image credits: The Beatles

    Fans were delighted to see another “Lennon-McCartney original.”

    “The first lennon-mccartney in more than 50 years…” one wrote, while another said, “Never thought I see another Lennon and McCartney original.”

    “Beautiful! Lennon-McCartney goes on! Your dads are proud!” another added.

    Another wrote, “Never thought I’d see new Lennon/McCartney in 2024.”

    “Beautiful song beautiful voices an harmony Lennon and McCartney so lovely,” one fan said about the song.

    Fans were delighted to see another “Lennon-McCartney” collaboration through the two sons joining forces to make music

    Image credits: Grunge

    Prior to the release of the song, James explained the idea behind ‘Primrose Hill’ and wrote: “I had a vision as a child in Scotland, on what was a lovely summers day. Letting go, I saw my true love and saviour in my mind’s eye. ‘Primrose Hill’ is about getting the ball rolling with me & finding this person.”

    Proud father Paul threw his support behind James and gave a shout-out to Sean, sharing a post about “Primrose Hill” on Facebook.

    “My son James has a new song out called ‘Primrose Hill’ – check it out! And lots of love to Sean Ono Lennon who co-wrote the song,” the Beatles member wrote.

    The song, “Primrose Hill,” written by James McCartney and Sean Ono Lennon, is named after a park in north London

    James released his own solo albums in 2013 and 2016 and has also co-written and played songs with his father.

    “It’s hard to live up to The Beatles,” he admitted to the Daily Mail in 2013.

    “Even Dad found it hard living up to the Beatles,” he added. “I started out playing under an alias because I wanted to start quietly.”

    “I had to serve my time as a musician and wait until I had a good body of songs and for a time when both myself and my music were ready,” James continued. “I don’t want to sit around. I want to earn my own living.”

    Fans suggested having all the children of the Beatles band up together for a tribute to their fathers

    The post “Your Dads Are Proud!“: John Lennon and Paul McCartney’s Sons Release Song Together That Has Fans Obsessed first appeared on Bored Panda.
  • Thursday 18 April 2024 - 13:44

    For the first time since breaking away from the British Royal Family in 2020, Prince Harry has declared the U.S. his primary place of residence.

    The revelation came about as The Duke of Sussex recently updated the information on housing records related to Travalyst, his eco-travel venture.

    The documentation was published by Companies House on Wednesday, April 17, and listed the “United States” as the “New Country/State Usually Resident” of “Prince Henry Charles Albert David Duke of Sussex.”

    Prince Harry listed the U.S. as his primary residence in new documentation related to his eco-travel venture, Travalyst

    Image credits: Yaroslav Sabitov/Getty Images

    Although the documentation was filed this week, the date listed for the change in his primary residence was June 29, 2023, which coincides with the date the Buckingham Palace confirmed the Sussexes had left Frogmore Cottage.

    Royal experts suggested that Prince Harry felt “deeply wounded” after his father, Prince Charles, asked them to vacate Frogmore Cottage, a property gifted to the Sussexes by Queen Elizabeth as a wedding gift.

    Now that he has officially changed his primary residence to the U.S., the date being backtracked to coincide with the time the couple officially left Frogmore Cottage appeared to some royal watchers as a deliberate gesture, underscoring the depth of his distress and disconnection from the royal establishment.

    Prince Harry said earlier this year, “I love my family,” and he noted that he plans to stop by the UK as much as he can

    Image credits: Gongora/Getty Images

    “As always with Harry a lot can be read into his actions,” Royal author Phil Dampier told The Sun. “Being ousted from Frogmore Cottage wounded him deeply.”

    “Charles and William knew it had to be done to emphasize Harry and Meghan were outside The Firm but he probably still thought he could keep a base here. Now he’s shown he accepts his life is in the US,” he added.

    Although it was filed this week, the date on the document for the change was listed as June 29, 2023, coinciding with the time they officially moved out of Frogmore Cottage

    Image credits: harry_meghan_archie_lilibet

    Earlier this year, Prince Harry reasserted his love for his family and spoke about rushing back to the UK after his father’s cancer diagnosis.

    “I jumped on a plane and went to go see him as soon as I could,” Prince Harry told Good Morning America. “Look, I love my family. The fact that I was able to get on a plane and go and see him and spend any time with him, I’m grateful for that.”

    Coming fifth in line for the British throne after his brother, nephews, and niece, Prince Harry said he will “stop in and see [his] family as much as” he can during other trips planned for this year.

    The news of Prince Harry’s residency update came in light of his wife facing backlash over the launch of a new product under the lifestyle brand, “American Riviera Orchard.”

    The Duchess of Sussex gave the world its first taste of her brand with the unveiling of a new line of homemade strawberry jams. Although it’s not open for sale to the public yet, a number of influencers, socialites, and friends of Meghan received the inaugural item from her range.

    Many social media users went “tut tut” over the product label, which appeared to peel off in the pictures, and some even criticized her for the “pretentiousness” of the range.

