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  • Saturday 27 April 2024 - 14:34
  • Saturday 27 April 2024 - 08:31
  • Saturday 27 April 2024 - 05:10

    Poverty rates look different depending on where and who you look at. But in the U.S., for instance, among people under 18, it's 16.3% (3.7 percentage points higher than the country's overall rate).

    Interested in all the ways the lack of money shapes us, Reddit user CursedButHere made a post on the platform's forum 'Random Thoughts,' asking everyone to describe the peculiar things they do because they grew up poor.

    "I'm not talking about the usual things that everyone has heard of, like hoarding food or saving almost empty shampoo bottles," they wrote. "I'm talking about the weird things nobody thinks about."

    To kickstart the discussion, the Redditor provided a personal example. "Mine is that even though I have a really good car that has never given me trouble, I only frequent the stores closest to me. I want to make sure if my car breaks down that I can easily walk home. If I have to go somewhere further like I do this week, then I am paranoid the whole way there and back that something will happen and I'll have a really, really long walk ahead of me." Below are the most upvoted replies that they've received.


    I count my blessings/ accomplishments. What I count is more reflective of my poor upbringing. “I have a car!” Or a driver’s license. Or a bank account. I haven’t dug for change in ages. I don’t know to the penny what is in my bank account. And now that I have a house, “That floorboard is mine.” Like mine mine. I came from no family in town, dead or absent parents, renting a quarter of an attic for $60 bucks a month with no car and no bank account and student loans. And every once in a while it hits me that this ordinary stuff I do or have was some past me’s out of reach. So I guess the weird thing I do is sit and stare in awe of the journey. And think, “I can buy ice cream.”.

    Image credits: ScreeminGreen


    When I make spaghetti, I pour the spaghetti sauce out, fill the jar with a little bit of water and shake the jar with the lid back on. Then pour the remaining mixture in the pot as well so none goes to waste. Something I learnt from my mum, and it was my favourite part because shaking the jar became a game.

    Image credits: Yawning_Mango


    Hoarding instincts. Have to fight those constantly. .

    Image credits: penguinsfrommars


    I don't eat the last of anything. The last biscuit in the packet, or the last slice of bread in the loaf. There is generally a pile of various single items of food in packets etc around the place.

    When I was growing up, we couldn't eat the last as there was always someone else who might need it more. Either my brother or one of my sisters coming home from work, or one of my parents when they were in...

    Taking the last was selfish, and being selfish was the very worst thing anyone could be when we never had much...

    Image credits: WordsAtRandom


    Oh boy... For reference growing up poor was about 45+ years ago.

    * Unfortunately I still rush on the toilet. For many years we didn't have running water so the toilet was an "outhouse". Let me tell you there is nothing like -30 degree temps to motivate you to get your job done quickly. In the summer it was thousands of flies. So you just never took your time. Yes, this has taken its toll on me physically.
    * I'm paranoid about losing access to water so if the weather says there is a storm coming I fill the bathtub with cold water as well some buckets so I can take a rudimentary bath and dump water in the back of the toilet to flush it.
    * I always have a small wood stove and some firewood on hand so I have 100% certainty that I can boil water and/or cook food on top of it if I need to. This also doubles to keep the place above freezing if the electricity goes out for a long time. You don't want your pipes to freeze (and you end up without running water again).
    * I hang my clothes to dry indoors with only a few exceptions (like bed sheets) because the dryer is so expensive to run. Note that I could run the dryer 24 hours a day and still afford my electricity bill, but I could never bring myself to use it except when I have to.
    * I never eat canned foods. Canned foods were cheap and so every meal was a canned vegetable, potatoes (also cheap), and then some protein (usually fish because we could catch that ourselves and it was free). We never went hungry, but I buy fresh vegetables and nice cuts of meat for myself now. I still long for fresh fish though.
    * I do all my own vehicle maintenance. I bought a motorcycle in 1992 for $600 and to learn auto mechanics I stripped it right down to the frame, head off, valves out, carbs completely disassembled, etc. and then put it all back together. My time is now valuable and I know it is really stupid to do my own work, but after decades of doing it because I had to, I can't seem to bring myself to pay someone else to do it.

    I could probably keep going, but at some point this turns into a therapy session.

    Image credits: citizen_of_europa


    It might not sound that unusual but I walk everywhere even though I can afford the bus. Doesn't matter how tired I am, I'll still walk because it feels wrong to spend money frivolously that I might need someday.

    Image credits: Miss_Doodles


    I have an odd thing I consider a luxury.

    Hand towels and kitchen towels. I probably have 50 of each. Overkill, I know.

    But growing up we never, not ever, had a hand towel for drying your hands in the bathroom. It was 'just wipe them on your jeans or dress'. In the kitchen, it was the same. Not a single hand towel for kitchen or bath--ever.

    Bath towels, we were each assigned our own (six kids) and they got washed once a month. So disgusting. If you really wanted to p**s off a sibling, use their bath towel.

    So I also have a ridiculous number of luxurious bath towels, bath sheets. High quality ones and yes, it feels so luxurious and I feel rich!

    Image credits: MountainDuchess


    I can never have enough in my savings account to make me feel safe. I don't trust the future and take all precautions I can whilst I have money. I nest up on dry foods. And I get irrationally tense when my partner uses up the last of something and doesn't replenish it straight up.

    Image credits: Aluanne


    Every bit of leftovers go in the fridge, and I eat them, usually for breakfast or lunch the next day.

    Nothing goes to waste. Ever. Every container is scraped clean before going in the trash.


    Dilute fruit juices. My mom would dilute a quart of oj or fruit punch to a half gallon to stretch it between all my siblings and cousins that lived with us. To this day, bottles of fruit juice are too strong for me and I’ll water them down.

    Image credits: Dirf_Scout


    I forget that "going to the doctor" is a thing. Whenever I describe an ailment or minor injury, people ask if I got any antibiotics, or stitches, or the like, and I'm always just like... No?..

    Image credits: 1stDesponder


    Open presents without ripping the wrapping paper and reuse.


    Lock doors anytime I'm walking away from it. I can literally be going from the back door, to the backyard and if I can't see the door, I'll lock it.

    Image credits: bloopie1192


    My mom always made a huge deal about how expensive shoes were. I have only recently realized how that has followed me. I need a new pair. My current reeboks are 7 yrs old. Zero traction. No holes, but one damp surface and I'll be on my tush.

    Image credits: abbys_alibi


    Just the boring stuff I heard for 2 decades. Turn those lights out when you leave the room. Close the door your letting the ac out or the cold in. But I added to it & also unplug stuff i barely ever use.

    Image credits: AssumptionAdvanced58


    I specifically throw some things away that are still useful because i had to save everything as a kid. I feel guilty every time i do it, and i have to force myself to do it.

    My mom still washes out and reuses zip lock bags, and my dad had a drawer full of dead batteries that had enough juice in them to make a flashlight useless.

    Image credits: Bobodahobo010101


    I still find having my own washer and dryer a luxury. I can come home and immediately toss dirty clothes in a washer, not scrounge for quarters all week. If it's chilly out I can put my clothes in the dryer instead of the oven to get warm.

    Image credits: azorianmilk


    Have an anxiety attack when there’s a knock at my door, it comes from having to hide when bailiffs would turn up to my house when I was a kid.


    I'm basically a hoarder because "what if I need that specific thing" sometime"? And not particularly useful things. Like, bread ties and old food containers, like the plastic tubs margarine comes in.

    Image credits: RickyTheRaccoon


    For the longest time, I wouldn't go to the doctor or dentist until I absolutely had to. Didn't get regular cleanings until I was in my 20s because my parents didn't have a dental plan (and their teeth prove it--okay, my teeth prove it).

    Image credits: Silent_Syren


    I often swaddle myself in the blanket in bed and I think it’s because it used to keep most of the ants and other bugs out when I was sleeping.

    Image credits: SlavSquat93


    We never threw out phone books growing up. They doubled as toilet paper.

    Image credits: Revolutionary-Rip-40


    I am constantly staring at the ground because that's how I got my allowance as a kid; change I found on the street.
    It's habitual and I'm trying to break it.

    Image credits: Silent_Ad_8672


    I never bring up cost when going anywhere ,dinner vacay etc ,I got it! If I invited you I would never expect you to pay for anything even if you have more money then me I just want to have fun,something that never happened much when I was young price tag on fun!!

    Image credits: Whisenhunt55


    I don’t eat the last of anything. I’ll only use half the mayo I want because I don’t want to get in trouble for using it all.

    Image credits: No-Tomatillo-8826


    I never throw away clothes, and I rarely buy new ones.
    I wouldn't say I grew up poor, but my mother took mine and my siblings paychecks. So we never got to use them ourselves. She would use this to fuel her shopping addiction. I got to spend my money the way I wanted to when I was 24. I had no means of getting away before that. And even before that, I took my appearance very seriously. It was my main means of survival.

    I have a hierarchy for clothes now. Outside and public wear, Indoor and pyjama wear, make in to new clothes, make in to rags.

    I also mend my clothes, fix broken seams, patch torn pockets, replace buttons, etc. I also do this with my husbands clothes, but he is more willing to throw away garments than to put me through work to fix it... unless he likes the item alot.

    Image credits: Impressive_Sock_8744


    I over cook.

    We always have left overs. I never want to be faced with not enough food for someone to have more.

    Image credits: judgeeveryonesbiznes


    Dilute dish soap.

    Growing up we always had one bottle of liquid dish soap and another that was 1 part soap to 1 or 2 parts water. I went all the way through my college years thinking all dish soap was concentrated.

    Image credits: The_Final_Gunslinger


    I check prices of everything and sometimes will choose a brand I don’t like as much to save even a few cents.

    I reuse teabags. Not save for the next day or anything like that… but if I have tea and want a second cup, I’ll reuse the same tea bag.


    I eat a lot of things cold that most people like hot.

    Image credits: Owlettebynight


    Not eating strawberries. I always have it in my head they are pretentious. I finally made the connection that my parents didn’t buy them much cus they were expensive.

    Image credits: Medusatre


    Anytime I make a big purchase, I’m pretty sure I’m going to get arrested or something.

    Going on a trip in anything but a car, then renting a car, a hotel, paying to visit things, and going out to eat, just feels somewhat luxurious.

    Still, I will be miserly and try to find the best rates for everything that I can. But I’ve learned enough to know, somethings too cheap, there is a catch. So, I do avoid the bottom tier of pricing.

    Pretty much anything I buy in the grocery store, it’s by going on sale prices. If it’s not on sale, it’s not in the cart, unless I find a cheaper alternative.

    I’m 52 and my 25 year old buddy gave me so much c**p for trying to cheap out buying Doritos. My 16 year old wanted a small bag of Doritos with this Saturday night dinner. Well, the small bag was $2.99. Way too much for a 2 serving bag. But the regular size bag was not on sale. It was $5. But it’s a better value than the $2.99 bag. But it wasn’t on sale. Who’s got that much money to spend on chips that aren’t on sale? It’s just ridiculous to pay that much for junk food.

    I bought them anyway, because I knew it’s what the son wanted. But I get so much c**p for worrying about the price of Doritos.

    Image credits: uckfu


    Shoe cleaning day.

    Being a poor kid in NY, in the 80's and early 90's... that was tough for MANY reasons.

    As an adult, I really appreciate what I have now, especially having shoes that I purchase new, for me, AND they fit my feet. If they were $5, or if they are 5 years old, I keep them clean.

    Shoe cleaning was something I did since I was very young, trying to clean up the handmedowns as best as possible, gluing up loose bits with Elmer's Glue, being yelled at and hit for wasting Q-Tips and bleach on my shoes, because I knew I'd be stuck with them until my toes poked through or they fell apart completely.

    Maybe not unusual, but definitely a poor kid habit.


    When I bought a TV for $170 it felt like I bought a house.

    Image credits: kissmaryjane


    My weird thing is that I associate bananas with poverty to this day.
    Back story is that trying to make ends meet somehow my dad was doing some night shifts in a grocery store unloading trucks with fruits and veggies. He was allowed to take for free a couple of crashed or otherwise unsellable pieces every now and then, which were mostly bananas. This was quite a treat back then. But now I cannot eat them without thinking of the poverty we lived in..


    I often forget uber/taxi is an travel option.


    Wherever I live, it’s got to be on a bus route, even though I have a car.

    Image credits: sugarintheboots


    I will lick my plate clean.


    For the longest time, if I had to go to a restaurant, I wouldn't get drinks, ever.

    Now I live in a place where water from the sink isn't drinkable at all so if I am really thirsty I may get a bottle of water.


    Day dream a lot. Pretend to have friends lol.


    I'm so used to a cold house that I turn on the heating only a handful of times a year, even though I can afford to do it whenever I need to.


    The only way i could cook as a young teen was with a microwave, so once microwave meals got boring i started experimenting, per se. pasta, eggs, even certain meats if you nuke them long enough, and more. *everything* i ate was microwaved. tough times and not-so-tasty meals were had...


    God! Having a reliable car is a must for me too.

    My dad was a mechanic & always drove old beaters that broke down all the time when I was a kid, it's left me very paranoid as far as cars go lol.


    I refuse to take out the trash. Not because I'm lazy. But trash bags are a dime a piece. I hate literally throwing money away. So that thing will he busting at the seams before it goes out the door.


    I keep my underwear until they’re not even distinguishable as underwear. The waistband it still fine! Drives my girlfriend nuts.
  • Saturday 27 April 2024 - 05:02

    Food can be a very emotional topic. A cozy, home-cooked meal that your mother made for you as a child can immediately fill you with comfort and nostalgia, while a simple, cold sandwich might remind you of your days as a student, forced to eat as budget-friendly as possible. 

    But regardless of what we like to eat, we all have at least one controversial opinion about food that we might keep to ourselves, for fear of judgment from others. Redditors have recently been opening up about their most unpopular culinary opinions, so we’ve gathered some of the hottest takes down below. Enjoy reading through these opinions that might get you heated, and be sure to upvote the ones that you secretly agree with!


    The "pineapple on pizza is just wrong" argument is b******t. Eat whatever combination of food tastes good to you. I don't like country music but I don't give a damn if YOU do.

    Image credits: YouGotRedOnU


    Culture war b******t on food is nonsense. I should be allowed to abstain from or add condiments on basic food like burgers or hot dogs. The people who get legitimately angry over this are guaranteed to be a******s in every other aspect of life.

    Image credits: Unit_79


    It really is okay to put ketchup on a hot dog.

    Image credits: R0botDreamz

    To find out how this conversation started in the first place, we reached out to Reddit user Deathbykoolaidman, who invited others to share their unpopular opinions about food. In their post, the OP noted that they despise pickles and that they refuse to use ketchup as an ingredient in a recipe (though they will eat it as a condiment).

    As far as what inspired Deathbykoolaidman to start this thread, they told Bored Panda, "I was just curious. I had been hated on for my pickle opinion by many people and wanted to see what other crazy food opinions the people of the internet had."

    I have to admit that I always hated pickles too until I was about 18 years old, so I can sympathize!


    I’ll never understand people who get so up in arms about how other people get their steak cooked. I personally wouldn’t get my steak well done but I sure don’t give af if someone else does…I’m not eating it; it’s not my food. Who cares.

    Image credits: yekirati


    Oysters on the half shell are not luscious. They are like eating snot.

    Image credits: familialbondage

    We also asked the OP if they had any other controversial opinions about food, aside from hating pickles and refusing to cook with ketchup. "I prefer cake with either very little, or no frosting at all," they shared. "It’s sickly sweet, gets stuck in my mouth and makes your hands messy. Perfectly good cupcakes get overpowered when giant dollops of frosting are piled on the top."


    Authenticity doesn’t matter. Nothing is authentic. Everything has been and will be adapted to fit local availability and taste. Authenticity is a way for people to pretend like they know something about a culture or place and seem “cool”.

    For most dishes you’ll can ask a dozen people in the original area how they make it and you’ll get a dozen answers.

    Image credits: ScipioAfricanvs


    Most sweet desserts, especially in the US, actually have far too much sugar which overpowers the complexity of flavours. Icing sugar is particularly nasty in this regard. You don't need it.

    As far as why people are so passionate about their food opinions, Deathbykoolaidman says it's only natural. "Of course you’ll think your opinion is right! It’s like how everybody insists their grandma made the best cookies or apple pie," they explained. "You grew up with it, so you’ll assume it’s the only right answer. However, some people got very angry over other peoples opinions, and it’s like, just let people live!"


    A lot of people massively conflate spicy food with seasoned food and some people who *love* spicy food cannot taste most of what they cook anymore other than heat so their food has no actual flavor other than burning.

    Image credits: idegosuperego15


    Not every dish is improved by a block of cream cheese. Looking at you, TikTok cooks. .

    Image credits: azemilyann26

    We also asked the OP what they thought about the responses to their post. "Some of the answers shocked me, although I’m not sure what I expected, as it was meant for unpopular opinions," they shared. "Lots of people noted their dislike for steak, which is my favorite food."


    Jarred garlic is fine actually.


    Truffle flavour ruins food. Truffle fries, truffle oil on pizza. It’s supposed to be fancy and elevate meals but truffle anything tastes worse than without truffle

    Image credits: Brilliant-Number6188

    "Many others said they felt the same way i did about pickles with raw onions, which shocked me because raw is the only way i will eat onions," Deathbykoolaidman continued.

    "Others did in fact get personally offended by my pickle opinion, as expected. One user told me to 'stop being a little baby and eat it,'" they added with a laugh. "Never thought someone disliking pickles would garner that strong of a response, but to each their own!"


    I don’t understand the hype about avocado.

    The taste, the texture, the color. It’s all horrible to me.

    I can maybe get behind guacamole, if properly done and there’s no chunks of avocado in there, but otherwise, please just keep it far from me.

    Image credits: M0ONL1GHT87


    Chili is just a spice. Like most spices, it works great in certain types of dishes, but can ruin others. Your ability to stomach various chilis or hot sauces is not that interesting, and far from enough to serve as a corner stone of a personality.

    We never hear people obsess about sage, nutmeg, star anise, or dill, but with chili it’s a different story.

    We hope you're enjoying scrolling through these unpopular opinions, pandas! Keep upvoting the ones you can't help but agree with, and let us know even more of your hot takes down below. Then, if you're interested in checking out a Bored Panda list discussing food trends people hate, we recommend reading this article next!


    The pickle thing was me like 5 years ago.

    I went 40 years of my life hating f*****g pickles. No kind of pickled vegetable. It was gross as hell to me. If a pickle was even on food, it ruined it for me, but I accidentally ate them plenty of times. Hated em every time.

    One day, a restaurant gave me the wrong order, gave me a bunch of cheeseburgers extra mustard and pickles, I was already home, and hungry as hell...so I ate them. And they were really, really good. And I've been slowly acquiring more of a taste for pickles since.

    Food is weird man.


    Miracle whip does not belong on sandwiches.


    Hard tacos are actively unpleasant and a terrible vehicle for otherwise good food.

    Image credits: FlanneurInFlannel


    I hate bow shaped pasta! It pisses me off! It’s so stupid! There I said it! God I feel so good now, I’m off for a swim with my new found ability to breath after I got that off my chest!

    Image credits: Questionofloyalty


    I prefer boneless chicken wings. They’re just easier to eat.


    Soda is overrated. Carbonation is annoying. Its not even a top 10 beverage.

    Image credits: eyepocalypse


    I like boring, soggy, steamed/boiled frozen vegetables. There. I said it.

    Image credits: Kycb


    I can’t stand the flavor of Hershey syrup or its imitators. Anything chocolate made with chocolate syrup, it’s very obvious and not good at all.

    Image credits: Procedure-Loud


    Deep fried anything is better with malt vinegar.


    Picky eaters shouldn't be coddled. Especially adults whose diets are similar to what you'd find on a kid's menu at a restaurant.


    I cannot stand using Brioche Buns on burgers.


    I love grating fresh parm for most dishes but sometimes that chump Kraft stuff just hits the spot.


    When pancakes, waffles, or French toast get saturated with syrup, the texture is disgusting. These foods are far better topped with something less likely to absorb, such as peanut butter, jam, whipped cream, or Nutella.

    Image credits: notreallylucy


    I think raw onions are disgusting. Eating raw onions in the office is a sign of hostility, IMO. I love them cooked, though. It's weird.

    Image credits: Munchkin_Media


    The entire 'no such thing as too much garlic '

    But maybe that's cause I cannot digest garlic and onions so I have a reason to be grumpy about it.

    I don't dump on others about it though! I'm jealous I miss garlic cheese bread!


    Al dente pasta. I want that s**t cooked.

    Image credits: justletlanadoit


    pickles ruin food for me. to me, they’re just crunchy vinegar and i can’t even stand the smell of them, let alone taste. they ruin burgers and sandwiches for me, because it makes everything else taste like pickle. if i order something that has pickles i have to order it with no pickles. i can’t even just take them off myself, which i do with other food i don’t like that come on my orders. i’ll still get the essence of pickle on my taste buds

    Image credits: deathbykoolaidman


    I refuse to cook anything that includes ketchup in the recipe. I can use ketchup as a dip for many things. but as soon as it's listed as an ingredient? can’t stand it

    Image credits: deathbykoolaidman


    The biggest problem with home cooking is that very few people add enough salt. It's not about making it salty, it's about enhancing the flavours. When I eat in other people's houses or in restaurants I never add salt until I taste it first. I love when I don't need to reach for or add salt and 100% of the times when I think it doesn't require salt, no one else mentions anything about it being too salty but instead raves about how amazing it is. If I do end up adding salt to a dish after it has been served to me,in public, I get nothing but comments from other people about how I eat far too much salt.


    Baking's not that hard and the degree to which it's an exact science is wildly overrated. Unless you're a professional it's just unlikely you'll ever get a comparable amount of baking experience vs cooking such that you can improvise. The major tricky difference is just that there's no trying the product partway through to know if you're on the right track. But there's plenty of reasonable leeway if you know what you're doing.


    I love love love candy corn.


    I am a tomato snob, I don’t put them on anything unless they come from my garden in July and August. Otherwise it’s just a mealy red thing that tastes vaguely like tomato water.


    Cauliflower rice is the same mealy mouth feel as a red delicious apple.


    There should be enough garnish on a dish to have some in every single bite.


    Raisins are gross lol.


    I don’t care for tomatoes on sandwiches only because it makes the bread soggy and there is nothing worse than soggy bread for your sandwich

    Image credits: Smith801


    Everyone ive ever met gets REALLY upset when i say i dont like peanut butter. its not entirely true, as i like peanut butter in a single application: peanut butter and pickle sandwiches. which they think im unhinged for. apparently its a common pregnancy craving. i think i just crave it because i have a chronic salt deficiency, unless ive been pregnant for (checks notes) 8 years. i also dont like chocolate very much at all. white chocolate is better.

    anyway, as someone who is a fiend for pickles, i never get upset when someone doesnt like pickles. it just means more for me!


    Liking MSG doesn't make you special.


    Pancakes, waffles, and french toast aren't meant to be a regular meal, They're a dessert.

    Image credits: Lobsterfest911


    Mint chocolate chip ice cream is one of the worst flavors out there. That is a hill I WILL die on.

    Image credits: 16RabidCats


    I feel the way you feel about pickle about tomatoes *specifically* on sandwiches. I like tomato. I can pop cherry tomatoes as a snack. But NOTHING ruins a sandwich for me more than sliced tomato on it. Now it’s all I can taste, none of the meats, cheeses or spreads; just wet overwhelming tomato flavor.


    I cannot stand ziti. There’s zero texture, nothing holding the sauce on, nothing to make it interesting. Its just a slimy noodle that slides around.


    Soggy bread texture is pretty good. I love to soak peanut butter sandwiches in milk.

    Image credits: RevDrMavPHD


    I can’t stand macaroni and cheese.


    I don't understand why people are obsessed with pasta and bread. I'll eat it, but I don't lose my mind over it.


    Melons ruin everything they come into contact with. Everything smells and tastes like the melon and I will refuse to eat any fruit that touches it. Watermelon on the other hand is delicious. Unless, of course, it comes into contact with cantaloupe or honeydew. (Those are the 2 types I'm familiar with, maybe another variety would taste better to me).


    Berries and chocolate don't belong together. Strawberries dipped in chocolate for example. The one is fresh and juicy the other has to melt in your mouth be enjoyed.
  • Saturday 27 April 2024 - 05:00

    Food is, pun very much intended, the ultimate matter of taste. Everyone has their favorites, their restrictions and those few dishes that end up being irresistible. But by the same token, some combinations or techniques are so baffling, folks had to share them online. 

    Someone asked “What is considered a crime against food?” and people shared the culinary “delights” they think should never have seen the light of day. From poor taste to truly abominable recipes, get comfortable as you scroll through, upvote the worst examples and be sure to share your own thoughts in the comments section below. 


    Putting gold flakes or wrapping food in gold. It adds no extra flavor or texture. It's just there for show.

    Image credits: anon


    I will defend this one until my dying breath.

    Candy corn DOES NOT... belong on pizza.

    Image credits: Sharpnelboy


    The gelatin everything trend from the 50s. Got some leftovers? Put it in jello! Fold in mayonnaise so it's slightly opaque! Just open up whatever cans you have in the house - pineapple, corn, olives, chicken - and layer them all into a mold shaped like a fish! Is there fish in here? Who knows, who cares! God is dead and only aspic remains.

    Image credits: Rennarjen


    Remember when the British colonized the entire world for spices and then created their breakfast delicacy…. beans on toast? Sincerely, an Indian.

    Image credits: Puzzleheaded_Pea_137


    Using a donut as a hamburger bun. I've seen it. Good god, people.

    Image credits: NaraFox257


    Biting into a Kit Kat without separating the bars.

    Image credits: ChunkyPillow


    Overcooked, chewy seafood. What a waste of expensive ingredients.

    Image credits: Fear_The_Rabbit


    One day I saw one of my coworkers open an Oreo, scrape the cream into the freaking garbage, and eat only the cookies. Apparently it's 'too sweet' for her. I almost called 911. A part of me died inside that day, knowing such behavior exists.

    Image credits: ForeignPacksMoarLoot


    My ex-wife used to boil ribs so they tasted mushy. Then, she'd get offended when I took over the rib-cooking responsibilities and made them in a smoker. No one should have to eat boiled ribs.

    Image credits: Caffeine_and_Scotch


    I know quite a few people that enjoy iced coffee and lemonade together. Sounds like a crime against beverages to me.

    Image credits: Friendly-Bottle-6109


    A friend of mine used to take two Pop Tarts and a chicken patty and make a sandwich out of them. True story.

    Image credits: tork1234


    I used to live with a roommate, and every time a bottle of sauce was about 2/3 empty, he would fill it up with water and shake it before to 'get his money's worth.' I thought it was absolutely disgusting.

    Image credits: Daverotti


    Using ketchup as a base for pizza or pasta sauce.

    Image credits: Fistshapedlikeafish


    Overcooking fish, especially salmon.

    I don't order fish at restaurants because the majority of them cook it "tourist" - the way most people expect it - and it's overcooked and dried. out.

    Image credits: Triabolical_


    Microwaving ice cream...not to melt it slightly and make it easier to scoop, but rather to make full on ice cream bisque.

    Image credits: Sam-Gunn


    My sister eats green bell peppers filled with whipped cream. She's been doing it since she was 7 years old, and I have insisted from the very beginning that it's gross and wrong. I tried it recently just to say I have, and it's just as gross as you might imagine — like you're having salad and dessert at the same time.