    People had mixed reactions to the news of Prince Harry changing his primary residence to the U.S., with one saying it was no “big deal,” while others snarked, “He can stay there!”

    The post Prince Harry Makes Megxit Official By Declaring U.S. His “New Country” And Throwing Away UK Residency first appeared on Bored Panda.
  • Thursday 18 April 2024 - 12:49

    Samantha Davis, founder of dwarfism charity Little People UK and wife of “Harry Potter” star Warwick Davis, has passed away at the age of 53.

    Warwick announced his wife’s death on Wednesday (April 17) night in a moving tribute, writing, “My wife and soul-mate, best friend. Devoted mother. My favorite human. My most trusted confidant and an ardent supporter of everything I did in my career has passed.”

    “Her passing has left a huge hole in our lives as a family. I miss her hugs.”

    The 54-year-old “Star Wars” actor called his late wife “the most open, warm person [he had] ever known,” adding, “She was a unique character, always seeing the sunny side of life, she had a wicked sense of humor and always laughed at my bad jokes.”

    “Harry Potter” star Warwick Davis announced the death of his wife Samantha with a moving tribute

    Image credits: warwickadavis

    The couple’s children, 27-year-old Annabelle and 21-year-old Harrison, also paid tribute to Samantha, writing, “Her love and happiness carried us through our whole lives.”

    “Mum is our best friend,” they continued, “and we’re honored to have received a love like hers.”

    While Samantha’s cause of death has not been disclosed, Warwick explained that her mobility had become impaired in recent years but noted she was “determined that it would not impact her quality of life and limit what she did and was able to achieve.”

    Samantha had achondroplasia, a bone growth disorder that results in dwarfism due to a genetic mutation in the arms and legs.

    “Her passing has left a huge hole in our lives as a family. I miss her hugs,” the actor wrote

    Image credits: annabelleldavis

    In 2019, the actress contracted sepsis, a life-threatening medical emergency caused by the immune system’s overwhelming response to an infection, after undergoing decompression surgery on her spine. 

    “We went home a week later, and suddenly, I couldn’t feel my legs. I thought I was still recovering from the surgery, so I went to bed, but the next day, I felt awful, as though I had been hit by a truck,” she said at the time.

    Samantha was an actress and the founder of the charity Little People UK

    Image credits: annabelleldavis

    Image credits:  Mike Marsland/Getty Images

    Samantha was known for her roles in “Through the Dragon’s Eye,” “ShortFellas,” and “Honky Sausages.” She also had an uncredited role alongside Warwick in the 1988 movie “Willow.”

    Warwick played both Professor Flitwick and the goblin Griphook in all eight films in the “Harry Potter” franchise. He also played several characters in the “Star Wars” film series, most notably Wicket the Ewok.

    The couple met on the set of “Willow” and tied the knot three years later.

    They co-starred in 1994’s “Leprechaun 2” and were joined by their children in “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part 2,” which saw Warwick in the roles of Griphook and Professor Filius Flitwick, while Samantha, Annabelle, and Harrison played Gringotts Goblins.

    “Her love and happiness carried us through our whole lives,” the couple’s children, Harrison and Annabelle, wrote

    Image credits: harrisonwdavis

    Their final post on Instagram was shared on October 5, 2023. “A long overdue date night with my beautiful wife. She felt a bit overdressed for McDonald’s,” Warwick captioned the photo of the couple smiling for the camera.

    Samantha and her husband founded the charity Little People UK in 2012 to help individuals with dwarfism and their families.

    A statement on the charity’s website following the sad news reads, “Not only was Sammy a passionate advocate for the community, she was a friend to many, with a listening ear at any time and an endless positive spirit.”

    People sent their condolences to the family following the terrible news

    The post “Harry Potter” Star Warwick Davis Reveals Wife Has Tragically Passed Away In Heartbreaking Tribute first appeared on Bored Panda.
  • Thursday 18 April 2024 - 12:29

    Simone Biles recently opened up about the toll social media backlash took on her mental health following her husband’s controversial interview where he downplayed his wife’s accomplishments as a world-renowned Olympian.

    Back in December 2023, NFL player Jonathan Owens infamously said on the Pivot podcast he didn’t know who Simone was before they started dating.

    A reminder that the 27-year-old gymnast is the most decorated athlete in her discipline in history, having won seven Olympic and 30 world championship medals.

    Meanwhile, Jonathan is an NFL undrafted free agent who signed a two-year contract with the Chicago Bears last month.

    According to AS, American football players who do not get drafted (picked by an NFL team) are still offered opportunities to try out for teams as undrafted free agents.

    These players attend rookie mini-camps, where they can showcase their skills and potentially earn a spot on a team’s roster.

    Simone Biles appeared on Call Her Daddy, clarifying her husband Jonathan Owens’ infamous interview on the Pivot podcast

    Image credits: simonebiles

    Needless to say, people weren’t particularly impressed when the 28-year-old undrafted athlete told the Pivot podcast host that he was more of a “catch” upon being asked how he had managed to snatch an Olympic star.

    At the time, Jonathan said: “I always say that the men are the catch.”

    The sportsman’s statements quickly went viral, sparking outrage on social media for seemingly devaluing his wife’s groundbreaking accomplishments.

    Simone, who was present during Jonathan’s infamous interview, appeared in an episode of Alex Cooper’s Call Her Daddy podcast shared on Wednesday (April 17), and she explained that her spouse “never said [she] wasn’t a catch.”

    Image credits: Call Her Daddy

    The 27-year-old gymnast clarified: “He said he was a catch because he is.

    “I’ve never met a man like him.”

    Simone said she left the interview thinking everything had gone great, only to look online and see that everyone was bashing her husband, as per Page Six.

    She told Alex: “I thought everything was OK, and then I go on Twitter, and everybody’s like, ‘Divorce this man. He’s mean!’

    “I’m like, ‘He’s the sweetest.’

    “He praises the ground that I walk on.

    “Truly, I’ve never met a man like him … he truly goes out of his way to do anything for me.”

    Jonathan sparked outrage for seemingly downplaying Simone’s accomplishments as the most decorated gymnast

    Image credits: simonebiles

    Despite finding the situation funny at first, the sportswoman eventually felt Jonathan’s interview backlash’s toll.

    Simone recalled: “I thought it was hilarious at first, and then it hurt my feelings.

    “One night, I broke down, and I’m like, ‘Why are you guys talking about my husband like this? You don’t know him.

    “‘You don’t know who he is, and if anybody’s met him, you know he’s the sweetest guy, will do anything for anybody.’”

    She admitted: “That really hurt that they were talking about my husband like that.

    “For me, it’s like, talk about me all you want, but don’t come for my family, never.”

    Image credits: Call Her Daddy

    When asked about her anticipation for Jonathan’s involvement in the upcoming 2024 Paris Olympics, Simone told Alex: “Hopefully, he gets to go because that’s usually like their training camp.”

    She added: “No, and he’s working on a new contract, so hopefully, he’ll work in his new contract.

    “At least like two days. Yeah. Like even if it’s like hey personal day.”

    However, Simone harbored optimism regarding her spouse’s new contract with the Chicago Bears, expressing hope that they might grant him a brief reprieve for the Olympics, as per Essential Sports.

    She said: “But some teams are really, really nice about like if you work with their family relations, some are more family oriented than others.

    “So fingers crossed we’ll get to see him in the stands.”

    “He said he was a catch because he is,” Simone defended her husband

    Image credits: simonebiles

    Jonathan couldn’t attend Simone’s comeback at the US Championships due to work commitments last year, Essential Sports reported.

    Simone, on the other hand, reportedly cheered on Jonathan as he competed in the NFL playoffs with the Green Bay Packers.

    The gymnast will have to wait until the Olympic trials, taking place in late June in Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, to officially book her ticket to the Paris Games, USA Today reported.

    Nevertheless, her return to competition last fall, cruising to victory in the individual all-around final at the 2023 world championships, and winning golds in the team event, on the balance beam, and in floor exercise, indicates she is already heavily favored to win her second all-around Olympic gold medal in Paris.

    The Paris 2024 Olympic Games will start on Friday, July 26, with the opening ceremony starting at 7:30 pm local time (CET) and ending on Sunday, August 11, with the closing ceremony starting at 9:00 pm local time (CET).

    Simone’s conversation with Alex ignited divided reactions

    The post Simone Biles Reveals She Broke Down From The Online Hate Following Husband’s Viral Video first appeared on Bored Panda.
  • Thursday 18 April 2024 - 12:17

    Katy Perry is never just a face in the crowd. At Coachella, she was two faces in the crowd, as she wore a t-shirt that showcased the face of her beloved partner, Orlando Bloom.

    The Firework singer turned heads while attending Coachella in an oversized t-shirt featuring none other than Orlando’s iconic character from “Lord of the Rings,” Legolas. Katy wore the t-shirt as a minidress and paired it with black combat boots and a black cross-body bag.

    The songstress shared a couple of Instagram stories during her time at the music festival, and one of them also showed her on a video call with Orlando, who seemed delighted to see his fiancée in a t-shirt with his face on it.

    While the pop diva dazzled at the music festival, Orlando was reportedly busy promoting his new reality show, “Orlando Bloom: To The Edge,” which debuted on April 18. The show features the Pirates of the Caribbean star undertaking some thrilling extreme sports, like rock climbing, free diving, and wingsuit flying.

    Katy Perry walked around Coachella proving she was her partner’s ultimate fangirl, wearing a Legolas t-shirt

    Image credits: katyperry

    Although Orlando couldn’t be by her side at Coachella, Katy still managed to make a stylish shout-out to her fiancé. Her fashion statement screamed ultimate fangirl as she appeared to enjoy herself at the festival.