    Image credits: StrawberryR


    I had a lady order salmon with a slice of american cheese on top. I had to ask twice what she wanted because it wasn’t computing.

    Image credits: give-me-an-upvote


    Putting ranch or ketchup in soup.

    Image credits: anon


    Carrying a pizza box vertically instead of flat.

    Image credits: mountain_lilac0022


    Not adding salt to water when making pasta.

    Image credits: PenTestHer


    In Buffalo, eating your wings with Ranch dressing is a offense that is punishable by exile to Cleveland.

    Image credits: dhork


    I had a friend who would make really good sushi, but they put Altoids mints in it. Not a great taste.

    Image credits: Fancy-Valuable-8998


    Seasoning the food. It amazes me how many people cook without properly seasoning their food.

    My wife, when we first started dating, was one of these people. The first time she cooked for me it was chicken breast and it was so bad. It looked like a pale slab sitting on a plate. She has gotten much better now but there are so many people who go through life just raw dogging their own taste buds.

    Image credits: kakapoopoopeepeeshir


    Automatically adding seasoning/salt/pepper to the dish before tasting it.

    Image credits: RogueViator


    My roommate puts applesauce on anything. Tacos, fish, spaghetti, steak, burgers, you name it, and he will put it into a bowl of applesauce. It's horrifying.

    Image credits: draxlaugh


    Unseasoned chicken.

    Image credits: Fiskehattvala


    I grew up with a mother who put butter and white sugar on rice. I made my rice the same way for a while because I learned by example, but now I realize it's a totally bananas thing to do. My mom is one of those people who loves sweet things, and anything that isn't already sweet can be improved by adding more sugar. Savory doesn't exist in her house at all.

    Image credits: Enginerdad


    I'm a waitress so I've seen it all, and I hardly ever judge. But this one time, I took an order that started out simple: three eggs, soft scramble. Add spinach and goat cheese. Add fresh strawberries. Scrambled. In the eggs. They turned this grey brown color...and you bet the customer ate every bite.

    Image credits: Rhymeswithfinechina


    My coworker eats a ton of ketchup with pizza. Even though it’s a tomato-based sauce, it’s still shocking to see that much ketchup eaten with pizza. We’re talking a full dip before every bite.

    Image credits: Cyph3rXX7


    "Make wine easily" tutorials that are grape juice mixed with yeast.

    Image credits: anon


    Overcooked mushy rice.

    Image credits: slip1byyou123


    Miracle whip instead of mayo.

    Image credits: Tokasmoka420


    Time temperature abuse or a contamination. Make what you like, just make it safely.

    Image credits: joecheph


    Im gonna put my mom on blast with this one.

    Whenever she makes chili mac or beef stew she adds some cheese (normal), whole Ritz crackers (still normal) and then a very large dollop of mayonnaise in it. She takes a cracker fills 1/4 of it with mayonnaise and then the rest is the chili mac or stew broth. I thought it was normal but I just didnt like the taste. I made chili mac for my husband after we got married and he thought I lost my mind when I asked him if he wanted mayonnaise on it.

    Image credits: What_Did_You_Just_Do


    I made a very nice bolognese a couple of months ago. Red wine, pancetta, two kinds of meat, the works. I gave some to my friend to take home, bc sharing is caring. M**********r put it on a piece of leftover salmon.

    Image credits: darthgandalf

  • Saturday 27 April 2024 - 05:00

    Some parents love throwing their kids a birthday party, but there is a point where one might start to ask if the child in question is so young that this entire thing is actually for the adult. As it so often is the case, people online have very strong opinions on how others choose to parent.

    A mom ended up going viral on TikTok after she decided to throw a less-than-traditional birthday for her one-year-old. This included an itinerary mostly for the parents and a request for cash donations in lieu of presents. We reached out to Rachel via email and will update the article when she gets back to us.
    More info: TikTok

    A mom sparked a debate when she described her one-year-olds “unusual” birthday party

    Image credits: rachonlife

    “Here’s a list of things I’m doing for my daughter’s first birthday party that I didn’t do for my son’s first birthday party, that are just a little bit not normal first birthday party things to be doing.”

    Image credits: valevenezia / Envato Elements (not the actual photo)

    “Number one – it’s at 9:30am. It’s only an hour and a half long. I literally put 9:30am to 11am on the invitation. I want you all to know, I don’t want you at my house all day. I’m giving you a set time. Like, I do not expect you to sacrifice your entire Saturday for a child’s birthday party who’s not even gonna remember it, right. And yeah, the end time – please leave my house on time, my child needs to nap. And anybody who’s coming to a one-year-old’s birthday party is already up at 9:30am, or they can suck it up for one day because it’s over at 11, you have your entire day.”

    Image credits: Gaining Visuals / Unsplash (not the actual photo)

    “Number two – we will not be serving a meal. It’s at 9:30 in the morning, please eat breakfast before you come. I will have some snacks and that’s it.”

    Image credits: Josh Withers / Unsplash (not the actual photo)

    “I’m not doing games. I’m not doing anything, really. This is going to be a very ’90s vibe birthday party where I have, like, a ball pit out and maybe some toys. I’ll put the Pickler triangle and the trampoline up outside and that’ll be that. We’re not doing games. I’m not… I am not spending money on this. I spent money to get the invitations printed and that’s it, but it’s not going to be an expensive party.”

    Image credits: Karolina Grabowska / Pexels (not the actual photo)

    “I specifically very clearly put on the invitations “Please do not bring gifts”. We’re doing a Harry Potter-themed birthday party for her. Her name is Hazel Paige, so HP. I’m a big Harry Potter nerd, like it’s a whole thing. So for her birthday, on the invitation, I put like Hazy P is far from a house elf, so she needs no clothes. And then I said like she has more toys than Dudley Dursley on his birthday, or something like that.

    Homegirl needs nothing. And then I said if you feel inclined to bring something, consider $5. Because we’re trying to remodel our backyard. We need to redo… Our backyard is a train wreck. Bring us five bucks to help us redo our backyard. That’s what we’re asking. But she does not need anything. And I am very picky. I don’t want you to buy s**t for my kids.”

    Image credits: Kelsey Knight / Unsplash (not the actual photo)

    “Also, we’re not serving alcohol. I know it’s pretty normal to serve booze at kids birthday parties these days. Like, we did it our son’s first birthday party and second birthday party. We had a frickin’ taco bar and margaritas for our son’s 2nd birthday party. But we don’t drink. So we do that for other people. But it’s 9:30 in the morning. I’m not even going to buy champagne. I was like I might get a bottle of wine but no, I’m not… I’m not doing it. There will be juice.”

    Image credits: Rodrigo Souza / Pexels (not the actual photo)

    “And I’m not doing cake. I’m not. It is, again, 9:30 in the morning. My son is a no-red-dye kid. I think he might have an allergy to it. I have a cousin who’s like a 30-year-old adult who has an allergy to red dye, he gets migraines and hives and s**t. Sorry, we were having some FOMO, but we’re not doing cakes. What I’m going to do is I’m gonna do like little coffee cakes and decorate them to look mandrakes because – Harry Potter. Yeah, that’s what we’re doing, because she’s not gonna remember it. She doesn’t need anything.”

    You can view the full video here:

    @rachonlife Cannot wait to celebrate HP’s first trip around the sun but I am not ready for her to grow up ❤️‍🩹 #rachonlife #firstbirthday #firstbirthdayparty #babybirthday ♬ original sound – rachel | mom stuff + lifestyle

    Image credits: Jorge Ibanez / Unsplash (not the actual photo)

    Despite what some folks think, most birthday traditions are just made up in the first place

    It’s a bit surprising to see people so up in arms about this particular celebration, as the entire idea of birthday traditions are, by and large, made up. Yes, actually celebrating the fact that a person, particularly a child has lived an entire year is good and widespread, but the actual “details” of the celebration look different everywhere and aren’t exactly enshrined in law. Just as naming conventions are different from place to place, so are the ways we celebrate.

    For example, in much of the western world, a kid’s 16th birthday is almost as important (and celebrated) as the 18th, while in some Hispanic nations, it’s the 15th birthday that takes precedence. This is not to say that there is anything wrong with it, indeed, creating positive traditions is a sort of human superpower.

    As with so many other things in the western world, the birthday celebration, in a rough form, originated in ancient Rome. However, the way we celebrate them now, with cake and parties, has its origins in the territory of 18th century Germany. This is when one would invite other children to a birthday party, not just family and friends of the family, which, let’s face it, a four year old wouldn’t care about at all.

    In many other cultures, specific birthdays are considered important, generally requiring a certain kind of party, ritual and with its own slew of traditions. Unfortunately, this often means the parents taking over the planning and, generally, steamrolling the wishes and desires of the child who is, ostensibly, the cause for celebration.

    Image credits: Askar Abayev / Pexels (not the actual photo)

    Parent-inclusive birthday planning is a good thing

    Instead, it should be a reminder to people that at the end of the day, birthdays are not some sacred ritual, but an excuse to celebrate and have fun. As Rachel mentions in this TikTok, a one-year-old will really not remember any of this. Some might ask why have a party at all, but why not? It’s just a nice excuse to socialize, have some food and just enjoy one’s time.

    After all, particularly for new parents, one year with a baby is still a substantial amount of time, they deserve to throw themselves a little get together, even if it is in the same way as celebrating a one-year-olds birthday. This is why Rachel’s party-plan makes so much more sense, as it’s designed around the parents. Most parties boil down to being a free-for-all amongst the kids, with generally chaotic results for whoever is in charge of cleaning up afterwards.

    While there was an outpouring of negative comments, the truth is that it’s actually quite considerate to plan a party that will in no way inconvenience the guests. Indeed, it’s downright strange for random internet commenters to have such strong opinions on a party they weren’t even invited to. Perhaps the actual guests can complain, but that doesn’t seem to be the case here.

    Commenters had a lot to say

    The post “Remodel Our Back Yard”: Mom Begs Guests To Not Bring Any Gifts For Her Daughter’s 1st Birthday first appeared on Bored Panda.
  • Saturday 27 April 2024 - 05:00

    If your birthday falls on a major holiday, you know all too well that it’s never fun to have to compete for attention. People will always remember that it’s Christmas first and then add a timid, “Oh yeah, happy birthday!” As frustrating as this might be, at least there will always be other opportunities to enjoy a day that’s all about you, such as your wedding day.

    Well, one parent recently shared on Reddit that not even their son’s wedding could be centered around the happy couple, because their 50th birthday bash was still the talk of the town. Below, you’ll find the full story that the parent posted, as well as replies readers shared and a conversation with Adnan Kastrat, LAC, from Modern Therapy

    This parent threw a huge birthday bash about a week before their son’s wedding

    Image credits: Rawpixel / envanto (not the actual photo)

    Now, the newlyweds are upset because many guests have stated that the birthday party was the superior event

    Image credits: Lucas Law / unsplash (not the actual photo)

    Image source: Low-Membership1699

    “It is essential for parents to support their children’s milestones without measuring them against their own experiences”

    Image credits: Kampus Production / Pexels (not the actual photo)

    To gain more insight into this situation, we reached out to Licensed Associate Counselor Adnan Kastrat, from Modern Therapy. Adnan was kind enough to have a chat with Bored Panda and share his thoughts on whether or not it’s ever appropriate for parents to compare themselves to their children. 

    “As parents, we all wish for our children to succeed. We strive to give them everything they need in order to live an even better life than we have,” the expert says. “Even when they grow into adults, somewhere in our hearts, we still see that same child. With this goal in mind, parents tend to compare their children either to themselves or others, intentionally or unintentionally.”

    Adnan noted that comparing oneself to their children can often be problematic. “When we as people compare anything, we create certain expectations, often to an unrealistic level. These comparisons may then result in strained relationships. Parents and children have different life stages, experiences, and circumstances. Therefore, comparing them tends to not be fair nor is it productive,” he explained. “For instance, the parent’s comparison of their own milestone birthday celebration to their child’s wedding undoubtedly created tension and resentment.”

    “While it is natural for parents to reflect on their own experiences, using them as a standard for their children’s achievements can be unfair,” Adnan shared. “In this case, the parent’s lavish birthday party inadvertently overshadowed the significance of their child’s wedding, leading to hurt feelings and conflict. It is essential for parents to support their children’s milestones without measuring them against their own experiences, allowing each individual event to be celebrated and cherished in its own right.”

    “Constant comparison and overshadowing can make the child feel inadequate or as though their accomplishments are never good enough”

    Image credits: Kindel Media / Pexels (not the actual photo)

    We were also curious about the impact that it can have on a person when their parents often try to upstage them. “Nobody enjoys feeling less than or not as important as another person. When it comes to the relationship between parent and child, the intensity is even greater,” Adnan told Bored Panda.

    “When parents consistently try to upstage their children, it can have a significant negative impact on the child’s self-esteem and confidence. Constant comparison and overshadowing can make the child feel inadequate or as though their accomplishments are never good enough,” the expert says. “This dynamic can create resentment, frustration, and even a sense of betrayal, as the child may feel that their parents are not truly supportive of their success.”

    “Over time, this pattern can erode the child’s motivation and enthusiasm for pursuing their own goals, as they may come to believe that their efforts will always be overshadowed by their parents’ achievements. As a result, their own accomplishments may feel less meaningful or fulfilling, ultimately putting a damper on their sense of fulfillment and satisfaction in their lives,” Adnan continued. “In this case, the parent’s persistent efforts to upstage their child’s wedding with their own extravagant birthday celebration clearly had a negative impact that have even led others to speak negatively toward their son’s wedding.”

    The expert also shared some advice for how the mother and son can move past this situation, noting that communication, empathy and boundaries are key. “Mother and son should sit down and have an open, honest conversation about their feelings and perspectives,” Adnan says. “Mom should express understanding of their son’s disappointment and acknowledge unintentional hurt caused by the overshadowing of the wedding.”

    “Building mutual respect, understanding, and communication will be essential for navigating future events and maintaining a positive and supportive family dynamic”

    Image credits: Delcho Dichev / Pexels (not the actual photo)

    “Mom can emphasize that while their intention was to celebrate their own milestone, they did not anticipate the extent to which it would overshadow the wedding. They can express regret for any negative impact their actions may have had on her son’s special day,” the counselor added. “Similarly, the son should try to understand the parent’s perspective and motivations behind wanting to celebrate their milestone birthday in a grand manner. This understanding can help bridge the gap in their perspectives and foster empathy between them.”

    While Adnan says it’s understandable for both the son and daughter in law to feel hurt and disappointed, they cannot necessarily expect an apology from Mom, as she communicated her plans and concerns beforehand. “Instead, they could seek reconciliation through mutual understanding, empathy, and a commitment to improving communication and boundaries in the future,” he shared.

    Finally, the expert says that, while this is certainly a stressful situation, it should not lead to the end of this mother and son’s relationship. “In addition to addressing the immediate conflict, both mom and son can use this situation as an opportunity to strengthen their relationship and establish healthier boundaries,” Adnan suggests. “They can discuss ways to celebrate each other’s milestones without inadvertently overshadowing or competing with one another. Building mutual respect, understanding, and communication will be essential for navigating future events and maintaining a positive and supportive family dynamic.”

    We would love to hear your thoughts on this situation down below, pandas. Do you think this mom was in the wrong for upstaging her son’s wedding? Feel free to share, and then if you’re interested in reading another article from Bored Panda discussing family drama following a wedding, look no further than right here!

    Readers had mixed opinions on the situation, as some sided with the parent while others thought they should have defended their son

    The post Mom Warns Son Her Birthday Party Is Going To Upstage His Wedding But He Doesn’t Care, Regrets It first appeared on Bored Panda.
  • Saturday 27 April 2024 - 05:00
    When was the last time you read a book that you could really sink your teeth into? In this day and age, when we have unlimited access to films, documentaries, news programs and more, it’s easy to go months or even years without actually picking up a book. But there’s nothing like the feeling of real pages between your fingertips and the sense of accomplishment that comes from conquering a written story.

    If you’re a bibliophile who’s got a bookshelf that’s constantly overflowing, we’ve got the perfect list for you down below. We took a trip to this subreddit for book lovers and gathered some of their most satisfying pics down below. Enjoy scrolling through these photos that might encourage you to pick up a new novel today, and keep reading to find a conversion with Jennifer Lin of The Bibliofile!

    #1 Dropping Out Of College To Have A Bookstore On Wheels

    Image credits: lyssssa6

    #2 Oh Look!

    Image credits: beholdchris

    #3 Library Cake

    Image credits: Spinundrum

    I love reading as much as the next person, but I have to admit that I don’t always get around to reading as many books as I would like to. I can usually manage between 6-10 in a year, but I know avid readers who zoom through that many stories in a month! Personally, I have found that being part of a book club has kept me accountable for my reading and forced me to have a book lined up at all times. 

    But if you’re a bibliophile who spends all of your free time with your head in a book, this subreddit’s content is right up your alley. This online community, whose name we have to censor, notes that it’s “for all book lovers” and encourages members to share “high quality images of books.” The group has amassed over 179k members and is the perfect place to gather if you’re looking for recommendations, want to discuss your latest read or simply want to see satisfying photos of gorgeous books and libraries!

    #4 My Little Bookstore In The Rain

    Image credits: reddit.com

    #5 My Home Library At Night

    Image credits: DoubtfulGerund

    #6 We Recently Bought A 110 Year Old House And Found Hundreds Of Old Books From Around The Turn Of The Century In The Attic! This Is About Half Of Them

    Image credits: swidge

    To learn more about the magic of reading, we reached out to Jennifer Lin, creator of The Bibliofile. Jennifer was kind enough to have a chat with Bored Panda and share what she loves most about reading. “Reading is just a great way to be transported into the minds and ideas of other people, other places and other worlds,” she noted. “I think I read to understand the world around me.”

    As far as what inspired her to create a book-based blog, Jennifer says, “I used to have a personal blog. I'd always end up with a lot of thoughts and opinions about the books I'd read, and I started posting about those books online a long, long time ago. At some point, that morphed into just a book blog since I don't like talking that much about myself anyway."

    #7 Peak Bookstore

    Image credits: CrJ418

    #8 Mural In Milwaukee, Wisconsin

    Image credits: CaptainWisconsin

    #9 I Create Hidden Fore Edge Paintings. Here Is My Latest Within Anne Of Green Gables

    Image credits: brimariepaints

    We also asked Jennifer if she could share some of her favorite books with us. “For classics, Slaughterhouse Five is just so poignant and I've always loved Kurt Vonnegut's writing style,” she noted.

    “For science fiction, Good Omens is a cult classic that is hilarious and entertaining and just a fantastic book,” Jennifer says. “For contemporary fiction, The Blind Assassin by Margaret Atwood tells a nested story that I fell in love with when I read it."

    #10 I Finished My First Book Nook!

    Image credits: Aubreylaw

    #11 My Reading Nook

    Image credits: perkusdillinger

    #12 Loved This Author’s Warning

    Image credits: BeaUtyGoddEss04

    If you’re one of those people who loves reading but can’t ever seem to find the time, Jennifer recommends making time for books. “Or listen to audiobooks,” she noted. (Personally, this is my favorite method, as I can listen to them while I’m walking or riding on the bus without getting nauseous.)

    #13 The South Library In The Athenaeum, Waterloo Place, London

    Image credits: Dhorlin

    #14 Some Collector’s Editions Are Worth It

    Image credits: nobouncenoplay__

    #15 A French Edition Of Farenheit 451

    Image credits: onlyaghostpassingby

    “Also, if you're ever in a reading slump, there's nothing wrong with diving into a quick page-turner,” Jennifer says. “I sometimes think people feel pressured to read thick, heavy, serious novels in order to be a ‘real’ reader or if they don't have a ton of time to read.”

    “But that can burn you out on reading pretty quickly if that's all you read,” she noted. “There's nothing wrong with reading something fast and entertaining that you can polish off in a couple of hours to help renew your enthusiasm for books.”

    If you’d like to hear more book recommendations from Jennifer, be sure to check out The Bibliofile!

    #16 Full Wall Library

    Image credits: striving4sainthood

    #17 Estate Sale Haul

    Image credits: Jo3yBox

    #18 I Finally Got All My Books Unpacked. I’m So Pleased

    Image credits: danettem22

    According to WordsRated, the average American works their way through about 12.6 books per year, including ones that they’ve started but haven’t finished yet. When it comes to fully-read books, however, Americans tend to get through only 5 each year. In fact, over half of the population hasn’t even read one book in the last 12 months. It’s also not surprising that older generations tend to read more than their younger counterparts, with Boomers completing an average of 9.54 per year, and Gen Z finishing only 3.52 books.  

    #19 This Is Admont Abbey. It’s In Adamont At A Monastery. This Is Their Library

    Image credits: reddit.com

    #20 A Small Used-Book Store In LA. The Owner Will Offer You Espresso. Support Your Local Bookstores!

    Image credits: marcjfg

    #21 The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire Book Series Spine Covers

    Image credits: chefcook2014

    While it’s often challenging to find the time to read, being reminded of the benefits of reading can be a great incentive to get started today. According to the Markham Public Library, reading is a great way to pass the time because it exercises our brains. It’s a little more work than scrolling through TikTok and Instagram, and it’s better for our brains than simply staring at screens. Reading can also improve our concentration and focus, as it requires us to be present.  

    #22 He Has Been Selling Used Books In Morocco For 45 Years. Everyone Who Passed Through His Library Saw Him Drowning In His Magical World

    Image credits: Nessrina_0609

    #23 “Women Only Want One Thing, And It’s The Complete Clothbound Classics Penguin Collection“

    Image credits: abaganoush

    #24 122 Year Old Complete Set Of Edgar Allan Poe I Snagged Yesterday At A Used Book Store

    Image credits: Nekrobat

    Reading can also improve your quality of sleep. It’s physically relaxing, and when part of a nighttime routine, it can signal to your body that it’s time to unwind and get ready for bed. It’s also a wonderful alternative to screen time, which we all know can cause us to have trouble falling asleep. Now, you may not want to read a thriller or horror novel before bedtime, but choosing a relaxing book that won’t raise your heart rate can make it even easier to get your beauty sleep.

    #25 Just A Little Something Coming Through The Shop

    Image credits: Shadowspawn31

    #26 A Collection Of Folio Society Ancient Civilisations

    Image credits: Khaleesi75

    #27 This Book Arch At My Local Indie Bookstore

    Image credits: BookNerdMaybe

    We hope you’re enjoying these photos of books and libraries, pandas! There’s nothing that inspires me more to crack open my next book than these beautiful pics. Keep upvoting the ones you find most satisfying, and let us know in the comments below what you’re reading right now. Then, if you’re interested in checking out another Bored Panda article geared towards bookworms, we recommend reading this piece next!  

    #28 Stylized Cover With Gilded Pages Seems Especially Appropriate For Gatsby

    Image credits: DragonInTheCastle

    #29 Neighborhood Just Built A Littlelibrary... Volunteered To Host It In Our Front Yard And We Are So Excited About It!

    Image credits: douglaskamazon

    #30 J.K. Rowling Harry Potter Series, 20th Anniversary Edition From Sweden

    Image credits: lucyflem

    #31 My Barnes And Noble Leatherbound Classics

    Image credits: detronbphillips

    #32 Secondhand Bookstores Are My Happy Place

    Image credits: bellzbellzbellz

    #33 Finally Finished My Library And Unpacked My Books. Eventually I’ll Do The Other Side Of The Room. I Really Love How It Turned Out

    Image credits: Dreamer2490

    #34 I Covet Fancy Books

    Image credits: HerculesMulligatawny

    #35 I Was Rearranging My Old Paper Backs The Other Day And Noticed The Beautiful Colors Of The Paper

    Image credits: 4_bit_forever

    #36 I Made A Ring Out Of Old Skateboards To Keep My Book Open

    Image credits: BiloWaegons

    #37 1977 LOTR Books My Dad Gave Me Years Ago. I’ve Always Liked The Cover Art

    Image credits: anon

    #38 My Copy Of Dante’s Inferno

    Image credits: reddit.com

    #39 My Granny Used To Own An Antiques Shop, She Couldn’t Bear To Sell These Books. Most Are From One Person And Mainly Made 1860-1910, I Think The Oldest One It’s Around 1830

    Image credits: kianpatrickb

    #40 Who Loves Decorative Page Edges? I Have Quite A Fascination With Sprayed Edges And It Seems To Be A Trendy Thing These Days

    Image credits: Khaleesi75

    #41 In The Middle Of Unpacking Most Of My Library For The New Office Setup. 1481 To 2005, And Still Lots To Catalog. Thought I'd Share A Near Finished View

    Image credits: Meepers100

    #42 Book Fair Near Me Sells Second Hand Books Per Weight

    Image credits: BookkeeperTop6226

    #43 My Local Bookstore. My Happy Place

    Image credits: CaptainWisconsin

    #44 Bookcase With A Putnam Rolling Ladder In Our Bedroom. My Wife And I Moved 4 Years Ago And My Goal Is To Fill It Entirely With Books Before The House Is Paid Off

    Image credits: St_Lambchop

    #45 Abandoned House I Came Across - Felt Weird Taking Any Home

    Image credits: rbkforrestr

    #46 I Work At B&N And I Was Really Satisfied After I Sorted The Civil War Bay Of The US History Section. (It Took Me 2 Hours! It Was An Absolute Disaster Before)

    Image credits: nolanharp

    #47 I Just Finished Setting Up My New Bookshelf, And Juniper Jackets!

    Image credits: p00dinger

    #48 Crystallised Mineralogy Book

    Image credits: jorgj9602

    #49 Spent All Day Rearranging My Books

    Image credits: reddit.com

    #50 Clever Cover Of Nineteen Eighty-Four – The Title Can Only Be Read From Certain Angles

    Image credits: Bomurang

  • Saturday 27 April 2024 - 05:00

    Staying at a hotel seems like it should be a pretty standardized experience, most travelers know that it’s anything but. At the same time, hotels, motels and hostels are all places that seem outside of space and time, where there are just other rules and norms. So it can be nice and entertaining to see that others have had similar thoughts in the past. 

    We’ve gathered some of the best and most relatable posts on X about people’s experiences staying at hotels. So get comfortable as you scroll through, upvote your favorites and be sure to share your own thoughts and stories in the comments section below. 


    Image credits: x


    Image credits: x


    Image credits: Swingtheclubken

    If you are currently at a hotel, this might ruin the experience a bit, but once you imagine the sheer volume of people who have most likely stayed in the room you are in, it can get a little bit nauseating. After all, even if the staff have the best intentions, can you really trust that they reliably clean it out every single day?

    This is perhaps why so many travel bloggers actually spend a good amount of time recommending specific hotels and giving their best tips. These are huge machines behind the scenes, with so many people coming and going. 


    Image credits: x


    Image credits: x


    Image credits: x

    However, just like that other staple of travel, the airport, hotels have their own, very specific vibe. Many social norms are out the window, the dress code barely exists and eating options can range from the preferences of an eight-year-old in the candy aisle to some pretty disappointing “real” meals. 


    Image credits: x


    Image credits: x


    Image credits: x

    Despite this fact, the main experience most of us have is a feeling of vague disappointment and a few visuals and smells that we would prefer to never learn more about. And that is ok, in many cases, going to a hotel is something we do because we need to sleep between activities while on vacation. It might not seem like much at first glance, but a meal and a warm room to sleep in goes a long way. 