    “I been to Coachella longer than you’ve been alive,” Katy wrote on Instagram, sharing a series of snaps from the event, which included her wearing the Legolas t-shirt.

    Orlando commented on the post and joked, “Babe I told ya to bring that belt.”

    Fans couldn’t get over Katy’s t-shirt, with one saying, “The Legolas shirt is pure fire.”

    “THAT LEGOLAS SHIRT – I AM SCREAMING!” one said, while another wrote, “I’m LIVING for Katy in her fan girl shirt. Fan girl shirt, OF HER HUSBAND.”

    The singer shared an Instagram story of her having a video call with Orlando Bloom, who seemed delighted to see her enjoying herself at the music festival

    Image credits: katyperry

    “The Legolas tee!!!! Need that for comic con!!!!” a fourth comment said.

    “I love the Legolas shirt,” another wrote.

    One said, “That Legolas shirt… I live!”

    Katy and Bloom have shared a whirlwind romance since they first started dating in 2016. After a brief split, the couple rekindled their relationship and got engaged in 2019, further solidifying their bond with the birth of their daughter, Daisy, in 2020.

    The pop diva said it was “interesting” to welcome a baby during the pandemic with her fiancé

    Image credits: Axelle/Bauer-Griffin/FilmMagic

    “It was just such an interesting thing having a child during COVID because everything paused besides that,” Katy told People in 2022. “I love the experience I’m having with my daughter now.”

    While talking about possibly having more kids with Orlando, the singer said she’s ready for whatever happens.

    “Hopefully in the future,” she said.

    Some fans agreed that “they’re so cute” after seeing Katy Perry’s snaps from Coachella

    The post Fangirl Katy Perry Wears T-Shirt With Orlando Bloom’s Face And Video Calls Him From Coachella first appeared on Bored Panda.
  • Thursday 18 April 2024 - 10:51

    Known for her striking features and glamorous red carpet looks, Megan Fox posted a mirror selfie that left fans in awe as she embraced a more natural and almost makeup-free look.

    While some fans stated the obvious about her being drop-dead gorgeous, others blinked in disbelief and felt that the actress looked unrecognizable.

    Ditching the layers of professional makeup, the 37-year-old star stood in front of the mirror in a comfy homebody look—a black bra and red plaid pajama bottoms—and smiled for the camera, rocking her many inches of cascading blue hair.

    Apart from what appeared to be a touch of lip gloss, the Transformers actress largely seemed to be makeup-free in the much-talked-about mirror selfie.

    Megan’s post also served as a strategic plug for Wella Professionals, as the actress captioned her post with the words: “Repairing my hair (and 26 inches of extensions) post coachella.”

    Megan Fox posted a selfie without layers of professional makeup, flaunting her natural beauty to the world

    Image credits: meganfox

    The caption was tailed with the hashtags #wellapartner #ad, and fans who swiped right on her Instagram carousel were shown a picture of her holding two hair products from Wella Professionals.

    The mirror selfie sparked an array of reactions from social media users who scrolled through their feeds and stumbled upon Megan’s bare-faced look.

    “Who tf is that,” said one comment that received more than 9,300 likes.

    “This isn’t Megan Fox,” one said, while another wrote, “This does not look like Megan Fox AT ALL. AI doing its thing again.”

    Image credits: meganfox

    “Why the hell did I think this was Kim Kardashian?” another wrote.

    Yet another said, “You’re not Megan Fox.”

    “…..I didn’t know who the hell I was looking at until I read the account name…..wtf???” another said.

    The actress’s selfie left some people saying she was unrecognizable, while others stated she looked drop-dead gorgeous regardless

    Image credits: meganfox

    One group of fans in the comment section focused on the undeniable, saying: “You look so fire.”

    “Bro is pretty even without makeup,” one said, while another fan wrote, “Wow you are gorgeous.”

    “Such a hottie!” and “So naturally gorgeous” were other comments that followed suit.

    “Blue hair no makeup Megan is what everyone needs in their life,” another wrote.

    “I love this photo. It’s so real. We need more of this!” one said.

    Another added, “Megan looks just as good if not better without makeup.”

    Image credits: meganfox

    Image credits: meganfox

    Here’s what fans had to say about the blue-haired “cosmo fairy”

    The post Megan Fox’s Makeup-Free Selfie Has Bewildered Fans Asking, “Who TF Is That?” first appeared on Bored Panda.
  • Thursday 18 April 2024 - 10:41

    Today is Tom Cruise’s estranged daughter Suri Cruise’s 18th birthday, marking notable years as one of Hollywood’s most famous babies and a transition to a more private life with mom Katie Holmes.

    Suri was born on April 18, 2006, and was famously featured in October of the same year on the cover of Vanity Fair in an article entitled “SOMEONE WANTED TO SEE ME?”, which highlighted Tom and Katie’s at-the-time united family.

    “I am sitting in Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes’ bedroom with his children Isabella, 13, and Connor, 11,” the Vanity Fair reporter wrote at the time, referring to Tom’s children adopted from his previous marriage to Nicole Kidman.

    The reporter later described a meeting with the family: “Tom and Katie, the kids, Tom’s mom, Mary Lee, and his sister Cass and her children, along with many of Katie’s family members—15 Holmeses in all—including her parents, Martin and Kathleen, and her brother and sisters and their kids.”

    Back then, parents Katie and Tom were portrayed as a strong couple. Describing their newborn baby girl, Tom told Vanity: “She has Kate’s lips and eyes.

    “I think she looks like Kate,” while Katie said: “I think she has Tom’s eyes.

    “I think she looks like Tom.”

    Suri Cruise turns 18 today, highlighting her life spent in NYC with her mom, Katie Holmes, away from her dad, Tom Cruise

    Image credits: BACKGRID

    Fast forward to June 2012, when Katie filed for divorce from Tom, subsequently leaving her ex-spouse’s controversial religious organization, Scientology.

    In July 2012, People reported that the Mission Impossible star and Katie agreed that Suri would live primarily with her mother in New York, USA, “with generous visitation by her father.”

    While the Dawson’s Creek actress and Suri moved into a three-bedroom apartment in the Big Apple, Tom was reportedly living in Los Angeles with Connor and Bella.

    Weeks later, HuffPost reported that Katie had officially returned to the Catholic faith, registering as a parishioner at the Church of St. Francis Xavier in New York City “five years after revealing that she had started to study Scientology.”

    “Everyone is thrilled to have Katie join us,” a member of the church’s choir told HuffPost at the time. “She has not yet attended a service, but when she does she will be welcomed with open arms.”

    Image credits: James Devaney/Gettyimages

    Despite previous reports that Tom would continue to maintain a relationship with his ex-wife and his daughter, the separation from Scientology ultimately led to complete alienation.

    In 2019, author Samantha Domingo told Us Weekly that Tom was not allowed to have a relationship with Suri because she is not a Scientologist.

    She told the outlet that the reason was due to the church’s belief in reincarnation, so they would not view Suri as Tom’s daughter.

    Nicole Kidman, who adopted Connor and Bella with Tom when they were married from 1990 to 2001, suffered a similarly strained relationship, as her children chose to stay in the controversial Church of Scientology, ultimately shunning the Moulin Rouge star away from them.

    Suri has grown up in Manhattan, largely shielded from the spotlight by her loving and highly protective mom and far removed from her 60-year-old father’s religion, which has been recognized as a harmful cult by many investigations.

    Suri was born on April 18, 2006

    Image credits: James Devaney/Gettyimages

    An industry source told Page Six that Tom has not seen Suri since 2012. “Katie has safeguarded Suri and she’s a devoted mom,” the source said.

    The source added: “This is a girl who is a private citizen.

    “She hasn’t lived her life in public.”

    In 2023, the 45-year-old mom told Glamour that she liked to “protect” Suri from the public eye “because she was so visible at a young age.”

    “I’m very grateful to be a parent, to be her parent. She’s an incredible person. She’s my heart,” she added.

    Tom and Suri were last seen together at Disney World in the summer of 2012.

    Image credits: Alessio Botticelli/Getty Images

    In November 2013, during a deposition in his $50 million court battle against a pair of tabloid magazines, the Top Gun actor admitted that Katie had filed for divorce “to protect Suri from Scientology,” court documents revealed, as per Page Six.

    Despite not having a relationship; as per their divorce agreement, Tom, who has an estimated $600 million fortune, agreed to pay Katie $400,000 a year until Suri turns 18 as well as future “medical, dental, insurance, education, college and other extracurricular costs,” Page Six reported.

    Katie is reportedly believed to have signed multiple non-disclosure documents that prevent her from ever talking about her marriage to Tom and her time inside Scientology.

    Unlike her mother, Suri, a now legally declared adult by the New York state, will be allowed to speak freely about her father and his beliefs.

    Katie, famous for starring in Dawson’s Creek, filed for divorce from Tom in 2012 “to protect Suri from Scientology”

    Image credits: Entertainment One Films

    Tony Ortega, who has covered Scientology in depth for decades, told Page Six, “Suri would have been too young to sign any agreement, but she will now be free to talk if she wants to and it’s going to be really interesting if she has something to say.”

    He added: “Part of why Katie left when she did when Suri was six was that Katie would have seen Isabella and Connor going through Scientology.”

    “We don’t know for sure if Katie was ever declared an SP (suppressive person),” Tony said.

    According to Scientology’s official website, to be declared a suppressive person is extremely rare and results in expulsion from the Scientology religion.

    When someone has been expelled from the religion, that person loses both his or her fellowship with the church as well as with other Scientologists, the church notes.