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  • Saturday 27 April 2024 - 02:34
  • Friday 26 April 2024 - 23:01
  • Friday 26 April 2024 - 17:12

    Astronomers and scientists are waiting with bated breath to find out whether observations from Planet K2-18b can confirm the theory of alien life on the exoplanet.

    Twice as big as Earth and 120 light-years away, Planet K2-18b was recently found to possibly have life-supporting evidence, and today, on April 26, the James Webb Space Telescope will be on a mission to garner hours of observations to confirm whether a compound “only produced by life” is in the atmosphere of the exoplanet.

    Exoplanets are planets that orbit stars outside our solar system. Space agencies have long been trying to venture on and find signs of life beyond our solar system.

    Astronomers and scientists are waiting for results from hours of observation made by the James Webb Space Telescope on Friday, April 26

    Image credits: NASA, CSA, ESA, J. Olmsted (STScI)

    Much excitement was created last year after scientists detected a molecule called dimethyl sulfide (DMS) in the atmosphere of Planet K2-18b. DMS is a biosignature gas here on Earth, and most of it on our planet is emitted from phytoplankton in marine environments. Hence, detecting the presence of DMS in Planet K2-18b’s atmosphere sent shockwaves through the field, as it hinted at the possibility of similar marine life on the exoplanet.

    The observations collected on April 26 from the James Webb Space Telescope will hopefully confirm the presence of DMS in the exoplanet’s atmosphere, according to the Daily Mail. However, it would take several months for the results to be processed, authenticated, and published before scientists can announce any possible (good or bad) news to the world.

    The findings are expected to confirm the presence of dimethyl sulfide (DMS) in the atmosphere of Planet K2-18b

    Image credits: NASA, CSA, ESA, R. Crawford (STScI), J. Olmsted (STScI)

    In addition to the detection of DMS, the presence of carbon-bearing molecules also created excitement last year around Planet K2-18b.

    Nikku Madhusudhan, an astronomer at the University of Cambridge, also announced last year that he and his team, using the James Webb Space Telescope, found the presence of carbon-bearing molecules, including methane and carbon dioxide, on the very same exoplanet. These suggested K2-18b could be a hycean exoplanet “with the potential to possess a hydrogen-rich atmosphere and a water ocean-covered surface,” according to a NASA statement released last September.

    Results from the James Webb Space Telescope will need months of processing before any confirmation can be made

    Image credits: NASA Goddard

    “Our findings underscore the importance of considering diverse habitable environments in the search for life elsewhere,” Nikku explained in the same statement. “Traditionally, the search for life on exoplanets has focused primarily on smaller rocky planets, but the larger Hycean worlds are significantly more conducive to atmospheric observations.”

    The team announced last year that they would continue further research to confirm and validate their theories.

    “Our ultimate goal is the identification of life on a habitable exoplanet, which would transform our understanding of our place in the universe,” Nikku said at the time. “Our findings are a promising step towards a deeper understanding of Hycean worlds in this quest.”

    The post Alien Life On K2-18b?: Scientists Excited To See Observations From Planet Twice The Size Of Earth first appeared on Bored Panda.
  • Friday 26 April 2024 - 16:08

    A white student who allegedly called a substitute teacher the N-word racist slur ended up in a physical altercation that left him seemingly knocked out, prompting a police arrest and the termination of the school staff member.

    27-year-old Re’Kwon Smith was arrested by The Clark County School District (CCSD) Police Department on Thursday (April 25) after engaging in a fist fight with the alleged racist student at Valley High School in Las Vegas, USA.

    Sources told local outlet News 3 that the brawl started at around 9:30 a.m. when a verbal argument escalated between Smith and the teenager, who was accused of using racial slurs towards Smith.

    The alleged discriminatory insult provoked Smith to react by punching the teen, who has not been named, and starting the fist fight, according to CCSD sources.

    A fight at Valley High School resulted in the arrest of a substitute teacher after a white student allegedly used a racist slur

    Image credits: @NEWS_flp

    There have since been a few clips of the incident emerging online, with one showcasing Smith swinging and hitting the student to the ground. 

    Other videos taken from different angles have shown the boy actively engaging in the altercation, throwing punches back and forth.

    On the popular Vegas.bartender Instagram account, notable for sharing viral content from the region, a video was shared that showed a close-up of the confrontation and the moment the student was knocked out.

    Image credits: @NEWS_flp

    An Instagram user who claims to attend Valley High School told his side of the story, commenting: “This is my school and it literally just happened today. 

    “There’s a lot of words and rumor going around but I’ll sum it up the best I can.

    “According to my weightlifting coach (a friend and co-worker of Coach Smith) the student exited the gym through the side door which prompted Coach Smith to go after him in the hallway. 

    “However, and this is what everyone is saying, the student called the coach the Hard R which led to the altercation.

    “Wasn’t too sure what happened with both, but from what I’ve heard the kid was in handcuffs.”

    Various online videos depicted the altercation, including one where the student was knocked to the ground

    Image credits: Valley High School

    In videos, as the student continued to lie on the ground, Smith was filmed stepping to the side and saying, “You lost your mind, boy.”

    The student reportedly replied, “You’re going to jail,” and he included a racial slur.

    Other parts of certain clips revealed nearby students attempting to help the knocked-out teen up to his feet as a whistle started to blow in the background and a Campus Security Monitor in a red shirt and hat appeared. 

    The CCSD has since released a statement, which read: “CCSD does not tolerate violence of any kind. 

    “Violence in any form is unacceptable and goes against the fundamental principles of education and respect. 

    “Any altercation between a teacher and a student is thoroughly investigated, and appropriate disciplinary action is taken.”

    A student alleged the fight began when the student used a racial slur toward the staff member

    A letter to Valley High School families confirmed the altercation, stating that they “are aware of an altercation involving a staff member and a student,” as per News 3.

    “The information is preliminary, however, please know that CCSDPD is investigating the matter. Once we have information to share we will be sure to update our community,” the statement further noted.

    The police reportedly booked Smith into the Clark County Detention Center on charges related to battery with substantial bodily harm and disturbance of school.

    Moreover, CCSD reportedly said Smith was a substitute assigned to Valley High School and has been employed by the District since November 2023. 

    He will consequently be removed from CCSD’s substitute pool, and he is no longer eligible to serve as a substitute in the District.

    The incident left people divided on social media


    The post Sub Teacher Arrested After Beating Student Who Called Him Racial Slur In High School Hallway first appeared on Bored Panda.
  • Friday 26 April 2024 - 14:34
  • Friday 26 April 2024 - 14:22

    Andrew Tate, notable for making controversial statements, exceeded his reputation’s expectations after claiming that being intimate with women defined a man’s queer sexual identity. 

    Taking to his X page (formerly known as Twitter) on Wednesday (April 24), Andrew wrote: “Sex is for making children.

    “Any man who has sex with women because it ‘feels good’ is gay.

    “Oh my pee pee feels good this is great!

    “In fact if you are 40 with less than five children you’re probably gay.

    “All that feel-good pee pee sex and hardly any genetic legacy?”

    Andrew Tate stirred controversy by suggesting that men who have sex with women solely for pleasure are essentially gay

    Image credits: cobratate

    Naturally, social media users have since had a field day with this one, with a person commenting on X: “I miss the business, fitness, motivation, Tate. This whole breeding obsession is just f*****g weird.”

    An X user asked: “Didn’t you talk dirty to men online for money? That’s pretty gay.”

    Someone else penned: “Remind me how many kids you have again, sweetie?”

    Image credits: Omar Elattar

    The 37-year-old former kickboxer has claimed in the past that he does have children, never giving a specific number, but he stated nonetheless that he had a “double-digit” number of kids, The Sun reported last year.

    As of November 2023, no woman has come forward to say she’s had a child with him.

    Andrew’s questionable X statement might be one big joke after all, as a commenter noted: “The fact some people take posts like this dead *ss seriously and clutch pearls over them for days on end is precisely why they’re amusing,” to which the businessman replied with two crying laughing emojis.

    Andrew’s claim of having a “double-digit” number of children remains unverified

    Image credits: beacons

    Another person quipped: “I am 55 and I only have two children, is it too late for me?” Andrew answered: “NEVER!”

    In an episode on Patrick Bet-David’s podcast in June 2023, the Big Brother alum said: “I have nothing against gay people. 

    “I don’t care and that’s actually another point I want to make into about this thing. 

    “I think most people don’t care and I think that bothers them.”

    Andrew previously reiterated his indifference towards gay people in a podcast episode with Patrick Bet-David

    Image credits: Nobunko1

    Image credits: justkelly_ok

    Bored Panda has contacted Andrew’s representative for comment.

    Last month, Andrew and his brother, Tristan, were detained in Romania over rape allegations dating back to 2012-2015.

    Romanian authorities detained the Tate brothers for 24 hours following the issuance of arrest warrants by the UK.

    Naturally, social media users have since had a field day with Andrew’s claims

    Image credits: sousinsix

    Image credits: I will trebuchet this individual into SPACE GULAG

    A Romanian court subsequently approved a request from the UK to extradite the siblings but said it would postpone the extradition until his criminal trial in Romania had come to an end, Al Jazeera reported.

    “We are innocent men, we are very innocent men, and in time, everyone is going to see that, and we are very excited to finish this judicial process and clear our names,” Andrew reportedly said as he was released from police custody.

    The case has since been with the Bucharest court’s preliminary chamber, which needs to decide whether the trial can start. A decision has yet to be made, with Romanian courts backlogged, Al Jazeera reported

    Andrew’s X post continued to fuel mixed reactions on social media


    The post Andrew Tate Claims Sleeping With Women For Pleasure Is “Gay,” Gets Roasted Online first appeared on Bored Panda.
  • Friday 26 April 2024 - 13:32

    Emily Westerfield has given birth to 10 healthy babies, including two sets of twins, in the past 13 years. Now, she’s pregnant with baby No. 11, a girl, due this July.

    Three of those babies were her biological children: Mckenna, 13, Jack, 11, and Charlie, 10, whom she shares with her husband, Max.

    The 37-year-old mom has acted as a gestational carrier for many parents who otherwise wouldn’t have been able to complete their families.

    “I am so proud to be able to do this for other people. I know my time is very limited as we’re getting closer and closer to how many people I’m able to help, but still, I’m young enough, and I’m healthy enough to be able to do so,” Westerfield told Today.

    “I’m probably the unicorn in this industry,” the woman, who is currently 28 weeks pregnant, said.

    Emily Westerfield, who has acted as a gestational carrier for many parents, is currently pregnant with baby No. 11

    Image credits: stock.adobe.com

    Would she carry another child after baby No. 11 is born? “In a heartbeat.”

    The first family that the surrogacy “unicorn” offered to help was actually her own extended family. In 2010, Westerfield offered to carry her husband’s cousin’s embryo after she kept having “loss after loss” due to secondary infertility.

    Secondary infertility is when someone who has previously given birth is unable to conceive or carry a pregnancy to term, according to the Cleveland Clinic. It’s just as common as primary infertility, affecting about 11% of couples in the United States.

    Feeling “guilty” about being able to conceive all of her children with ease, Westerfield offered to serve as her cousin’s surrogate. However, the couple declined because “they did not feel that surrogacy was the path that they wanted to take.”

    “I’m probably the unicorn in this industry,” the woman, who is currently 28 weeks pregnant, said

    Image credits: Emily Westerfield

    Still, the resident of Celina, Ohio, knew there were other families who had been waiting to hear that proposal for years.

    “I knew that there were probably so many other people in the world who needed help in a very similar way. Maybe I could help.”

    In gestational surrogacy, the surrogate (or carrier of the pregnancy) isn’t genetically related to the fetus because they didn’t provide the egg used for fertilization. In most cases, at least one parent is genetically related to the child, but the surrogate isn’t.

    The embryo is created through IVF (in vitro fertilization) using the eggs and sperm of the intended parents (or donors). Then, it’s transferred to the surrogate, who carries the pregnancy. 

    Westerfield delivered healthy babies in 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2021, and 2022

    Image credits: carryingdreams

    Her husband wasn’t initially on board with the idea. While pregnant with her eldest child, Charlie, she brought up to him the possibility of becoming a gestational carrier. And then she spoke about it again and again.

    “I was shot down by him so many times,” Westerfield explained. “The more and more I shared to educate him, I think the more and more he felt comfortable with it. Or he just got sick of me nagging.”

    After Charlie was born, the mom joined an online forum that no longer exists, which she describes as “almost like a Craiglists of everybody in the infertility community.” 

    “I created a profile and just put myself out there. I was overwhelmed with the response and just inundated with emails and queries. 

    “The more and more that I got into this, the more I realized there’s so many more people out there that need the help than the people that are willing to help.”

    Deciding who to help wasn’t easy; for every couple that she helped, there would be another that would be left waiting to have a baby. Ultimately, Westerfield settled on one family that lived three hours away from her house.

    In 2015, she delivered the couple’s third child, a girl. “That’s when everything started.”

    Telling them the news “was so emotionally overwhelming and exciting and nerve-wracking, all at the same time,” Westerfield shared.

    “I get attached like a loving aunt,” said the mother, whose goal is to help intended parents start, build, or complete their families


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    A post shared by Carrying Dreams (@carrying.dreams)

    “I noticed that as soon as I had the first one, I wanted to do this again. It was almost just like, ‘Now who else can I help?'”

    She delivered healthy babies in 2011, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2021, and 2022, as per Today, all after “wonderful pregnancies.”

    Despite the belief that parting with babies after carrying them for nine months is emotionally difficult, Westerfield says it’s not actually the case.

    “I get attached like a loving aunt.” After learning about a couple’s struggles to start, build, or complete their families, “you want to hand that baby over when you get to the end of this.”

    Her “aunt” duties include occasionally staying in touch with the parents via social media and sending birthday gifts to the children she carried.

    She also has three biological children of her own: Mckenna, 13, Jack, 11, and Charlie, 10

    Image credits: Emily Westerfield

    In August 2023, the 37-year-old started her own surrogacy agency, Carrying Dreams.

    “Specializing in surrogacy and egg donation, our focus is on spreading joy, love, education, and resources. We work globally with intended parents and connect them with surrogates and egg donors in the United States, guiding them through every step of this beautiful journey.”

    After her July delivery, Westerfield is determined to persist in assisting intended parents to grow their families.

    “I’ll continue to help as long as my body and my family allows me to.”

    “She is an angel for helping others,” someone commented

    The post Meet Emily Westerfield, The “Surrogacy Unicorn” Now Pregnant With 11th Baby first appeared on Bored Panda.
  • Friday 26 April 2024 - 13:18

    Pictures of what appeared to be ants or spiders crawling on the surface of Mars created quite a buzz on social media. But the European Space Agency (ESA), which shared the images online, clarified what they actually are.

    The recently shared images offered viewers a glance at the Martian landscape and showed “spiders” scattered across the southern polar region of Mars.

    ESA said their Mars Express captured the images of the “spiders” and explained that they are actually not creepy crawlies of any kind, but they are caused by carbon dioxide deposits.

    The European Space Agency (ESA) shared images of what appeared to be hundreds of spiders crawling across the surface of Mars

    Image credits: European Space Agency

    The presence of these “spiders” is unlike anything observed on Earth.

    During the winter months on Mars, carbon dioxide ice accumulates and forms a thin, icy layer on the landscape. Then, when springtime arrives, the sunlight penetrates through the icy layer and triggers a transformation that leaves the surface looking like it has spiders scuttling across the ground.

    This phenomenon is one that has not been observed on Earth

    Image credits: European Space Agency

    “Rather than being actual spiders, these small, dark features form when spring sunshine falls on layers of carbon dioxide deposited over the dark winter months,” ESA explained in a statement. “The sunlight causes carbon dioxide ice at the bottom of the layer to turn into gas, which subsequently builds up and breaks through slabs of overlying ice.

    “The gas bursts free in martian springtime, dragging dark material up to the surface as it goes and shattering layers of ice up to a metre thick,” the space agency explained.

    Numerous space agencies have been working for years to unravel the mysteries of life on Mars

    The gas, mixed with dark dust, erupts from beneath the icy surface and spews out through cracks in the form of tall fountains or geysers. They then descend down and settle on the ground, forming the dark spider-shaped spots.

    The images recently shared by ESA captured the dark spots on the outskirts of a part of Mars nicknamed “Inca City,” named because of its resemblance to the Inca Ruins on Earth.

    The post Hundreds Of Black “Spiders” Spotted On The Surface Of Mars In New Photos first appeared on Bored Panda.
  • Friday 26 April 2024 - 10:01

    Céline Dion revealed the “egg-sized” injury she suffered from wearing her massive wedding tiara that made her tell her husband, “It’s too late now, we’re married,” reflecting on some of her most memorable looks.

    The Queen of Power Ballads appeared in Vogue’s Life in Looks series on Wednesday (April 24), breaking down 13 of some of her most iconic looks from 1991 up until now.

    Among her very first looks, Céline was presented with a photograph from December 17, 1994, taken on her wedding day with her late husband, René Angélil. 

    “I still feel his presence so much,” the 56-year-old music star said after looking at the touching picture. “He brought the best of me.”

    It wasn’t long before the Québecoise commented on her famous 2,000 Swarovski crystals-covered tiara, which she explained had been sewn into her hair.

    Céline Dion reflected on her wedding tiara injury and memorable looks in Vogue‘s Life in Looks series

    Image credits: Neilson Barnard/Getty Images

    “I can manage the weight,” Céline Dion recalled, stressing that “when you’re so happy, there’s no weight, there’s no problem, there’s no pain.”

    The My Heart Will Go On hitmaker went on to explain that upon arrival at the cathedral, where she was due to tie the knot with René, she quickly realized that the floor wasn’t wooden but carpet.

    “I had an immediate facelift,” Céline hilariously said, as she couldn’t move as smoothly as on other surfaces, adding: “And it’s like, ‘Am I going to make it? Am I going to make it to my future husband?’ But like I said, ‘Oh, I’m Gonna Run to You.’ I did.”

    When it was time to remove her lavish headpiece, the Grammy winner noticed that she had been injured.

    Image credits: Vogue

    She recalled: “When we removed the tiara, I had a cut because the pressure was too much.

    “The next day, I wake up I look at myself in the mirror, I have the size of an egg in the middle of my forehead.

    “It’s so huge that it makes my eyes [go cross-eyed].”

    Céline ended up going to a doctor, who then prescribed her antibiotics that she had to take for three weeks. 

    Céline Dion recounted requiring medical attention and a three-week course of antibiotics after her tiara injury

    Image credits: Vogue

    Nevertheless, the songstress emphasized that she wouldn’t change a single thing that happened, as it was one of the happiest moments of her life.

    She said: “This is a moment that will be with me for the rest of my life.”

    YouTube users praised her, as a person commented: “It feels like you are literally sitting with her on the table and she’s telling you stories. 

    “I love her personality so much. She’s everything really.”

    Image credits: Vogue

    Someone else wrote: “She looks so much healthier now. I’m happy for her, she deserves the best.”

    A separate individual chimed in: “It’s the way she smiles as soon as she sees it’s a photo of her and René’s wedding.”

    Renée passed away in 2016 at the age of 73 after multiple cancer diagnoses, including a 2014 relapse of the disease that caused Céline to postpone her previous commitments. 

    The couple had three children together: René-Charles, 23, and 13-year-old twins, Nelson and Eddy.

    “When you’re so happy, there’s no weight, there’s no problem, there’s no pain,” she said fondly of her wedding to René Angélil

    Image credits: Michel PONOMAREFF/Getty Images

    The manager was also a father to Anne-Marie, Patrick, and Jean-Pierre, his children from previous marriages, as per People.

    While describing some other emblematic looks, Céline turned the page to her 1998 70th Academy Awards Michael Kors turtleneck gown.

    At the time, the movie ​​Titanic had taken home the Oscar for the singer’s megahit My Heart Will Go On.

    Before discussing her dress, Céline recalled: “There’s a big story about this picture because James Cameron, the director of the movie, did not want any song.

    “He said, ‘My movie is great enough, I don’t need any songs.'”

    Furthermore, Céline didn’t even want to perform the song at first, yet she proceeded to record a demo after René made the suggestion. 

    “I know that when I get into a studio and I hear music, I get into a character and I even sell it to myself,” she explained. 

    At another point in the video, Céline analyzed her 2003 VH1 Diva Duets bright pink Jean-Paul Gaultier gown.

    “I don’t want to sound pretentious but I think I look good,” the performer, who, at the time, surprised the audience with short blond hair, said.

    Céline revealed that during the VH1 show, nobody had told her that she had to walk on a ramp tilting forward, saying: “I was holding onto my toenails, trust me.”

    “But I loved that look,” she added. “I don’t know if it’s the color, but I love it.”

    “Céline’s wedding was a national event in Canada,” a reader commented

    The post Céline Dion Laughs About Her Greatest Fashion Triumphs And Failures first appeared on Bored Panda.
  • Friday 26 April 2024 - 08:31
  • Friday 26 April 2024 - 08:23

    Most people would likely agree that the feeling of great annoyance—often over relatively minor things—is quite universal; people don’t need to speak the same language or be from the same area to know just how aggravating a sock sliding halfway off in a shoe can be.

    Similar annoying occurrences are often depicted on the ‘Mildly Infuriating’ subreddit, which currently boasts over 7.4 million members from all over the place. For many of them, the sub is a source of comfort that they’re not alone in being annoyed by the daily inconveniences in life, and if you’re curious to see what said inconveniences entail, scroll down to find some examples on the list below; but do it at your own risk, as they might leave you mildly infuriated, too.

    Below you will also find Bored Panda’s interview with Emeritus Professor of Psychology Joseph Hellige, who was kind enough to answer a few of our questions about why we find certain things mildly infuriating.

    #1 The Pocket Size In Female vs. Male Levi’s Jeans. I‘Ve Just Bought The "Male" Model Which Fits Me Perfectly. Why Do Jeans Manufacturers Think That Women Don’t Deserve Large Pockets?

    Image credits: Suspicious_Salad_864

    #2 The Aluminum Foil Is Stuck Like This

    Image credits: yas_00

    #3 When You Tear Exactly Where It Says To, But The Bag Remains Sealed

    Image credits: reddit.com

    Sometimes it doesn’t take much for us to become annoyed, or say, mildly infuriated; something as simple as uneven or unmatching items or gaps in places they shouldn’t be can make us noticeably irritated. The answer to why that happens seemingly lies in the way our brain is wired.

    “In said examples, networks in the anterior cingulate cortex and connected regions activate when our expectations are violated, when we see or experience something different from what we expect,” Emeritus Professor of Psychology Joseph Hellige explained. “As simple as a gap when we didn’t expect one and as complicated as an insult when we expected praise. Registering a deviation from expectation is largely automatic.”

    #4 That's Probably The Most Infuriating Thing About The Tape

    Image credits: tetrodoxin1

    #5 Oh, Come On. Mildly Infuriating Indeed

    Image credits: Gjallardoodle

    Prof. Hellige continued to explain that whether we find certain things or occurrences annoying or pleasurable depends on numerous different brain networks. “For example, the insular cortex is activated when we experience something physically unpleasant, like biting into rancid meat, or psychologically unpleasant, like overhearing someone criticize us.”

    According to the expert, the seemingly minor annoyances vary from person to person based on context and life experience. “One person’s annoyance can even be another’s pleasure. The dissonance in Stravinsky’s Rite of Spring might grate on my nerves but be beautiful to a more trained mind.”

    #6 New Sports Bra Comes With Over 20 Tags Sewn In. It Takes Surgical Precision To Remove Them Without Damaging The Bra

    Image credits: CitizenVixen

    #7 This Makes Me Unreasonably Mad Every Time I Walk By

    Image credits: justyannicc

    #8 Wore These "Waterproof" Hiking Boots For 30 Minutes In The Rain. Now I Have To Walk Home

    Image credits: Duper18108

    Dr. Hellige explained that the level of how strongly a person feels about certain annoyances relates to relative levels of activation among brain areas, including those in the limbic system and prefrontal cortex. 

    “The level of irritation also tends to increase when a person already feels stressed or is overly tired. Parents know this well; the never-ending questions from our three-year-old are a pleasure when we’re well-rested and unhurried, but after two nights of little sleep with a work project overdue, the same behavior becomes irritating.”

    #9 Nothing Worse Than Rock-Hard Butter, Thin White Bread, And A Whole Lot Of Hunger

    Image credits: joonosaurus

    #10 My Alarm Clock Likes To Randomly Change Its Brightness To Match The Surface Of The Sun. This Thing Is Unreasonably Bright (Not Edited, This Thing Lights Up The Entire Room)

    Image credits: marktherobot-youtube

    #11 For The 1000th Time, I Made The Mistake Of Touching My Ice Cream Sandwich

    Image credits: JELLY-ROCKET

    Since no one is immune to annoyances and infuriating things, arguably the only thing we can do is try to manage our emotions. Dr. Hellige suggested that first and foremost, it’s important to try and be well-rested and maintain low levels of stress. “Easy to say, hard to do,” he added.

    “Try to keep things in perspective,” the professor of psychology continued. “Very few things are actually matters of life and death, but we have inherited some brain regions that aren’t so good at telling the difference. Fortunately, other regions, like our prefrontal cortex, work to slow us down, be reflective, and moderate the effects of some of those other regions. Take a deep breath, and let your prefrontal cortex do its work.”

    #12 It Finally Happened. I Was Prompted To Tip At The Airport Self-Checkout Station

    Image credits: _seaweed_

    #13 Spent 3 Hours On This Puzzle For This. I Swear I've Triple-Checked, All The Other Pieces Are In The Right Spot

    Image credits: chasinghappin3ss

    #14 They're The Same Number

    Image credits: coffee-headache

    The reason it’s important to try and manage our reaction to infuriating things—no matter how big or small—is because they often entail stress, which can accumulate and result in detrimental effects to our well-being.

    “Beyond an optimal level of alertness, adding stress takes a toll on our judgment as well as things like blood pressure and heart health more generally,” Dr. Hellige pointed out. “There is no way to avoid all annoyances; nor would we survive long if we weren’t responsive to genuine threats. But, there are well-documented negative consequences of chronic stress. And, whether we realize it or not, constant annoyances over insignificant things add up.”

    #15 Taste The Feeling (Frustration)

    Image credits: HUNAcean

    #16 This Typo Caused Me To Fail The Entire Assignment

    Image credits: nlwfty

    #17 It’s Getting Out Of Hand. Asked To Tip For An Online Purchase, When I Put $0, It Redirected Me To This

    Image credits: mxrcarnage

    Luckily, the pictures of mildly infuriating things are arguably not as stressful or annoying as having to deal with such things in real life. So if you feel like they don’t affect you or you know that you can manage your emotions, continue to our previous collections of mildly infuriating things here and here and see what other things might make fellow netizens somewhat infuriated.

    #18 There’s No Way Anyone Believes This Is An Efficient Way To Display Drinks. Had To Open 5 Doors Until I Found What I Wanted

    Image credits: PaleBlueDotEnthused

    #19 So Close

    Image credits: reddit.com

    #20 All Of My Bananas Unpeeled Themselves As I Slept Last Night. I’ve Never Seen This Happen Before

    Image credits: Peachy_moon12

    #21 Wrong End Of The Fork Fell Into The Bowl. Not The End Of The World, But Certainly Mildly Infuriating

    Image credits: kingbob123456

    #22 This Is Why I Hate Paper Straws

    Image credits: RoboLoco51

    #23 Printer Pulled This Nonsense Right Before Alerting Me It Was Low On Ink

    Image credits: Defiant_Ad9788

    #24 First Time Wearing These Weatherproof Steel-Toe Boots. Two Hours Into My Shift, The Leather Has Already Completely Cracked

    Image credits: TheLastGarf

    #25 When Converse Shoes Do This. I Hate When The Tongue Doesn't Stay Centered

    Image credits: Number-91

    #26 My Wife Is Grocery Shopping For Thanksgiving, And There's Only One Cashier Open

    Image credits: deutschHotel

    #27 Why Does This Always Happen?