    But former Scientologists have often revealed that being declared an SP came as a result of simply leaving the church or questioning the doctrines.

    Image credits: BACKGRID

    Actress Leah Remini, who famously left the church back in 2013 and has since exposed the organization’s alleged crimes and abuse, particularly in her Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath docuseries, recently told Larry Kind that SPs suffered from harassment.

    She explained the church had “a policy called fair game,” though now canceled. Leah said: “They, in fact, did issue another policy that says fair game has been cancelled however there’s another policy that says, however, dealing with suppressive people remains the same, dealing with suppressive people means to go after them try to destroy their lives.”

    The King of Queens star is currently scheduled to appear in a trial against the church in October 2025.

    Last August, Leah filed a 68-page lawsuit in Los Angeles Superior Court, alleging she had been subject to a decade of online attacks, stalking, and intimidation designed to punish her for her criticism of the church, as per Variety.

    The last time Suri was seen with Tom was in 2012

    Image credits: Paramount Pictures

    “If you are a regular church member you could be told to disconnect from your wife and daughter, but because Tom is a celebrity — he’s the top celebrity — he gets to ignore all this stuff,” Tony told Page Six.

    Leah, who attended Katie and Tom’s Italian wedding at the 15th-century Odescalchi Castle in November 2006, recently said: “I’m sure his [Tom] master plan is to wait until Suri gets older so that he can lure her into Scientology and away from her mother.”

    Suri has tiptoed very gently into her parents’ showbusiness world while attending her exclusive Manhattan day school, singing Blue Moon in the opening credits of Katie’s 2022 movie, Alone Together, Page Six reported.

    “I always want the highest level of talent,” Katie said. “So I asked her! She’s very, very talented. She said she would do it and she recorded it, and I let her do her thing.”

    Suri also sang in the film Rare Objects, which her mom also directed.

    “Her mom’s twin,” a reader commented

    The post Estranged Daughter Of Tom Cruise, Suri, Turns 18—Spent Most Of Her Life With Mom Katie Holmes first appeared on Bored Panda.
  • Thursday 18 April 2024 - 09:12
  • Thursday 18 April 2024 - 08:32

    Vous cherchez à mieux comprendre et gérer votre digestion? Les FODMAPs sont des types de glucides qui peuvent causer des inconforts digestifs chez certaines personnes. Découvrez quels aliments en sont…

    L’article Quels aliments sont riches en FODMAPs ? est apparu en premier sur Garan Cedore Magazine.

  • Wednesday 17 April 2024 - 23:01

    Découvrez ce que signifie la décompensation en psychologie, un phénomène où une personne perd temporairement ses mécanismes habituels d’adaptation face au stress, entraînant un retour de symptômes psychologiques autrefois maîtrisés.…

    L’article Qu’est-ce que la décompensation en psychologie ? est apparu en premier sur Garan Cedore Magazine.

  • Wednesday 17 April 2024 - 14:35
  • Wednesday 17 April 2024 - 13:45
  • Wednesday 17 April 2024 - 09:22
  • Wednesday 17 April 2024 - 08:31
  • Wednesday 17 April 2024 - 02:00

    Lectures : Réseaux de domestication et complexification artificielle de la communication

    Réseaux sociaux

    Petit rappel pour toutes les personnes qui mettent en évidence un peu partout leurs profils X/Twitter et LinkedIn. Ces réseaux sont fermés. Toute personne qui n’a pas de compte ne pourra pas accéder à votre profil. Et si elle en a un, mais que, pour une raison ou une autre, elle n’est pas connectée.

    Facebook et Instagram ont fait pareil dans le passé, mais permettent, pour le moment, d’avoir accès à certaines informations restreintes sur votre profil (à condition d’arriver à passer tous les bandeaux tentant de vous forcer à vous connecter et de vous fourguer des cookies).

    C’est spécialement inquiétant pour tous ces professionnels qui tentent à tout prix de mettre en avant leur profil LinkedIn. Ou tous ces candidats aux prochaines élections.

    Vous croyez vous promouvoir grâce à ces réseaux ?

    C’est tout le contraire. Vous faites la promotion de ces produits. Et vous perdez certainement beaucoup de personnes en cours de route (car, non, tout le monde n’a pas un compte et ceux qui en ont ne sont pas nécessairement connectés dessus sur tous les appareils qu’ils utilisent). Ces réseaux sont un mensonge !

    Comme le dit très bien Seirdy, le but de ces réseaux est de domestiquer les utilisateurs (ici, il parle de Whatsapp, mais c’est pareil)

    Si vous cherchez une certaine visibilité, la moindre des choses est une page web minimale accessible à tou·te·s. Ou, à défaut, un compte Mastodon. Car, contrairement à tous les réseaux propriétaires susnommés, on peut parcourir un profil Mastodon sans avoir de compte (ni même sans n’avoir jamais entendu parler de Mastodon).