    Image credits: Trader_Gambler

    #28 The Way The Plastic Film Doesn’t Come Off Of The Fridge Handles. Been Like This For 3 Years

    Image credits: dodoloko

    #29 ATM At Grand Central Ate My Debit Card

    Image credits: rivibird

    #30 Explaining Silent "K" To A 2-Year-Old Is Needlessly Annoying

    Image credits: dayofthedude

    #31 The Way These Canvases Were Hung Up In The Bathroom Of My Local Sushi Restaurant

    Image credits: stephanonymous

    #32 I’m 28

    Image credits: Eyeamanon28

    #33 Waited Two Months For A Doctor's Appointment, Left An Hour Early

    I called and said I'd be 30 minutes late. They said, "Sucks to be you, if you want to reschedule the next availability is February".

    Image credits: LizzyShort

    #34 This Happens To Me Every Time

    Image credits: twotonekevin

    #35 I Got A Free Printer From Somebody Moving, Turns Out The Ink In It Can't Be Used Without A Subscription

    Image credits: fiftyfourseventeen

    #36 You Are Given 0 Time To Interpret This Sign And All Of Its Arrows

    Image credits: Tm23246

    #37 The Security Tag In This Book Didn’t Come Off Cleanly

    Image credits: 1019gunner

    #38 The Giant Hole(S) In My Loaf Of Bread. We Pay $8 For This Specialty Allergy-Free Bread, And Half Of It Is Unusable For Sandwiches. I Had To Laugh

    Image credits: Bighawklittlehawk

    #39 When You Take A Pregnancy Test And Get No Result

    My husband and I are dying to find out. So, I took a test, and I did not get "pregnant" or "not pregnant". I literally got NO results. A defective test - it's really frustrating. Trying a different brand test tomorrow morning.

    Image credits: WarDog1983

    #40 I've Been Stuck Here Waiting For The Train To Move For The Last 40 Minutes

    Image credits: potato_soup303

    #41 Brand New Shoes With Their Own Shoelaces

    Image credits: reddit_0885

    #42 The Sizes For My Uniform At Work

    Image credits: wittyusername535

    #43 All The Icing On My Donut Stuck To The Bag

    Image credits: Sololop

    #44 Our Food Processor Is Battery-Powered, But The Battery Only Lasts For 2 Minutes, And I Can't Use It While It's Charging

    Image credits: Jaybro838

    #45 Wanted To Use My Nintendo eShop Card, But Peeled Off The Code With The Sticker

    Image credits: BurntBox21

    #46 I Had Been Wearing My AirPods For The Exact Same Amount Of Time. Granted, They Are Around A Year Old, But Still, Why?

    Image credits: cherry937

    #47 When Our Plates Chip, It’s Always In The Same Way And Size

    Image credits: MrCantPlayGuitar

    #48 After Finishing My DIY LED Cloud Lights, Part Of The Strip Just Happens To Change To A Different Color

    The only way to fix this is by taking all of the polyester fiber down and restringing a new set of lights that aren’t faulty.

    Image credits: IdioticShrimp

    #49 This Roll Of Toilet Paper That Gets Thinner And Thinner As You Unwind It

    I started to rapidly unspool it to see how far it went on like that because I figured it couldn’t be far. Still searching for the end of it.

    Image credits: Miserable_Waterfall

    #50 No Soup For Me, I Guess

    Image credits: stlredbird

    #51 The "Medium" Sized T-Shirt I Got My Husband For Christmas With An Actual Medium Shirt On Top. There Are Slight Size Differences, And Then There Is This

    Image credits: stoofkeegs

    #52 Why Do Baguettes Always Have The Top On The Show? Makes The End Go Hard And Dry

    Image credits: VicLondon1

    #53 That Was Only Wine Opener As Well

    Image credits: TheHoundsofLondon

    #54 Why Would You Put The Sticker Inside Of The Bowl?

    Image credits: imaginemichaelscott

    #55 This Is What Wearing Cheap “Blue Swede Shoes” In The Rain Gets You

    Image credits: Chazster567

    #56 Comes Off Every Time I Use It. Every. Single. Time

    Image credits: 1One1MoreNightmare

    #57 Bought Three Thermometers To Check The Temperature In My House. All Of Them Showed Different Numbers

    Image credits: Not_BigM

    #58 My Shark Shuts Off Every Time I Put It In This Room. Only In This Room

    This room only has one door stop and it hits it every single time it's placed to clean in there while other rooms have several of the same stoppers and it has yet to happen anywhere else.

    The Shark just kinda bounces around randomly so... What the heck?

    Why does it even have this poorly placed switch when hitting any of the buttons on top will make it stop immediately?

    Image credits: Lime_in-the-coconut

    #59 There’s No Hole To Relieve The Suction/Pressure In My Water Bottle, So I've To Stop Drinking Every Two Seconds. And Every Time I Stop Drinking It Makes Noise

    Image credits: Viatrixin

    #60 It Took 14 “Orange Juice” Oranges To Get This Amount

    Image credits: peachnecctar

  • Friday 26 April 2024 - 08:10

    Even though majestic, nature can be scary at times. Therefore, it’s important to be careful and aware of the potential dangers one might face, especially when stepping foot in the wilderness. After all, the chances of getting attacked by a bear are slim, but never zero. 

    Unfortunately, for this group of campers, this innocent meme almost became a reality when, during their hike, they came face-to-face with a grizzly. Normally, this wouldn’t be an issue for them, but a new person in the group suddenly made matters much worse after she started screaming and running away from it. Such behavior not only endangered everyone’s lives but also uninvited her from any upcoming camping trip. 

    Even though majestic, nature can be dangerous at times

    Image credits: PNW Production / Pexels (not the actual photo)

    However, this woman completely ignored it, endangering her friends

    Image credits: Susanne Jutzeler, suju-foto / Pexels (not the actual photo)

    Image credits: Alex Green / Pexels (not the actual photo)

    Image credits: No-Pay-5094

    Around 40 people are attacked by bears each year in North America, with 5 of them being fatal

    Fortunately, the chance of encountering a bear, at least in the US, is relatively low. That said, their immense size, strength, and occasionally unpredictable behavior can pose significant risks, especially when venturing into their natural habitats. According to Gitnux data, around 40 people are attacked by them each year in North America, with approximately 5 of them being fatal. 

    One of the most common mistakes people make when visiting bear territories is setting up camps in the wrong spot. It’s usually unsafe to stay close to the same trails and roads these animals use. So before choosing a spot to dwell in, the campers should check the area for any bear activity like their tracks, droppings, rubbed and claw-marked trees, berry bushes, or torn apart rotting stumps and logs (they enjoy looking for yummy treats). It’s also advised to camp in open areas, away from any cover for bears. 

    Another rookie oversight is leaving food in tents or near them. These animals have a sensitive sense of smell—2100 times better than humans and 7 times better than bloodhounds and won’t pass up an opportunity to have an easy meal. When they learn that they can find yummy snacks in tents, they will start associating humans with a source of sustenance. Therefore, any edible items should be stored away from the shelter, ideally in a bear-proof box or a vehicle, so campers have more time to evacuate when a bear comes looking for a midnight pick-me-up. 

    An additional wrongdoing is being too quiet. People should make a lot of noise while hiking, sing loudly, or clap their hands frequently to give plenty of time for the bear to avoid them. It’s also advised to hike in groups of three people, as they are usually noisier and smellier than a single individual. This can help the animals sense them from a greater distance.  Meanwhile, their size appears more intimidating to them. Thankfully, these animals are usually afraid of humans and just want to be on their merry way. The tips above should help campers steer clear of the majestic creatures instead of coming face-to-face with them. 

    When an encounter does happen, it’s best to remain calm and collected

    When an encounter does happen, it’s best to remain calm and collected. Even though screaming or running might come as a first instinct when faced with the animal, sudden loud sounds can startle it, causing it to act defensively. Instead, try keeping your voice and movements composed, backing away slowly, and avoiding eye contact. Climbing a tree is another no-go, as is trying to approach them closer to take photos. If possible, be prepared to leave the area and perhaps save camping or hiking for another day. 

    Bear spray should also be taken seriously by campers, as it can be pretty handy when encountering a bear. Unfortunately, not all people take the time to educate themselves on it before coming to the wilderness. Therefore, it’s a good idea to learn how to use and carry it. 

    Try keeping it in an easily accessible place, like your belt, as it won’t do any good at the bottom of your backpack. In the time of need, slowly pull it out and remove the safety lock. It’s a pepper concoction designated to stop the bear from charging toward you, causing temporary irritation in the eyes and the upper respiratory tract. 

    Just keep in mind that picking a fight unless your personal safety is at risk isn’t worth it. If a curious bear is sniffing around and knocks some stuff over, it’s nothing that can’t be fixed. Or if a frustrated bear is tearing up your hammock, it’s not an item that can’t be repurchased. Respecting wildlife and learning more about it can help people enjoy bear country safely and minimize animal-human conflict. 

    The author provided more information in the comments

    The fact that the friend endangered everyone’s lives didn’t sit right with the readers

    The post Woman Risks Everyone’s Life With Her Ignorance, Gets Upset She’s Not Invited Anymore first appeared on Bored Panda.
  • Friday 26 April 2024 - 07:00

    If you asked a room full of people who loves a micromanager, it’s unlikely that you’d see a forest of raised hands. This redditor surely wouldn’t raise hers.

    The netizen recently turned to the malicious compliance community to share how she dealt with micromanaging people at work, after they woke her up at “half past stupid o’clock”.

    Scroll down to find the full story below, where you will also find our interview with Associate Professor of Organizational Behavior at Universidade Católica Portuguesa, Jon Gruda Ph.D., who was kind enough to answer a few of our questions on micromanaging.

    Rest is a crucial part of a trucker’s job

    Image credits: Tony Mrst / pexels (not the actual photo)

    This trucker’s sleep was interrupted by a micromanager, who was then served a portion of malicious compliance

    Image credits: Anastasia Shuraeva / pexels (not the actual photo)

    Image credits: mmmmpisghetti

    Image credits: mmmmpisghetti

    Micromanaging can be detrimental to both the employee and the company

    According to an expert in organizational behavior, Dr. Jon Gruda, micromanaging usually harms employees more than it helps. “It often signals a lack of trust in employees’ abilities, leading to decreased autonomy and higher stress, reduced job satisfaction, and potential burnout. Micromanaged employees may feel undervalued and disengaged, reducing productivity and increasing turnover.”

    In addition to the detrimental effects on employee well-being, micromanaging doesn’t help the company itself, either. “Micromanaging disrupts team workflows and organizational efficiency. It causes frequent interruptions, slows decision-making, stifles creativity, and prevents employees from developing leadership skills due to dependency on approvals for even minor decisions,” Dr. Gruda continued.

    While the redditor’s workflow likely differs from that in a corporate setting, for instance, it’s arguably not that different in regards to how detrimental micromanaging can be. Surveys reveal that such a style of management has resulted in negatively impacting the morale of as much as 85% employed individuals who’ve experienced it, and it has made nearly seven-in-ten of them consider changing jobs.

    Image credits: Jonathan Borba / pexels (not the actual photo)

    The overly attentive management style often originates from a manager’s insecurities and need for control

    Dr. Gruda pointed out that micromanaging often stems from a manager’s insecurities and need for control. “Managers might micromanage out of fear that independent work by employees could reflect poorly on their abilities. Organizations should support managers by providing training to build their confidence and trust in their teams, which can help reduce micromanagement and foster a more positive workplace culture,” he told Bored Panda.

    However, if organizations can’t provide said support or managers simply can’t seem to let go of control, the employee can try taking matters into their own hands; to some extent, at least. For those dealing with a micromanager, Gruda suggested focusing on three points, the first one being setting boundaries and asking for autonomy. “Express your need for autonomy and propose how you can manage tasks independently.”

    The second point was seeking feedback and clarifying expectations: “Address any unclear expectations with your manager to reduce unnecessary oversight,” Gruda advised. Finally, try focusing on building trust by demonstrating reliability in your tasks to gradually build trust and reduce micromanagement.

    In situations where building trust or seeking a long-term professional relationship does not make much sense—or is simply not worth fighting a micromanager’s aggravating ways for—engaging in malicious compliance can also be an option; the netizen revealed that for her, it resulted in an apology for waking her up at “half past stupid o’clock”.

    Image credits: Andrea Piacquadio / pexels (not the actual photo)

    The netizen shared more details in the comments

    Fellow redditors discussed similar stories

    The post “Half Past Stupid O’Clock”: Micromanaging Broker Tracks Trucker’s Every Move, She Has Enough first appeared on Bored Panda.
  • Friday 26 April 2024 - 07:00

    There are certain things you can’t escape as an adult like waking up early on weekdays, becoming a kitchen gadget expert, paying bills, and yes, the most mundane one - filing taxes. And while paying taxes if you forget to look at details or lack basic math skills you might end up paying the 'stupid tax'.

    The 'stupid tax' is that sneaky fee that some companies hide behind bargain offers and saving deals. And the Stupid Tax subreddit is known for shining light on these unreasonably priced products. With nearly 40k members, this community warns people about paying any additional price for day-to-day items. Enjoy this list of pics that might have you reconsidering those tempting offers.

    #1 Subway Really Wants You To Buy Two Cookies

    Image credits: LewdLittleLemon

    #2 Clearance Mini Quiche At Aldi!

    Image credits: martyz

    #3 Buy More, Save Less!

    Image credits: InsertCoinForCredit

    As grown-ups navigating the world of finances, we're all finding ways to save some money. Whether it's comparing prices online, delving into DIY solutions, or just opting for store brands over popular ones, saving a few dollars is like an art form in people’s daily lives.

    And who can forget the joy of finding a good deal, only to realize later that the product was a downsized version of what you normally purchase? That's shrinkflation at its best. The term is a combination of two words: shrink and inflation. The "shrink" refers to the change or reduction in the product size, while the "-flation" part comes from inflation—the increase in prices.

    #4 A “Deal” On Chips

    Image credits: photophunk

    #5 Hmmm, Tough Call

    Image credits: averagepenisman

    #6 Now This Is Bs

    Image credits: imwackinout

    It’s more likely that customers will notice the increase in cost; that’s why companies opt to reduce the size of the product while maintaining its sticker price. Simply put, shrinkflation is a form of hidden inflation. Businesses make profit as people pay more for a package containing a little bit less.

    For instance, Toblerone cleverly reduced the weight of its chocolate bars in 2016. They increased the gap between the popular triangular peak design, leading to a noticeable decrease in the amount of chocolate per bar.

    #7 By Grapthar’s Hammer… What A Savings

    Image credits: BuddLightbeer

    #8 Inflation Hitting All New Highs

    Image credits: joshbutthole

    #9 Twice The Nutella For The Same Price

    Image credits: Bnb53

    To deal with shrinkflation, many politicians and corporations have started adopting different measures. In June 2023, French Finance Minister Bruno Le Maire called 75 retailers and consumer groups for a meeting to discuss pricing concerns, challenging large corporations in the process.

    #10 Discounted To 29.99 You Say? 36% Savings You Say?

    Image credits: thegamesthief

    #11 Hmm, Sounds Like A Good Deal!

    Image credits: blarron

    #12 What A Deal! The Lady Behind The Counter Said Most People Buy The 3 Pack For $4.99

    Image credits: joemits

    Carrefour, the second-largest grocery retailer in France, put warning stickers on certain items on the shelves reading: "This product has seen its volume/weight fall and the effective price charged by the supplier rise." Their intention was to let the consumer know what was really happening.

    They identified 26 products, including Nestle, PepsiCo and Unilever, that have become smaller in size without a change in price. Stefen Bompais, director of client communications at Carrefour, told BBC, "Obviously, the aim in stigmatizing these products is to be able to tell manufacturers to rethink their pricing policy.

    #13 For Only $58/Mo, I Can Cut My Internet Speed By 3/4

    Image credits: calvarez

    #14 For $5.69, You Get Your Choice Of 12oz Or 18oz

    Image credits: grptrt

    #15 Nothing Like A Good Bargain When It’s On Sale!

    Image credits: Argodruid

    In other countries like the UK, the British consumer groups also warned people of the effects of shrinkflation on common items like cat food and chocolate biscuits, among others.

    In the United States, the White House stated that “President Biden is calling on companies to put a stop to shrinkflation.” In fact, the president has called for a bill allowing the Federal Trade Commission to make rules to stop shrinkflation. The bill will also let the FTC and state attorneys sue companies for the same.

    #16 Looking To Buy These Wooden Cd Cases In Bulk?

    Image credits: fungusmungus1

    #17 Maple Sugaring Spiles/Taps: Buy 4 For ~$14 Or Pay $5 More If You Want The Same Number In Only One Bag

    Image credits: atridir

    #18 Pizza Hut: 5 For $55 Or 1 For $9.99

    Image credits: BUCNDrummer

    On the other hand, many companies have explained why prices are going up and products are getting smaller. Talking about Pringles, a Kellogg's spokesperson told Which publication, “As the cost of ingredients and production processes increase, it can cost us more to make our products than it used to. That said, prices don’t always increase, for example in 2021 a 200g can RRP was £2.50 and in 2022 it was £2.”

    #19 4/$5.00 Or A 4 Pack For $5.38

    Image credits: colonels1020

    #20 I Guess I’ll Just Get One

    Image credits: 0OOOOOOOOO0

    #21 Why Yes, I Would Like To Buy Two Of The Same Game

    Image credits: averagepenisman

    A spokesperson for Mars said, “The inflationary pressures being felt around the globe are well documented and sadly we are not immune to them. While we continue to absorb cost increases coming from raw materials, and retail pricing remains at the sole discretion of the retailer, regrettably we made the difficult decision to maintain the list price of our Whiskas pouches at the new size. We will always offer our high-quality pet food at the best possible value for money.”

    #22 [follow Up] The Sasuage Biscuit ($1.49) Is Still Cheaper Than The Biscuit ($1.89)

    Image credits: 751assets

    #23 Thanks, I Guess I'll ... Just Wait Then?

    Image credits: whyistoastsogood

    #24 12x Monthly Payments Are Cheaper Than All Annual Memberships

    Image credits: limbago

    Whether it's inflation or simply a mathematical error, it's always better to check the prices on deals before making a purchase. So next time you're tempted to overlook the fine print, remember: you might end up paying the stupid tax. Tell us if you have ever made a “stupid” purchase. How much did it cost you?

    #25 Wow, That’s A Nice Deal

    Image credits: lia421

    #26 Getting A Meal + Drink Is Cheaper Than Without The Drink

    Image credits: matthewmspace

    #27 Buy Two For More!

    Image credits: Manufactured1986

    #28 West Elm, 2 For $23 Or 1 For $10. Hmmmm

    Image credits: slaywacher

    #29 A Glitch Or Incentive To Buy The Meal, You Decide

    Image credits: ajwest927

    #30 Pay More For Four

    Image credits: rocketship92

    #31 Pay More With Digital Coupon

    Image credits: Melodic_Turnover_877

    #32 A Tax In Vegetarians Who Don't Know How To Use The Tacobell App

    Image credits: hskrpwr

    #33 Steak Extra Tofu Or Tofu Extra Steak?

    Image credits: b7d

    #34 You Can Buy Each Individual Episode In Hd For Cheaper Then Buying It All In A Bundle

    Image credits: publicbigguns

    #35 Buying The Bundle Costs $22.51 More Than Buying Them Separately

    Image credits: YangWenli1

    #36 Ordering Wings From Dominos

    Image credits: ramavalos90

    #37 $3.22 For 10.3oz Or $2.43 For 13.7oz

    Image credits: mossy_93

    #38 Cheaper To Buy Two Piece Than A Set

    Image credits: PECONAUT

    #39 Why Do They Do This

    Image credits: Marioc12345

    #40 Two 1 Lb Packs Of Bacon Are Cheaper Than One 1.5 Lb Pack

    Image credits: CmdrWinters

    #41 I Guess I'll Have 2 600 Ml Glasses

    Image credits: chiraggsam

    #42 The Maths Just Dont Add Up

    Image credits: Backsight_my_buthole

    #43 For 8 More, They Can Put The Same Amount Of Fries In One Carton Instead Of 2!

    Image credits: PuddingSalad

    #44 Walmart - It Used To Be 3 For $9

    Image credits: peiguy23

    #45 1l $43.99 Or 1.75l For $42.99

    Image credits: WVPrepper

    #46 Half The Amount For 19 Cents More

    Image credits: Enroberman

    #47 The Price Per Box Increases By $0.009 When Purchased In Bulk

    Image credits: hvilaichez

    #48 Stupid Wine

    Image credits: derpy_mcderpderp

    #49 $4.50 For 350g vs. $2.70 For 500g

    Image credits: OwnerofNeuroticDogs

    #50 Food Truck Edition

    Image credits: iamtuerk

    #51 Get Two Quarts For The Price Of Four!!

    Image credits: calvarez

    #52 5.85 For 8 Or 2 Lots Of 4 For 5.30

    Image credits: DannyHallam

    #53 I’ll Take 2 ,5 Mil Please

    Image credits: jpmelnitsky

    #54 I Need 2 Of Them

    Image credits: kokodjiss

    #55 Only 2 Cents, But Still

    Image credits: DBProxy

    #56 An 18 Pack For $13 Or Two 12 Packs For $10

    Image credits: Bondedknight

    #57 Found My First One In The Wild!

    Image credits: MegaEmailman

    #58 Bww Boneless Wings

    Image credits: 0OOOOOOOOO0

    #59 Vanilla Extract At Publix

    Image credits: ilovenerdwins87

  • Friday 26 April 2024 - 02:35
  • Friday 26 April 2024 - 02:00

    Lectures : Soyez un héros, passez en manuel !

    L’abrutissement de l’automatisation

    Une tiktokeuse lance la mise à jour de sa Tesla et se retrouve coincée dedans pendant 40 minutes.

    Mais, comme le souligne brillamment Olivier Ertzscheid, la subtilité est qu’elle aurait pu sortir… en ouvrant la porte « manuellement », ce qu’elle s’est refusée à faire.

    D’un autre côté, le simple fait qu’on puisse ouvrir une porte non manuellement est inquiétant. Parce qu’on perd l’habitude de ce geste simple est qu’en cas d’urgence, on pourrait tout simplement ne pas y penser. Comme nous avons perdu la capacité d’imaginer réparer un objet qui tombe en panne.

    Nous sommes devenus cette masse abrutie qui regarde béatement le héros lorsque, devant la catastrophe imminente, celui-ci annonce, sûr de lui : « je passe en manuel ! ».

    Mort aux notifications

    Un autre truc pour lequel on devrait passer en manuel : les notifications.

    Je le dis et le répète : les notifications sont une abomination. Elles représentent littéralement quelqu’un qui vient vous taper sur l’épaule pour vous interrompre sans ménagement dans ce que vous faites, quelle que soit la situation.

    La seule personne que j’autorise à faire cela, c’est moi-même. Les seules notifications que j’accepte sont donc celles de mon agenda. Mon bureau Regolith n’a même pas de notifications tout court et mon téléphone est soit en silencieux, soit en mode avion. Seule exception : lorsque j’attends un coup de fil ou que je veux être joignable pour mon épouse. Et je peste de ne pas pouvoir activer les notifications uniquement pour une personne particulière. Pourquoi pensez-vous que cette fonctionnalité évidente soit si rare, voire inexistante ?

    Le simple fait que, par défaut, tous nos appareils soient conçus pour nous interrompre est la preuve que nous sommes du bétail exploité par les fabricants. Sur macOS, il est impossible de désactiver de manière permanente les notifications. J’ai même reçu le témoignage de personnes qui ne savaient pas qu’il était possible de désactiver les « bip bip » incessants de leur téléphone (mise à jour d’app, notifications aléatoires, etc.) Ça les ennuyait, mais elles vivaient avec, croyant que c’était le prix à payer.

    Chaque notification est une source de stress, même si elle ne vient pas de votre téléphone, même si vous n’êtes pas concerné. Le son des notifications est pensé et conçu pour mettre votre cerveau en alerte, pour générer une petite décharge d’adrénaline. Les notifications nous épuisent littéralement.

    Je suis devenu un psychopathe antinotifications. Pour tous les numéros inconnus qui m’ont appelé ou qui m’ont envoyé un SMS publicitaire, je dépose d’ailleurs une plainte sur le point de contact belge. Je viens de le faire pour un opticien de ma ville qui m’a annoncé par SMS que les appareils auditifs étaient en promotion. J’ai donné mon numéro, il y a plusieurs années, pour qu’ils puissent me prévenir quand mes lunettes étaient réparées.

    Je ne suis pas sûr de l’utilité, mais je me dis que, à la longue, si on est plusieurs dizaines à faire pareil, ça va commencer à ne plus pouvoir être ignoré.

    Et je me désabonne d’absolument tout email qui arrive dans mon inbox depuis une liste. Si je suis réabonné, je désactive l’alias dans SimpleLogin.

    L’omniprésence du tracking

    Une bonne manière de visualiser que toute votre activité en ligne est surveillée et de faire en sorte que votre ordinateur émette une… notification sous forme de bip sonore à chaque fois qu’il envoie des données vers un espion identifié. Oui, je me contredis. Mais ici, c’est juste pour l’expérience !

    C’est ce qu’a fait Bert Hubert. Ceci ne prend évidemment pas en compte les espions non identifiés. Mais c’est déjà impressionnant en soi. Allez voir la seconde vidéo pour vous donner une idée.

    Abonnez-vous à ma chaîne !

    Tant qu’on y est, pour être notifié chaque fois que je poste un billet, n’oubliez pas de vous abonner à ma chaîne ! Enfin, ma mailing-liste ;-)

    Un prisonnier enchaîné dit à un autre « Abonnez-vous à ma chaîne ! »
    Un prisonnier enchaîné dit à un autre « Abonnez-vous à ma chaîne ! »

    Israël et Whatsapp

    Loin de passer en manuel, Israël utiliserait "l’intelligence artificielle" pour déterminer les cibles de ses frappes. Et de forts soupçons existent sur le fait que cette IA soit alimentée par des données Whatsapp. C’est entièrement plausible, car, contrairement à Signal, Whatsapp recueille des myriades d’informations sur vous. Je l’ai vécu il y a quelques années lorsque j’avais encore des comptes Facebook et Whatsapp. Un de mes anciens propriétaires, avec qui je n’étais plus en contact depuis des années, m’a envoyé par erreur un message Whatsapp. Dans les minutes qui ont suivi ma réponse pour lui signifier son erreur, Facebook m’a proposé d’être ami avec cette personne (nous n’avions ni connaissance ni page suivie en commun).

    Le simple fait d’être dans un groupe de discussion avec un terroriste, d’être en contact avec lui voire d’être au même endroit à un moment donné suffirait à faire de vous une victime d’une frappe. Et tant pis si le terroriste était dans un appartement deux étages au-dessous du vôtre : vous partagiez les mêmes coordonnées géographiques !

    Notez que ce n’est pas neuf. Plusieurs exemples existent en Afghanistan de victimes ayant été ciblées, car ayant, selon des algorithmes « intelligents », un « comportement suspect ». Je me souviens d’un médecin pakistanais tué par un drone US. Il était considéré comme suspect, car passant fréquemment la frontière (il travaillait en Afghanistan et vivait au Pakistan) et changeant régulièrement de carte sim (oui, il en avait une pour chaque pays pour des raisons évidentes d’abonnement).

    Ce qui est fascinant c’est à quel point ces outils permettent de diluer la responsabilité. Les militaires obéissent aux ordres, les commanditaires disent se fier aux algorithmes, les programmeurs que la responsabilité incombe aux collecteurs de données et ces derniers prétendent ne faire que collecter des données, ne rien en inférer ni décider.

    C’est d’ailleurs le véritable marché de l’intelligence artificielle : diluer la responsabilité. Une voiture tue un piéton ? C’est « l’algorithme ». Une entreprise balance des tonnes de produits néfastes dans une rivière ? C’est « une erreur de programmation ».

    Être sur Whatsapp est potentiellement mortel. Vos données seront, un jour, utilisées contre vous. Et certainement par erreur. La question n’est pas de savoir si vous avez quelque chose à vous reprocher, mais si un algorithme ne pourrait pas un jour penser que vous êtes potentiellement dangereux. Et ce, pour chaque algorithme qui existe et pour chaque jeu de données.

    En attendant, utilisez Signal. Signal n’est pas parfait, mais n’a, pour seules données à votre sujet, que votre numéro de téléphone, la date de création de votre compte et la date de votre dernière connexion. Contrairement à Whatsapp, Signal n’a accès ni à vos contacts, ni à votre localisation, ni à vos groupes, ni à vos habitudes. Signal n’est pas non plus une entreprise commerciale, mais une fondation (dont une grande partie du financement vient d’un don… du créateur de Whatsapp, qui a renié sa création après avoir vu ce que Facebook en faisait).

    Pour ceux qui le peuvent, supprimez Whatsapp. Oui, vous allez rater des choses. Mais vous allez aussi faire évoluer la masse critique vers Signal. L’effort en vaut la peine.

    Signal se merdifie ? Non, c’est Apple !

    Lors d’un appel vidéo récent sur Signal, j’ai eu la surprise de voir s’afficher des émojis en forme de pouces levés chaque fois que mon correspondant agitait les mains. Je me suis immédiatement demandé comment Signal pouvait ajouter cette fonctionnalité sans intercepter la vidéo. Après recherche, il s’est avéré que ce n’est pas Signal, mais bien l’iPhone qui fait ça automatiquement.

    Résultat : ce truc, dont je n’ose imaginer le coût de développement et l’impact sur la batterie, apparaissait tout le temps et nous a fait perdre 15 minutes de discussion avant de commencer à nous énerver sérieusement. Ce n’est même plus possible de discuter sérieusement sans être distrait. C’est un peu comme les notifications : ces produits ne sont pas pensés pour nous permettre d’être productif ou épanoui, mais, par défaut, pour nous distraire. Dans tous les sens du terme. Pour nous empêcher de penser.

    N’attendez pas, agissez !

    Distraction, espionnage permanent, ciblage publicitaire ou par drone tueur : cette merdification n’est pas seulement prévisible, elle est inévitable. Oui, votre activité sur Whatsapp et partout ailleurs va un jour se retourner contre vous. Aux États-Unis, les données de votre voiture servent déjà à augmenter le tarif de votre assurance.

    Vous pouvez supprimer sans crainte vos comptes Reddit, Twitter, LinkedIn et bien d’autres. En les supprimant définitivement, par opposition à une simple « désactivation », vous forcez l’effacement d’une partie de vos données. Cette suppression peut avoir des effets bénéfiques insoupçonnés sur votre santé mentale.

    De toute façon, de plus en plus de comptes sur ces plateformes sont des bots qui servent à faire de la pub. Si un compte interagit avec vous en vous parlant d’un service en ligne, c’est probablement un bot. Pardon, une « intelligence artificielle ».

    Passez en manuel : supprimer vos réseaux sociaux propriétaires et venez tester Mastodon !

    Supprimer un compte fait peur. On va perdre plein de données. Mais, en fait, vous les perdrez un jour ou l’autre, quand vous vous y attendrez le moins. Pour une raison débile. Parce qu’un algorithme aura déterminé que vous avez « enfreint les conditions d’utilisation ».

    Et oui, vous allez un jour perdre votre accès à toutes les vidéos que vous avez mises sur YouTube.

    YouTube qui est tellement incontournable qu’il ne peut que se merdifier. Et il le fait. YouTube suivrait-il la voie de Twitter ? Oui, même si c’est moins spectaculaire, moins Elonesque.

    Si vous avez des vidéos, postez-les sur un compte Peertube. Si vous avez une chaîne, faites-en une copie sur Peertube et parlez-en. Normalisez le fait d’être un vidéaste sur Peertube.

    Si vous avez des données que vous souhaitez conserver sur Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn et YouTube, faites-en une copie, car vous allez les perdre comme j’ai perdu tout ce que j’avais posté sur Google+. Ce n’est pas une prédiction, mais une certitude. Ce n’est qu’une question de temps.

    Alors, soyez le héros, passez en manuel : sauvegardez vos données et supprimez vos comptes propriétaires !

    Ingénieur et écrivain, j’explore l’impact des technologies sur l’humain, tant par écrit que dans mes conférences.

    Recevez directement par mail mes écrits en français et en anglais. Votre adresse ne sera jamais partagée. Vous pouvez également utiliser mon flux RSS francophone ou le flux RSS complet.

    Pour me soutenir, achetez mes livres (si possible chez votre libraire) ! Je viens justement de publier un recueil de nouvelles qui devrait vous faire rire et réfléchir. Je fais également partie du coffret libre et éthique « SF en VF ».

  • Thursday 25 April 2024 - 23:02
  • Thursday 25 April 2024 - 17:20
  • Thursday 25 April 2024 - 17:18
  • Thursday 25 April 2024 - 14:35
  • Thursday 25 April 2024 - 12:07

    Monica Lewinsky poked fun at her presidential cheating scandal past, using the viral “you wouldn’t last an hour in the asylum where they raised me” trend from Taylor Swift’s Who’s Afraid of Little Old Me song taken from her recently released The Tortured Poets Department album.

    Taking to her X page (formerly known as Twitter) on Thursday (April 25), the 50-year-old activist shared a picture of the White House, along with the “you wouldn’t last an hour in the asylum where they raised me” lyrics.

    Social media users have been using the Taylor Swift lyrics to humorously highlight different aspects of their lives, like countries they have been brought up in, past workplaces they struggled with, and more ironic examples.

    Image credits: Nathan Congleton/Getty Images

    In the case of Monica, the trend was an obvious nod to her involvement in a scandal with former President Bill Clinton in the late 1990s. 

    Monica gained notoriety in the media after working at the US presidential’s official residence and workplace as an intern at the time, and subsequently having an affair with Clinton, who had been married to Hillary Clinton for two decades at that point.

    The cheating scandal led to a high-profile investigation and impeachment proceedings against the former president but also resulted in sensationalized misogynistic scrutiny against Monica.

    Image credits: taylorswift

    Image credits: www.instagram.com

    The post Monica Lewinksy Mocks Presidential Cheating Scandal Past With Hilarious Taylor Swift Trend first appeared on Bored Panda.
  • Thursday 25 April 2024 - 11:24

    Ye, formerly known as Kanye West, is ready to make waves in a new industry: adult entertainment.

    Years after he admitted his struggles with porn addiction to the world, the 46-year-old rapper revealed that he is dipping his toes into the business of making adult films and wants to add “Yeezy porn” to his repertoire

    In a very to-the-point message on Twitter, the Vultures 1 album maker released a short clip with the date April 24, 2024, and he declared: “YEEZY PORN IS CUMMING.”

    “Go to Yeezy.com,” said a woman’s voice in the background of the clip, which was shared on Wednesday, April 24.

    A Yeezy representative confirmed to TMZ that the ever-controversial rapper, married to architect and model Bianca Censori, has been toying with the idea of establishing his own pornography studio and brand for a while. The source also claimed the Heartless rapper has been in talks with his partners about getting the business alive and kicking.

    Ye, formerly known as Kanye West, is gearing up to add adult entertainment under his Yeezy umbrella

    Image credits: Arnold Jerocki/Getty Images

    As part of the goal of building an entire adult entertainment division, the representative said Ye is rolling out plans to have an entire Yeezy Porn studio and is also having conversations with Mike Moz to steer this chapter of his business.

    Mike, a veteran in the porn business and ex-husband of American porn star and director Stormy Daniels, has worked in casting and art direction in the industry before spending the last decade as a producer. Ye has reportedly been talking to Mike about heading the new division under the Yeezy umbrella.

    The Stronger rapper’s announcement comes years after Ye openly admitted his addiction to porn and referred to it as the reason his family was destroyed.

    The Vultures 1 album maker made the announcement on social media and asked his audience to head to Yeezy.com

    Ye, the brain behind Yeezy sneakers and the founder of the now-shuttered Donda Academy, is a father to ex-wife Kim’s four children: North, Saint, Psalm, and Chicago.

    He reportedly once said in a now-deleted post addressed to Victoria Villarroel, Kylie Jenner’s former assistant: “Don’t let Kris make you do playboy like she made [Kylie] and Kim do.”

    “Hollywood is a giant brothel Pornography destroyed my family I deal with the addiction Instagram promotes it Not gonna let it happen to Northy and Chicago,” he added.

    A couple of years prior to those remarks, Ye said he had a “full-on porn addiction,” which he has been dealing with since he was young.

    “For me, Playboy was my gateway into full-on pornography addiction,” he was quoted telling Apple Music’s Zane Lowe in 2019. “My dad had a Playboy left out at age five and it’s affected almost every choice I made for the rest of my life.”

    Ye, a father to North, Saint, Psalm, and Chicago with ex-wife Kim Kardashian, once blamed porn for destroying his family

    Image credits: KimKardashian

    The CARNIVAL rapper revealed that the addiction, which began in his childhood, was aggravated after the death of his mother, Donda, in 2007.

    “From age five til now, having to kick the habit and it just presents itself in the open like it’s OK and I stand up and say, ‘No, it’s not ok,’” he added.

    “I think when people have been addicted to something like, if you ask somebody that’s a drug addict it’s like you say, ‘Are you still addicted?’” he said at the time.

    “Well yeah, you turn it off actually,” he continued. “It’s like, with God I’ve been able to beat things that had a full control of me.”

    Fans had mixed reactions to Ye’s latest news and said he is “running out of ideas”

    The post Kanye West Is Releasing “Yeezy” Adult Films And Seeking Help From Stormy Daniels’ Ex-Husband first appeared on Bored Panda.
  • Thursday 25 April 2024 - 10:42

    Billie Eilish candidly addressed taboos related to women’s sexuality and masturbation while reflecting on the challenges of being labeled and misunderstood in the public eye, including her sexual identity, ahead of her third album, Hit Me Hard and Soft, set to be released on May 17.

    In a Rolling Stone exposé of the songstress published on Wednesday (April 24), Billie revealed that her favorite way of decompressing was having “sex,” emphasizing that she loved talking about it “any time [she] possibly can.”

    Stressing that sex was “literally [her] favorite topic,” the 22-year-old singer explained: “My experience as a woman has been that it’s seen in such a weird way. 

    “People are so uncomfortable talking about it and weirded out when women are very comfortable in their sexuality and communicative [about] it. 

    “I think it’s such a frowned-upon thing to talk about, and I think that should change. 

    “You asked me what I do to decompress? That sh*t can really, really save you sometimes, just saying. Can’t recommend it more, to be real.”

    Billie Eilish addressed societal taboos on women’s sexuality and masturbation while navigating the complexities of her identity

    Image credits: Jason Armond /Getty Images

    Billie spoke out about the taboo of female masturbation, emphasizing its role in boosting her confidence and coping with body issues and dysmorphia throughout her life.

    “TMI, but self-pleasure is an enormous, enormous part of my life, and a huge, huge help for me,” she confessed, adding: “People should be jerking it, man. I can’t stress it enough, as somebody with extreme body issues and dysmorphia that I’ve had my entire life.”

    The What Was I Made For? hitmaker further admitted that she found masturbating “hot” and that it enabled her to make “a raw, deep connection to [herself] and [her] body, and have a love for [her] body that [she has] not really ever had.” 

    Billie told Rolling Stone: “I got to say, looking at yourself in the mirror and thinking ‘I look really good right now’ is so helpful.”

    Image credits: billieeilish

    “You can manufacture the situation you’re in to make sure you look good. 

    “You can make the light super dim, you can be in a specific outfit or in a specific position that’s more flattering. 

    “I have learned that looking at myself and watching myself feel pleasure has been an extreme help in loving myself and accepting myself, and feeling empowered and comfortable.”

    “I should have a Ph.D. in masturbation,” the musician reportedly claimed.

    At this year’s Coachella, Billie teased some of Hit Me Hard and Soft’s upcoming songs, including Lunch, in which sexual nature was discussed.

    Billie Eilish discussed how controlling her environment during self-pleasure helped her develop self-love and empowerment


    View this post on Instagram


    A post shared by Rolling Stone (@rollingstone)

    “That song was actually part of what helped me become who I am, to be real,” the California native explained. 

    She continued: “I wrote some of it before even doing anything with a girl and then wrote the rest after. 

    “I’ve been in love with girls for my whole life, but I just didn’t understand — until, last year, I realized I wanted my face in a vagina. 

    “I was never planning on talking about my sexuality ever, in a million years. 

    “It’s really frustrating to me that it came up.”

    Back In December, Billie was asked during her appearance on the red carpet at Variety’s Hitmakers event about viral comments she had made alluding to her sexual orientation during an interview for Variety the previous month.


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    A post shared by Rolling Stone (@rollingstone)

    In the November profile in Variety, Billie spoke about her feelings for women and declared: “I’m physically attracted to them.”

    And, in December, an interviewer asked the singer on the red carpet event: “We gotta talk about your cover story because you mentioned that you felt like, for a long time, women didn’t like you. 

    “And when that came out, all the women were like, ‘No, we love her!’ How did that reception feel?”

    As she nervously giggled along with the reporter, Billie replied: “I’m still scared of them, but I think they’re pretty.”

    The interviewer went on to ask: “Billie, did you mean to come out in that story?” to which the Ocean Eyes hitmaker quipped: “Girl, no, I didn’t, but I kinda thought, ‘Wasn’t it obvious?’ I didn’t realize people didn’t know.”

    Billie discussed her attraction to women in a November Variety profile and addressed speculation about her sexual orientation

    Image credits: DailyLoud

    She continued: “I just don’t really believe in it.

    “I’m just like, ‘Why can’t we just exist?’

    “I’ve been doing this for a long time, and I just didn’t talk about it. Whoops.

    “But I saw the article, and I was like, ‘Oh, I guess I came out today!’

    “It’s exciting to me because I guess people didn’t know, but it’s cool that they know.”

    Billie followed her answer by admitting that she was “nervous talking about” the subject on the red carpet, adding: “I am for the girls.”

    Image credits: billieeilish

    The singer later slammed Variety on Instagram, accusing the outlet of “outing” her, writing: “Thanks Variety for my award and for also outing me on a red carpet at 11 am instead of talking about anything else that matters.

    “I like boys and girls leave me alone about it please literally who cares stream ‘what was I made for.’”

    With hindsight, the Grammy-award-winning artist admitted to Rolling Stone: “The whole world suddenly decided who I was, and I didn’t get to say anything or control any of it. 

    “Nobody should be pressured into being one thing or the other, and I think that there’s a lot of wanting labels all over the place. 

    “Dude, I’ve known people that don’t know their sexuality, or feel comfortable with it, until they’re in their forties, fifties, sixties. 

    “It takes a while to find yourself, and I think it’s really unfair, the way that the internet bullies you into talking about who you are and what you are.”

    Billie admitted that it took a long time to understand her sexual identity

    Image credits: billieeilish

    Billie went on to clarify that she knew that “everybody” speculated about her sexual orientation and that she “liked” the Variety journalist she had spoken to, but she had felt exploited.

    If the singer had the opportunity to do it over again on the red carpet, she wouldn’t have answered the question, Rolling Stone reported. 

    Nevertheless, the music star acknowledged it could have been worse, admitting: “I’m lucky enough to be in a time when I’m able to say something like that and things go OK for me. 

    “And that’s not how a lot of people’s experience is.”

    In the highly anticipated Hit Me Hard and Soft, Billie reportedly immersed herself “back into darkness,” combined with experimenting with new sounds, from a string quartet to glittery dance-floor trance.

    The album’s title derives from a conversation Billie had with her brother, Finneas, when she mistakenly thought the name of a synth in Logic Pro was called Hit Me Hard and Soft. 

    The musician told Rolling Stone: “I thought it was such a perfect encapsulation of what this album does.

    “It’s an impossible request: You can’t be hit hard and soft. 

    “You can’t do anything hard and soft at the same time. 

    “I’m a pretty extremist person, and I really like when things are really intense physically, but I also love when things are very tender and sweet. 

    “I want two things at once. So I thought that was a really good way to describe me, and I love that it’s not possible.”

    “She’s comfortable with her sexuality,” a reader commented

    The post Billie Eilish Says She Combats Body Dysmorphia By Pleasuring Herself In Front Of The Mirror first appeared on Bored Panda.
  • Thursday 25 April 2024 - 09:59

    Live fish stuck in a ball gown sparked serious animal cruelty concerns after a fashion designer from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, posted footage of a person modeling her questionable product to Beyoncé’s music. A veterinarian has since reacted.

    Taking to her Instagram page on Sunday (April 21), Yanedaila, the creator of Ai L’amour, posted a reel showcasing a woman swirling in a gown covered in sequins to Beyoncé 16 Carriages.

    Despite the impressive work put in to make the sparkles come to life in a sumptuous dress, the design was a little “too alive” for people’s liking, as they noticed a literal fishbowl placed on the lady’s stomach with real live fish barely able to swim in it.

    “Under the Sea Babyshower,” Yanedaila captioned her post, adding: “NO ANIMALS WERE HARMED. The fish are very much alive.”

    Yanedaila’s disclaimer didn’t prevent the outrage that was quickly unveiled online, and on Monday (April 22), Yanedaila posted a picture on Instagram with the same model wearing the same fish gown, this time arguing that “art is just art.”

    Fashion designer Yanedaila’s footage of live fish trapped in a ball gown stirred significant animal cruelty concerns

    Image credits: ai.lamour

    The fashion designer wrote in a caption: “It’s not about who loves it and who doesn’t. 

    “One thing I’m passionate about is bringing my clients’ visions to life SEAMLESSLY and I DID THAT! 

    “If you knew me fr (for real) you’d know how much passion is behind anything I put my heart to and my hands on.”

    She went on to explain that this particular design was a “one and done,” adding:” I told my client idc (I don’t care) if someone offered me a gazillion dollars.”

    Her explanation didn’t appease online critics, as a person commented: “Yes art is art. But animal abuse is still animal abuse. Dog cat bird and still fish. 

    “This vision could’ve still slayed with fake fish.”

    “Posting this in hopes of Beyoncé seeing it,” an X post stated, featuring a clip of the fishbowl dress

    Image credits: beyonce

    Another Instagram user wrote: “Art is art and animal abuse is animal abuse. they are not the same nor can they be.”

    Someone else penned: “Absolutely disgusting and you should never work again. Using animals as an accessory for some trashy tacky *ss dress is appalling.”

    On Tuesday, this time on X (formerly known as Twitter), a Beyoncé fan account posted Yanedaila’s Instagram reel with the same woman modeling her sparkly live fish dress, writing: “Posting this in hopes of Beyoncé seeing it.” 

    It is unclear whether the X account was run by Yanedaila, but once again, backlash grew, with more and more people slamming the design, as someone commented: “Those poor fish need more water than that.”

    Image credits: ai.lamour

    Another person chimed in: “Please ma’am, don’t keep a living creature in a cup-sized home. It’s like living in a one-room house. 

    “Pooing where you sleep. Bad oxygen levels.

    “Free all creatures so they can remain in their favorite habitat. Free.”

    According to Doctor Ben Rosenbloom, a veterinarian working at Wet Pet Vet, the gown is “an example of animal cruelty.”

    He told Bored Panda in an email: “Unfortunately, people often think less of fish than other animals we keep as pets regarding welfare. 

    “Partially, this is because it is harder for a fish to express that it is in distress to us than some other animals, but also, many people have an attitude of ‘oh, it’s just a fish’ or think of them as lesser animals.”

    Veterinarian Ben Rosenbloom explained that a fish would not be able to survive very long “in that situation”


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    A post shared by Ai L’amour ✨ (@ai.lamour)

    The animal doctor explained that a fish would not be able to survive very long “in that situation.”

    Dr Rosenbloom continued: “Firstly, it would be incredibly stressful for them, with the person moving around and the vibrations this causes. 

    “Fish have a special organ for sensing water movement around them, and this would be overwhelming to them. 

    “Stressed fish get sick quickly — the same way that stressed people are more likely to come down with an illness and have general bad health.”


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    A post shared by SCARFACEE 👄 (@signedbyjaiidawgg)

    “Assuming that the container is sealed to prevent splashing, they would have only a limited amount of oxygen and be consuming more because of the stress. 

    “They’re also in an incredibly small volume of water, so the water chemistry would get bad fast, as they excrete directly into the water that they need to respirate.

    “If the person wearing the dress wanted to do something similar, they should [have] put some water in and fake plastic fish, rather than abusing a live animal.”

    Bored Panda has contacted Yanedaila for comment.

    Fishing for compliments at the expense of live animals has unfortunately happened before.

    In September of last year, a woman in India went viral after modeling a gown that featured a tiny fishbowl with multiple small fishes attempting to swim in it.

    The controversial fashion design drew concerns, with many people accusing the designer of inciting animal abuse.

    “Fish are not props,” a reader commented

    The post Outrage After Woman Appears To Vie For Beyoncé’s Attention With “Cruel” Dress Made With Live Fish first appeared on Bored Panda.
  • Thursday 25 April 2024 - 09:30

    Navigating children and a second marriage is no easy task. The kids may not always approve of the parents’ choice to remarry, while the couple might feel pressured to act in a way that’s best for their offsprings, putting their relationship on the back burner.

    However, this couple behaved in the opposite way, putting their needs first and forgetting their daughter’s. This eventually led to her leaving the home because the stepfather found it hard to be around her all day. Feeling bad about this whole situation, the mother turned to the AITAH community, asking if what they did was wrong.

    Navigating children and a second marriage can be a difficult task

    Image source: Prostock-studio / envanto (not the actual photo)

    For this family, matters became even more complicated after the wife found out her new husband was attracted to his step-daughter

    Image credits: Teona Swift / pexels (not the actual photo)

    Image credits: Monstera Production / pexels (not the actual photo)

    Image source: Throwawayme4158

    Psychologists say it can be healthy to prioritize one’s spouse

    In a marriage with children, it seems counterintuitive to put yourself first, says psychologist Yvonne Thomas. However, according to her, it’s actually healthier to make the spouse the foremost priority, as a solid marriage foundation will make the kids more stable, secure, and happy. 

    “By experiencing this emotional stability between their parents, the kids can learn how to do this when they have their own romantic relationships, too,” she says. At the same time, partners will feel more loved and appreciated, which can make kids feel more comfortable and content as well. 

    Rapid Transformational Therapy trainer Marisa Peer believes that prioritizing the relationship with a spouse also helps raise children with a stronger sense of self-worth. “Your job as a parent is to raise your child with incredibly high self-esteem,” she says. “Many parents think their job is to protect their child or give their child organic foods. All of that is important, but the self-esteem of your child is the most important.”

    Licensed marriage and family therapist Charlie Bloom explains that the idea that kids should always be the top priority has gotten to the point where parents are often judged and ostracized for it. This can become harmful, causing couples to neglect their relationship and take on helicopter parenting. 

    It can further lead to children growing up with the expectation that the world is going to give them anything they desire, which creates a sense of entitlement. “We deal with this quite a bit because parents pick up this cultural bias toward favoring the needs of children above everyone else,” he says. 

    However, it’s important to keep in mind that there will be times when kids need more of their parent’s attention

    However, putting your relationship needs first doesn’t mean that a parent loves their spouse more than their children. Instead, Bloom suggests, “What you’re really saying is, ‘I do love you both, but there are times when it looks to me like the best decision to make is this decision, and most of the time that decision is going to disappoint one of you. I hope you can understand when I do that it’s not because I love you any less or the other person deserves more, it’s because, in my judgment at that time, it felt like the right decision to make.’”

    To avoid neglecting one part of the family, it’s important to strive for balance as much as possible. Thomas encourages couples to set aside time on their calendars to rekindle the romantic and passionate side of their relationship and take it as seriously as any other commitment. 

    However, it’s important to keep in mind that there will be times when kids will need more of their parent’s attention. Life occasionally happens, and we can’t always predict the changes, crises, or other circumstances that will require more of our care. Some weeks, it might be about children, while others may be dedicated to work. Things shift, and that’s totally normal. Having a firm belief that the spouse or the kids should always come first can cause issues. Therefore, Peer advises, “Understanding that this fluctuates is one of the keys to having an amazing marriage.”

    Trying to make everyone a priority might be overwhelming. Something that can significantly help is good communication. No one is born a mind reader, so having an honest conversation when times get tough might help solve problems as they arise. This might take some soul-searching and self-reflection, but it’s important to let them go so it doesn’t turn into resentment in the long run. 

    The readers’ unanimously titled the mother as wrong

    The post “AITA For Making My Daughter Leave Because My Husband Is Attracted To Her?” first appeared on Bored Panda.
  • Thursday 25 April 2024 - 08:31
  • Thursday 25 April 2024 - 08:29

    Most people carry around a school memory that has stuck with them forever. For some, those are happy moments, like meeting their lifelong friend or graduating first in their class. For others, they are equally as memorable, but not in a good way. 

    Netizens in this online thread were recently sharing “the incident” that happened at their school, and boy, do these stories get scandalous. From teacher-and-student flings to calls about bomb threats, they remain etched in people’s brains, living there rent-free.

    To find the freshest school gossip that brings us back to the good old days, all you have to do is scroll down!

    While you're at it, don't forget to check out a conversation with one of the top memory experts in the world and a two-time national memory champion, Ron White, who kindly agreed to tell us more about how negative incidents tend to linger in our minds longer.


    Star quarterback got in a fight with the quiet kid, lost. Quiet kid shattered QB's throwing shoulder.

    Image credits: headhunterofhell2


    It was discovered that my high school principal was having an inappropriate sexual relationship with one of the students. He was married and his son was also a student at the school which made matters way worse. The principal was arrested and released on bail, but he ended up committing suicide. It was traumatic for the students because we’d always known him as a kind man and respected principal. I felt horrible for his son, who moved away shortly thereafter to escape this nightmare. I wish it was more of a lighthearted incident.

    Image credits: Bigroommusic


    Someone took a s**t in a drinking fountain, security cameras were shortly doubled.

    Image credits: headhunterofhell2

    White tells us that negative events have the tendency to be remembered more than positive ones because of the emotion involved. "For example, if you are in a car accident, 10 years later you will be able to give all the details of the accident, from the time of day to the location, without hesitation," he says.