    ChatGPT et Ploum.net

    Un page perso, c’est un truc dont le sociologue des médias Grégoire Lits comprend très bien l’importance.Inspiré par mon blog, mais ne sachant pas coder en python, Grégoire Lits a demandé à ChatGPT de lui fournir le code.

    L’expérience est très intéressante et me renforce dans ma conviction que les IA sont des outils qui ont leur utilité, mais ne sont pas "révolutionnaires". Parce que tout ce que Grégoire a fait, il aurait pu le faire sans ChatGPT, mais en utilisant des forums et des manuels. Il aurait peut-être pris plus de temps pour sa solution initiale (je dis "peut-être" car il déclare avoir passé "4h" dessus, mais je sais d’expérience que le temps de travail effectif peut changer d’un ordre de grandeur selon la manière dont on le mesure et que Grégoire maitrisait déjà beaucoup de choses).

    L’effort se mesure également sur le long terme : j’ai personnellement passé beaucoup du temps au début à produire ce qui génère ce blog (en fait majoritairement pour la production d’emails), mais, désormais, lorsque je dois modifier quelque chose, cela me prend littéralement quelques minutes. Et je ne dois pas faire de mises à jour, m’adapter à une quelconque mise à jour sous-jacente. J’ai déjà rentabilisé au centuple le temps passé par rapport à un Wordpress.

    Grégoire est très conscient de ce qu’il fait et ce qui rend sa démarche hyper intéressante c’est qu’il ne l’a pas vu comme une manière d’être productif, mais une manière de se former. Il utilise ChatGPT pour apprendre à ne plus dépendre de ChatGPT. C’est pour moi un excellent usage de ce genre d’outils.

    Cela semble plus rapide et personnalisé que l’utilisation des forums comme je le faisais il y a 25 ans. Par contre, on perd le côté humain d’apprendre à se connaitre l’un l’autre, de découvrir des trucs inédits par sérendipité et de se rencontrer pour discuter en vrai. Mais on va dire qu’on avait déjà perdu ce côté "communautaire" lorsque les forums ont été remplacés par des géants comme StackOverFlow.

    La question primordiale c’est que, comme Grégoire l’indique, il ne comprend pas le code qui fait tourner son site. Ce code pourrait potentiellement effectuer des actions inutiles, voire nocives. Ce n’est pas nouveau : copier/coller du code de StackOverFlow comporte les mêmes risques.

    Et c’est là tout le paradoxe des AIs : auditer du code est beaucoup beaucoup plus difficile que d’en écrire du neuf. C’était moins fatigant pour moi de construire un générateur de site statique à partir de rien que d’apprendre à utiliser un existant !

    Fatigue attentionnelle

    C’est ce qu’on appelle « la fatigue attentionelle ». Un humain peut être concentré sur sa tâche pendant des heures s’il fait quelque chose. Mais s’il doit uniquement être attentif sans rien faire, son esprit va très vite s’endormir. C’est l’équivalent de compter les moutons pour s’endormir.

    D’ailleurs, nous le savons tous. Préférez-vous être dans un taxi traditionnel, avec un chauffeur qui conduit ou bien un taxi entièrement automatique, mais, comme il n’est pas entièrement sûr, il y a quand même un chauffeur qui ne fait rien, qui se contente de surveiller le pilote automatique du coin de l’œil tout en jouant avec son smartphone ?

    C’est une critique de l’intelligence artificielle dont on ne parle pas assez : si ce qui est produit automatiquement par un algorithme doit être vérifié par un humain, cela coûte très souvent plus cher que de le faire produire par un humain directement. Les IA des fameux magasins physiques Amazon qui permettaient de détecter tout ce que vous mettiez dans votre sac pour vous permettre de sortir sans passer par une caisse étaient en fait… des centaines de travailleurs en Inde scrutant les caméras de surveillance. La blague à la mode est de dire que « IA » est l’acronyme de « Indiens Absents ».

    Pareil pour ce service expérimental de taxis sans-conducteur aux États-Unis. Les voitures étaient, en cas d’urgence, pilotées à distance. Les calculs ont montré qu’au total, la firme employait en moyenne 1,6 chauffeur par voiture. L’IA ne détruit pas l’emploi : elle ne fait que les rendre encore plus merdiques.


    Car, surtout sur le Web, il a toujours fallu faire attention à ce qu’on lisait. Les blagues potaches étaient la norme, parfois avec un très haut degré de réalisme. Je ne résiste pas à vous partager cette récente trouvaille : le fromage à base de lait de baleine.

    C’est particulièrement réaliste et bien foutu. Qu’en pense Paul Watson ?