    "But you couldn't tell me where you drove last week. Last week had no emotion or action. The car accident does. Another example of emotion impacting what we recall is that humans can get 100 positive comments about something they did, but the brain will focus on the negative because it hurts, it wounds us, and because the negative hurts us more than the positive uplifts us, we will remember it more."


    Nutsack in the yearbook was discovered AFTER 1300 copies were distributed.

    Image credits: Earthmang


    Explain this one before but f**k it... Holiday season of 2003 Someone hacked into the intercom and played p*rn parodies version of Christmas tunes. It caused a lot of students to be sent to the nurse's office, mostly for breathing problems from laughing hard. It turned out, it was rather easy to due into the intercom system because of the wiring system was a standard phonelines. Me and a couple of mates found who was the ring leader, but we didn't snitch because we thought it was one of the funniest things we had to handle. That ring leader now works for some IT company and saw an increase in demands during COVID.

    Image credits: MissSara101


    13 year old classmate was secretly pregnant & had a baby in 8th grade. We all found out because the principal & vice principal came into our classroom & announced it to the entire class. They didn’t use her name, but it was pretty easy to put 2 & 2 together.

    Years later I ran into the girl & we talked briefly about what had happened. She told me her mom had just about sued the daylights out of the school admin for what they had done. Never found out what stopped her from suing.

    Image credits: 2gecko1983

    White tells us that there are no particular negative events that get stuck in our memories longer than others. "Any event that gets your emotion will be encoded more. Negative events capture our attention because they shock us. Attention is the first step in memory. The last step of memory is review, and if something negative happens to us or is said to us, we will tell that story over and over. This review locks it into our memory!! Be careful what you give your attention to!"


    A girl stabbed multiple peoples wrists with pencils (including me).

    Image credits: NeighborhoodAble306


    Some first grader set our WC on fire.

    Image credits: Familiar_Guava_9064


    Ex-art teacher sent a lewd love letter to a high school student. It wasn’t well known because the school kept it very secretive but it was a well known rumor.

    Image credits: regarding_my_person

    That said, remembering unfortunate incidents can be beneficial to humans. For example, "Our ancestors saw one of their group eaten by a lion. They remember how they escaped or what to avoid. Put your hand on a hot stove. You may do it once, but your memory will prevent you from doing it twice," White explains.

    "Remembering negative experiences can save you. You fall victim to a con, and it robs your bank account, and your memory remembers it. The next time you don't fall victim. Our memories will remember negative experiences as a form of protection!"


    Someone kept calling in bomb threats every single day when I was in high school. It turned out to be one of the teachers who worked with the mentally handicapped kids at the elementary school. The police caught her because she kept dialing in the threat from the same phone booth.

    Image credits: ShadowLiberal


    This happened after I graduated, but there were rumors about it when I was still there. I thought it was just kids being a******s.Three male teachers in one year got caught doing that thing you're not supposed to do with your underage students.

    One of them used the following defense: We just kissed and stuff, I waited until she was 18 to have sex with her, so I didn't break the law. The other one used *his school- issued laptop* to contact his victim and beg her not to tell the truth, because it would ruin his livelihood and his kids' lives.

    During the aftermath, another teacher came into his classroom and said something to the effect of "If you're wondering why I was absent yesterday, I was being questioned by a few guys in suits." One of the kids asked why, and the teacher pointed right at the victim and said "because of her." Yeah, he pointed her out in front of everyone (supposedly no one knew which girls were involved) and got charged with witness intimidation. His lawyer told the news "hurting someone's feelings isn't a crime."

    It used to be considered the "good" school district.

    Image credits: realhorrorsh0w


    Class of 1962. One of my classmates senior year was taking flying lessons. Took off on a solo, disappeared. No trace since then. He was a nice, smart person.

    Image credits: BobT21


    October 2010, my school had a riot where police came in and arrested a few people and even maced some of us. Not directly, but they sprayed it up in the air and the mist stung our eyes.

    Image credits: Safe_Nerve9644


    Group of boys were bullying a kid at the bathrooms and actually drowned him on a toilet, that was horrible.

    Image credits: Successful-Cry-8248


    Every year the graduating class did some kind of prank. At the end of the school year. One year they build a maze you had to walk through to he into the school and all dressed up funny and did jump scares. Stuff like that. Then one year one class deciced it would be funny to spray kids with water pistols. Not that funny to sit in class soaked but okay. Year after that they apparently thought we can do better and not only used water pistols but again build a big entryway with plastic walls. And they, out of sight of the teachers. Dumped flour on all the already wet students. Some also brought eggs and the whole thing turned into a massive fight. Other schools got wind and came down to fight. Police had to break it up. That class ruined last day of school for many years to come. Of all the schools, no one expected the wizzkids school to be the one to ruin it lol.

    Image credits: ItsmeKristy


    The guy who got a B on a test and started pounding his head on the concrete wall like those zombies from the Will Smith movie. 

    Image credits: DredgenYorMother


    So my freshman year our principal got caught sleeping with a junior in his office. Then my senior year the resource officer got caught sleeping with multiple students in his office.

    Image credits: Jhon_doe_smokes


    In middle school this girl who was a grade above me started acting kinda obsessive about this one teacher. This continued into high school, as this specific teacher taught at both schools depending on the day. This teacher also showed a lot of favoritism, and she was one of those students that he gave special treatment. The entire school picked up on this and started making jokes that they were secretly dating. After she graduated and he retired, a couple people who were close with her started telling people that they actually had been secretly dating, and she had even stayed at his house a couple times when his wife was out of town. The teacher moved away and the girl kinda vanished, so nobody could ever ask her personally if it was true, but I’d be shocked to find out if it wasn’t.

    Image credits: someotherguy14


    In high school a few guys k**led a racoon then got the bright idea to cut it half and put the waist up half in one of their parents' freezer. After it was good and frozen they brought it to school and put it in the lobby trophy case. It looked pretty cool until it thawed out and the guts started oozing out.

    Image credits: ThrowRA_CantUnSeeIt


    Girl at my school got arrested for m*rdering her mom. Reporters were all over the school trying to get info on her.

    Image credits: Upbeat-Shallot-80085


    3 HS seniors broke in one night and trashed the resource officers office. A photo of the officers recently deceased son was the main thing destroyed. Students and staff all loved the officer, everyone was upset/devastated. The 3 kids weren't allowed to attend Graduation.

    Image credits: anon


    A kid s**t in the desk of one of the teachers. It was during spring break so we came back to a section of the school shut down.

    Image credits: useless_object


    Mine is more depressing and disturbing than anything, but we had two teachers get busted for sleeping with their underage students within the same year. Both of these were teachers I had had.

    Image credits: Junimo15


    Back in the late 90s I was supposed to go to this one particular high school that was notoriously bad for various reasons. My mom did not want me to go there and put me in the lottery for a better school. Luckily, I "won" or whatever and went to the better school. Not long after I started my freshman year, some poor kid got m*rdered at the high school I was originally supposed to attend. He was bludgeoned to death and they never found out who did it.

    Image credits: kgkglunasol


    In 9th grade we had a pep rally turn into a riot and the police had to literally bring in the Calvary to disperse the crowds. The school banned pep rallies indefinitely... They were still banned when I graduated.

    Image credits: Mattson


    We had a gang fight. Went on lockdown.

    Image credits: Your_Freindly_Dragon


    Varsity basketball team got into a fight with the varsity football team and it started a riot. The whole school just left for the day.

    Image credits: w4rlok94


    Two boys lit smoke bombs in the cafeteria when I was in elementary school scared everyone half to death also we had to go on lock down because a parent came to school with a gun. We had bomb threats every other day and a teacher fell in the lunch room hit her nose and had blood all over the place.


    Was a weird kid that got rejected after asking someone out like 5 times, proceeded to chase kids round with a plastic fork.


    Group of kids jacked off on a pizza and then gave it to another kid who didn’t know about it and ate it.


    There was a "tradition" in my high school football team where promising freshmen were chased down, held down, and had a senior's balls rubbed on their forehead. I have no idea why this was a thing, but it happened every year until they got caught.


    There was a history/theater teacher who was very well liked. Girl wasn't happy that he gave her a bad grade or a detention or something (this was years ago so my memory is foggy), so she falsely accused him of r*pe. He lost his job, his wife left him, totally ruined his life. This girl's brother was valedictorian a couple years prior, so everyone believed her. This went on for about a year or so before the girl graduated, admitted it was a false accusation, then moved across the country and deleted all her social media accounts. Nobody knows what happened to the teacher, but it's widely believed that he may have k*lled himself.


    The incident that shook our school to its core happened during our annual talent show. As the curtains drew back for the first act, there was a sudden power outage, plunging the auditorium into darkness. Amidst the confusion, someone yelled "fire!" and pandemonium ensued. Students scrambled for the exits, tripping over each other in their frantic attempt to escape. It turned out to be a false alarm, but the chaos left a lasting impact on everyone. The incident prompted a thorough review of our emergency protocols and sparked discussions about safety measures. It taught us the importance of staying calm in emergencies and the need for better preparedness.


    A kid held a pencil straight up on another kid's chair when he was standing up and not looking. When he sat down it went through his pants and directly into his a*****e. He had to go to the hospital.


    Hijacked the private bus and rammed it into a house.


    A freshman science teacher was notorious during my time at school for being weird with girls in his classes and always bragging about being able to manufacture cocaine because his college professor taught him. Two or three years ago he k**led himself outside of the school in his car because several former students of his, and many of his students at the time, were coming forward with proof of him being inappropriate or even outright sexual with them. He had just gotten married and had a two year old daughter. Good riddance.


    Kid took acid at a pink floyd show and jumped into a lake. In winter. Died of hypothermia.

    Suddenly every girl pretended he was their ex to ride the sympathy train, and all the papers said he was a good kid with straight A's who never did d***s before....but the truth was he was about to flunk out, and nobody ever talked to him except to buy the d***s he was dealing.

    Showed me that people prefer a story over the truth


    Chronically bullied kid shot himself in the head after pointing the gun at one of his bullies. Happened while I was at lunch one day. A crowd of screaming students came running into the cafeteria all of a sudden and one of my friends that had been down the hall from it, sat there panicking and hyper ventilating and told me what had just happened. We got released early that day and it was all over the news the next day. His name was Brian Head btw. Poor kid. Back then school shootings weren't really a common news occurrence.


    The basketball coach at my school, who was also an alumnus of one of the first graduating classes in the 1970s, groomed and sexually abused multiple female students in the late 1990s. Several women came forward in 2020 to the local paper after looking him up online and seeing that he'd been fired from a Catholic school near Atlanta for sending inappropriate messages to students. He had a LinkedIn profile listing him as the executive director of an organization for adolescent mental health.

    He left my school very abruptly over the summer in 2000, and the rumor was he'd gotten a girl in my class pregnant. We were freshmen. I had health class with him and remember he was obsessed with Freud.


    20 kids kicked out my senior year for various reasons when normally they had things like 'Camp Motivation' or complete dorm room lockdown. This was a private school. Three years after we graduated, someone in my class m*rdered his ex-girlfriend by shooting her eight times near a lake and is serving life right now. 


    Two kids that had a feud over some girl. One kid found the others’ backpack in the hall unattended, took it to the bathroom, s**t in it, and then put it back.

    Image credits: FalseReportEXE


    One high school had a classmate took his desk outdoors on a beautiful spring day to finish his English test. It really made the entire class jealous & the teacher allowed it because he just wanted it to be his legacy!


    University, not high school.

    My History class did an annual three-day field trip to London for a first-year module. An urban legend was spread around about a student who got so drunk on absinthe that he wrote drunken messages in his own s**t all over the bathroom walls and mirror. The smell of his excrement and the commotion woke up the entire hostel at 4AM and nearly got our entire university barred.

    Fast-forward a few years, I start working in a call centre and find out one of the supervisors not only went to my university but also studied History five years prior, went on the same field trip and stayed in the same hostel as I did.

    He was in the same dorm as the drunken student and remembered his lecturer waking him up in the early hours...

    Image credits: Clbull


    Our principal had an affair with an English teacher that ended up being outed on social media, only for everyone to learn the principal had done the same at 3 different school districts.

    Image credits: FalseReportEXE


    Our math teacher got arrested in the middle of the school day. Detectives walking around the halls, tape, and everything while we went about our day. He was convicted of r*pe or something.



    There was a vacant lot across the street from my high school that was used as an unofficial parking lot by the students. It being the 70s, many students would toke up before class. That evolved into people dealing.

    One morning, the police descended on the place in force - surrounded the field, helicopter, etc. Some of the students fought back throwing rocks and bottles. Tear gas was deployed.

    End result was one guy (who I don't think was a student) being charged with riot, many people popped for possession, and a destroyed police car.


    A girl who had been out of school for a couple of years due to medical issues came back for senior year at 19, and got together with a teacher. Teacher was pretty young, like fresh out of his degree and was a long term sub for someone who had a baby.

    It wasn’t illegal, and they were “age appropriate” for each other, but it was obviously a massive ethics violation and he was let go. 

    Image credits: FluffyProphet


    Kid got shanked with a candy cane.


    There was my class's senior prank. Our school had two activity busses used for driving our athletic teams to their events. Some genius stole them, parked them in the school courtyard next to each other, and then put sugar in the engine writing off the busses. In response our school cancelled all activities using the bus. You should've seen the band kids after the announcement... They were wailing in the courtyard like Nancy Kerrigan after her attack.

    Image credits: Mattson


    The great skunk of 2018. Longs story short, middle school, dead skunk under industrial shipping container where we store equipment, improper disposal of said skunk, found in trash can by the track by some middle schoolers, bag is torn open by said middle schoolers and thrown into the track. I was present and everyone in the immediate 10 ft vicinity of the bag threw up or severely gagged (including me) and the entire school smelled of dead skunk because of course it sticks to clothes.

    Still smells to this day


    Someone shot a staple with a rubber band and it ended up hitting another kid in the eye.  Another time in High school a girl sent another guy a nude and he of course told his friends which got the word out and there was a whole big legal battle.


    One of the floor facilitators at my school made the local news for soliciting with an undercover cop thinking he was a gay prostitute. They announced his retirement on the announcements the next day and the entire school teachers included erupted with laughter.

    Image credits: EngineerMinded


    Freshmen and sophmore years we had race riots. Multiple trashcans were on fire, walking around campus felt like we had an ongoing MMA clinic. All the kids that were taking part were like 30 years old and definitely didnt even go to the school. Junior year a random d**g dealer ( who also didn't attend the school ) got thrown off the second story balcony onto a lawn area by a dude who was essentially the school candy dealer but had a soft spot for the spanish teacher that kicked the druggy kid out.

    Image credits: DredgenYorMother


    Chicken milk bomb in the senior lounge drop ceiling.

    Image credits: cletusvanderbiltII


    My high school used to have a mathematics teacher who was excellent at explaining, but had significant mental health issues. For a while, he was under control with his medications, but then, he stopped taking them. During a staff meeting, the principal observed the teacher acting in an unusual manner, so she put him on administrative leave, to be replaced by a substitute. A month and a half later, the teacher wanted to return to school, so attended another meeting with the principal. This time, the teacher threatened to k*ll the principal (*in response to her taking away his job*). After the meeting ended, the teacher tried to return to his old classroom, and students heard him using profanity, taking items off the wall, and acting irrationally. The principal put the entire school under a lockdown until the police arrived. The police then escorted the teacher off the school campus, and put him in jail. Once the teacher was safely away from the campus, the lockdown ended. At the time, I was in a science class (*just one floor below the incident!*), so had not heard about any of this until the lockdown started. That was a scary day.


    Someone pooped without flushing the day before summer break and locked the door from the outside.

    Image credits: birbking


    There were multiple that I can remember. - 3 weeks into my sophomore year of high school, someone had posted a shooting threat online, saying that they were tired of being bullied and that at the end of the day, they would start shooting before killing themselves. Everyone was scared sh**less and most people went home early. But later on, we found out that the threat was actually fake, so we could return the next day. The student was caught and was facing a felony. Don't know what happened to them since. - A senior basketball player was shot dead after school a couple of months after the shooting threat. Many people in the community paid tribute to him, and suspects were arrested. - In my junior year, someone called in a bombing threat. Students had to be evacuated out of the building and into the football field before being sent home. That turned out to be fake as well. What pisses me off is that our whole day got wasted, and some of us had forgotten our stuff. And the worst part is that it happened again a few days later.
  • Thursday 25 April 2024 - 08:18

    Bosses need to understand that their staff need time to rest, recharge, and spend quality time with their loved ones to be able to do their jobs well. If the only thing their employees have to look forward to is more work, that’s only going to demotivate them. Not only is that awful for everyone’s morale, but it’s also going to affect the company’s bottom line.

    One redditor recently went viral online after sharing how management verbally approved his request for paid time off to go to a concert with his family and then went back on that promise. Read on for the full story.

    Bored Panda got in touch with the author, and he was happy to tell us a bit more about what happened, and he gave us an update about the concert.

    One of the most frustrating workplace experiences is having your request for paid time off rejected for a random reason

    Image credits: LightFieldStudios / Envato (not the actual photo)

    One employee turned to the internet for advice after management verbally approved his time off, only to change course

    He later shared some additional info in the comments of his post

    The story went viral, and lots of internet users gave the author some advice on what to do next

    After reading everyone’s advice, the employee later posted a few updates on his plans

    Image credits: zamrznutitonovi / Envato (not the actual photo)

    Burnout is a very common workplace problem, so it’s vital to be on the lookout for the symptoms

    Deep rest and time off are absolutely essential if you want your staff to be motivated, efficient, and capable. On the flip side, someone who’s overworked and burnt out is not going to do as well at their job, and they might start looking for a job with a better workplace culture. And finding replacements for talented specialists is incredibly costly and time-consuming.

    A survey conducted by Deloitte found that 77% of American workers have experienced burnout at their jobs, while half admitted that this has happened more than once.

    Psychologist Christina Maslach, from the University of California, Berkeley, found that burnout has three components: physical and emotional exhaustion, cynicism, and inefficacy.

    Employees who are exhausted are likely to feel frustrated and irritable, and they will struggle to enforce healthy boundaries at work and in other parts of their lives. They also find it difficult to feel positive about their tasks at work. This is usually how burnout starts, but for some employees, other symptoms appear in tandem with physical and emotional exhaustion.

    These same employees might find themselves growing more cynical and less engaged at work. In short, they want to distance themselves from their jobs, whether they’re dealing with unfair workloads, unclear expectations, lack of feedback, constant conflict with their colleagues, etc.

    This then leads to inefficacy, where the staff feel like they’re incompetent. They blame themselves when they notice that their skills aren’t as sharp anymore.
    It’s an awful feeling when you have to compete for time off with your colleagues. The author of the post shared that his verbal request for time off was rejected after his coworker, who just got back from a month and a half of vacation, put in the same dates for PTO as him.

    Instead of confirming the author’s request (which was already promised), management decided to deny time off for both employees. In the interest of ‘fairness,’ of course. However, what’s fair about a decision like this eludes us and many other internet users.

    According to the author, he still planned to take the days off, no matter what. He wanted to spend the time at a concert with his loved ones. For him, his family is a priority.

    The employee still went to the concert with his family, and they had a fantastic time there

    The author, who preferred to remain anonymous, confirmed to Bored Panda that he was, in fact, able to go to the concert by indie pop band AJR with his family. Which is awesome news! Coincidentally, we got in touch with him “not a full hour” after the concert ended.

    “It was amazing. AJR brings such an amazing vibe to their shows, and that shows so strongly in the fans. Courteous, polite, and generally well-mannered folks through the entire 12k+. My son had the most fun! I’ve never seen him lose his [stuff] like that before!” he opened up about the experience with us.

    We were curious to get the OP’s thoughts on why he thinks management rejected his PTO request in the first place.

    “I think the management above my local station reacted to data on a screen, and that is what screwed me. I think that same upper management is just ‘manager attitude’ enough that he would stick to his answer regardless of circumstances,” he told Bored Panda.

    “I think that 100% invalidated any verbal standing from a lower position than them.”

    He also had some spot-on advice for anyone new to the job market. “If you can’t laugh while you’re doing what you’re doing, you’re either doing it wrong, or you shouldn’t be doing it in the first place,” he shared a good way to gauge whether you’re in the right line of work and at a good company.

    The OP didn’t expect his story to get so much attention online. “I was honestly just grumpy at how things went,” he opened up to us.

    In his opinion, the story really resonated with so many people due to the current state of employment in the United States. “With the cost of living rising like it is, it puts the people with the money in a higher position of power over those who need the money. It’s not healthy for anyone. It breeds bad habits in employers and trauma in employees,” he said.

    Good managers put in the effort to support their staff however they can

    There are a lot of things that managers can do to support and motivate their employees. Business Psychologist Lee Chambers explained to Bored Panda in a previous interview that there is a lot of power in managers showing recognition and appreciation for their employees. This can be done formally or informally, as well as for big or small contributions.

    “Flexibility is an increasingly important factor, so flexible working policies can promote trust and balance. Supporting your people to find meaning in their work can be beneficial, as can providing relevant training and upskilling,” Chambers told us earlier.

    “Clear communication is valued, and the ability to feel included through feedback and input can increase motivation, and access to wellbeing can promote positive engagement in other aspects of work,” he said.

    “Setting and communicating realistic boundaries creates space to work efficiently, prioritizes tasks, ensures urgent and important tasks get the attention and progress needed, and allows space for regular breaks and less overtime,” Chambers told Bored Panda.

    “Time management techniques can be effective for some people to give structure, and this also opens opportunities for flexibility in other areas. Minimizing distraction can improve output and provide more time for personal commitments and practicing self-care, leaving you with a balance that won’t be perfect, but it will leave you with the opportunity to perform well both at work and outside of it.”

    Some readers had similar PTO and work stories of their own to share

    The post “Work Denied My PTO That I’ve Been Fighting The Computer System To Put In For A Month” first appeared on Bored Panda.
  • Thursday 25 April 2024 - 08:15

    Sometimes you see a product so bizarre, you think “who even buys this?” Well, guess what, there is a decent chance you just got yourself pranked by one of the best in the business. 

    The “Obvious Plant” Instagram page, run by comedy-lover and prankster Jeff Wysaski, is dedicated to creating and placing fake items in stores to confuse, scare and delight customers. So get comfortable as you scroll through, upvote your favorites and share your thoughts below. Bored Panda reached out to Jeff via email and will update the article when he gets back to us. 

    More info: Instagram | Facebook | ObviousPlant.com

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  • Thursday 25 April 2024 - 08:11

    Nowadays, it feels like everything costs an arm and a leg, from things people do to treat themselves to the daily necessities in life.

    The latter is what TikToker Amber Cimiotti discussed in a video that went viral. She shared that in her opinion, people nowadays have to pay for many important things in life that were previously naturally occurring, and quite a few netizens seemed to agree. Scroll down to find Amber’s thoughts below, where you will also find her recent interview with Bored Panda.

    Amber believes that many basic human needs have been paywalled in the US

    Image credits: ciaoamberc

    In many cities, getting exercise as you go about your day is not easy, if at all possible

    Image credits: Sadettin Dogan / pexels (not the actual photo)

    As Americans, we’ve removed everything we actually need in daily life, like exercise, talking to friends, connecting with people, spending time with our kids. We’ve taken all of the naturally occurring things out of life, and made it so that those things can only be achieved by a therapy session, by an activity that we have to pay for.

    There’s not many places, neighborhoods and cities where it’s super easy to walk everywhere, where you can get a lot of natural exercise, whether it’s walking to and from your house or to the grocery stores. This just doesn’t exist for most people now, so you have to wake up earlier, on your lunch break or after work, you have to go to the gym so you can get in your exercise.

    People often need to pay to get human connection

    Image credits: ciaoamberc

    Talking. People are meant to just talk nonstop, but now we live really isolated and then, when you are talking, you’re probably at work in your professional mode. But people are meant to share their struggles, their stories, everyday things constantly, all the time. And we’re not doing that.

    Image credits: George Pak / pexels (not the actual photo)

    And what do you see happening? Nowadays everybody needs a therapist. Yes, therapy is needed for some things. But most people just need to be talking to people way more. And I don’t mean like trolling on the internet.

    Kids’ activities, too, nowadays require more money

    Image credits: ciaoamberc

    Kid stuff. There used to be kids running around neighborhoods all the time, parents didn’t have to pay all this extra money to do activities so their kids can be involved in things, parents didn’t have to drive all over the place. No, they opened their door and there was kids everywhere.

    Image credits: Antonius Ferret / pexels (not the actual photo)

    But now that doesn’t exist. So we do need to pay for activities. We need to do special things, we need to be driving our kids all around.

    Eating healthy in the US, according to Amber, is a part-time job

    Image credits: ciaoamberc

    Eating healthy food in America is a part-time job, if not a full-time job, between trying to find the right food, reading all the labels, understanding, reteaching what minerals and herbs and all these natural things in earth that help us. It would all be so much easier if we just had healthy food in general.

    Image credits: Franki Chamaki / unsplash (not the actual photo)

    The point is when things don’t happen naturally in your day and you need to take extra energy to achieve basic things like healthy food, exercise, talking to friends, which helps regulate emotions and things like that. When you have to build those into therapy sessions, exercise sessions, hobbies, reading 17 books, of course you’ll be tired.

    The TikToker’s video was viewed nearly 440k times on the platform

    @ciaoamberc #america #culture #family #friends #parenting #society ♬ original sound – Ciao AmberC

    The distribution of what Americans spend most of their money on has changed over the years

    Image credits: Karolina Grabowska / pexels (not the actual photo)

    “I travel to Italy to see family when I can and I noticed a difference in the two societies,” Amber told Bored Panda, discussing how she came to the realization that so many things have been paywalled in the US. “Our society pushes things that cost money instead of the basic natural answer. In Italy they do this far less, although as the rest of the world becomes more Americanized, sadly, I think we will see it more and more in other countries too.

    “I think America is the most extreme but the more Americanized countries become, they will find themselves in the same boat, especially with social media and the spread of information,” Amber continued, suggesting that everywhere you turn in America there is an option to do all the things you want or need, but not without paying.

    But that arguably wasn’t always the case. As a matter of fact, the way Americans spend their money has changed quite significantly over the years. According to the “100 Years of U.S. Consumer Spending” report, back in 1900, a US household would spend most of their money on food, and the gap between expenditure on that and other things—entertainment, for instance—was quite significant.

    By 2000, the gap between food and entertainment, in regards to spending, had diminished; however, the expenses on housing, for instance, had increased quite notably compared to 1900. Data suggests that the size of healthcare-related spending remained more or less the same throughout the hundred years, with only a slight increase around the 2000s.

    The question of whether or not money can buy happiness remains unanswered

    Image credits: Karolina Grabowska / pexels (not the actual photo)

    Discussing how society got to the point of numerous basic needs being paywalled, the TikToker suggested that there might be several factors in play. “I don’t know exactly how we got here but corporate greed and the emphasis on money for happiness definitely plays a part,” she told Bored Panda.

    Nowadays, the matter of whether or not money brings happiness seemingly remains a highly controversial topic. While some people believe that money can’t substitute all that we need to lead a happy life, others say that it can help by making it easier at least.

    Some research seconds the latter approach. A study from 2010, for instance, suggested that more money doesn’t necessarily equal more happiness, but less money is linked with more emotional pain. It pointed out that $75,000 is likely to be “a threshold beyond which further increases in income no longer improve individuals’ ability to do what matters most to their emotional well-being, such as spending time with people they like, avoiding pain and disease, and enjoying leisure.”