    Le prix de notre inculture

    Depuis quelques années, mon objectif n’est pas de découvrir de nouveaux outils informatiques, mais, au contraire, d’en utiliser le moins possible, mais de les utiliser à fond. Avec Neovim comme éditeur, les outils Unix, Pandoc et des scripts Python ou Bash et Git comme gestionnaire, je fais absolument tout ce dont j’ai besoin d’une manière incroyablement efficace. Durant les examens de mes étudiants, je me suis surpris à faire un simple fichier markdown avec mes remarques et à calculer simplement les moyennes en passant le fichier à travers quelques pipes Unix. Bref, à faire de l’Excel sans même y penser.

    Peut-être que mes besoins sont minimes ? Pas nécessairement. Adam Drake a démontré qu’utiliser de relativement simples pipelines Unix pouvait être 100x plus rapide pour faire du traitement massif de données que d’utiliser les outils dédiés.

    C’est comme les AI : toutes les solutions que l’on nous vend ne permettent rien de révolutionnaire. Elles font juste pire que les anciennes solutions tout en se prétendant plus faciles à court terme (ce qui n’est même pas toujours vrai).

    Ce que nous achetons très cher, c’est essentiellement notre inculture informatique.

    Plutôt que de sauter de pages web en pages web à la recherche de la dernière nouveauté révolutionnaire, on devrait passer plus de temps à s’asseoir pour lire un livre dont la qualité est validée par 10, 20 ou 100 ans d’existence. Oui, même en informatique, on apprend plus en lisant des livres qui ont 20 ans qu’en testant toutes les nouveautés à la mode.

    Fatigue oculaire

    D’ailleurs, le livre nous reposerait les yeux. On savait déjà que les réseaux sociaux bouffent votre temps, vous font détruire la planète à cause de la publicité, vous rendent dépressifs. Mais, en plus, ils sont mauvais pour les yeux. Surtout quand il faut scroller.

    J’avoue que je ne supporte pas le scroll. J’ai un téléphone eink et, si je dois lire un site dessus, j’utilise le navigateur einkbro qui permet de naviguer page par page. C’est marrant parce que, au départ, cette fonctionnalité sert à contourner les déficiences techniques de la technologie eink qui est trop lente pour permettre le scroll. Mais, en réalité, c’est bien plus agréable.

    Et sur mon laptop, je n’arrive plus à lire quoi que ce soit en dehors de… less. Une commande Unix qui a presque mon âge (et qui est toujours développée). Comment lire le web dans less ? Tout simplement avec Offpunk, qui m’affiche un texte bien centré. Quand j’arrive au bout de l’écran, j’appuie sur la barre espace pour passer à la page suivante.

    Le truc qui est intéressant avec Offpunk, c’est de constater que la majorité du code sert à tenter de retrouver le texte original que l’auteur a produit avant que cela ne soit transformé en une bouillie vaguement apparentée à du HTML. Offpunk est donc une sorte d’anti-logiciel, de démerdificitateur du web.

    C’est le même principe que le mode "lecture" de votre navigateur ou votre bloqueur de pub : essayer de retrouver l’information originale au milieu de toute la merde rajoutée par les intermédiaires.

    Cette expérience me rend particulièrement dubitatif au sujet de l’utilité des générateurs de texte "intelligents": les deux cas d’usage les plus cités sont, premièrement, la génération d’un texte sur un sujet à partir d’une très courte description (un « prompt ») et, deuxièmement, la faculté de résumer un texte trop long pour en tirer l’information essentielle.

    Vous voyez où je veux en venir…

    Le Web, à la base, c’est « Produire du texte -> Protocole HTTP -> Lire le texte ».

    C’est ensuite devenu : « Produire du texte -> Merdifier avec du JS et des pubs -> protocole HTTP -> démerdifier avec adblocks et mode lecture -> lire le texte ».

    Désormais, on est entré dans la phase « Avoir une idée de texte -> IA pour générer du contenu -> merdifier avec du JS et des pubs -> protocole HTTP -> démerdifier avec adblocks et mode lecture -> IA pour résumé et trouver l’idée originale -> espérer que le résultat est l’intention initiale de l’auteur ».

    C’est peut-être pour cela que j’aime tant bloguer et lire des blogs depuis 20 ans. J’ai l’impression d’échanger des idées directement d’humain à humain, sans intermédiaire. Merci à vous pour cet échange permanent et tellement enrichissant !

    Ingénieur et écrivain, j’explore l’impact des technologies sur l’humain, tant par écrit que dans mes conférences.

    Recevez directement par mail mes écrits en français et en anglais. Votre adresse ne sera jamais partagée. Vous pouvez également utiliser mon flux RSS francophone ou le flux RSS complet.

    Pour me soutenir, achetez mes livres (si possible chez votre libraire) ! Je viens justement de publier un recueil de nouvelles qui devrait vous faire rire et réfléchir. Je fais également partie du coffret libre et éthique « SF en VF ».

  • Tuesday 16 April 2024 - 23:01
  • Tuesday 16 April 2024 - 14:35
  • Tuesday 16 April 2024 - 08:31
  • Sunday 14 April 2024 - 14:34
  • Sunday 14 April 2024 - 09:51