    A survey of over 2000 Americans found that for some, even $15,000 would make a meaningful impact in their lives. However, the average sum of money that would make a person happy, salary wise, at least, is roughly $285,000 per year (with men’s estimates ranging much higher than those of women—$381k and $183k, respectively). The survey also revealed that nearly six-in-ten Americans believe that money can buy happiness after all.

    Bearing in mind that nowadays, few things in life are free, as Amber pointed out, people’s belief that their lives would be easier with money—consequently making them happier, too—is not that surprising. But while some expenses fall into the category of necessities, the non-essential spending, according to the TikToker, can be altered by changing our views.

    “First step is awareness,” Amber suggested. “It would require a massive movement and change in the way we see everything, as we have been programmed since kids to constantly want more.”

    Fellow netizens shared their views in the comments

    The post Woman Is Fed Up With Having To Pay For Basic Human Necessities, Shows Where The USA Went Wrong first appeared on Bored Panda.
  • Thursday 25 April 2024 - 02:34
  • Wednesday 24 April 2024 - 23:01
  • Wednesday 24 April 2024 - 17:00
  • Wednesday 24 April 2024 - 16:57

    Amber Heard broke her silence with a rare post in honor of her 38th birthday.

    In the picture, shared on Wednesday (April 23), a day after her birthday, the Aquaman star posed in a gold turtleneck with minimalist makeup as she sipped on champagne.

    “Champagne kind of birthday,” the actress wrote alongside the photo.

    Amber had last posted on social media three months ago, following the release of Aquaman and the Lost Kingdom.

    The Texas-born star’s online silence began in 2019 after her ex-husband, Johnny Depp, sued her for defamation over an op-ed she penned for The Washington Post

    Amber Heard took to Instagram to share a photo in honor of her 38th birthday

    Image credits: Ernesto Ruscio/Getty Images

    In the text—published in December 2018—Amber referred to herself as “a public figure representing domestic abuse,” though she didn’t include a mention of her ex’s name. 

    In May 2016, the mother-of-one filed for divorce from Johnny and filed a restraining order against him, claiming that the Cry Baby actor had subjected her to physical and verbal abuse throughout their relationship. Johnny Depp denied these allegations and agreed to a $7 million divorce settlement.

    The op-ed sparked renewed drama between the exes, leading to a widely publicized six-week trial in 2022. 

    The jury ruled in favor of Johnny, awarding him over $10 million in compensatory damages and $5 million in punitive damages. Additionally, it awarded Amber $2 million for a counterclaim that stemmed from a comment made by Johnny’s lawyer, which referred to Amber’s allegations as a “hoax.”

    “Champagne kind of birthday,” the actress wrote alongside the photo

    Image credits: amberheard

    The 3 Days to Kill actress released a statement on the day of the verdict, writing, “The disappointment I feel today is beyond words. I’m heartbroken that the mountain of evidence still was not enough to stand up to the disproportionate power, influence and sway of my ex-husband.”

    She also said that the ruling “sets back the idea that violence against women is to be taken seriously.”

    Since the defamation trial ended, Amber has reportedly sold her home in the town of Yucca Valley, California, to move to Spain with her daughter, Oonagh Paige, whom she had via surrogacy in April 2021.

    The 38-year-old mom first moved to the island of Mallorca before settling down in the capital city of Madrid.

    Amber is now reportedly living in Spain, where she has settled down with her three-year-old daughter in search of a more private life

    Image credits: amberheard

    A source close to the actress told People that, after losing the trial, Amber “felt like a pariah.”

    In Spain, she’s “able to just be a mom. She’s focused on raising her daughter. She spends every day with her girl. They stroll around, visit parks, and enjoy family time. Amber is a great mom,” the source added.

    Her search for privacy in Europe has reportedly made her go by a different name while residing in Mallorca: Martha Jane Cannary, the real name of American frontierswoman and sharpshooter Calamity Jane. 

    The actress spent time away from social media following her defamation trial against her ex-husband, Johnny Depp

    Image credits: Robert Shakespeare/Fairfax Media

    Despite her desire for a life away from the spotlight, Amber has expressed a wish to continue her career as an actress.

    In June 2023, she starred in the independent thriller film In The Fire, which was filmed before the defamation trial.

    In the movie, she plays Grace, an American psychiatrist who travels to a remote plantation in Colombia to help a boy believed to be possessed by the devil.

    “Time for everyone to move on from that dreadful trial,” a social media user commented

    The post Amber Heard Posts Rare Birthday Photo After Losing Legal Battle And Fleeing To Europe first appeared on Bored Panda.
  • Wednesday 24 April 2024 - 15:27

    Taylor Swift wasn’t always tortured (fortunately), but she has always been a poet, as revealed by one of her elementary school teachers.

    Barbara Kolvek, who was the global popstar’s teacher from first through fourth grade at the Wyndcroft School in Pottstown, Pennsylvania, still remembers her former student’s passion for storytelling.

    “She was always writing poetry, always. Even in music class, even when she shouldn’t,” Kolvek told CBS News.

    “I did give her [her] very first singing solo!” the retired music teacher added. “‘Fast Talk Freddie,’ I believe it was called.”

    Two of Taylor Swift’s elementary school teachers have revealed what she was like as a student

    Image credits: CBS Philadelphia

    Like every great teacher, Kolvek hopes she somehow played a role in her student discovering her passion.

    “I feel like maybe I gave her a little spark or encouragement to do what she was doing.

    “I would say how proud I was of her and that she has never lost her focus and she’s never lost the real person that she is.”

    When they think of Taylor Swift, many people may picture her recently released 11th studio album, The Tortured Poets Department, or her record-breaking Eras Tour—but Kolvek’s favorite memory of the superstar is a stuffed snowman that Taylor gifted her.

    In addition to the fluffy gift, the music teacher keeps a signed T-shirt, yearbooks, and other mementos from the talented student.

    “She was always writing poetry, always. Even in music class, even when she shouldn’t,” said Barbara Kolvek, Taylor’s teacher from first through fourth grade

    Image credits: CBS Philadelphia

    Heather Brown, the global popstar’s third-grade teacher, said Taylor “was one of those students where people just drew to”

    Meanwhile, Heather Brown, Taylor’s third-grade teacher, also spoke highly of the Fortnight hitmaker.

    “Every student has a special quality. And you always remember every student [for] the quality they have. Taylor’s quality was just being she was one of those students where people just drew to,” she explained.

    Brown’s son, Ethan, who met Taylor when he was four years old, is now a fan of her work and has even attended one of her concerts, proudly showing off a childhood photo of them together.

    The 34-year-old star’s teachers are just as impressed by her success as everyone else.

    “Everything she touches turns to gold. And I’m just so excited to see what comes next,” Brown said.

    “When she comes out on stage and everyone’s screaming ‘Taylor,’ it’s like, oh my gosh, like I was her teacher!”

    “Everything she touches turns to gold. And I’m just so excited to see what comes next,” Brown added

    Image credits: CBS Sunday Morning

    Image credits: Taylor Swift 

    For Kolvek, the most admirable quality about Taylor is her humility. Being able to recognize the person singing onstage as the same girl who sat in front of the desk during her classes is the biggest reason she’s a fan of her former student.

    “I would say how proud I was of her and that she has never lost her focus and she’s never lost the real person that she is,” she expressed.

    “She’s always been very honest and open, and I admire that in her.” 

    Less than 12 hours after its release, Taylor’s latest record broke the Internet, becoming Spotify’s most-streamed album in a single day in history. Additionally, The Tortured Poets Department became the music streaming platform’s first record to amass more than 300 million streams in a single day.

    Taylor Swift fans reacted to the wholesome interview


    The post Taylor Swift’s Elementary School Teachers Reveal What She Was Like As A Student first appeared on Bored Panda.
  • Wednesday 24 April 2024 - 14:35
  • Wednesday 24 April 2024 - 13:17

    At least four people were injured and rushed to the hospital after a group of military horses, some of which were covered in blood, bolted through the streets of London in a wild frenzy.

    Officials later provided an update and confirmed that the horses had been captured and accounted for.

    “We’re pleased to confirm that all of the horses have been accounted for. We are continuing to liaise with the army,” Metropolitan Police said in a statement.

    A group of military horses ran amok through central London after getting loose during a “routine exercise,” officials said

    Image credits: Jordan Pettitt/PA Images

    The riderless horses were seen galloping through London on Wednesday, April 24, and a couple of them were “covered in blood,” according to a witness.

    It was eventually reported that the military horses were in the middle of “routine exercises” on Wednesday morning when they got loose and charged through central London at around 8:40 a.m. local time, officials said.

    A “number of military working horses” got loose during a “routine exercise” this morning, an army spokesperson said, as quoted by Sky News.

    Officials later said in an update that the horses were captured and safely returned following the incident

    Image credits: Jordan Pettitt/PA Images

    “All of the horses have now been recovered and returned to camp,” the spokesperson said.

    “A number of personnel and horses have been injured and are receiving the appropriate medical attention,” they added.

    Megan Morra said it was a “chaotic” scene while she was on her way to work at 8:35 in the morning.

    “At the time I was really confused but it felt like something chaotic was happening as there were police officers or potentially security guards sprinting down the middle of Buckingham Palace Road,” Megan told BBC. “I assumed there had been some sort of accident or vehicle collision. There’s a lot of traffic on that road at that time.”

    “I kept walking along towards St James Park and the trail of blood turned and went that way so I assume it happened right on The Mall,” the commuter added.

    One of the horses ran into a double-decker bus and smashed the vehicle’s window

    Image credits: eligalezz

    Paramedics revealed that one of the servicemen, who was part of the exercise, was thrown from the back of the horse on Buckingham Palace Road.

    Some commuters in the area reportedly heard the injured soldier screaming in pain after falling off the animal.

    “I saw a soldier falling down into the street after the horse ran into a car. One of my colleagues called the police,” Bashir Aden, 48, a construction worker, told The Telegraph. “The man hit the floor hard, he was screaming in pain. You could see blood all over the parked car.”

    Witnesses were left bewildered after seeing the blood-covered horses running through the streets

    Image credits: eligalezz

    While the horses were running amok, one of them reportedly ran into a double-decker bus and smashed the vehicle’s windscreen. Another galloping horse reportedly crashed into a black cab before eventually being captured.

    “The horses come down this route every day, but today the horse looked stressed or panicked. I saw the horse run away after it hit a bus. People were screaming and running all over,” Bashir said.

    The construction worker noted that the soldier’s injuries “looked very serious, [and] he looked really hurt.”

    During the morning exercise, one of the soldiers fell off a horse and was rushed to the hospital with an injury

    Along with the individual thrown from the horse’s back during the exercise, three others were also picked up by paramedics from different locations and taken to the hospital with injuries. Two of them were found injured near Belgrave Square, while the fourth person was picked up at the junction of Chancery Lane and Fleet Street.

    “We were called at 8:25am today (April 24) to reports of a person being thrown from a horse on Buckingham Palace Road,” said a spokesperson for the London Ambulance Service. “We sent resources to the scene including ambulance crews, a paramedic in a fast response car, and an incident response officer.”

    “Our first paramedic was on the scene in five minutes. We treated a patient at the scene and took them to hospital,” the spokesperson added.

    At least four people have sustained injuries from the incident involving the military horses

    @eligalezz Horses Crash into a Bus in London 🇬🇧🐎🐎 #crash #accident #horses #london #viral #fyp #news #uk ♬ original sound – eligalezz

    One commuter, sitting with a passenger in his vehicle, said one of the horses smashed into his car and continued running after sustaining an injury.

    “I was just sitting by the car with my passenger… I didn’t see the horse hit my car, I was like, smashed senseless, the people just came by my car to check, ‘Are you ok,'” Faraz told LBC.

    “It was just like a smash, his head hit it very hard and then [went] down. I saw about three [or] four horses, and I think it was the white horse which hit my car,” he added.

    Many were glad the horses were safe following the unexpected turn of events on what should have been an ordinary morning in London

    The post Four People Rushed To The Hospital After Blood-Covered Horses Cause Damage And Injuries In London first appeared on Bored Panda.
  • Wednesday 24 April 2024 - 10:36

    Lana Del Rey, who delivered one of the most talked-about sets at the Coachella Music Festival this year, broke a major rule by performing over time, leaving the organizers with a hefty fine to take care of.

    As the dust settled on the second weekend of Coachella and bills were being finalized, it was reported that the Say Yes To Heaven singer cost the festival an estimated $28,000 for not following the rules.

    The rules state that Coachella, one of the world’s biggest money-making festivals, held in Indio, California, will have to pay a fine to the city if they go beyond the stipulated curfew.

    Lana’s set on April 19 led to Coachella being presented with a heavy fine of $28,000 because her show went on for about 13 minutes after the curfew, according to TMZ.

    Lana Del Rey broke the golden rule at Coachella, one of the world’s biggest money-making festivals held in the Californian city of Indio

    Image credits: Justin Higuchi

    For her weekend 2 set, the queen of dreamy, melancholic tunes sang a total of 19 songs, which included a surprise performance from Camila Cabello. The former Fifth Harmony member sang her new single, I LUV IT, as she took the stage next to Lana.

    The city has a specific agreement with the Coachella organizer, Goldenvoice, about a noise curfew, which forces the event to wind up every day by 1 a.m. Moreover, the curfew is set at midnight on Sunday.

    If the festival goes over the curfew, organizers are expected to cough up $20,000 for the first five minutes each day. An additional $1,000 per minute has to be paid on top of the initial $20,000 from the sixth minute onward.

    The Say Yes To Heaven singer went on for an extra 13 minutes over the curfew, costing the festival organizers a hefty penalty

    Image credits: Neon Tommy

    Lana’s set on April 19 cost an extra $28,000 in fines for the 13 minutes she served to her audience on top of the curfew time. However, this amount may not seem like much to the organizers, as they were charged a fine of $117,000 for last year’s curfew violations during weekend 1.

    During last year’s festival, Bad Bunny went over the curfew by 25 minutes, while Calvin Harris went over by 22 minutes. Frank Ocean also went on for an extra 25 minutes.

    Weekend 2 at Coachella in 2022, along with weekend 1 of Stagecoach, led to the city charging a fine of about $61,000.

    Coachella was charged a penalty of $28,000 for Lana Del Rey’s extra 13 minutes as the festival winded down

    Image credits: honeymoon

    In the year 2009, back when the fine for breaking the golden rule was $1,000 per minute, Beatles legend Paul McCartney played 54 minutes past curfew and racked up a penalty of $54,000. The Killers played for an extra 30 minutes past the curfew the same year, and when it was The Cure’s turn on stage in 2009, the organizers pulled the plug on them after they went past the curfew by about 30 minutes.

    “The music is supposed to end every night at midnight,” Indio Police Cmdr. Ben Guitron said in 2009 in light of the curfew violations.

    “How Goldenvoice addresses our concerns is up to them,” Ben added and noted at the time that the police department was not physically involved in ensuring the curtains fell on the show.

    Lana Del Rey is just one of many stars, including Paul McCartney, Calvin Harris, The Killers, and others, who have performed past the curfew

    Image credits: Coachella

    Coming back to Lana’s history with Coachella, the Ultraviolence album maker took to the stage at the festival in 2014 as well.

    At her weekend 2 set this year, Lana’s guest list not only included Camila Cabello but also featured Jon Batiste. Her weekend 1 set saw Billie Eilish coming on to perform her 2016 hit, Ocean Eyes, with Lana. The pair also did a rendition of Lana’s Video Games together.

    “Get the f–k out of my face,” the Bad Guy singer laughed and told Lana as the two award-winning singers looked at each other with awe after their performance together at Coachella.

    “Yep, that’s the voice of your generation, the voice of our generation,” Lana told the crowd. “I’m so f—ing grateful she’s standing next to me right now.”

    Camila Cabello and Jon Batiste made guest appearances during Lana Del Rey’s Coachella performance on April 19

    Image credits: honeymoon

    The What Was I Made For? singer replied by saying: “This is the reason for half you b—es existence, including mine.”

    One might say that Lana’s hologram also made a guest appearance at the weekend 1 show this year. The singer’s hologram was joined by Jack Antonoff on the piano for a rendition of the song hope is a dangerous thing for a woman like me to have – but I have it.

    After Lana posted a series of snaps on Instagram following her weekend 1 set, fans showered the comments section with praise and declared it was “so epic!!!!”

    “I hope you are so proud of yourself!” one fan commented after the singer shared snaps of herself from the music festival on social media

    “We are all very proud of you and the huge team that accompanies you … Thank you Lana for never giving up despite adversity, you’re our living legend and you’ve always been admirable, from the time you sang in bars to now at Coachella,” one fan wrote, while another said, “Out of all that chaos…emerged one of the most iconic Coachella performance.”

    “You looked and sounded INCREDIBLE!!!!! i hope you are so proud of yourself!” another wrote.

    One said, “Performance of a lifetime! what u gave to that stage was pure magic.”

    Fans who read the news about the $28,000 fine for Lana Del Rey’s extra 13 minutes joked that she must be dealing with some “summertime sadness”

    The post Lana Del Rey Faces “Summertime Sadness” As She Broke Coachella Rules, And It Cost A $28,000 Fine first appeared on Bored Panda.
  • Wednesday 24 April 2024 - 08:49

    In life, we all get our chance to shine, like nailing an important presentation at work or leading the football team to victory. Such highs make us want to share our joy with everyone. On the other hand, we also have those embarrassing moments—searching for our keys while holding them or misplacing our groceries.

    On such occasions, our common sense takes a backseat, and our brain refuses to function—a brain fart, if you will. But don’t worry, you are not alone. Sometimes, people are hilariously clueless and naive and thankfully, someone captured it on camera.

    To help you momentarily forget your goof-ups and lift your spirits, Bored Panda has collected a list of silly things that people have said and done.

    #1 Blaming Young People For Being Triggered

    Image credits: kyno1

    #2 It's Just Sad

    Image credits: BlazinBajan

    #3 Never Get A Tattoo If You Can't Understand What It Says

    Image credits: takatori

    Have you ever been in a situation where you randomly blank out or end up doing something silly, and wonder, "What was I thinking?" Welcome to the world of brain farts – those awkward moments when our mind stops functioning, leaving us confused and sometimes embarrassed.

    Our brains are incredibly complex organs, capable of processing vast amounts of information efficiently. But they experience hiccups from time to time, or 'cognitive dysfunction'.

    #4 All Because He Felt Bad He Didn’t Pay Her Enough

    Image credits: akilahgreen

    #5 Prove Me Wrong, Gladly

    Image credits: muhd_kboy

    #6 Ah, Yes, $4k Rent

    Image credits: percy___potter

    A brain fart, which can be linked to cognitive dysfunction, perfectly describes those instances when our mental processes seem to malfunction. Thankfully, many of these glitches are quite common and easy to manage.

    We can hit a roadblock when our stress levels skyrocket or we are exhausted. This causes our attention to waver and our memory to play hide-and-seek. Picture this: you're working late in the night, trying to finish a last-minute project, and you keep reading the same paragraph over and over again, unable to understand a word of it.

    It is hard to concentrate when our brains are pushed to the limit. In order to recharge our batteries, we should indulge in relaxing activities or hit the gym. This will not only soothe our soul but also help kick stress to the curb.

    #7 Yikes

    Image credits: peachofababy

    #8 The "Fidget Stick" Was Bothersome

    Image credits: VnGChrome

    #9 Lesson Learned

    Image credits: rudy_betrayed

    #10 What Is This New Email You Speak Of?

    Image credits: phaerietales

    #11 Every Job Should Be Appreciated

    Image credits: Redivstra

    #12 She Doesn't Know What's Coming

    Image credits: ask_aubry

    In today's fast-paced world filled with distractions, staying focused can be difficult. One moment of distraction, and bam! our train of thought derails, leaving us wondering where it all went wrong. That's the magic (or rather, the mischief) of a brain fart, it sneaks up on us when we least expect it, turning our well-laid plans into hilarious moments.

    Participating in meditation events or learning new breathing techniques helps to sharpen our attention and focus on the present moment. In fact, organizational tools such as calendars or to-do lists are a great way to keep your appointments and tasks in check. A structured approach helps prevent those "oops" moments.

    #13 A Person Who Hacked My Credit Card Emailed Me, Asking Why I Canceled His Flight

    My credit card was hacked. I think the guy did it by hacking my Gmail account because he signed up for Priceline using the Gmail login button.

    I called my bank and canceled it. I logged into Priceline to see if I could get any information about the person who booked the flight. I saw I could cancel it for no charge. So I did it because it was going to be faster to get a refund from Priceline than my bank.

    Two days later I got this email. It had his photo and phone number. It matched the name on the flight too.

    Image credits: AshesfallforAshton

    #14 So Penguins Are Mammals Now

    Image credits: ItalyanBalaclava

    #15 $15 Tacos

    Image credits: DaFunkJunkie

    While multitasking is impressive, sometimes it's a recipe for disaster. When we attempt to do too many tasks at once, our brains get overwhelmed, like a computer that has too many tabs open. And just like that, we start to lag because of the overload.

    To avoid going from lightning-fast to snail's pace, one should focus on one task at a time. When we keep switching between different things, our brains need time to refocus and this prevents us from fully immersing ourselves in the task at hand. It’s harder to achieve meaningful progress while multitasking. So, remember to take a deep breath, and tackle things like the productivity pro you are.

    #16 Gatekeeping Gen-Xers From Their Own Music

    Image credits: SOYBOYPILLED

    #17 Virgin Mary Strikes Again

    Image credits: Big_Boog_Boi_TANK

    #18 Ladies And Gentlemen, The Substances My Cleaning Woman Reported To The Police. It's A Thermal Paste For A Computer, Found Next To PC Parts

    Image credits: Pharalynx

    Don’t forget, sleep is your brain's secret weapon that keeps your cognitive powers in top shape. Not getting enough rest can impair memory, attention, and your decision-making abilities. Imagine: You are staring blankly at the fridge, wondering what exactly you are looking for. It's like your brain hit the snooze button along with your alarm clock.

    That's why it's important to prioritize quality sleep. Aim for a solid 7-9 hours of uninterrupted shut-eye every night, and it will help you efficiently tackle whatever challenges the day throws your way.

    #19 My Sister Called And Asked Why Her Dryer Kept Stopping

    Image credits: Agreeable-Camera5420

    #20 Excuse Me?

    Image credits: ExpertAccident

    #21 Stepdad Thinks Eclipse Will Burn Us Alive

    My stepdad will not let me remove this thin foil for the entire week because he thinks the eclipse will burn us somehow, and now the entire apartment looks like a cave (the first photo is my room, and the second is the kitchen/living room).

    Image credits: DarkSharks4219

    With a bit of mindfulness, a good night's sleep, and some stress-busting techniques up our sleeves, we can turn those dumb moments into tiny blips on the radar of our brilliant minds. Meanwhile, it never hurts to enjoy those occasional silly situations where we goof up. Have you ever experienced a brain fart? Tell us about your funniest struggles in the comments below.

    #22 "Can You Do This Report With Someone Who Doesn't Have That British Accent?"

    Image credits: actually-bulletproof

    #23 Probably Shouldn't Have Replaced The Carrots

    Image credits: WeAreTheBaddiess

    #24 Umm... So Who's Gonna Tell Him

    Image credits: T_h_e_Assassin

    #25 An Idiot In A 34-Ton Cement Truck Tried To Drive On A 4-Ton Wooden Bridge

    Image credits: No_Associate2881

    #26 Apparently, Crying At Your Wedding Is Considered Gay Now

    Image credits: Tobias-Tawanda

    #27 The Sunburn Won’t Give Her Cancer, The Sunscreen Will

    Image credits: em-chris

    #28 I Have No Words

    Image credits: sandiercy

    #29 Freedom Of Religion, Never Heard Of It

    Image credits: EmptySpaceForAHeart

    #30 Fiancée Wanted An Iced Latte

    Image credits: SKirsch10x

    #31 Is That Why, Like, 3/4 Of The Population Is Lactose Intolerant?

    Image credits: Jacked_Shrimp

    #32 Judging A Book By Its Cover

    Image credits: idkjay

    #33 I May Not Be A Smart Man, But I Know What Stupid Is

    Image credits: Smirkz_XIX

    #34 Toxic Masculinity At Its Finest

    Image credits: TheGrimReefah

    #35 Of All The Things That Didn’t Happen, This Did Not Happen The Most

    Image credits: Lord_Answer_me_Why

    #36 Don't Park In Front Of Fire Hydrants, Folks

    Image credits: NYCFireWire

    #37 The Client Used Paper To Walk Into The Room Along The Floor With Glue While We Were At Lunch

    Image credits: CAPATOB_64

    #38 My Mom Threw All The Chocolate Waffles Outside For The Birds, Thinking The Chocolate Was Mold

    Image credits: Deadpan_rice

    #39 And Gay Men Were Breastfed By Their Fathers?

    Image credits: cupand

    #40 Synonyms

    Image credits: BTBskesh

    #41 Blood Is Blue, Apparently

    Image credits: Mundane_Son4631

    #42 Someone Forgot How An Acronym Works

    Image credits: Mish_b

    #43 Man Punctures Leg With Drill, Treats It With Homeopathic Remedies

    Image credits: conspiritualitypod

    #44 "He Looks Very White For A Spanish Guy"

    Image credits: ivory_ghostt

    #45 The Entitlement Is Strong With This One

    Image credits: Piccolo-Sufficient

    #46 When Main Characters Expose Themselves Like This

    Image credits: scaly_telephony

    #47 Imagine Settling Into Your Nice First-Class Seat And Having To Deal With This The Entire Flight

    Image credits: Paneraiguy1

    #48 Science Is Too Hard

    Image credits: realstewpeters

    #49 Apparently, Cleopatra VII Was African-American

    Image credits: PanzerJagerr

    #50 Women Lose Their Autism If They Have A Child

    Image credits: SabishiSushi

    #51 For The Last Six Years, I Thought My Car's Hood Emblem Was Blue. It Turns Out, It Was Just A Protective Film

    Image credits: Hepworth

    #52 Our Flight Attendant Repeatedly Insisted That My Son "Turn Off His Device"

    Image credits: lookslikesinbad

    #53 She Got Him

    Image credits: Solopeerless

    #54 An Honest Mistake

    Image credits: PratikBrahma101

    #55 Georgia

    Image credits: rengam

    #56 Let Me Just Fill This Iron With Sugar Water, What Could Go Wrong?

    Image credits: wallsemt

    #57 Flat-Earthers Indoctrinating Children From Birth

    Image credits: jhrogoff

    #58 This Riddle Doesn't Make Sense. I'm Desperately Trying To Work Out Their Reasoning, But Nothing Fits

    Image credits: IdiotBearPinkEdition

    #59 Who's Going To Tell Him That That's Simply Oxidation, And Not "Toxins"?

    Image credits: natemace

    #60 Just Leave Your Neighbor Alone

    Image credits: Green____cat

    #61 Phone Case Kiosk Guy Fitted And Sold This Case To My Clueless Grandmother

    Image credits: whatisuniqueusername

    #62 The Amount Of Likes Is Scary

    Image credits: EvelKros

    #63 "How To Fix It?"

    Image credits: MistakeFast1917

    #64 Wait, What?

    Image credits: ExpertAccident

    #65 He Really Said That With His Whole Chest

    Image credits: Ok_Pangolin_8038

    #66 Woke Up To This Conversation Between My Co-Owner And A New Member

    Image credits: xhyenabite

    #67 This Is Actually Insane

    Image credits: clapdatmeat

    #68 Just Accept Him

    Image credits: blaze_uchiha999

    #69 Finally Found One

    Image credits: hetty147

    #70 What Do You Expect Them To Do?

    Image credits: WomenPostingLs

    #71 Everybody Can Run 7-Minute Miles

    Image credits: r_special_

    #72 Scissors Of Satan

    Image credits: LiteratureOk5964

    #73 Nissan Rogue Driver Gets Stuck Making A Turn On A Denver Bike Path Footbridge

    Image credits: ferio252

    #74 You're

    Image credits: FightingTable

    #75 And 120 Minutes Is 1 Hour And 20 Minutes, Right?

    Image credits: reddit.com

    #76 That’s One Way To Approach The Topic, I Guess

    Image credits: evanctaylor

    #77 My Friend Met A Guy Very Confused By Pronouns

    Image credits: Scaulbylausis

    #78 Mom Needs To Go Back To School

    Image credits: reddit.com

    #79 Who Gave This Guy A Medical Degree

    Image credits: Leather-Bug3087

    #80 There Are 10 Different Kinds Of People: Those Who Understand Binary, And Those Who Don't

    Image credits: Juliancito135

    #81 Not A Single One Of These Is A Triangle

    Image credits: pearblossoms_

    #82 What Could Go Wrong With Taking 10' Boards Home In A Small Car?

    Image credits: dogmehc

    #83 Truly, One Of The Dumbest People

    Image credits: Esqueer_

    #84 Americans Are Also Europeans

    Image credits: fibiotics

    #85 Good Math Skills Are Hard To Come By

    Image credits: sunclouds01

    #86 Can I Use Facebook But Not Google?

    Image credits: tr_tinkerbell

    #87 What Could Go Wrong With Ironing A Synthetic Shirt

    Image credits: Only_Tea_7378

    #88 This Is Insane. Less Than $1000 For 100 Hours

    Image credits: Itsme_Tyrone

    #89 I Can't Help But Wonder If They All Can't Read Or If They Just Insist On Being Dumb

    Image credits: SeeingSp0ts

  • Wednesday 24 April 2024 - 08:29

    In any romantic relationship, it’s important to remember that you’re supposed to be part of the same team. You’re meant to be on the same side and support one another. However, some folks see their relationships as purely transactional, which is far from healthy.

    One anonymous husband turned to the r/AITAH online community for advice regarding a delicate situation at home. From his perspective, his wife, a stay-at-home mom, doesn’t do ‘enough’ chores around the house. Many internet users were absolutely appalled by his point of view and stood up to defend his wife. Scroll down to read what they had to say.

    Housework and childcare can be very divisive issues and lead to some resentment between partners

    Image credits: Sarah Chai (not the actual photo)

    One husband shocked the internet by sharing his perspective about his wife, who is a stay-at-home mom

    Image credits: MART PRODUCTION (not the actual photo)

    Image credits: Current-Respond2527

    The author shared a lot of controversial opinions in his story

    The husband, who wrote the controversial post, seems to have an issue with his wife not doing her ‘duties’ or pitching in as much as he thinks that she ‘should.’

    From his perspective, because he is the sole breadwinner in the family, his wife ‘should’ do all the housework, along with all the childcare. The OP believes that she should have no problem doing all of this because he himself did everything that needed to be done at home in record time.

    “I’m planning on telling her after living in her shoes for a week that I need her to step up to the plate because the amount of effort she’s been putting in is unacceptable. If she doesn’t do it I think I will have to leave her because I don’t feel like taking care of two children,” he wrote.

    Many internet users who read his posts and comments were shocked by his uncompromising and cold position, as well as his opinion about women in general.

    In one comment, the author stated that, for him, “Marriage isn’t about love it’s about continuing the family name and bloodline.” However, elsewhere, he comments: “I can love my wife and be mad she isn’t doing her part.” What’s more, it’s bizarre how easily the author wrote about the possibility of divorcing his wife.

    If money isn’t an issue, it might be best for everyone involved to simply hire a housekeeper and a nanny. Spending a bit of cash to keep the house tidy may be a better alternative to being resentful about the chores not being done ‘right.’

    Image credits: RDNE Stock project (not the actual photo)

    If there are serious issues at home, it’s best to discuss them in person. However, it’s vital not to be accusatory

    Whatever the marital issues might be, it’s important to bring up those questions in a face-to-face discussion. There might be a genuine problem with the housework and childcare in the family. However, how you approach these sensitive topics is vital.

    For one, you should never sound like you’re accusing your partner of something. This means reigning in excess judgment and focusing on how their actions and behavior affect you and make you feel.

    Remember, the goal isn’t to browbeat your partner into submission or force them to adapt to your requirements. The aim is to find some sort of compromise that would make both people satisfied.

    For instance, hiring a part-time housekeeper really might be the best solution. Or, the husband could pitch in with the chores (considering how little time he thinks they take) to match the standards he wants to see at home.

    Meanwhile, even if one person is the primary breadwinner, it hardly seems fair that they should never do any of the housework or childcare. Being in a relationship and raising kids together means pitching in as much as you can and as needed, regardless of the circumstances.

    There will hardly ever be situations where the couple has a perfect 50/50 split of chores. But you don’t need things to be perfectly balanced. What you need to aim for is a balance that works for you. If one partner works more, they might do slightly fewer chores at home than someone who might, for instance, work less or remotely.

    Another good solution is to divide the chores up based on preferences. For example, one partner might not mind doing the dishes and vacuuming, while the other actually enjoys doing the grocery runs and cooking. If there’s an activity both partners hate, they could split it equally among themselves to make it fair.

    Image credits: Juan Pablo Serrano Arenas (not the actual photo)

    The post got a lot of different reactions. Here’s what some readers had to say about the entire situation

    The post Man Spends A Week Taking Care Of Toddler And The Home, Grows Resentment For His SAH Wife first appeared on Bored Panda.
  • Wednesday 24 April 2024 - 05:35

    While some might say that a wedding is just a big party, this underscores just how much planning and organization actually goes into putting together a party. So it’s no surprise that, despite people’s best intentions, sometimes things just don’t go as planned. 

    People from across the internet share the things they hated about their own weddings, as well as some of the things they loved. From good ideas implemented poorly to folks who cheaped out at the wrong moment, get comfortable as you scroll through, upvote your favorites and be sure to share your own examples in the comments below. 


    I regret spending so much on my dress. And my parents paid for it! It was beautiful but I feel like I could have bought a cheaper one and still had a great day.

    Image credits: Garp5248


    Well, we could have had the wedding in fall 2019, but my wife wanted more time to make sure everything was perfect, so we decided to have it in April 2020.

    Image credits: anon


    Letting my Ex-MIL dictate pretty much everything. It stopped being our wedding and became her wedding. And she is crazy.

    The whole wedding was no longer focused on my wife and I but my MiL handing my wife off to me. Which is really ironic because after that moment MiL became even more controlling. Some things she did....

    * She had a mommy daughter dance.

    * Made an 30 minute long speech about raising my wife, including playing several inappropriate baby videos.

    * Made a toast to herself

    * Cut the cake with my wife

    * Tossed the bouquet herself

    * Tried to outcast my small family (party of 6) to the corner

    * Departed the wedding in our limo with us

    * This is the weirdest one. The bridal lingerie literally said "mommy's girl".

    The wedding was ruined for me. The worst part? It set a precedent that my MiL can do whatever she wanted in our relationship and my wife would always choose her side. This eventually caused a split after MiL spanked the hell out of my daughter and my wife took her side.

    Image credits: anon


    Getting separated from my wife while at the wedding. She went to the bathroom and then got swarmed by friends and family and she disappeared what seemed like hours. Also, in general getting pulled away from eachother. When I would get a drink or talk to someone.

    The reason I regret it, is because my wife looked so absolutely stunning that day and I just wanted to look at her the entire time. My wife is still hot but something about that dress.

    Image credits: Ezzy17


    Stuffing cake in my wife’s face. No exaggeration, i regret it to this day.

    One of the traits of a successful marriage is to protect your spouse, with words, with your actions. Protect in this case has the meaning of upholding their dignity, their honor, etc. shoving cake in their face is not doing any of that and it’s very very public.

    Don’t do it. Plus it messed with her make up, I really really wish I hadn’t. :(.

    Image credits: Derekeys


    Buying the suit I wore...As a groom I rented and nothing fit right. All of my pictures showed. As much as my wife spent on her dress I could have spent the $500 to buy the perfect fitting suit. Really short sighted on my part.

    Image credits: tits_tuo_verbo_perso


    My husband and I went off alone to be married in the woods. No regrets on that, but I regret not going further off-trail for the actual vow exchange. A lady on horseback yelled at me that the "white thing on your head is scaring my horse".

    Image credits: WithEyesWideOpen


    Not dancing more with my dad. He passed away a few years later. Not eating the food I spent so much time picking out!!!!!

    Image credits: linsrae


    Not a bride but a recent groom. I regret not having the priest not announcing "No photography" at the beginning of the service. We have some awesome shots ruined by people sticking their heads out in the isle while she was walking down.

    Image credits: incubus512


    Wearing heels. Also letting my sister in law convince me to stay at her house the night before instead of a hotel. I slept on a tiny, uncomfortable futon with my giant future husband, and slept maybe an hour.

    Image credits: anon


    I remember early in the process telling my wife-to-be that if anyone is talking about the chair covers, napkins or plates after the wedding then the wedding must have sucked. Relax.

    Image credits: TheMightyRicardooon


    A reception line. I got talked into it, I didn’t want to do it but felt pressured. All I did for 3/4 of my reception was stand and say hello to people it was miserable and took a lot of the fun out of the day.

    Image credits: emsquad


    My regret is not taking the time out to enjoy myself.

    Both my wife and I spent a lot of time going around and talking to people, making sure we got through everyone and not missing anyone out, and doing things to make sure everyone felt included.

    Since then, we’ve found out that everyone was super happy and we didn’t need to spend that time seemingly appeasing everybody.

    We both regret not taking a bit of time out and just enjoying ourselves with our immediate friends.

    We’re desperate to go to another wedding at the same venue as guests, so we can get the experience we created for ours.

    Image credits: JimmerUK


    I regret not turning around to watch my wife walk down the aisle.
    It was an outdoor wedding with no music, and I was told to stare at the nearby ruins so I didn't accidentally see my wife as she made her way to the back of where we had the ceremony. With no cue, I had no idea when to turn until she tapped me on the shoulder and giggled a small "hi".

    Her dress was amazing, and the ceremony went well amidst a surprise downpour (two hours earlier than expected), but I really wish I had been able to watch her walk the aisle.

    Image credits: Wintersteel89


    Hiring a s****y photographer. At the end of the day your photos are the only tangible thing you pay for.

    Image credits: aprunty773


    Letting the photographer dictate where we should be for the entire night. Going back I would have told him do all the photo poses you want in the first hour then leave us alone.

    Also would have had someone walk around with us when we said hi to each table to help us get out of drawn out conversations to make it go faster.

    Image credits: ocean5648


    Letting a homeless guy into our reception venue to use the restroom. Half-hour later, he's still in there. A few of my guests jimmied the door open and found him passed out on heroin.

    Image credits: rick_blatchman


    I would move speeches to before dinner is served, people are quicker when they're hungry and not drunk yet.

    I personally wouldn't bother with the first dance, we're not dancers, it was really f*****g awkward.

    The one thing I would reccomend to everyone is having party bombs - like mini indoor firework and inside theres silly stuff to play with. We had groups of people from different places who didn't know each other, it was a brilliant icebreaker and so much fun!

    Image credits: ZigZagIntoTheBlue


    Not eloping. Our wedding was relatively small and inexpensive (less than 10k, less than 60 guests) but we could have spent that money on a sweet beach elopement and doubled up our honeymoon to be two weeks.

    Image credits: BrightFireFly


    Actually it's NOT doing something..my wife's uncle ,as our wedding gift,hired the dj. I wanted to talk to the dj to make sure that he'd have the songs we wanted "don't worry about it he has everything" so I didn't..... Don't get me wrong he did a good job it's just that he had every song but the couple that ment something to us!

    Image credits: anon


    Getting a friend to video, it's c**p.

    Image credits: zippe6


    I did have video and im glad but I wished I’d splurged on a better videographer so I agree on that especially if you’re doing a micro wedding or know people won’t be able to come who matter to you.

    My husband and I gave our vows to a trusted friend to review and she gave us feedback about how to align them better.


    Posing for pictures. Ended up putting so much energy into getting perfect pics we didn't spend time in the moment. Just ask your photographer to do candid shots only and focus on enjoying the day. Your pics will be great whether you try hard to have perfect photos or not and you won't look at the album nearly as often as you might think.

    Image credits: ABAFBAASD


    Using a friend to take the wedding photos instead of paying a professional photographer.

    I was in grad school at the time and we were trying to save money, so we asked a friend of my wife’s to take the photos. He was an amateur with a new camera. Nearly every one of our wedding photos is either grainy or blurry. Some of our family in the wedding has died, and it really makes us sad to not have good photos of the family together.

    Image credits: Trojack31


    Tiny wedding in a beautiful state park. I forgot the rings in the car and my dad was kind enough to jog back and get them. That's the only regret I have for that day.

    Image credits: Tokugawa


    In all honesty, I regret dancing so much. We danced so much, we forgot to go around to individually thank everyone for coming. They all came to us on the dance floor to say hello. 10/10 still dancing.

    Image credits: CrusaderOfTruth


    Txting my wife “yo, are we still on for today?”.


    I wanted a small event for about 20 people. My fiancée agreed, but then her mom insisted they have a lot of very close and important family members, they JUST HAVE TO invite. So we agreed on a bigger wedding, but parents suppose to pay. We searched for a wedding venue and estimated a cost for 90 guest (less then 30 where from my side of the family), but everyone was happy about it (including me at this point)

    They all agreed for the costs except my mom, who was widowed for 10 years at this point and couldn't afford it. So I offered I'll cover her part myself. I was working abroad and sending most of my money to my future wife and let her organize everything and trusted with wathever she was doing with that money. A few months before the wedding was due and I came back to my country I discovered my money covered the whole wedding. Her parents ghosted the subject.

    That marriage didn't hold up. I calculated how much money I've put into the wedding just because of my ex-mother-in-law's delusional thinking and I'm still goddamn mad at this waste of money.

    Also... only 20 members of my family showed up against 60 of hers (that totally had to be invited) and the ratio of money in the envelopes from both sides was still 50-50. I'm even more mad.


    Seems like most people's regret can be drilled down into doing what their parents wanted them to do.


    Thinking it was so important to get all of my family there. In retrospect, those that had to be convinced and accommodated shouldn't have been there.


    I should have made my wife eat her meal. We sat at the table alone and chatted while everyone else was eating and she said she wasn't very hungry after eating like 1/4 of her plate.

    Turns out that half hour was the only 30 minutes of the day she wasn't hungry. I finally went downstairs and got her a plate of hors d'oeuvres after her trying to politely sneak down for two hours.

    They spirited her food away some point after dinner and she still regrets not getting to eat the great food we picked out.

    Image credits: lcdrambrose


    Interesting how quite a few say they regret *not eloping*, but so far nobody said they regret doing it.


    Getting married publicly and changing my name. I only wanted a court house wedding and desperately wanted to keep my name. My x would only marry me if those conditions were met. I should have known then.


    Getting a s****y photographer my mom recommended (someone from her church). As we're taking pre-wedding pictures (part of the wedding picture package), I asked him during one of the breaks what got him into photography. He answered "it's just something to do while I try to open my restaurant". That should've been the red flag.

    Image credits: earlgreylover


    Giving in and allowing children to attend. They interrupted the ceremony, broke shit at the reception, stained my husband's vest, etc.

    Trusting my MIL to not fuck things up. Never trust crazy people.


    My wedding was a month ago, so I've taken the time to let the dust settle before making this post. I wanted to recap my learnings in hopes that it's useful to anyone out there.

    Overall, I had a fantastic covid era wedding. It was held at a beautiful, premiere location and my guests told me how much they loved everything. Guest enjoyed a five course dinner in a beautiful garden setting, with a great live band and magician.

    My virtual guests got to witness the ceremony via the Lovecast App - which is truly AMAZING. It's so easy, very high quality and they got throw virtual rice. I highly recommend this app to anyone wanting distant guests to partake on the festivities. I wish I had it running the whole time to be honest with you.

    Now here are my regrets...I didn't get to enjoy my wedding at all (and I didn't get to relive it in an enjoyable way). :-(

    So, firstly, REALLY REALLY consider getting a videographer. My initial budget for AV was sizeable, so I could afford a boutique photographer, but I felt bad to push for a videographer as well. As my husband is working right now and I'm not....I wish I followed my instincts because as a bride I missed every important moment that mattered to me. I had a surprise set up for my groom before walking down the aisle, and no one took video of it. Even my volunteer camera person, who was filming with the app, filmed the floor half the time. The reality is, you cannot replace a professional with an amateur (and I'd know because I have an AV background).

    All the video and pictures I got back from my guests were AWFUL. Im talking videos of me eating, videos up my nose...just awful. This is going to happen, so if you want lasting memories, do not skimp on your AV. If the emotions and the sounds matter to you, video is the way to go. Photography is also important, but its a different product.

    Secondly, I did too much DIY. I did almost everything from my make up, to the cake, to the florals...I practiced and planned ahead but I was so exhausted going into my day. If you can afford it (and we really could but I am too financially cautious) always hire out for any tasks that need to be done close to the wedding. Take the day off before your wedding to decompress. No one should break the bank for their wedding, BUT don't compromise on important things, because you will be reminded by those pictures and videos on how you comprised yourself.

    Thirdly, if you are getting a budget wedding dress, don't share it with anyone. Because everyone has an opinion (sometimes a rude one), and it will make you doubt yourself. Not all of us can have that bridal, say yes to the dress moment, so just enforce, "keep your opinions to yourself moment".

    Finally, if you choose to write your own vows, make sure you clearly state an outline of expectations for each vow. Give it a word count and a deadline. According to my officiant, everyone waits last minute to write their vows (as did we). I ended up with a long heartfelt essay and surprise presentation for my groom; and he wrote maybe 3 lines...I felt disappointed. So be clear with expectations.

    Anyways, hopefully you all can learn from my mistakes and have the most wonderful wedding experience. May your big days be filled with joy and love!

    Image credits: SophSupreme


    Going into labor.


    Having one. The marriage was enough for us but we were pressured into having a wedding. It was fine, I guess, but I wish we would have just gone on a better, longer honeymoon.

    Image credits: chri8nk


    Getting married in A church. it was OK and didn't ruin our day at all, both of are parents are Catholic, and it just made everything easier to make out parents happy, but It got weird when they asked us to promise to have children and we were like no. we had a ceremony that meant nothing to us, for our parents, and a reception for us after.


    Including religious elements, and Biblical readings, out of tradition. I also thought my family expected it. Really wish we would’ve left that out.

    Also, inviting most of my extended family.


    Well, not the wedding day precisely, but the next day. A) F**k Carnival cruises and B) What idiot books their honeymoon travel requiring them to get up at 6am the day after the wedding? Oh wait. Us. We're the idiots.

    Other than that, my wife is a phenomenal planner so our only real regret day-of (and after..) was relying on other people for key points of transportation. My best man was an hour late picking me up (unclench, I planned on being their hours early to help the vendors set up, so I wasn't anywhere close to late for the wedding); then my parents were late getting us to the airport for our honeymoon flight and we almost missed a) the flight and b) the bus to the cruise line because of delays.

    Shout out to the limo driver with the 1920s rolls who was driving my wife and the bridesmaids/MIL before the wedding (and the two of us after) though, he and the car were top notch.

    Things we did not regret:

    * Not overspending on flowers. Our florist was **AMAZING** at working within a fairly tight budget - giving her a dollar range and very general color theme instead of demanding specific flowers paid ***incredible*** dividends. She was able to build amazing displays that weren't very expensive at all and tied in beautifully to the venue. The only thing my wife really had her heart set on was mango calla lillies for her bridal bouquet, but we gave orange roses to the bridesmaids and everything looked brilliant.
    * Getting the drink upgrade package. Venue specific but the difference between full open bar vs 3 bottles of wine on each table and cash bar was like $3 per guest. Kindof a no brainer.
    * Venue. To each their own, but if you're near any kind of wine country, it's shocking how reasonable prices are for events - competition in a free market occasionally does work for consumers. Rustic stacked-stone barrelhouse with outdoor string lighting, full catering and the ambience of a vineyard in late September, all for about $10k all-inclusive. Beat the hell out of the local golf courses, elks lodge, and other venues we looked at in terms of both absolute price and what we got for our money.
    * A great DJ. Seriously, whoever DJs is going to be more than half of the time your guests remember. Get some personality and someone you can count on to *lead* the event. (I had a slight advantage there since I used to work as an event DJ and hired the guy i used to work for.).


    I actually had a fantastic wedding. We got married in Vegas at the Luxor hotel. All we had to do is show up and say “I do”. Pics were easy, ceremony was easy, buffet after was easy. It took about 15 minutes and because it was a destination wedding, we only had very close family and friends there. Total cost was under $5k including flights. I wouldn’t change a thing.


    Invited everyone back to our new house to bbq. Was exhausted after the wedding then had to cook for 50+ people. Who talked all night wouldn’t leave and trashed our house. The next day we cleaned all day long.

    Our family’s rarely get together so we wanted to make it a big family thing. We have never done it again lol.


    All this ties in together:

    The wedding package fee went on my credit card, when my husband could have easily paid for it in cash, as he'd just received a large settlement that I encouraged him to pursue. I could have reimbursed him with payments for my half. I'm still struggling with the interest.

    Also, I reluctantly agreeing to a more expensive package than I wanted, so that he could invite a lot of family--most of which cancelled due to Covid (March 2020). The cancellations took place last minute, leaving no time to find replacement guests that we had wanted to invite, but couldn't because of space.

    My husband's parents thoughtfully sent a large monetary gift as a wedding present. My husband assumed he was going to keep the funds to do as he wished. Eventually, I spoke up and asked for a portion to help cover my credit card costs, but by then the interest had done a lot of damage. I should have spoken up sooner when it became obvious he wasn't going to send over any to my account.

    To sum everything up: I wish I would have put common sense ahead of my romantic feelings, and looked out for my own interests better. I've taken a hit to my credit score that could have been avoided if the planning had gone better.


    Not eloping. I just had a no frills courthouse wedding, it did the job, but the magistrate was really serious. it might have been better it was some Elvis impersonator.


    Then? I would say not giving more money for booze upfront because we ran out and my in-laws quietly added $2,000 to the bar tab during the reception, which I’m sure cut into their fun a bit.
    Now? The groom.


    Not eloping and leaving my mother-in-law in the dark. I could have had hair and makeup done. Could have had the dress of my dreams. And may even have pictures on my walls from a day I loved.

    I had none of those things and it still hurts.


    The closest thing to a regret that I can muster about that day was drinking the previous night. I had a rule of no shots. I broke that rule. As a result, I upheld the proud tradition of being borderline dead on my feet and made it through the ceremony on little more than gumption and the matrimonial equivalent to [stage health.](https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Stage%20Health).


    Making sure I said hi to everyone. I remember a table with my husband's aunt and cousin who I had never met and as I walked past I realized later they were getting ready for me to come over and say hi. I had just got done walking away from my step-mom who was causing all kinds of drama and it didn't dawn on me until later that I didn't make sure I said hi to them. It was a very small wedding and I said hi to a lot of them but I know I missed a few and regret it.

    Oh, and ignoring all drama. I had an amazing night but I should have ignored my step-mom and I should have made my maid of honor take a cab instead of being her DD on my wedding night.


    My wife and I had a couple try and crash our wedding during the reception. Looking back I might have just let them stay.


    Not renting my wedding dress. What a huge waste of mo eye to look great for 2 hours. Besides I had a boy so couldn't even pass it down.


    I absolutely adored my wedding.

    If I would change one thing though, it would have been to hire a hair and makeup artist. My MIL did my hair and it was fine and I did my own makeup and it was fine, but I wish I had just let myself spend that little bit extra on myself looking back. Even though we did get caught in the rain so it all would have been ruined the same either way haha. Made for a fabulous waterfall photo though!


    Having a cake because you "have to have a cake."

    Our dinner was fairly late and came with desert, and then an hour later there was cake that literally everyone was to full to eat.


    Nothing. My wife and I eloped with one guest in attendance, the officiant, and a photographer. I wouldn’t change anything that we did. No drama, no stress.


    Not a blessed thing.

    Got married with plain silver bands ($16 ea.) at the courthouse ($50) and went out for chili dogs at Dairy Queen after. Be 10 years ago this coming summer.


    Picking the longest song ever for a first dance.


    Played pickup basketball with wedding guests the morning of. Played too competitively in like 90+ degree heat; everyone who played was just too gassed to keep the party going late night.


    Don't do the box cameras on the tables thing, that you develop later. Be glad you have a camera in your hand at all times, instead of this disaster.

    We developed, this pile of anonymous cameras, and to say we didn't expect what we saw would be an understatement.


    I thought I wouldn’t want it, but now I wish I had hired a videographer. My pictures are amazing, but I would have liked to be able to watch it.


    I have a couple of things I’d change... in no particular order;
    Not putting disposable cameras on the guests tables. Cheesy I know, but it would have been great to have some pictures of things I missed.
    Videographer. My mother was adamant this was the way, and I thought I knew better. Sadly, at lot of things happened on the day spur of the moment which I remember now, but who knows in 10 years time.
    Evening guests. I wish I’d upgraded my evening guests that I was on the fence about to day guests and been done away with the rest. We had some amazing people show up, but when the evening portions is 6/7 hours into the swing of the day, a new group of arrivals really did slow the pace. Plus, you want to show your appreciation to them for coming, but as they’re on a different level, you’re not all in the same headspace and you need to say how ‘lovely’ the day was and how much fun you’d had.
    Go with your gut on a photographer. I loved out photographer, I didn’t/don’t love our photos. Just because some one is awesome, doesn’t mean you will get the end result you desire. Spend some time scrutinising their work to make sure you get what YOU want.


    For some god unknown reason my mother recommended my dad and I dance to “Sunrise, Sunset” from Fiddler on the Roof. I was in a hurry and took her word for it. OMFG what I wouldn’t give to just dance to literally anything but...longest a*s song, I was visibly in pain.


    I forgot to tell my vegetarian friends there were more options for them, they just needed to ask. They were actually really surprised there were already so many things they could have and didn't feel like they missed anything.

    I felt vaguely guilty, even though they were happy as it was.

    Other than that, well, the only not great things were out of my control.


    Not wearing sunscreen. As it turns out the rules don’t change because it’s a special day.


    Not losing the 20 lbs i was suppose to lose.


    Letting the guy who owned the place where we had our reception order the cake. He asked if we wanted whipped cream or marzipan, we said marzipan and the cake we got was whipped cream. Excellent cake so no biggie but we should have gone to a bakery ourselves.


    Rushing through it. I had all the things we "needed" to do as a checklist in my brain and I was just going through checking them off instead of enjoying all the moments. Now I see pictures and remember the little moments (thankful for a wonderful photographer who was also a friend), but I do wish I had done it at the time.